Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 15 - Hunting down the Exiled Princess (15)

Chapter 15: Hunting down the Exiled Princess (15)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

After a few days of observation, Su Mei finally found a chance to get close to Bai Yao and win his trust!

Or one could say she got the chance all thanks to Xia Liang.

Those days she got few contacts with Xia Liang these days, but she still learnt about Xia Liang a lot.

What she learnt was that Xia Liang was smart and  her temper was a little unpredictable. There was one thing she could be sure of her.

She was a total stone-hearted person who knew nothing about relationship.

As Bai Yao looked at her with increasingly hot eyes, he was so desperate that he even wished he could become one with her. Sometimes even Su Mei blushed and got shy by his deep affection, even if he wasn’t looking at her that way!

But she could tell Xia Liang had no feelings for Bai Yao. She wasn’t shy or embarrassed, or even showed any emotion at all.

In Xia Liang’s eyes, Su Mei didn’t see love at all. Her eyes were too pure!

When Su Mei figured this out, she kind of felt sorry for Bai Yao. He had fallen in love with such a heartless woman with all his heart. Even if he gave out all his love, he didn’t receive anything in return.

However, Su Mei didn’t literally show her sympathy. As for Xia Liang’s reaction, no one felt happier than her on this.

She knew she still had a chance!

When a man realized that the woman he loved didn’t love him back, would he still be willing to pursue her true love, or would he change his mind to seek comfort from aother women?!

Su Mei wasn’t sure what Bai Yao would react on this. But for her, whatever his reaction was, it always meant she still had a chance!

She could express her loyalty to Bai Yao and contribute ideas to him. She could help him to push Xia Liang, pursue her and make her fall in love him.

In this way, she could let him know that she was always on his side, or maybe even win his affection.

When she really won Bai Yao’s trust, there were a hundred ways to make Xia Liang lose her virginity, ruin her life and sabotage her reputation. Would Bai Yao still love her by then?

Hehe! Su Mei didn’t think he would.

Once she made up her mind, she spent two days stalking them. Finally she found a rare opportunity to get close to Bai Yao alone!

The reason this chance was rare was that Bao Yao became a control freak who would stay with Xia Liang all day long.

Even if the scabs were grown and Xia liang could take care of herself now, Bai Yao still carefully protected her like she was a ceramic doll.

Before Xia Liang was fully recovered, he did not even want to leave her side at all, unless it was work.

He would become freakier when Xia Liang got better and could walk freely.

Whether he went to the court, dealt with government affairs, or went out for business, Bai Yao would all bring Xia Liang with him, let alone eating or sleeping. If possible, he would carry her in his pocket at any time!

In fact, Xia Liang was now lying on Bai Yao’s bed. But she was sleeping only, nothing about sex at all.

If Su Mei knew this, she would never have so much confidence in her plan!

“General, I have something to say. It’s about Miss Xia.” Su Mei couldn’t wait to get straight to the point when she saw Bai Yao privately.

Before Bai Yao got annoyed with her.

Actually she did the right thing!

Before Bai Yao drove her away the minute he saw her, he stopped immediately as soon as he heard it was about Xia Liang. He looked at her majestically, putting his arms behind his back, and said coldly,

“What is it?”

Su Mei took a deep breath and clamed herself down. It was her first time to talk to the powerful and dominant Bai Yao face to face. She almost knelt down in front of his formidable power.

What she used to see was a gentle and harmless Bai Yao who was in deep love with Xia Liang. He was nothing like a muscular and tough god of war.

Su Mei once doubted for many times how this man who spoiled a woman so much as no one else did could be a formidable general.

But now for the first time Su Mei felt deeply who he really was.

Su Mei was even more jealous of Xia Liang to be loved and spoiled by such a god-like man!

She must destroy all this! She would steal Bai Yao from her! She would make him love her with all his heart!

“General, I am really worried about you. Even I could tell that you love Miss Xia with all your heart. But Miss Xia doesn’t seem to feel the same way at all. She even… ”

Su Mei paused and looked up at Bai Yao who was staring at her sharply and coldly as if he was about to tear her apart!

Holding back her fear, Su Mei plucked up some courage and continued,” General, I’m afraid Miss Xia doesn’t feel the same way about you!”

“Do you want to die?!” Bai Yao said coldly.

“No, no! General, you have to trust me! I am telling everything to you because I wish you and Miss Xia happy together! To my observation, Miss Xia is an innocent girl. I’m afraid that she doesn’t know anything about love. But you… That’s why I dared to spit it out before you!”

Su Mei’s face turned pale. There was kind of fear in her voice, but more firmness and sincerity, making her works persuasive!

Bai Yao was shocked by what she said. His hands behind the back held into fists tightly. He had the impulse to kill her because his recent worries were pried by a maid.

But he retrained himself when he thought of Xia Liang and his unpaid love. He said even more seriously,

“Convince me, or you’ll be dead meat!”

Su Mei knew that she was half successful!

Next, she poured all her ideas out to Bai Yao without any reservation…

And Bai Yao, as she gave more ideas, got more seriously but didn’t interrupt her until he finally said, “Do as you said. If it doesn’t work, your life will be over.”


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