Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 50 - Sun Wheel 18

When the dawn came, Li Hong was escorted to Wangdu Square by Lin En himself.

There was already a torture frame on the square. Li Hong glanced at it from a distance. Unsurprisingly, Emperor Craig was sitting on the high platform. His expression was not careful, but it wouldn’t be better if he thought about it.

This is also true, the saint still put the people he wanted to protect on the torture frame on his territory-this is not only a shame, it is simply being beaten in front of everyone.

Li Hong thought that if he died like this, I am afraid that the last bit of affection between Craig and the Holy See would be wiped out. If the queen shook her now as the brother of King Flandre, contact Van Lundin’s homeland. The three empires suddenly turned against the water, and it is hard to say whether Christie’s Holy See can keep its glory.

Li Hong sighed: “So later generations will refer to my death as the’Craigie Burning Witch Incident.’ Because of the death of an innocent girl who was misjudged, Emperor Craig aroused endless anger in his heart, and he contacted privately. The other two great empires, who were willing to pay their wages, finally overthrew the Holy See’s hegemony notice, and the secular imperial power defeated the divine power. This is a major progress in the history of human civilization! People will offer the most sincere silence for this innocent girl who died. Live her name—”

Tianshen said indifferently: “Okay, shut up, when will I wipe your neck?”

Li Hong paused, then whispered: “Wait a little longer.”

Heavenly Trial: “But if the fire burns up for a while, you will feel very painful. This is much more painful than stabbing yourself with a knife before!”

Li Hong said: “Van Lundin made me believe him, and I believe he will come to see me.” After a pause, she smiled: “Well, let’s confess.”

Tianju: “…Why don’t you think Lynn will stop him?”

Li Hong was surprised: “Lynn can handle Leon? If he can handle him, he won’t let us escape in the dense forest. He also lost the position of the Templar Knight?”

Tian Shen felt that it made sense, so he waited with her.

The dry firewood was piled at Li Hong’s feet, and the square was solemn, and no one spoke.

Perhaps many people recognized that she was the girl brought back by Lord Griffizi, or perhaps everyone had been warned by the guards in advance. Li Hong unexpectedly felt that his torture frame, which he could not escape in the end, was more like burning people’s last bit of tolerance for the Holy See than burning heresy.

Li Hong sighed: “I really died a great death.”

Tianshen: “…”

Suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd. Li Hong saw Lin En’s face change, holding the spear and stepping forward, but he was thrown down by Van Lunding who jumped on the stage first!

Van Lundin’s blade touched Lynn’s neck, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Lynn said gloomily: “Van Lentin, do you know what you are doing?”

Van Lundin said coldly: “Shut up, it’s not your turn to speak.”

Lynn stared at him, grinning slightly: “Do you think you can control me?”

Van Lundin gave the first smile, a sharp smile like a knife: “That’s enough for a while!”

The crowd is in an uproar!

Li Hong saw Craig’s emperor stand up directly. However, she hadn’t realized what was going on, and swish three arrows attacked her tied hands and feet! The arrow of stainless steel accurately smashed the bronze lock that was entwining her!

Li Hong loosened his arms and fell to the ground. However, as soon as she touched the ground with her knees, a high-pitched white war horse rushed to the high platform. As soon as Li Hong looked up, he saw the hand that had been reaching her.

Li Hong could not react, but the blond knight commander had already grabbed her waist, pulled her on the horse and carried her into his arms, before slowing down even a little bit, he rushed forward like this!

The soldier who tried to stop him was shot through his knee with an arrow long before he arrived. Li Hong leaned in his arms and could see that the people of Craig unanimously made way for them, so that the knight commander Take his witch who is about to be tortured and run on horseback!

Lynn shook Van Lentin away and stepped on his chest.

He saw Leon’s back with arrows in it, and he was shocked: “You are crazy!?”

Van Lundin grabbed his foot tightly and grinned: “Each master.”

