Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 89 - Crown 24

Riyao Palace is located on the mountainside of Hongyan Mountain.

This position was chosen by the first king of Mysdal, who was favored by the **** King Anutura in the past. The first radiance that the sun shines into Mysdal will be on the glazed tiles of the Sunshine Palace, pouring down from the glazed tiles, like an ocean of gold, rushing down the mountainside all the way down to the mirror lake that flows to the bottom of the mountain. In the middle, shimmering.

This is why the Sun Palace is named after it.

“King, this is the Sunshine Palace. General Lehman has taken control of everything, and the royal family of Mysdal is pressing on the main hall, waiting for your message.”

Li Hong was wearing armor and her boots stepped onto the golden steps of the Sun Palace. The majestic and magnificent building that was completely different from Urke opened before her eyes, and the Sunshine Palace was like a majestic lion, standing on the red rock, gazing at its territory and welcoming its sun.

Seeing that Li Hong was only standing on the steps, the attendant did not speak, thinking that the shape of the Sun Palace was not in line with the taste of the Queen of Ulk, and quickly said: “Misdal loses. As long as you are willing, the Sun Palace will do it. It’s yours. If you want to destroy it or reinvent it, all you need is a word from you.”

Hearing this, Li Hong finally glanced sideways at the attendant. She didn’t have any expression, but this look made the waiter feel cold, and she didn’t dare to say a word again.

Li Hong stepped in. With every step she took, she couldn’t help wondering whether Sundar also walked into the Sun Palace from here every day, walked into the main hall to preside over the council, sat on the throne, and listened to the fierce debates of the important officials. He sometimes smiled when he heard the advice that fits his mind?

Li Hong stepped into the main hall.

His name is different from the light and magnificent of Ulk Royal Court along the main hall of the Sun Yat-Sen Palace. Its luxury is a kind of splendor like the sun. Whether it is the window borders painted with the gods, or the jade, wide mine hall itself, what it brings is the stability and majesty of the northern countries.

Li Hong entered the main hall and saw Queen Misdal as a captive. Although she is over a hundred years old, her appearance and style have not diminished at all. Because she was a defeated country, she took off all her jewelry and knelt in the hall with only her dress. Even so, she also held her chin high, dignified and inviolable. Unlike the panicked nobles around her, she always showed the manner that a queen mother should possess.

Li Hong stopped in front of her and squatted down.

The attendant couldn’t help exclaiming, but no one dared to dissuade the queen. The queen had just led Ulk’s coalition forces and defeated Mysdal within three months, and personally re-pulled the Arthur’s longbow of the previous conqueror, and shot and killed the undefeated myth in the hearts of the Misdal people. , Their son of the sun. This made them respect and love at the same time, unavoidably bring fear, fearing this too powerful and cold war initiator.

Li Honglue lowered his head slightly and looked at the Queen Mother from top to bottom. The Queen Mother was so scornful that she could not help but yelled: “King Istan, you are too presumptuous, I am the king of Mysdal. Queen Mother!”

“The Queen Mother of Misdal?” Li Hong repeated the word, and then smiled suddenly, “If Sundar is still alive, it is indeed.”

She stretched out her hand to pinch the chin of the former queen dowager, squinted her eyes and said: “But there is no guarantee that Misdal will still exist tomorrow, where did you, the queen dowager, come from?”

“The king is gone, where is the queen dowager in this country?” Li Hong said slowly, “If you want to be the queen dowager, then at least you will die with the king.”

The queen mother was shocked, her face was pale, and she calmly said: “King Istanbul, I think we are not enemies. You know how you can kill that child and how you can win this war.”

Li Hong smiled and said: “I do know it well, but do the people of Misdal know? Do they know that their beloved Queen Mother, out of personal anger, did not hesitate to collaborate with the enemy and treason, and sell the king to the enemy? “

The queen mother’s face was pale, and her lips squirmed for a while before she said to Li Hong: “You and I are all women, you should understand me. Some hatred, even if the country is ruined and the family is ruined, it may have to be repaid.”

Li Hong loosened her jaw and looked at her like a stupid and ignorant beggar. She gave the Queen Mother the answer.

