Quick Transmigration: Face Slapping The Second Female Lead

Chapter 169 - Apocalypse: My Tyrant Brother (88)

Chapter 169: Apocalypse: My Tyrant Brother (88)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

 “The soul you made the deal with was the reason why you are able to stay in the world. Now that you have lost the soul in exchange of saving Xia Min, you can’t stay any longer. I thought you understood when I explained to you just now.”

“After I leave, is there any…”

“There won’t be anything. When you are gone, there won’t be another you to replace you. The body will be gone completely.” 9957 cut in before she finished her question because it had already known what she was going to ask.

Xia Liang’s heart ached as she learned the truth. Nothing would be left.

Gently touching Xia Min’s cheek and keeping silent for a while, Xia Liang asked,

“Can-Can you erase his memory of me these days?”

“Huh? Why? Why do you want him to forget you?” 9957 asked in surprise, “you-you…”

“Just when my brother was dying, the pain of losing him almost killed me. It was so painful that I didn’t want my brother to wake up and experience the same pain as I did. He can forget and our days being together. Living without knowing anything is the best choice for him. in the future, he can fall in love with someone else.” Xia Liang gently stroked Xia Min’s cheek and said calmly.

At this moment, she seemed to have become the cold-hearted Xia Liang again who had no feeling, did not know love. She was making a rational choice for Xia Min, making him live without a pain.

“Liang, you-you can’t make such a decision for Xia Min. It is his memory. He loved you so much. Erasing his pain means erasing the beautiful memories he had of you. Do you think that’s what he would want if he is awake? I think you…” 9957 tried its best to stop her.

“9957, do as I say!” Xia Liang said firmly.

9957 didn’t want to do because it didn’t think Xia Liang was right.

But sometimes when Xia Liang was so tough, it had to listen to her.

9957 tried to invade Xia Min’s mind and soul to find his memory of Xia Liang. But a moment later…

“Oh my god! Liang!” 9957 screamed in surprise, “Xia Min, Xia Min, he…”

“What’s wrong?” Xia Liang rushed.

“Liang, do you still remember Ji Yue, Jun Wuqing, Bai Yao, Zhou Yan, Zhang Ze?” 9957 mentioned several names excitedly.

“Yes, I do.” Xia Liang frowned, “why are you mentioning them?”

“Liang, Xia Min is them!” 9957 cried in excitement.

“I should have guessed so. How stupid am I! I do have a feeling that since you’ve met Zhang Ze, every man you meet in every world is extraordinary. Don’t erase Xia Min’s memory. He already knew.”

Xia Liang was shocked by the news.

Loads of pictures quickly flashed before Xia Liang’s eyes. What happened in the past including their times being together, what they said, and things that she had deliberately forgotten or never kept in mind, now was all flocked into her mind.

It explained everything!

It explained she had a familiar feeling when she was with Xia Min and the feeling grew stronger as she spent more time with him. In addition, she felt so comfortable and secure when she was around him, which was why she could accept Xia Min so quickly, felt sorry for him and wanted to spend the rest life with him.

For a very long time he had been there in her life, breaking the ice between them and lowering her guard a bit by bit, making him a part of her soul and making her remember him, get used to him and get attached to him.

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