Lynn couldn’t catch up for a while, so he had to yell: “Let the arrow–!”

Van Lundin’s eyes changed when he heard this, and he reached out to hook his sword and tried to stop Lynn. But Lynn discovered his plan first, held the spear in his hand and was thrown out—

From a distance, he seemed to hear the saint’s horrified cry: “No—”


But who is not selfish.

The black spear went straight, Van Lunding’s eyes were cracked. Suddenly, the knight drew his sword.

He only looked back, and when Linn threw the spear in his hand, he used his cross sword as a feather arrow, aimed at Linn’s spear, and shot it out!

The bowstring broke, and the long sword was astonishing!

Li Hong, who was tightly hidden in his arms, only heard a ding sound, and the spear completely disappeared from Leon’s vision.

Lynn’s proud spear was aimed at the fragile breaking point by the cross sword and cut it off.

But the knight commander who did this seemed to have nothing happened, turned his horse’s head, and continued to run forward!

Lynn was stunned for a few seconds, and then snatched the bow and arrow of the guard beside him!

At this moment, he could neither hear the saint’s cry, nor could he see Van Lundin’s mocking sight, he could only see the person who had cut off his weapon—

Leon Griffits—!

Li Hong only felt that they had been running for a long time, from day to night, and from night to day.

Until Leon’s horse couldn’t hold it anymore, his knees softened and leaned forward-the two men on the horse fell to the ground with the horse!

Even though most of his body was protected, Li Hong still felt that his bones had been displaced by the impact just now.

She struggled to get up, trying to take a look at Leon.

The blond knight raised his eyes and saw her first.

Li Hong looked at the knight’s embarrassed appearance, and tears gathered in her golden eyes. She rubbed her eyes and asked in a low voice, “Are you okay?”

Leon smiled slightly, and when he laughed, his ice-blue eyes would be as gentle as the sea.

Li Hong said in a low voice: “Duke Griffits shouldn’t have come. If you don’t come, I can become a great man.”

Leon opened his mouth, and he said in a low voice: “The Duke of Griffits really shouldn’t come. Craig cannot be an enemy of the Holy See at this time. This is his mission.”

Li Hong asked: “Then why are you here?”

“I’m here as the knight Leon Griffiths.” He knelt in front of Li Hong on one knee with some difficulty, stretched out his hand to trim her hair, and then took the pearl that had fallen to the end of the hair. The hairpin will be nice for her again.

Then, Leon held her dust-stained hand in a gesture of piety that he had never had before, and gently pressed against the position of his heart, lowered his head towards her, and completely covered his fragile neck. Exposed in Li Hong’s sight.

The knight’s low and sweet voice, flowing like a stream, chanted in a low voice: “Heavenly Father, I will be loyal to my Lord. I will swear on the immortal day that I will always be honest with her and serve her. The strongest defense, never retreat in the face of the enemy, to die to defend her reputation; I will swear by the inexhaustible sea, I will fulfill my duties, follow her orders, pursue the truth for her, and appear on all occasions she needs, Stay true to your oath.”

“I am willing to be loyal to my only lord,” the knight raised his head, and reached out to gently wipe the teardrops from Li Hong’s face, “her name is Leona, which means dawn.”

Li Hong tears like rain.

Only a few feather arrows shot on Leon’s back could be seen in her fuzzy eyes. Because time passed too long, these iron arrows, which weren’t deadly, plunged deeply into Leon’s back, turning his flesh and blood into one, turning into the most poisonous wound.

She stretched out her hand, trying to pull out these arrows for Leon, but he stopped it.

A blush appeared on the knight’s pale face due to the loss of blood. He said to Li Hong: “It’s still one step away.”

Li Hong whimpered, “What are you going to say?”

Leon looked at Li Hong and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing. He stretched out his hand to touch Li Hong’s face, and then gently leaned forward.

The knight’s lips were chapped and hot, but this was something Li Hong had never experienced.

