Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 68 - Crown 03

The river of Ammanla was full of blood. Li Hong stood in front of the temple with a bow for a while before handing his bow and arrow to the maid next to him and instructing them: “Clean up.”

Her arrow was accurate and steady. With the coldness and determination that she had never noticed, Li Hong felt in a trance that it was not the first time she had experienced such a scene. Did she ever pull her bow and shoot an arrow like this at another time or another location? Whose head is worn.

Tianshen saw that she didn’t change her face and killed a person, a little worried about her emotions, and asked: “Honghong, are you okay…”

Li Hong nodded: “There is no response, probably because Yixuda herself, as the maid of the temple, has seen a bloodier living sacrifice. Under her influence, I accept it very quickly.” She thought for a while: “This It’s also a good thing. War will inevitably shed blood. If I can’t accept it, it will be the most troublesome thing.”

Tianhe tried to say something but stopped, after thinking about it, he shut up, and didn’t ask much.

But Li Hong suddenly said: “I remember you once asked me, why did the devil suddenly like me?”

Tianshen heard this, but saw Li Hong say to himself: “There shouldn’t be unprovoked love in this world. Maybe I saved his life in my previous life?”

Tianju: “…He has been a **** since he was born. Even the war that turned off the goddess of death did not affect him. Honghong, what kind of person would you save him?”

“Really?” Li Hong blinked, turning his head and throwing the question behind him, “Forget it, when he is collected, I can ask him in person. Now this is not important.”

Tian Shen: “…”

Li Hong glanced at the icy corpse of Prime Minister Adomnis for the last time. This powerful prime minister, the father-in-law of the first king, his army and his proud rights seemed so vulnerable to the gods—— And he himself, after removing those precious decorations, couldn’t even escape the new king’s arrow.

I have to say that although Enlil’s choice of seizing power is rougher, it is the simplest one.

People in this era worship power and believe in gods. This is why Enlil restricted all the troops of Prime Minister Adomnis, but let him go. If Li Hong couldn’t show enough power to make them admire in front of the royal court, even if she ascended to the throne, even if she was full of ambitions, she could only be a puppet king who would accomplish nothing without Enlier.

This is obviously not what Li Hong wants.

Nor was it the boring scene Enlil wanted to see.

Seeing Li Hong raised his bow, Enlier’s eyes were even more interested, but his opinion was different from Li Hong. He let go of Adomnis just to watch a wonderful hunting scene, while Li Hong shot this arrow because he was blocking his future.

The priests in the temple of the sun heard the movement and ran out of the temple one after another. Although Adomnis had been removed, the blood that had not had time to wipe off the temple steps still irritated their eyeballs.

In the country of Ulk, although the king’s power is hegemonic, but the environment is here, theocratic power always prevails over the secular world.

These noble priests, who usually served good wine and meat, first caught a glimpse of blood stains that should not have appeared in front of the holy temple, and then caught a glimpse of their accomplices and guardians who were covered in white cloth and converged into the coffin. Prime Minister Adomnis could not help being angry on the spot.

Such anger especially reached its peak when they saw that the person who was chasing and shooting the arrow was not the **** of storm but the ridiculous new queen of Ulk!

The head priest scolded: “The rude king! This is the sanctuary of the sun god! Why are you splashing blood here and insulting the holy place!”

“Aren’t you afraid that this will provoke the sun god, and the gods will be angry, and I, Urke, will fall into darkness forever!”

Li Hong hadn’t planned to deal with this group of people originally, but when he heard these words, he couldn’t help but pause for a moment, and asked Tianxue: “Can the sun **** of this world control the sun?”

Tian Shen: “How is it possible! Then the world is messed up? The reason why he is called the sun **** is because he was endowed with this god. His power comes from the high-altitude sun. The sun is immortal, and the sun **** is not. Fall. Enlil is more special. He is a **** born from nature in the same generation as the **** king. In other words, he is the storm itself. With him, there is air.”

Li Hong asked again: “If you don’t worship him, will Urke be affected?”

The heavenly judge affirmed: “No, don’t you think Misdal will worship the God of Stormwind?”

Li Hong: “This temple in the palace of Naurk——”

Tianshen’s words are concise and concise: “We lost, one of the terms of defeat.”