Li Hong said, “I’m sorry I don’t understand. Before being a woman, I was a human being, an Ulk. But you seem to be different from me. For you, only you are alive in this world.”

The queen mother trembled with sarcasm, and she furiously said: “That child is a monster! He deserves to fall into the underworld forever!”

Li Hong said: “It’s a pity that you can’t see him in the underworld. He should be able to become a hero as a star that no one can control and no one can hurt. Beside the sun as its son.”

The queen mother was surprised: “You broke the curse of the **** of storm? You actually violated him?”

Li Hong smiled and said: “At this point, the Queen Mother should have a common language with me. Didn’t you also murder the son of the sun god?”

The Queen Mother finally felt scared, Li Hong said softly: “Don’t be afraid, he will soon know about this through the prayers of the maid of the temple.”

The queen mother finally collapsed and she shouted: “Istan! You are treason if you fall in love with that monster! Are you not afraid that your citizens will abandon you because of this?”

Li Hong paused, then turned around and smiled: “It doesn’t matter, he is dead.”

Li Hong did not have a good impression of all the nobles in the Misdal royal court. She ordered to go down and confiscated all the properties of these people, and then used it to treat the people of Misdal who were affected by the war. This is what Li Hong said. ——”I have an agreement with King Sundar. If I win, you will be the people of my Urke. I must treat my people equally, and on the contrary, he will treat my people like this. You don’t need to think that this is to him. On the contrary, this is your king, who has worked hard to make arrangements for you.”

Because of her remarks, the people of Mysdall who supported King Sundar knelt under the king’s city one after another, chanted the king’s people toward the sun, sang elegy, and finally bowed their heads to the king’s city, finally accepting Ur. Relief given by gram.

Luga rushed to the Sunshine Palace and heard the rumor before he could get a glimpse of the Red River Valley. He found the soldier and asked Li Hong’s motive in detail. The soldier said honestly: “Your Majesty said, she doesn’t want a dead city.”

When Luga came to the Sunshine Palace, the main hall was empty.

Li Hong sat alone on the throne, not knowing what he was thinking.

Upon seeing this, Luga took two steps forward and whispered: “Your Majesty.”

Li Hong moved his eyelashes slightly, raised his eyes, and saw that it was Luga. He smiled and said, “Have you seen the Red River Valley?”

Luga said bluntly: “Leave aside the Red River Valley, Your Majesty, you don’t look very good.”

Li Hong said: “Somehow, I thought I didn’t like him that much, and it didn’t matter if I killed him. I really did, and I realized that I actually care about him more than I thought.”

Luga was taken aback for a moment and asked, “Are you talking about King Sundar?”

Li Hong said “Um”, and then said: “You don’t need to worry about me, I’ll be fine for a while. What about Ulk? You are here too, who is sitting in the back?”

Seeing that Li Hong’s thinking was clear, Lujia put his heart down, and reported the candidate to Li Hong. After hearing this, Li Hong was very relieved and asked Luga some other questions. Finally, I said to him: “Misdal is very messy, and you still need you to tell Sundar’s Prime Minister Suti. After all, I don’t really mean to turn Misdal into my Urk territory—the place is too big Insufficient manpower, coupled with the differences in beliefs between the two countries, will cause trouble if they are forcibly annexed. It would be better to send special envoys to ask Misdal to pay tribute.”

Luga praised: “Your Majesty has considered it very well.”

Li Hong said: “But these need the cooperation of Misdal’s Prime Minister Suti, Luga, he will leave it to you.”

Luga had a new idea, and after chatting with Li Hong, he also left. He had been looking forward to seeing this day long enough, and walking in the Sunshine Palace at this time, he felt a little intangible with reality. He smiled and walked away again.

Outside the temple, the sun was shining, and the eyes were shining.

Li Hong was sitting in the hall, and a woman in a white skirt suddenly appeared from the light and shadow, lying prone by her handrail, her long white hair draped over her back, and slid to the ground. She raised her head and looked at Li Hong, who looked cold, and said with a smile: “Do you hate him?”

Li Hong did not move.