She couldn’t help thinking, is the kiss like this? So gentle and so desperate.

Leon looked at her tenderly and said softly: “Good girl, don’t be afraid, she is here.”

Li Hong heard the footsteps, she looked back quickly, but saw that Vivian had left the dense forest for some time. She was riding a wolf, apparently desperately rushing over.

Vivian saw Leon’s hideous back wound and was panicked: “What’s the matter? I rushed when I received the letter? I obviously used a crystal ball for divination. It’s too late. The sun wheel will not have— “

Li Hong smiled reluctantly to Vivian, she whispered: “I’m fine.”

Vivienne suddenly stopped.

After a long while, she said to Li Hong: “I, I brought the potion, I will look at him for you—”

Li Hong shook his head.

She hugged Leon tightly and said with difficulty: “No need, no need to waste.”

Vivienne spoke, but couldn’t say a word.

After a long while, Li Hong heard the sound of horses hooves chasing, Vivian was alert and said to Li Hong: “It’s not safe here, go, I will take you back to the jungle first!”

Li Hong shook her head. She looked at the sun about to rise and asked Vivian: “Since the demons have been repelled, why do the wizards and the Holy See create the sun and the moon?”

Vivienne was startled: “…for the peace and tranquility of this continent?”

Li Hong said, “But there is no need for gods here.”

Vivienne was shocked, and she trembled: “Hilina, calm down.”

Li Hong looked at her and slowly said, “My name is Leona, and I have a friend, I want to invite you to see me.”

Vivienne only felt a chill picking up from the soles of her feet.

The moment the sun rose, the Principality of Pokhara was almost lifted by a hurricane—!

At this moment, all those who were still in their dreams were awakened by a long roar!

The black dragon sleeping in the dark forest suddenly opened his eyes.

It was a pair of glacier-like blue pupils, which made people just stare at it and couldn’t help being afraid.

The black dragon spread its wings, roared, and rushed towards Christie!

Originally, it would take a few months for humans to walk under the magic of the dragon, but it only took a short breath. In the blink of an eye, the black dragon above the Crystal Palace looked like a giant, shrouded in the Crystal Palace! The shadow he cast covered the core of the Crystal Palace, and the nuns and monks in the palace panicked and fled—

The huge and powerful Christie was destroyed overnight.

The saint woman was in Craig, she propped up the barrier, but didn’t know that the barrier could resist the dragon’s several attacks.

As soon as the dragon grabbed and crushed the barrier of the moon wheel, the saint only felt that her heart was squeezed in an instant, and she opened her mouth and vomited blood. Upon seeing this, Lynn was so scared that he quickly held the saint. The saint held her heart tremblingly, although it was weak, but it was beating.

Lin En saw that the saint’s face was pale, but there were no other wounds, he couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief. But the face of the saint was uglier than dead.

She trembled: “Lynn, I can’t feel it anymore.”

Lynn didn’t have time to ask, the saint’s long hair, which was originally mithril-like, began to be quickly occupied by brown, as if it faded, and it seemed to be re-stained with brown, in just a few seconds! The silver hair of the saint is as if it had never been there before! Only brown is left in her hair!

Lynn could no longer ask what happened to the saint. He was shocked by this scene and took two steps back, let go of the hand holding the saint, and asked suspiciously: “Who are you?”

Seeing her hair color, the saint screamed extremely shortly and whispered: “It’s her, she’s the one who took everything from me, it’s her!”

She rushed to Lynn, but was subconsciously avoided by the panicked knight. The saint sitting on the ground shouted in despair: “She must die, she must die—!”

The dragon stopped in the sky above Craigie, and the people of Craigie were panicked. When Van Lundin saw the evil dragon, he stood up with his body with a few broken bones, held his sword and pointed at the dragon, shouting: “Come on monster, I am your enemy!”

Strangely, the dragon did not attack Craig at all.

After crushing the barrier, he passed the panicked saint, flew to the border of Craig, and then stopped by the sun wheel.

