Quick Transmigration: Doomsday If You Don’t Fall in Love

Chapter 95 - Xinghai 06

Li Hong originally thought that meeting someone in ambush in a disorderly place like the black market would be the limit.

So when they left the black market, re-boarded the private spacecraft engraved with “Roland Empire Army” and suffered a hijacking incident-Li Hong had to re-examine the fragments of the world.

Li Hong could clearly feel the tension. She watched several warships with unidentified load weapons appeared on the radar in front of her, and couldn’t help but ask Yi Ke, who controlled the airship: “When you were a pirate, were you going to be apart from Roland? Are all offended countries?”

Yi Ke didn’t look back: “I became a pirate out of personal interest. What I am good at is eating black and eating black.

If yes, they encountered a fierce attack. Standing in the cabin, Li Hong barely stabilized his figure. Just when he wanted to curse someone, he heard Yi Ke say: “Moreover, it’s hard to say who they are looking for.”

Li Hong: “…?”

Yi Ke turned his head and glanced at Li Hong, showing his tiger teeth when he laughed. The smiling Yi Ke looked hateful and cute. His fingers never stopped on the complicated operation panel. He quickly scanned the enemy plane, and then pointed at the weapon loaded by the opponent and said to Li Hong: “Did you see it? This is it. The empire’s latest particle weapons are also invaluable in the black market. I am afraid that the interstellar mercenary group does not have the ability to obtain these.”

“The other party wanted to hide their identity, so they chose the mass-produced battleship most commonly used by interstellar pirates, but the weapons they loaded were wrong.” Yi Ke looked at Chu Yan with a smile, “The pirates can’t get this. These things can only be obtained by the military departments of various countries.”

“Chuhou, who do you think they want to kill?”

Li Hongqiang calmed himself down: “It will never be me, I am much harmless than Yi Hou who has a record.”

Yi Ke smiled deeper when he heard the words. He did not refute Li Hong, but returned his gaze to the screen and changed the automatic system of the battleship to manual operation. At the same time, he said to Li Hong, “This ship was borrowed by me from Huang Lan. The military logo, but it’s just an old-style modification. Our protection won’t last long and we must jump right away.”

“As for whether we can escape successfully,” he said to Li Hong: “Chuhou, it depends on you.”

Li Hong looked dumbfounded: “Me? I don’t know how to control a spaceship.”

Yi Ke heard that his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled: “We are now in the fourth region of the Roland Galaxy, which is the closest to us and has a jumping point to contact us. It is your second galaxy. But this is your private domain. , If you are not allowed to enter, you will be directly attacked by the defensive machine calibration.”

“Believe me, the defense system your father, who has been the Minister of the Army for ten years, installed on the 3rd Samsung series can blast us into interstellar dust in three seconds.”

Li Hong: “…Wait, I’ll check the contact information.”

Yi Ke calmly said: “You better hurry up, the jump has started.”

Li Hong: “???”

Li Hong pounced on the control panel, and finally emitted a specific frequency in the screams of Tianshen. Under Yi Ke’s control, their spacecraft passed through the colored particle barrier in a thrilling manner, avoiding them. As soon as the two jumps are completed, they are eliminated directly. In contrast, the battleship that followed them to jump exploded into blossoming fireworks in the sea of ​​stars!

Directly watched an interstellar firework Li Hong: Really thief, **** exciting.

On the contrary, after Yi Ke glanced at the number of warships attacked, the expression in his eyes became more solemn: “Only three vehicles came along. It seems that the enemy has also heard a little about the defense of the 3rd class.”

He turned his head and saw that Li Hong’s face was full of rejoicing for the rest of his life, and he spoke like a compliment and more like a sarcasm: “It is said that Chuhou is weak, but now it seems that at least the reflex nerves are still qualified.”

Li Hong: “…shut up.” If I slow down for a second, both of us will become fireworks!

Entering the third three-star system, unless the attacking is a starship formation, Chuhou’s territory is solid. Yi Ke stopped at the fixed-point data provided by Li Hong, and then saw the ancient house of Chuhou.

This is a castle-like building, standing alone on an asteroid. Because Chu Yan didn’t live here very early, and hated it, except for the staff who came to clean it every month, the star seemed to be dead, without any living people.

Relying on Chu Yan’s memory, Li Hong reluctantly took Yi Ke into the main house of the castle, and then sent him to rest. He tried to contact the staff of God Star first. Especially the maid hired by Chuhou. She was afraid that she would be reported to the police because she was considered “sad and excessively suicidal” because she did not go home.

Yi Ke, who was dismissed casually, simply judged the approximate location of the bathroom from the style of the castle decoration, and took a bath as a break. After coming back, Li Hong hadn’t finished what he had to do—he glanced at the other person, bent over and turned over in the storage compartment in the living room, found an unexpired iced drink and opened a bottle of it for himself. Ask Li Hong.

“Hey, do you drink juice?”

The optical brains that Li Hong and Yi Ke carried with them were both damaged in the black market due to the fight. She finally found a working contactor and was debugging the signal. There was no time for Li Yi Ke, so she replied casually: “Drink. “

Yi Ke picked grapes for her. Then he asked: “Is the ice at room temperature?”

Li Hong finally broadcasted the call: “Everything will do.”