Li Hong: “…” My day, it’s no wonder that Enlier, as the patron saint, doesn’t want to take care of this country anymore. Can this kind of treaty be signed? Even if you sign, it’s really built! The God of Storm didn’t destroy Ulk himself… It seems to be enough to prove what the myth says, after he got the eyes, his temperament became gentle.

Li Hong nodded: “This way I can rest assured.”

Tianshen: “?”

Li Hong said: “Shooting a sinner who is trying to deceive the noble sun god, so as to deceive for shelter, lest the brilliance of the sun become dusty, has this actually become a crime?”

The priest insisted: “The brilliance of the sun is fraternity, and he loves every inch of the land he shines. It is for this reason that we should not still hold up spears like a barbarian under his protection! This matter, I hope you can Deeply understand the mistakes and deep sins of your behavior, please practice asceticism in the temple for atonement!”

Li Hong expressionlessly looked at the attendant who helped her hold the bow: “Is he telling a joke?”

The attendant was trembling, and did not dare to say a word before being relieved from the queen’s **** arrow.

Li Hong glanced back, Enlier was still in the royal court and had not come out, but she knew that everything that happened here could not escape his eyes.

Li Hong said: “The sun **** won’t forgive me, will he?”

The priest gritted his teeth: “He will feel angry because of your actions, so he will give up sheltering my Urke!”

Li Hong’s jaw head: “That’s pretty good, isn’t he the patron saint of Mysdall? We have to fight with Mysdall and worship him again, lest the dilemma of the gods is also a disrespect.”

The priest is alert: “What do you want to do?”

Li Hong ordered: “After demolishing the temple, I do not need two patron saints.”

The priest was shocked: “Ixuda, this girl dares to—”

Li Hong just said to the people around him: “Why, don’t Wang’s words work well?”

The people around him hesitated and walked towards the temple, but no one dared to be the first to wave their weapons. Li Hong thought for a while, took out a bow and arrow again, and said to the sky: “Oulk’s patron saint, it’s time to show your mighty power.”

After speaking, she tied the arrow with the bow and shot it at the load-bearing pillar of the Sun Temple!

The gold-colored bow and arrow she shot was suddenly covered with a dazzling blue flame! This blue flame was like dynamite, and the load-bearing pillar was broken the moment the bow and arrow hit the temple!

Li Hong put down his bow, looked at the crowd, and asked softly, “Do you still need me to help you with the remaining pillars?”

Everyone was surprised at the power of the new king. They also saw the power of the storm **** on the arrow, and they were even more surprised at the favor of the new king! Seeing the new king holding the legendary bow, his green eyes pierced through them like a blade, and all of them sweated like rain, and they couldn’t even stand firmly.

Just when Li Hong felt that this country was too superstitious, she had branded the temples like this, and no one dared to do it and thought that education reform might need to be carried out first, someone moved.

It was a soldier of the lowest rank who guarded the periphery of the temple. He lost his spear, walked further into the temple, picked up the fallen stone, and smashed it around the temple fiercely – if he hadn’t hit the temple, Li Hong almost thought he had hit his enemy.

Li Hong was stunned for two seconds before he could react. She looked at other people with no expression, perhaps because they had a beginning, or because they felt that the new king who could kill the prime minister and smash the **** pillar without blinking his eyes had exhausted his patience, so one by one, they went forward. Demolish the temple.

Li Hong felt that they were too slow to rely on stones, and ordered others to come back with pickaxes and hammers.

She stood here the whole time, watching the Temple of the Sun collapse, vacating a large space. The priest had been directly fainted by her brutal behavior, shouting “The sun **** will punish Ulk” but didn’t dare to take a step forward, simply tilted his head and pretended to die.

After the temple was almost demolished, the sun also rose.

Li Hong squinted at the sun shining all over the world, and listened to the attendant tremblingly asking her: “His Royal Highness, will the Temple of Stormwind be built here in the future?”

Li Hong thought for a while, and said, “Build a temple of the storm, clear the ground, plant food and vegetables, and eat it yourself in the palace after it’s cooked.”

Attendant: “???”

After talking casually, Li Hong rubbed her eyes. She sighed and looked back at Wang Ting. Although she stayed up all night and was tense, she knew that the next problem she would face would not be easier than before.

She walked to the royal court and couldn’t help thinking: Before I scored in Mysdal, would I be overworked first?

