Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 46 - Sun Wheel 14

Leon’s attitude towards Li Hong may seem nothing special to Li Hong. They have experienced hostility, life and death, and alliances, which may require hundreds of thousands of words to write. Leon Griffith’s attitude towards her is softer, and it is all reasonable, and there is nothing to be curious about.

But obviously people in the entire mansion didn’t think so.

Especially when she wanted to read a Latin dictionary on her stomach, Leon actually accepted her suggestion to replace the scarlet long-haired carpet with a thicker wool blanket.

The maid Sally came to see Li Hong with the juice, and once again emphasized: “Since the death of the former Duke and Duchess, this game room has not changed for twelve years, and Griffith has not changed at the same time. The menu here.”

She looked at Li Hong and couldn’t help asking: “Miss Wood, you really don’t have to hide anything from me. Tell me, I’ll be prepared.”

Li Hong lifted his head from the dictionary, looking confused: “What are you going to prepare?”

—Prepare for the wedding! Everything from the menu to the guest list is to be prepared!

Sally wanted to just say so, but in this matter, even if Leon Griffiths did it in the eyes of the servants who grew up with him, he did not speak. And he brought back this young lady who was enjoying the treatment of the hostess of the Griffiths House, but she didn’t seem to have any plans to speak up, but the servants were a little confused and didn’t understand what game they were playing between the two.

The love among lovers is not incomprehensible. But the taste also has a limit. At the beginning, who rejected Princess Marianna with the excuse that “Griffizi House only entertains its mistress”, even disregarding the girl’s thoughts at all, and even unwilling to do a little favor in marriage?

The maid Sally thought coldly: If you didn’t plan to marry home, then what was it then? Even if His Majesty the Emperor speaks well, he can’t let you bully his sister like this, right?

As the maid worried.

Before seeing Gardner, Leon was invited to the palace by the servants of the palace.

Craig’s emperor held a tea party and waited for him in the garden of the palace. Craig’s queen saw their knight commander from a distance, covered her lips and smiled and said something to her husband. Upon hearing this, His Majesty bends the corner of his mouth slightly, and waved at the knight who saluted him from a distance.

When Leon came to him, this majesty, who was loved by the people, complained a little: “You finally came back. You didn’t come to see me first. You have to ask me to invite someone. Leon, this can be. It’s too much.”

When Leon Griffizi heard this, he knew that Craig’s internal affairs had been going well recently, otherwise His Majesty the Emperor would definitely not be in the mood to make jokes with him.

So he looked unchanged and leaned slightly to answer: “Your Majesty, because of my supreme respect for you, I dare not easily step into the palace to disturb you.”

The emperor hadn’t really blamed his most powerful duke, so he just wanted to laugh it off when he got the answer. Instead, the queen opened the feather fan, half-faced, staring at Leon’s brown pupils half-squinted, and suddenly smiled: “Where do you dare to disturb, I am afraid that there are charming guests in the’Pearl Mansion’, and the Duke can’t go away.”

Leon was at a loss upon hearing this: “?” Jiao Ke, who?

Speaking of this, the emperor who was in his prime put aside the snacks at hand, like an elder who was keen on junior marriages, looked at Leon and said kindly: “I also heard about this. Leon, you reject Marianne. I still remember it.”

He smiled, but he didn’t say anything so polite: “Why, is that Mrs. Pearl you selected?”

Leon finally reacted, feeling a little speechless for a while.

As the emperor’s younger sister, Princess Mariana really wanted to ask the knight commander to take her to elope before getting married. The Duke Griffiths, who had just returned to the duchy from Christie to accept the title, heard such a request and couldn’t believe it. He neither had the mind to listen to Princess Mariana’s love to him, nor did he have time to look at her tender desires. Di’s face.

What he was thinking about at the time was how to regain the trust of the Pope under such established facts.

The knight commander who was so annoyed by the sorrow and whispers grabbed the keyword “Can I hide in the Pearl Mansion, the emperor will never send soldiers here”. Leone, who was still young, was taken aback, and he immediately refused to say: “Sorry, before Griffith House gets its mistress, it cannot entertain other female guests. Please forgive me, the princess.”

After saying this, Leon hurriedly left the palace that had become a place of right and wrong. Naturally, he could not see the princess’s desperate face—in other words, with everyone’s understanding of him, even if the princess’s tears were no more pitiful. , The knight commander made of glaciers would not soften an inch of heart.

Over the years, the only exception that the people of the Craig Empire have seen in him is perhaps the rose of the Holy See.

And this exception, how many are because he is the holy knight of the Holy See, and the other party is the holy woman of the Holy See-outsiders cannot know.

When the queen saw him not answering, she smiled slightly. She took the feather fan and teased the young duke who was about the same age as her brother: “What, isn’t it?” She deliberately pressed her voice, “Then the duke was deceiving my royal princess back then?”

Leon: “…”

He glanced at the queen and then at the emperor who had no plans to rescue him, and he knew what they were worried about.

Although the queen was born into the royal family of Flanders, “the staunchest supporter of the Holy See,” she herself is indeed surrounded by imperial power. In other words, she is like-minded to the Emperor of Craigie. It is precisely because of this that this beautiful Princess Flandre didn’t care at all about the emperor’s older teens. She resolutely married him and was willing to work hard for Craig to escape the control of the Holy See.