The woman who claimed to be Honghu said: “I also hate him the most. This one really magnifies this part of him infinitely. Do you need me to give you a trick to tell you how to retaliate against him?”

Li Hong finally moved, and she said to the woman: “When Heavenly Trial or Enlier was there, you didn’t even dare to enter my dream state. Who are you and what is your relationship with them?”

Honghu looked at her and said slowly: “Tian Shen and I have to say something, it has something to do. I have nothing to do with the guy you want to save. But he is too annoying, although I don’t hate him. It does not mean that I want him to be satisfied.”

Li Hong said, “But I don’t want you to be happy.”

When Honghu heard this, his eyes widened slightly, and then he smiled and said, “You are really–“

Honghu stood up: “Well, anyway, I didn’t care about anything, you don’t need it, don’t like it, then I won’t say it. But if you need it, I can always provide you with the help I can provide.” She Turning his head to look at Li Hong, “After all, I have been borrowing for so many years, so I should pay some interest.”

Li Hong’s eyelashes stopped when he heard that, but Honghu had disappeared.

Li Hong sat for a while, and the Tianshen finally came back. Seeing that Li Hong was not in good spirits, he couldn’t help but worry: “Honghong, how are you?

Li Hong wanted to ask about “Honghu”, but she couldn’t help but remember that Honghu said she had something to do with Tianshen, so she temporarily concealed the matter and asked Tianshen: “Nothing, yes. How about Enlier?”

Tian Shen said: “He is in the Sun Palace, but it seems that he has no plans to see you for the time being. Honghong, your last arrow instead made Sundar successfully return. Maybe we can continue. Now let Enlil coax him well. , There is no need to start again.”

Li Hong said with an “um”, and then said, “I probably know how to deal with him.”

Tianshen: “?”

Li Hong said, “Didn’t you say that he likes me. So they all like me. Under this premise, it is actually very easy to satisfy them, but I thought too much before, but it was too complicated.”

Tianshen: “???”

Li Hong stood up from the throne: “If you count the time, it’s almost time.”

Tianshen was curious: “What time?”

As soon as it fell, there was a thunderbolt on the blue sky.

The Sun Palace, which is closest to the sun, was caged with layers of dark clouds, and the sun god’s angry voice filled the world. He shouted: “King Istan! You villain in danger! Get out of me!”

Tian Shen was shocked, and then looked back at Li Hong, but saw that she was calm, as if she had guessed it earlier.

Tian interrogation: “Do you know that the sun **** will come?”

Li Hong shrugged: “Of course, even if Sundar wouldn’t die, he would never turn a blind eye and do nothing in order not to give up the position of the king of God.”

“But he didn’t dare to confront Enlil rashly, and it would be normal for him to use me, a human that he hates in the first place.”

Tian Shen hurriedly said: “Then let’s go to Enlier quickly!”

Li Hong said, “Let’s find him, but he won’t come.”

Tian Shen: “…what do you do then!”

Li Hong replied calmly: “I can’t find it, can it be better if I don’t find it?”

She walked out of the Sunshine Palace alone. The face of the sun **** was almost as big as the top of Hongyan Mountain. It appeared from the sky, hideous and terrifying, like a black cloud, and pressed against everyone’s hearts.

Seeing Li Hong coming out, Lu Jia shouted: “Wang, go back soon, this is not something we can solve!”

Li Hong turned a deaf ear to her ears. She walked to the wall, looked up at the sun god, and asked: “Great Enriques, this is the Misdal you sheltered, why are you furious?”

The sun **** laughed with anger because of her “knowingly asking”, and he sternly said: “King Istan, you dare to kill my son! Even if you fight him at the end, it is the king who is in danger! You are right! He used despicable means! This war is ineffective!”

Hearing the reason for the sun god’s anger, Li Hong couldn’t help but sighed.

The sun **** originally thought that the treacherous King Urk would spoof him again, and he even did it well. If she didn’t agree to cancel the result of the war and try it again, she planned to take her life again– Yes, even if Enlil objected, he would at least kill this girl before he could be worth the heartache of losing Sundar.

