Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 75 - Crown 10

When Sundar said these words, his expression did not change, and it could even be said to be soft. He turned his head and looked at Li Hong quietly, answering every question she asked, without any other emotions.

Li Hong licked the dry corners of his mouth and rolled his head uncomfortably. She saw the lion that was shot to death by an arrow, was silent for a while, and smiled: “Your Majesty is good at arrows.”

The corner of the praised Sundar’s mouth bends slightly, and he rides over, seeming to want to check the lion. Because it was injected from the eyes, the fur of this lion is very intact. If it is taken back, it can be completely peeled off and made into a good fur pad.

Li Hong followed Sandar, and he stopped not far away. Seeing that King Sundar had stopped, she stood there hesitated for a long time. She was in a dilemma as if she had encountered some confusion. She just went forward and asked: “Your Majesty?”

Sundar raised his head. He was slender and tall, originally squatting next to the lion’s corpse. Hearing Li Hong’s opening, he stood up and turned around to look.

The rest of Li Hong’s words got stuck in his throat.

Because in his hand, he was holding a little lion that hadn’t been weaned yet.

Li Hong: “…No way.”

The corpse of the male lion was lying there, but there was no trace of the female lion nearby. This cub that suddenly appeared in the wild was really strange. However, considering that this is a royal hunting ground, there is no lion group. It is not impossible to say that a certain lioness was forced to survive and discarded a relatively weak child who was just born.

Li Hong looked at the little lion in his arms, like a little lion that could be grabbed by one hand: “It seems that King Sundar’s arrow helped it escape.”

Sundar stretched out his fingers and gently squeezed the fur on the back of the little lion’s neck, causing it to let out a weak cry.

He suddenly said to Li Hong: “Do you want it? This lion cub has very good teeth and good bones to the touch. It should be a beast when it grows up.”

Li Hong: “…?”

Sundar handed the lion to Li Hong, and Li Hong subconsciously took the little lion. Although the lion cub was small, he already had the most basic ability to resist. It tried to slap Li Hong, but it hit the gold bracelet on her wrist, which was so painful that it took it back.

Li Hong:…This, this meat pad, are you a cat! ?

Sundar watched Li Hong take the little lion, and carefully stretched out his hand to touch its back hair, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Li Hong was obsessed with slapped hair, and only reacted after a while, coughing a little embarrassingly, and wanted to return the lion to Sandal: “Since you discovered it, if you want to come to it, you will become your majesty’s courtesy assistant in the future.”

Sundar said, “For you.”

Li Hong: “?”

The white-haired king reached out his hand and touched the cub’s head: “It should belong to you.”

Li Hong was slightly startled when he heard this. What does this mean, is it that this lion belongs to her in Ruijia’s territory, or should the lion belong to her?

Li Hong couldn’t figure out King Sundar’s plan, so he could only follow the other party’s intentions first, drew out all the arrows in his quiver, and carefully put the little lion in.

Seeing her holding dozens of arrows in her hand, Sundar rarely joked: “Did the Luga people lose these arrows?”

Li Hong smiled and said, “It’s a pity to lose it, let’s use it.”

After that, she sat on the horse, aimed at the sky, and shot an arrow towards the sky! At the end of this arrow, she didn’t even look at what she had shot, she had already aimed at other animals that passed by in a flash, and released the bowstring again!

Ginardo followed them, and suddenly heard a rush of wind. Before he could raise his head, a bird hit his face directly! When he pinched the bird’s wing and looked forward again, the Vincent “Luga” from Ulk had already aimed the arrow at Sandal!

Ginardo’s nervous hair stood up, and Li Hong’s arrow had already been shot before he could say “Your Majesty”!

King Sundar’s expression remained unchanged, and Li Hong’s arrow grazed the tip of his hair, directly hitting the beetle crawling on the branch behind him.

Ginardo’s “Your Majesty” was finally called out. He hurriedly moved forward and made sure that King Sundar had not made a mistake, and then angrily shouted at Li Hong: “Luga, do you want to go to war! Dare to raise a bow to my king!”

The smile on Li Hong’s face didn’t fade, he just glanced at Ginardo and told him to shut up.

Li Hong said slowly: “I’m just trying bow skills with King Sundar. If I lift the bow, I’m guilty, but I don’t see my king convicted in the trial of the gods.”

Ginaldo blocked the rest of the blame by her words. He only felt that Li Hong and Ulk’s “King of Istanbul” were a virtue, specifically against their Misdal. But Sundar didn’t think so. He looked at the dozen or so arrows left by Li Hong with a good temper, and asked, “Aren’t the Luga people continue?”

Li Hong glanced at Ginardo, grabbed all the arrows and threw them on the ground. She blinked and didn’t pay much attention: “If you have enough fun, you don’t need these.”

Ginardo was almost **** off by her frenzied practice, but he only had to take a serious look to understand that none of the seven arrows that Li Hong had shot before was empty.

She shot down the flying birds in the sky, the antelopes passing by in the bushes, the beetles lying on the branches… and even a fresh fruit hidden in the leaves.

Sundar looked at the clusters of arrows she had dropped, and smiled: “You are really wayward.”