The queen would mention Li Hong, and most of it also believed the rumors. He has not returned to China for many years, and the emperor and queen are very afraid that he has been wooed by the Holy See as a saint and become a supporter of theocratic power, so they only cared about it after seeing Li Hong who he brought back.

The noblest couple in the empire, at this moment, and the common people on Wangdu Street are expecting the same thing-I hope that their Duke, not in love with the saint, but in love with another girl. As for identity…anyone will do as long as they are not from the Holy See!

Leon couldn’t help but feel helpless.

Rumors are like mists that can hide the eyes of the most wise man in the world.

He paused for a moment and said to the queen: “You don’t need to worry, the rumors are just rumors.”

The queen was exposed to the purpose and was not embarrassed. Instead, she took advantage of the momentum and said, “Am I just worried about this? Leon, I have given birth to two children at your age. Look at you, you are worthy of you. Parents? Although the Templars are strict in dogma, there has never been a rule saying that you must not marry a wife while in office, right?”

She confessed: “Even if we don’t care, what about the saint herself? Wouldn’t she be misunderstood because of this?”

“Think about how the rumors came about for yourself. It’s not that you have been single all the time, giving others room to play!”

Leon: “…”

The queen glanced at the emperor and saw that the emperor had no intention of objecting, she continued: “Leon, you are my husband’s nephew. But in my eyes, you look like my brother.”

“—Since I married Craig, I’ve never seen you hug a woman, even if it’s courtesy—you don’t even think I don’t know.”

Her Majesty the Queen asked calmly: “So tell me the truth, about the girl you brought back, are you afraid of being rejected, so you dare not say it?”

“If not, she is not the future Mrs. Pearl, I will give her to the saint.”

“I don’t want to deal with a woman you don’t care about.”

Leon was startled when he heard this: “The saint is going to take Leona?”

The queen was curious: “Don’t you know? The urgent item from the Holy See the day before—” she said, she took out a roll of parchment from the enamel-inlaid gold box on the table and handed it to Leon: “The saint will arrive in Cray soon. Ji, she said that what you brought back was a felon of the Holy See. To be safe, she will come to Craigie to preside over the trial.”

The queen caught a glimpse of Leon’s ugly look, knowing that something was not right, and asked: “What’s wrong? Is there anything wrong with the girl?”

Leon slowly said: “This is why I rushed to find Archbishop Gardner.” He looked straight at the emperor, “Your Majesty, have you heard of the “Sun and Moon Double Wheels”?”

The emperor thought for a while, and said unsure: “It doesn’t seem to be.”

Leon said: “When I came back through the jungle, I met the forest witch Vivienne. She told me that the Holy See should have two saints, representing the sun and the moon, and they were a symbol of the common enemy of the wizard and the Holy See thousands of years ago. .”

“I have an impression of the two saints.” The emperor affirmed, “Before this saint, the Holy See was indeed a’double saint’. However, this generation of pope declared that this generation of saints was deeply loved by the Lord, and the Lord did not want to There is only one saint when others divide her brilliance.”

Leon said: “If that’s the case, Vivienne’s words will be seven points feasible, and the remaining three points can be found by asking Gardner.”

The emperor agreed with Leon and told his servant: “Go and invite Archbishop Gardner.”

Being able to serve as a bishop in a place like the Craig Empire where the Holy See is not welcome, Archbishop Gardner naturally has his own uniqueness-his smartest thing is that he knows how to judge the situation, and he is never as arrogant as his colleagues, and wants to control a country’s internal affairs. . On the contrary, because of his profound knowledge, he was often invited by the royal family to give lectures. Gardner did not feel that he was taken lightly. On the contrary, he was always cheerful, so even the emperor and his wife had a certain respect for the bishop.

Not for his status, but for his personality.

However, to their surprise, the servant came back in a panic.

He scrambled to report to Leon: “Archbishop Gardner, the archbishop has passed away! Because he said that others are not allowed to be disturbed, so until today I took your majesty to go, the monk discovered that he was dead in the book collection. In the room!”

Leon was shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward two steps, pressing his servant’s shoulder and questioning: “How long has he passed away?”

The servant stammered: “No, I don’t know, but the monks said that he had eaten dinner, and he died after dinner.”

Leon looked solemn, and he said to the emperor: “I delivered a letter to Archbishop Gardner yesterday afternoon, and he was killed after dinner. In the church where our archbishop is located, I am afraid that there are more than just Craigie’s monks.”

The emperor frowned: “You mean, he was assassinated by the monks of the Holy See? Why did the Holy See kill the archbishop?”

“Because I want to know why he wants me to protect the prisoner convicted by the saint, and he is probably ready to tell me something that others don’t want him to say.”

“Such as?”

Leon raised his eyes: “Such as the witch judged by the saint, is it the witch of the wizards, or the sun wheel respected by the wizards and the Holy See.”

As soon as his words fell, the messenger came in a hurry, and he reported to the king: “Your Majesty, the convoy of the saints is about to arrive outside the royal city. Please go and meet you!”

The emperor was surprised: “So fast? Did she go with the letter?”

Leon was not too surprised by this result. He returned the sheepskin letter to the queen, and said solemnly: “Your Majesty, you are not wrong about my matter.”

The queen was startled when she heard the words.

Leon said in a low voice: “So, at the moment when I can’t be with her, please make sure to keep her safe.”

He smiled slightly: “If you lose her, there will probably never be a’Mrs. Pearl’ in this world.”

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