But Li Hong said directly: “The outcome is determined, even if you find the God of Justice, he will say so. The Queen Mother of Mysdal has already signed the document of defeat, and the facts are fixed. If you If you want to rewrite the outcome of the dispute between the gods and kings, you may only choose to seek usurpation.”

The sun **** is furious: “You dare!”

Li Hong said: “The facts are set, the great god, Misdal will still believe in you, and you will not lose any.”

The sun **** said cruelly: “You are the master of Ruomi Sidal, I would rather abandon this city!”

The people kneeling on the ground to greet the sun **** heard that the sun **** was about to abandon them, each as a bereaved concubine, desperately begging the gods for mercy. The sun **** glanced at Misdal’s hit, and sneered: “People of Misdal, where is your blood? Do you inherit the courage of my son? Ulk’s conspirators are standing on the wall at this moment. Above! She is unarmed, why do you bow down to her? Not revenge for my son!”

The words of the sun **** changed the eyes of many of Mysdall’s people who had agreed with the outcome of the war.

At this time, an exiled nobleman suddenly stood up and shouted: “Ulk’s army has been severely injured by our king in the Candia Gorge. With a weapon, we will be able to regain my king’s country! Justify my king’s name!”

“Misdal! Are you really willing to live under Ulk!”

The crowd began to riot, and Luga obviously did not expect such a scene. But Li Hong was still very calm, Lu Jia couldn’t help but said: “Your Majesty?” Li Hong took another step forward. She stepped on the side of the city wall, and she would fall off with just one movement. She looked up at the sun **** and said loudly: “Ulk has beaten Misdal. It is upright, Candia opened with blood and bones! No one can deny this!”

“At the end of the day, you just think that I won a fight against Sandal and won’t win! Even so, what if I lose my life!”

As soon as her voice fell, Misdal fell into a dead silence. Everyone looked at this new East Asian master who had just won the battle and won the hegemony of the East. She looked at what the sun **** said, but refuted all the reasons for the rebellion.

If it is for Sundar to hold an injustice, that life will be exchanged for another life. If the King of Istanbul died in the same way, their revenge would no longer exist. The so-called rectification of Sundar’s name would be nonsense.

When the sun **** heard Li Hong say this, he almost wanted to swear. He blurted out: “Where did you kill Sundar? It’s obviously kind—” He stopped halfway through his words. He had already stopped in order to force Li Hong to admit that the result of the war was invalid. Sundar’s death is attributed to her. If it is the curse of the **** of wind at this moment, on the one hand, the people of Mysdall will no longer hate the queen of Ulk. On the other hand, they may think that the **** of the sun is incompetent. , Weaker than the **** of storm, can’t solve the curse.

The sun **** is vicious, and he took out the sun wheel that can kill the demigod: “—-Well, if the king of Istan is willing to pay with his life, I can forgive Misdal and Ulk.”

Li Hong smiled, still wearing Urke’s robe, facing the Sun God’s sun wheel without retreat.

When she took that step, Li Hong finally heard Enlier’s voice.

The wind **** who had not been seen for a long time finally appeared, standing behind her with an unrecognizable expression, and said to her: “Come back.”

Li Hong showed a smile to Enlier.

Since the two had a conflict because of Sundar’s problem, Enlil hadn’t seen the queen smile so briskly for a long time. He felt it was wrong, stretched out his hand and ordered: “Ixuda, come back.”

When he frowned like this, Li Hong actually saw Sundar’s shadow from him. Li Hong thought to himself, indeed, although their personalities are different, they are all the same after all.

Li Hong said, “Master Enlil, I promised you that I would take the throne of the King of Gods for you. Ulk defeated Misdal. As long as I die, the signed battle book will never be changed, and there will be no result of the game. People can be shaken, and you can finally ascend to the throne of Anutura and become the king of gods.”

Enlier said: “I am here, and Enriques can’t change the result!”

He patiently said: “I know you are dissatisfied with me, but this is not the time to play temper, come back.”

Li Hongsi was unmoved.

She looked at Enlil, smiling briskly and contentedly. She suddenly said: “Eros once said that I will receive the most noble love in the world. There should be no more noble existence in this world than the king of gods. Did I get your favor?”