His huge body crushed and squeezed away the trees, and dropped his head toward the sun wheel. The dragon’s ice-blue eyes caught a glimpse of the lifeless knight’s corpse, and he whispered and roared, which made Vivian directly fall to the ground with soft legs.

Leona faced the dragon, but nothing was strange. She stretched out her hand and touched the dragon’s scales, and climbed up to the dragon’s neck with the knight, holding its scales tightly.

The last sentence she said to Vivienne was: “Vivienne, there are no more Sun and Moon Wheels and the Holy See, you are free.”

That was the last time Vivian saw the dragon, and it was the last time she had seen the sun wheel.

The Crystal Palace of the Holy See was destroyed, the Pope died, and the saint was mentally unstable and unable to take charge. It can be said that the Holy See was greatly injured.

Craig would naturally not let go of such an opportunity. The eldest son of Earl Burke was almost killed by the Templars of the Holy See. This made the earl extremely angry. He ordered Van Lentin to leave the Holy See (there are many people who left the Holy See with Van Lentin, such as Asaph). Soaring to the sky to find his sister-Her Majesty the Queen of the Fesgaard Empire. Her Majesty the Queen was shocked by the arrogance of the Templars, and persuaded her husband and Emperor Craig to oppose the high taxes and fees charged by the Holy See to the people, and rejected Lynn Meredith’s proposal, and the Cardinal would make Fiesgaard the throne. The heir’s proposal for baptism directly announced that he would accept the wizard, and would cooperate with the Kraiji Empire to provide shelter for the wizard.

Craig’s queen knew her elder brother, and she made an agreement with Flandre with one hundred thousand gold. So when the two empires joined forces and France was pretending to be deaf and dumb, countless small countries followed suit. After all, which king would like to have someone standing on his head and pointing fingers at him?

But in twenty years, the power of the Holy See fell apart. Although it is impossible to completely overthrow the position of the Holy See in people’s hearts, the current Holy See is absolutely unable to regain its former state of dominating the mainland.

Christie is not rich in products. If the Three Kingdoms completely cut off trade with the Holy See, the monks of the Holy See might still starve to death.

After Craig issued an asylum order, Wei Wei An came to Craig.

She has always lived on the border of Craig.

One day, she saw a teenager holding a mithril chain engraved with the Griffith family crest and came to Griffith’s shop. She seemed to want to use such a thing in exchange for a copy to be able to enter Craig. Opportunity for the army.

Vivienne looked at the teenager being treated as a guest, a little flattered, and then tirelessly explained to the clerk over and over again: “I got this from my grandfather. I really don’t know where the owner is? You help. Don’t help, don’t help, return the chain to me!”

Of course the host dare not help. They asked the young man to wait a while. Seeing that the young man was bored, Vivian took the initiative to step forward and threw him an apple.

When the teenager received the apple, he looked at Vivian some inexplicably.

Vivian looked at him and missed him for some reason. She asked, “Will you roast venison?”

The teenager nodded hesitantly, and Vivian smiled: “You roast me a venison stuffed with berries, and I promise you can enter the army.”

The young man asked suspiciously: “Why do I believe you?”

Vivienne’s fingertips lightly tapped the wooden table, and a small sprout appeared on the wooden table.

The boy was surprised: “You are a magician!”

Hearing such a name, Vivian felt a little dazed. She had become accustomed to being called a wizard, and almost forgot what they called herself in the first place. Vivienne nodded and smiled: “Do you not learn?”

The boy was very excited: “Learn!”

Vivienne was satisfied: “Then do a good job of roasting a deer head for me. If you do a good job, I may also tell you a story.”

The teenager didn’t seem to be interested in the story. Vivienne smiled and said, “What a stupid fellow.”

She squinted her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the spring, and sighed in her heart.

-That was the most hostile period between the Holy See and the wizard, the story of a Templar and the Dragon Witch.

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