Tian Shen comforted: “I heard that there is a fairy spring in the God Realm. When that happens, I think Enlier will get you some. Drinking it is definitely better than Red Bull!”

Li Hong: “…” In other words, I can only overwork, not even death?

Li Hong, before embarking on the road to hegemony with the iron cavalry, had already begun to feel his liver aching.

It is easy to reshuffle the kingship, but it is not so easy to reshape the center of power.

For the sake of speed, Li Hong and Enlier directly expelled and abolished the stubborn and difficult-to-use officials in the royal court. If the branches were too luxuriant to be eradicated, they asked him to be a company with Prime Minister Adomnis.

Oh, now it’s time to talk about the former prime minister.

With the help of the Tianxue link (Li Hong: I finally think you have used it), Li Hong quickly learned which of the nobles in China are available and those that are not available. She appointed the interior officer and new general as quickly as possible, but the prime minister was a little difficult to handle.

This great aristocrat who also had the blood of the king who had ruled Ulk seemed to deliberately want to test the new king’s aura, so he deliberately pretended to be sick and expressed his unwillingness to be the prime minister of the kingdom.

Enlier looked at Li Hong sitting on the throne, looked at the documents reported from all over the place with some madness, shaking the glass with a smile: “Wang, facing Luga’s refusal, have you thought of a countermeasure?”

Li Hongyin endured the desire to rub the papyrus with his sincere words and weeping blood and throw it away, and said expressionlessly, “Prepare a generous gift, and go and invite it in person.”

Enlil raised his eyebrows: “Although Luga is a descendant of King Urkelidun, it is not worthy of the new king’s condescension.”

He slowly said, “Perhaps he really has no intention of official career?”

“If you don’t have one, you should take care of the old age at home. Just raise a hundred-ten Jiashi to take care of the nursing home. Why do you want to raise an army in the fief?” Li Hong was expressionless, “Don’t say that he has no intentions of official career. I believe that he has the idea of ​​usurping the throne!”

“Now he dares to do this, but because there is no more suitable person than him. If you want to reorganize Urke as soon as possible, Luga’s help is indispensable.”

Enlier smiled and said, “Do not hesitate to condescend for this?”

Li Hong smiled slightly: “What is condescension, I went to see him, shouldn’t it be him who bowed to me and bowed to me?”

Enlier was taken aback by what she said, and then couldn’t help laughing, and toasting to Li Hong: “Then I will stay in the court of the king and wait for the king to come back with our new image.”

Li Hong: “?” Wait, why are you not going? If you don’t go, I won’t be able to pretend to be forced by God’s power?

But the words had already been spoken, Li Hong looked at Enlier’s expression and felt that he didn’t seem to want to go, so he gave up his intention to speak, and asked the maid to open the treasure house of the king’s court for her to choose something suitable. , Used to give gifts.

After the extravagance and decadence of many generations of kings, Ulk, although the people are miserable and the national strength is weak, but the treasure house exclusive to the king is rich and rich-not only that, but the death of Prime Minister Adomnis has stimulated many related to him. The nobles successively offered treasure gold to redeem the sins of their fellowship with the traitors. According to Urk’s law, if Adomnis’ family wanted not to be implicated, they would also need to spend a lot of property to redeem their lives from the king.

Li Hong felt that this law was obviously unfair and obviously benefited the nobles. But considering that Urke is currently in short supply for military spending, looking at the King’s Treasury that has been expanded several times by this **** coup, I feel that this law can be retained for the time being.

She picked a golden pot made by a famous craftsman from the treasure house, and found some things to send Luga’s mother and sisters, and ordered people to prepare the carriage and prepare to go to Luga’s mansion in Pilbis in the lower city of Urq. .

Take a boat from the royal city and go directly by water. It only takes half a day to reach Pilbis. When Li Hong arrived, he could have a dinner at Luga’s house.

When Li Hong arrived, Luga had led the whole family to wait at the port in front of the door.

Yes, by water, as long as the boat is not big, you can go all the way to Luga’s door. There is an exclusive small port in front of his house. This has something to do with the flooding of the branches of the Amanra River in Pilbis…Moreover, it has something to do with the wealth that the surname Luga has accumulated over the centuries of Ulk.

When Li Hong got off the boat, he saw the leader, who could even be described as young.