Enlil’s heart stopped.

He interrupted Li Hong: “You can afford it, so Ixuda, come back.”

Li Hong was unmoved, Enlier’s tone of voice unconsciously brought a plea: “You come back, I know you love Sandal, he is not dead, I can bring him back for you…”

Li Hong smiled slightly, she shook her head, and said to Enlier: “It doesn’t matter, he has never regretted, and I have never left any regrets.”

“Your Majesty, I am honored for your favor.”

He shouted, “Ixuda, don’t go, I will let him out immediately—”

“——I love you too.”

After speaking, Li Hong did not hesitate to jump to the sun. The moment she left the Sunshine Palace, she was penetrated by the sun god’s sun rays, and even the soul was evaporated. The only thing Enlil could hold was the fallen Arthur’s longbow.

The queen died in the sun, Enlil held the icy longbow tightly, and suddenly sneered: “Liar.”

He muttered to himself: “I don’t like it at all, you only like him.”

… But even if it is a lie, it makes people sigh almost to tears.

The sun **** didn’t expect that King Istan would actually die for Enlil’s throne of the **** king. He held the sun wheel, and for a moment he didn’t know what to do.

At the moment when the sun **** was considering countermeasures, Enlil spoke.

Enlier looked at him from the bottom up and said lightly: “Enriques.”

As soon as the sun **** looked at Enlier, he saw that the other party pulled back Arthur’s longbow! The Storm God, who possesses the Eye of the Sky, condensed into a golden blue arrow with full divine power, and it shot at the Sun God in mid-air without hesitation!

The sun **** was originally quite disdainful. Although the power of the storm was terrifying, it couldn’t pierce the light. Only light could pierce the light. He sneered, intending to sever Enriques’ arrow, but was stabbed at the corner of his eye by the golden light on the opponent’s arrow.

This is… the brilliance of the sun is derived from the power of the sun!

How can the **** of storm and storm have the power of the sun! Enligus was horrified, and suddenly forgot to dodge!

Seeing this, Eros finally couldn’t help but suddenly appeared from the void. She tried to stop the arrow, but Enlil, who passively used the Eye of the Sky, saw it through and threw it into the air.

Seeing that the rescue failed, Eros yelled to Enlil: “Are you crazy? If you go to war with Enriquez, it is—”

The golden blue arrow broke the sun god’s sun wheel.

The world seems to be condensed into a single point, and everyone looks to the sky——

In the next second, the explosion swept everything! Whether it’s the Sun Palace, Hongyan Mountain, or even the Red River Valley—all the people, things, and things are all dissipated in the power of this arrow.

Eros fell to the ground, and she struggled for a long while, half straightening up.

But as far as she could see, it was all desolate, Hongyan Mountain, the prosperous Mysdall, and the people in the city of Mysdall-everything, all disappeared here and clean.

Because she is a god, she is still alive. Eros began to look for survivors and found that Luga of Ulk was also alive. She checked the status of the opponent and found a dagger from the side of the opponent’s waist. The sapphire inlaid on the dagger was blessed by Storm God-this dagger that Lu Jia took back from Princess Madonna on behalf of Li Hong. He actually saved his life in the end.

After confirming that there were no other survivors, Eros looked to the sky again.

The sun is dim.

Enlier kicked off a head, it was Enriquez’s head.

Eros tremblingly said: “Enlier, God war is a taboo, you will be crusaded.”

Enlier said: “Then let them come.” His sky-blue eyes were shining, and his tone was flat, and he called the name of Eros for the first time.

“Yihato, it’s been a long time, and it’s been a long time since I felt what it was like to lose. This time, what I lost is still something I can’t get anymore.”

Eros sensed the danger in his words. When she saw the other party mentioning the queen, she thought that mentioning the other party would make him calm, so she quickly said: “She really loves you. When she said the last sentence, she didn’t Lie! Enlil, you got what you wanted! I swear by Godhead!”

“So, so you—”

However, Eros finished the last sentence, but Stormwind was not as calm as she believed. He squinted his eyes and chuckled softly: “Is that so? That’s the way it is, but I have already done it.”