Yi Ke took a can of iced grape juice and walked to Li Hong. Li Hong controlled his tone and explained a few words with the maid to make sure that he was not dead, and he was relieved. Yi Ke threw the juice to her, and Li Hong drank two sips, feeling that his heart to lift up since entering the black market was finally let go.

After rest assured, a sense of exhaustion hits. Yi Ke suggested that she take a bath, and by the way, borrow his communication device to use it. He contacted Huang Lan, told him about the attack today, and asked him to pick him up tomorrow.

Li Hong felt nothing wrong, so he took a shower, but she had only walked a hundred meters, and Yi Ke lazily reminded her: “That’s wrong, it’s on the right.”

Li Hong calmly turned to the right and said to Yi Ke: “Of course I know it is on the right.”

Yi Ke smiled and said, “I lied to you, but you didn’t go wrong.”

Li Hong: “…” Isn’t this a bit too much?

Yi Ke was lying on the sofa with wet hair, his chin resting on his arm, his mouth twitched, and Xiang Li Hong asked nonchalantly, “What is your name?”

Li Hong didn’t change his face: “Chu Yan.”

Yi Ke was obviously surprised when he got this answer. He thought that Li Hong would miss her mouth. After all, she had shown enough flaws, and he had suggested enough, and it didn’t make much sense to insist on the name. In his opinion, when he asked this question, it was time for a showdown between the two sides.

It’s a pity that the other party has no tacit understanding with him and is determined.

Seeing the slightly surprised expression on his face, Li Hong’s heart was very happy. No matter what method is used! It’s one game to win back one game!

Yi Ke blinked and couldn’t help laughing, showing his tiger teeth again. He sat up cross-legged and looked at Li Hong squarely.

Li Hong felt that he was smiling inexplicably, and his back was cold.

Facts proved her hunch was right. Yi Ke’s next sentence was: “You hired a murderer to shoot Luo Yi’s death.”

Li Hong calmly said: “Do you have evidence?”

Yi Ke said: “Not for the time being, but there will be soon.”

When Li Hong was about to scold someone, Yi Ke’s optical brain suddenly rang twice. Li Hong was stunned when she heard the sound, and she couldn’t help asking, “Isn’t your optical brain broken?”

Yi Ke’s face is not red and his heart beats: “Well, yes.”

Li Hong: What are you using now!

Yi Ke received the information, and he looked at what the other party had passed to him and showed it to Li Hong.

Li Hong found that it was a photo taken by a group of monitors. Chu Yan’s temperament was so unique that Li Hong could recognize at a glance that the person in the photo was Chu Yan who had entered the black market. Fortunately, the lower half of her face was wrapped in a scarf, with only her eyes exposed.

Li Hong: “…”

She couldn’t help asking Tianhe: “Didn’t he always stay with me in the black market! Information about when to buy!”

Tian Shen: “I know, I must have bought it with a divination woman. The bag of spar he gave, who knows what’s in the spar bag. Don’t forget, he is a paper lover!”

Li Hong deplored: “It’s careless.”

Yi Ke said to Li Hong: “I know these things can’t prove anything, but if you are only used to prove that you have criminal time and criminal motives, the identity of the suspect is enough. As long as you find the killer you hired, this case will be fine. over.”

Li Hong: “…Okay, then wait for you to find it.”

Yi Ke stared at her and Li Hong smiled slightly.

Li Hong said: “There is no black market, and there are no registered ones. Yi Hou, your majesty has not given much time. Please come on.”

Yi Ke stared at Li Hong and narrowed his eyes. He said to Li Hong, “Is it worth it to betray Chu Yan?”

Li Hong said indifferently: “What are you kidding about, I am Chu Yan, what crime I have committed.”

Upon seeing this, Yi Ke turned over and lay down, and sighed with regret: “Tsk, it’s not easy to lie.”

Li Hong sneered twice, turned around and left.

As soon as he left the living room, Li Hong said to Tian Hei: “I can’t wait any longer. It’s only a few days before he suspects that I suspect this is the case. Now I can see that I am not Chu Yan. If I am going to be judged next Insane and impulsive to kill, are you going to sentence me to life imprisonment?”

Tian Shen: “No, not that bad?”

Li Hong: “Anyway, we can’t stay with him. We have to find the killer I hired before him, otherwise I must go to jail.”

Li Hong thought about it for a moment, and then said: “We will return to the imperial capital first. The imperial capital should have Chu Yan’s father’s old department. They will never sit back and watch Yi Ke attack Chu Yan. Jump from here and you will be there twice.”

Tian Shen: “But I can’t fly a spaceship?”

Li Hong opened the window directly, jumped down from the second floor, and ran to the place where the spacecraft was docked: “No problem, I saw Yi Ke’s operation and know how to open the automatic program.”

Tian Shen: “???” Is it really okay?

Li Hong carried her skirt and felt that she was running fast enough, but because she was detouring from behind the castle, when she ran to the place where the spacecraft was docked, Yi Ke was already standing in front of the cabin door.

Throwing a silver metal object in the shape of a bracelet in his hand, he waited for Li Hong to throw himself into the net.

He grabbed the silver metal in the air, and Yi Ke looked at Li Hong, who was panting with the corner of his skirt, and once again showed a smile that made Li Hong feel hateful.

“Does this count as a crime-fearing absconding?”

Li Hong: “…” I will abscond to your fear of sin.

The author has something to say:

Preview of the next chapter:

Li Hong: I am a survivor, do you understand the survivor? Please respect it.

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