He was wearing a robe, his flaxen hair was tied with a gold-silver double-threaded headband, his face looked gentle and handsome, and he was now slightly lowering, bowing to Li Hong.

Li Hong paused on the ship’s side for a few seconds before he could connect the young man in front of him with the “Wise Luga” spoken by Tian Shen and Ulk. She got off the boat, nodded, avoiding Luga’s salute, and thought about it and made a casual comment.

Li Hong: “Have you eaten?”

Luga’s smile froze for a moment: “…did it?”

Li Hong: “…” So angry, why don’t you play cards according to common sense?

Luga didn’t get a response, blinked, and smiled: “It seems that Wang Zhou has been exhausted and has not had time to eat. If I don’t dislike the rough tea and light meals at home, and are willing to give Luga such honor, I am extremely willing to entertain the king for dinner. .”

Li Hong immediately said, “Thank you, it’s troublesome. By the way, please don’t add salty sauce to the dough.”

Luga: “…” Why don’t you play cards according to the routine!

Luga is worthy of the great nobleman of Ulk. Even though Li Hong’s request for meals was abrupt, but when Li Hong really walked in with Luga, he found that food was already prepared on the banquet table… Add salty sauce.

Li Hong thought about the palace, and suddenly he had the urge to move the palace here.

Luga is indeed a wise man. Although he was testing Li Hong with his temper first, he couldn’t tell at all on the surface. He respectfully accompanied Li Hong when he ran out of food, accepted Li Hong’s gift and thanked him, but he didn’t mention when his illness would be cured, let alone the invitation sent by Wang Ting.

Li Hong was taken by him to visit the mansion. From the backyard of Luga’s house, he took a boat and followed Yamanla. From a distance, he could catch a glimpse of the famous Red Rock Mountains in Misrda.

Li Hong really didn’t want to go around with Luga anymore.

She grabbed Luga’s hand directly, pointed to the Red Rock Mountain Range, and asked: “Qing do you want to taste the Linglu in the Red Rock Mountain Range.”

Luga was stunned for a second: “…?”

Li Hong realized that her wording was incorrect, so she changed the sentence decisively: “Do you want to set foot on the Red Rock Mountain in Mysdal and hunt there. When it’s sunset, go down to its Red River Valley,” A glimpse of the spectacular scenery of the Red River?”

The smile on Luga’s face paused for a moment, staring at Li Hong slowly: “Does the king want to invite me to visit Misdal?”

Li Hong smiled: “Then I’ll make it simpler, do you want to build a temple of storm in their royal court.”

Luga: “Misdal believes in the sun god.”

Li Hong said: “The people of Luga and Ulk call you a ‘wise man’ and I believe you understand what I mean.”

Luga was silent for a moment and said to Li Hong: “Perhaps these words will undermine Wang’s self-confidence, but with all due respect, Ulk today does not have the power to compete with Misdal.”

Li Hong said: “I know, but Luga, you need to think clearly, human life is so short.”

The queen in front of the ship smiled slightly with an arrogant tone: “If you missed me, you might never have a chance to see the Temple of Storm in Mysdal in this life.”

“The only thing you can do is hide in Pilbis and see the sun temples rise one after another, see Ulk eventually lose its name, see Luga finally fall and become Mysdal. The laughing stock of the nobles talking and laughing.”

Lu Jia narrowed his eyes and said to Li Hong: “Your Majesty, you are alarmist.”

“Are I being alarmist? You know better than me. Luga, it’s not that I underestimate you, but the army of Heigu was established when you were thirteen years old. Now you are twenty-eight years old. These fifteen years have passed. The black cavalry has been replaced for several generations-but you still don’t have a sword against the royal court.”

“You have a lot of strategies, but you are a coward.”

Lu Jia slowly said: “Your Majesty, I am not timid. I am still alive. I always have to pay for my actions. I still have a mother and twelve sisters who have never been married. I need to think more about them.”

“It’s okay.” Li Hong let go of his hand, and then patted his shoulder, “I have no father or mother, no taboos. You can tell me what you think, as long as you think, I will be able to Do it.”

“A hundred years later, the history books will call you a virtuous minister, and I don’t care about being a tyrant.”

The Queen of Ulk looked at him, her aquamarine eyes seemed to contain the entire map of East Asia.