When Eros saw this, he said quickly: “It can be remedied! We will go back now and say that it was the first hand of Enriques. Although you will still be locked up, it will be fine after a few hundred years, Enlil. ——”

She accepted the words, because the **** in front of her didn’t move at all, so calm and terribly calm.

Enlier muttered to himself: “It’s so boring.”

He lowered his eyes, his expression calm but composed. Eros looked at his figure, but unconsciously overlapped another demigod who had died on him-this was impossible, but it did happen.

Eros was uncertain: “Who are you?”

Enlier looked at her, his original clear blue eyes slowly overflowed with bright red. He said to Eros: “You have not always been curious, why I have no eyes since I was born? I am also very curious, but a few days ago, I finally understood.”

“It’s not my destiny, but Anutulla took him away. In order to make me never complete, he even reincarnated the part that belongs to me as the son of Enriques, so that we could stand against each other forever. Kill each other.”

“Yihato, you are right, she really loves me. Because Sundar and I are the same person. So we will fall in love with the same person, just like Oris predicted.”

Enlil asked softly: “Yihato, your lover, Oris predicted that I would fall in love with humans. Did he tell you the ending?”

Eros’ complexion changed transiently.

Storm God smiled and said: “The returning **** king will bring dusk-you must be very confused, Anutulla has been incarnate in the universe, how to return. If it refers to me or Enligus, then it should be a new one. , Let alone return. You should have been thinking for a long time, and finally think that the person referred to in the prophecy is more likely to be Enriques, so that you will fall to me.”

Facing the pale-faced God of Love, Enlier said lightly: “But you never thought that the God King was never Anutulla. He split me just to get the seat of the God King. But after all, he is not the world. Choose, you can’t escape the universe.”

Eros screamed: “No, you have not yet ascended to the seat of the King of Gods, and the prophecy has not yet come into effect—”

“At the moment Sundar died in Arthur’s longbow, the part that belonged to me returned. I am complete, that is, the return of the King of God.”

“She knows better than you can see, that’s why she called me the King of Gods.”

“Yihato, you really shouldn’t use words to induce me to kill Sundar, let alone watch her die coldly, so that I can win completely. If she lives, I will never admit it out of jealousy. Sundar is me. I will never be able to become the’king of god’.”

Enlil squeezed the chin of Eros and said gently: “It’s a pity that you made the wrong choice.”

The goddess of love wanted to escape, just when the gods appeared. When they saw Enlier’s actions to Eros, they immediately set the judgment of the gods and declared Enlier a felony. Eros looked terrified and wanted to remind his colleagues to flee, but under the pressure of the gods beside him, he couldn’t say a word.

Enlier listened to his sentence and said, “Done?”

The **** of justice was taken aback, Enlil drew his bow again: “That’s my turn.”

He started the killing.

He was calm and mad.

The battle of gods detonated, and the gods twilight.

After all, destiny has not gone a step too far. What Anutura was afraid of, and what Eros was afraid of, finally came.

The destiny is not Enlil, but the temple maid of Ulk, the prophetic queen.

She is the “chosen of heaven”, the beloved by destiny, and only she can change the will of fate.

They chose the wrong person.

The consequences of the war of gods on mankind are disastrous, and Misdal disappeared from the world overnight. If it weren’t for Luga’s surpassing ability, perhaps Urke would disappear on this day, and history would completely forget the two kings once and start a new cycle again.

Following the example of Queen Ixuda in the name of the Supreme King, Luga chose “Leydon” for his title. He has been in power for a hundred years, bringing Ulk out of the shadow of the war of gods and regaining prosperity. But he refused to erect the temple to reshape Ulk’s belief in the **** of storm. King Leydon believed in the prosperity and well-being of his people—this is what his king once believed in.

The court completely collapsed because of the slaughter of the storm god, and only the throne of the **** king hung in the air.

No one will pray to the gods again, and no one will climb the steps of the court of the gods again.

The king of God sleeps quietly and eternally on the throne. He does not want to wake up, and will never wake up again.

——There is no **** anymore in this world.

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