“What is self-willedness? In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with following instinct.” Li Hong turned his horse’s head to the side, and gave a slight greeting to Sundar, “The mistake is to pursue desires that do not belong to you.”

“Do you think what I say and do is a kind of’willful’?”

King Sundar did not answer. Mysdal’s philosophy was very different from the tradition of Ulk’s indulgence. Fortunately, Li Hong didn’t want his answer either, he just rode his horse forward.

Because of the little lion, Li Hong had to give up the rest of the hunt, and instead took the little guy back first. She apologized to Sundar, but the king said: “The purpose of the Luga people has indeed been achieved, and there is no reason to go back.”

Li Hong was a little surprised.

King Sundar said, “Why, am I wrong? Didn’t the Luga people invite me to hunt to show me the good warfare of the people of Urq?”

Li Hong laughed, not feeling embarrassed, and simply asked directly: “What do you think of your Majesty?”

Sundar: “Your archery is really good, and you must have learned from a famous teacher.”

Li Hong was silent for a while before he continued: “Why do I want to show my archery to your majesty? I also know how I want to come to your majesty.”

Sundar withdrew the realization and looked in Urke’s direction: “It seems that Urke’s new king is indeed different this time. The King of Istan does not want to go to war right away.”

He looked at Li Hong and spoke slowly: “It seems that Ulk’s situation is really not optimistic.”

Li Hong asked, “Is Misdal ready to go to war?”

She smiled slightly: “I’m afraid the Queen Mother is not willing to give you a military talisman.”

Sandal: “…”

Li Hong: …wow, I just guessed it casually, it seems that I guessed it right?

Ginardo was left behind by the two, unable to hear the conversation between the two. Sundar looked calm and said to Li Hong: “I came to Ruijia, and I didn’t really think that King Ruijia would surrender. Of course, if it was King Istan Without the courage to give up Ruijia, I will naturally not let go of this opportunity. But if the King of Istanbul does not give in, my purpose here is not Ruijia.”

Li Hong: “…”

Sundar said: “It seems that I and His Majesty Istan, in many cases, have the same ideas. She sent you to Ruijia, I am afraid it is not just to defend Ruijia.”

Li Hong: “…”

Sundar said indifferently to Li Hong: “Luga, even if the King of Istanbul has great abilities, it is still too difficult for Urke to beat Misdal. Instead of doing unnecessary struggles for her, it is better to follow me back to Mi Sidar, my promise to you will never change. The Eastern Overlord will only be crowned by Mysdal’s name.”

Li Hongle stopped his horse.

She lowered her eyes slightly, not knowing what she was thinking, and finally she was born with a chuckle, and asked: “Sundar, do you dare to send troops now? Can you send troops again?”

King Sundar was silent.

Li Hong smiled and said: “Since you can’t fight over at this moment, you have the confidence to say these things to me. Don’t say that even if you send troops immediately, my Ulk is not in the dead, since you can’t move your hands at this time. , Is it possible that I still want to pierce my Ulk with a sharp blade in the future?”

Sundar: “You think I can’t do it.”

Li Hong drew the dagger from his waist at a very fast speed and pressed it against Sundar’s waist. The horses of the two of them were so close that Li Hong could even press the tip of the knife against his complicated brocade robe without having to straighten his arms.

Ginardo did not notice this, and Sundar did not speak. He shifted his gaze from the blade to Li Hong. Li Hong looked at him and said indifferently: “If I believe you, this iron sword should penetrate your waist and abdomen. Mysdal is strong, but Without King Sundar, it is only Ulk, who lost King Ledom in the past.”

Sundar stared at her. He could feel the coldness of the blade, and he knew that the girl in front of him was serious. She really moved with the idea of ​​killing him altogether.

Li Hong and him stared at each other for two seconds, before suddenly retracting the dagger, riding the horse again, and heading out of the hunting ground.

Sundar didn’t have the slightest panic when he walked away from the ghost gate. He seemed to have no such emotions, and even followed up with some curiosity, and asked, “Why don’t you stab it?”

Li Hong took it for granted: “If you stabbed it down, wouldn’t it be equivalent to admitting that I, the Istan King of Urke, can’t beat you?”

She squinted her eyes and said displeased: “My king doesn’t want to see me. I will lose before the battle.”

When Sundar saw her, he only felt that his heart was soft. He stopped Li Hong, and when the girl turned her head to look at her, he whispered, “Luga.”

Li Hong: “?”

He smiled slightly, and even those red eyes were like the rising sun: “If I attack Ulk, will you come back to Misdal with me at that time?”

Li Hong stared at him, as if looking at the truth or falsehood in his words.

“You have won, and I still need to do something.” She muttered, and then smiled provocatively at him again, “Okay.”

“If you can score Ulk, I will follow you back to Misdal.”

The special envoy from Ulk immediately squinted arrogantly, not so much as making a promise to him, it was more of a statement of the battle.

When Sundar saw such a “Luga”, he only felt that if he couldn’t compete with her evenly, it would cause regrets for a lifetime. , Perhaps influenced by Ulk’s indulgence, the king of Mysdal did his first arbitrary act since he became a king.