“The gods have gone to war, but the decision is in your hands.”

She said: “There is no need to test any more, I can give you what you want.”

Luga looked at the queen. She looked so young, but she was wearing a male short robe and trousers, a gold belt, and cowhide boots for combat. She wears a short dagger on her waist, and the sapphires between her neck are shining.

She looked at you, held the gold dagger, and swore to you.

Luga’s Adam’s apple rolled and asked with a smile: “Your Majesty understands me very well.”

The queen looked at him and said confidently: “In Ulk, only I can help you recreate the kingdom of gold.”

This word seemed to touch Luga deeply. Nowadays, how many people still remember its once glorious name, the golden city of Ulk, remember that the Supreme King set out from here, and his horses traveled all over East Asia, remember that King Le Dun opened the river and established a new law to make Ulk prosper?

Luke sighed, a little helpless: “Your Majesty, has anyone told you that you are good at drawing cakes?”

Li Hong said: “When you arrive at the palace, you will find that there is a **** who is better at drawing cakes.”

Luga smiled, and he said, “It seems I have no choice.”

Li Hong looked at him slowly and said, “No, you do.”

Luga: “Oh?”

Li Hong said: “You still have that black cavalry.”

Luga smiled and said, “If I rebel, will your majesty let me be on the throne?”

Li Hong firmly said: “No, I will arrest you for treason and behead you.”

Luga was a little surprised.

Li Hong smiled and said: “If you are the king, maybe Ulk can restore prosperity, but he will definitely not be able to gain Eastern hegemony.”

“The difference between you and me is Istanbul and Litten.”

Luga was silent for a while before saying: “Have anyone ever said that comparing yourself to the Supreme King is a very arrogant behavior?”

Li Hong blinked: “Did I forget to announce the world? Since yesterday, I have been called Istanbul.”

“Please call me His Majesty Istanbul, thank you.”

Luga was completely shocked by the shamelessness of the new king, but he thought about it, maybe only such an arrogant and confident person would have the courage to seize the hegemony for the current Ulk and Mysdal.

He said to Li Hong: “I understand.”

Li Hong said, “When will you come to the Wang Court?”

Luga smiled and said, “I will go back with you, Your Majesty Istan.”

Li Hong felt that this title was very pleasing to the ears, and she asked Tianshen: “Can I score ten points for this force?”

Heavenly Trial: “All of Urq’s forces will have to be installed by you! Well, well, King Istan, you are amazing! But do you think about Enlil who was thrown into the royal court by you?”

Li Hong: “He didn’t come by himself, and I can’t help it.”

Tianju: “Then you can’t be so frivolous, it’s a **** anyway, we must have a place to ask him.”

Li Hong was so convinced, and decided to go back and take a couple of flattering.

However, when they returned to Ulk, they faced a greater disaster first.

The sun **** was furious about Ulk’s dismantling of the temple, and he covered Ulk with a huge cover with his divine power. The sun’s brilliance could not pass through the cover set by the sun god, so he fell into darkness.

Li Hong saw such a change in the palace, and said to Tian Shen: “Didn’t you say that it’s okay to demolish the temple?”

The trial: “…I don’t know that the sun **** is so stingy! The gods also have to follow the rules set by the **** king! Such interference with nature breaks the rules! The sun **** might really want to benefit from grace this time. You knocked down the abyss without hesitating to violate the law!”

Li Hong asked: “Isn’t he a violation of the previous gambling agreement by using his divine power in this way?”

The Tianshen explained: “This is considered to be a contracted sideball. After all, from the perspective of the contract, it can be understood as’without the use of divine power to destroy the opponent’s army and directly determine the victory or defeat of the war.’

Li Hong: “So this kind of trick is used?”

Tian Shen bowed his head and did not speak. After all, he was so simple that he gave Li Hong the wrong information, and her actions have never caused such a disaster.

Seeing that Li Hong walked into the palace without turning his head back, Tianshen couldn’t help but ask: “Where are you going? The outside world is in a mess!”

“What did I bring Luga back! He can solve this little thing!”

Tianshen: “Where are you going, then?”

Li Hong said: “I am taking a salary from the bottom of the pot. Don’t I Urke also offer a god? Anyway, I am grabbing a **** seat for him. He can’t do anything, so why can’t it be justified?”

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