He said to Li Hong: “Misdal will not attack Ulk for two years. I need two years of peace.”

Li Hong was startled, very surprised. Because she is still not sure about the status quo of the Misdar Palace, it can be said that if Sundar himself does not let go, the initiative of the armistice agreement will always be in his hands. He was relieved at this moment, the up and down position between the two suddenly turned upside down, and the bad water in Li Hong’s stomach couldn’t help but began to roll.

Ah, King Sundar is such a good person, but I am not.

The King of Istanbul, disguised as a subject, smiled at Sandar: “Two years? No.”

Sundar turned his head slightly when he heard the words.

Li Hongjing said reservedly: “Although I am very grateful for your trust in me, it will probably take more than three years for Misdal when you say this.”

As soon as her voice fell, there was an order that soldiers came quickly to the hunting ground!

Li Hong glanced at it and found that it was Misdal’s person. This person brought the superstition of the Wang Ting’s wax seal, and his expression was tense: “Wang, Lord Suti’s letter from the Wang Ting!”

When Sundar heard the name of the prime minister “Suti”, the expression on his face was stunned for a moment, and he immediately took apart the wax cylinder.

Li Hongzheng was a little bored, and suddenly heard the voice of the heavenly judge.

Li Hong: “Are you back?”

Tianzheng: “Come back!”

Li Hong glanced at the messenger: “What did you do, it’s slower than the messenger of Misdal.”

The Tianzheng grievances: “I’ll help you provoke the Queen Mother.”

Li Hong: “…”

Heavenly Trial: “I can’t do anything else. When the Queen Mother is praying for divination, she engages in black hands to make her believe that Sundar is her nemesis or can do it.

Li Hong: “…”

She is very meaningful: “Heavenly Trial…” Do you remember who your boss is?

Tianshen: “?”

Li Hong said lovingly: “It’s nothing, how is the relationship between the Queen Mother and Sundar?”

Heavenly Trial: “As we guessed, on the surface it is just that the son and the mother do not have the same political ideas, and the enemy is in their bones! The queen mother’s favorite son died because of Sundar. You know that Sundar used to be in the Colosseum to survive when he was young Slave, fight the lion to survive?”

Li Hong: “…just guessed a little bit.”

The trial sighed: “The queen mother really was born to the son of King Misdal. I heard that my brother has this ability. After he entered my palace, he asked him to perform. For Sangda, this kind of thing can only be regarded as something. Surprised, but the prince didn’t know where to hear it. He felt that Sundar could do it, so he could do it. So he also ordered the lion to fight with him… and then he killed himself.”

Li Hong: “…”

Tianshen continued: “The Queen Mother hates Sundar very much. She is not in love with the sun god. She could be said to be the first beauty in East Asia at the time. The sun **** took a fancy to her, but she only loved her husband. For this reason. , The sun **** asked Eros for a spell, turned into a guard next to her, and seduced her. When the sun **** left and the spell was solved, the queen mother was extremely collapsed. The child born was not only evidence of her betrayal, but also white hair and red eyes. Like a demon. She immediately discarded it.”

“Fifteen years later, if it weren’t for King Misdar to persuade her, even if the sun **** came in person, the queen mother would never accept Sundar.”

Li Hong put it in: “I took it back, but my beloved son died because of this little son.”

“Yes. If it weren’t for the death of King Misdar, the Queen Mother would have preferred her husband’s nephew to be the king rather than Sundar.”

“Before King Misdar died, he was also worried that the discord between the queen dowager and Sandal would make the queen dowager difficult, so not only a large number of nobles who supported the queen dowager entered the Senate, but also gave her the military talisman. Said to divide the right into two.”

Li Hong sneered: “Misdal’s Green Hat King thought very well. Sundar can lead Misdal to dominate hegemony, but he dare not give him all the power, which makes him difficult. Forget it, this is also true for me. Fortunately, otherwise Ulk will have no chance to breathe.”

“By the way, you said that the result of divination was changed. What was the result?”

Heavenly Trial: “Ah, the Queen Mother wants to attack Sundar.”

Li Hong: “…So she asked the gods if it was feasible? What result did you let it be?”

Tian Shen: “It’s feasible, isn’t it that the bigger their contradiction, the better?”

Li Hong: “…but what if Sundar is really dead?”

Tian Shen: “…”

Tian Shen: “No, it won’t be.”

Li Hong turned his gaze to King Sundar: “What is the letter he received now about?”

Tianshen said: “Sundar came to Ruijia personally, in fact, he killed two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he tried to test Ulk, and on the other hand, he was free to leave the royal court and make the royal court cause trouble.

Li Hong asked: “Wang Ting is making trouble?”

Tian Shen: “Su Ti is here, I dare not make a big noise, but there is a detailed list of the Queen Mother’s faction. That list is what Su Ti sent.”

Li Hong glanced at Sandal: “It seems that there are some names in it that are beyond his expectation.”

Tian interrogated: “Honghong, do you want to stay to comfort him?”

Li Hong directly rode away: “No, he won’t tell me if I stay. Before I was Luga, I was an Ulk.”

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