Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 37: Backing Out

Jiang Li looked through the reports recently submitted to him by his assistant.

Somehow, when he was not paying attention to the matter, his father sorted out his second uncle and made the latter retired from his position.

Xie Na asked if he wanted a full account of how this happened, but Jiang Li declined.

In any case, it was not his mission to worry over the family matters of this world's Jiang Li. The help he had provided was already enough. In fact, he had given more than enough since it was he who made sure the second-gen would be convicted.

When he had his people worked on this mess, where were his uncle and his wife?

Jiang Li recalled Jiang Xinyi's words that night. In reality, he had no obligation to grace her that favor.

That time she was like a killer personally telling her victim that he had a change of heart hence she didn't continue with the murder. As the supposed victim, should he be flattered and feel thankful?

Obviously, no. It was their blood relation and his pity towards the girl that made him give her his words.

It was nice that he didn't have to use the favor to plead for Jiang Wen from his father.

'Damn! I'm so tired.'

The man massaged his aching forehead then closed his eyes. After taking joy from seeing that his hard work last night paid off, fatigue washed all over him, making him want to forget everything he had to do. He wanted to sleep.

Xie Na saw his condition and reluctantly asked, "Would you like me to postpone our return trip so you can rest for a few more hours?"

The two had just gone back to their hotel after the business meeting today. The woman hugging several folders stood to the left of Jiang Li who was leaning against his chair's backrest with his eyes shut.

The man opened her tired eyes and stared at the woman, his mission target.

When was this damn task ending? Was she not safe from insanity yet?

Xie Na restrained the twitching of her lips when she saw the man's face darkening. She asked herself if she looked unpleasant today. But it seemed not the case since her style had changed into that of a presentable office lady. Or was it her concerned question? Why was this guy giving her annoyed glances?

She didn't know that Jiang Li was thinking,

'Maybe to make sure this woman won't fall for the male lead, I have to completely drive that guy insane... But how many days do I have to fake nightmares for that Cheng Yijun? Damn, in the next world, I'll go straight to driving the male lead crazy. It should be the surest way for the villainess to not become in love with him!'

If others knew his crazy thoughts they would probably call the mental institution fast and report to them about a wandering patient.


The locations were different, but both Bai Qing and Cheng Yijun woke up with unfocused gazes and unstable mentality.

The male lead had it worse since he was a man, yet he ended up pissing inside his pants when he experienced what the female lead experienced, except what he saw were unborn fetuses giggling and crying throughout the night. Nonetheless, the mocking stares he received from almost everyone in the hospital made him so uncomfortable.

He recalled that it all started with a simple radio story he heard from a station he randomly chose as he drove his car home past midnight. All of a sudden, his phone turned crazy. Then every radio station were filled with weird cries of women and babies.

At first, he didn't know that those were ghosts haunting him for the abortion he ordered his past women to undergo.

Yet when the realization dawned to him, the mournful and spooky cries instantly crawled into his heart, awakening the fear hiding inside there. It persisted for a couple of hours, not letting him have his sleep.

Anxiety consumed him fast since all the problems and pressure he was forced to deal with for the whole day drained him and weakened his mind a lot.

Probably the only good thing the fear brought to him was when his heart and mind could no longer take it anymore; he was knocked out for several hours.

Yet when he woke up, instead of concerned faces, he was greeted by a slap and a harsh scolding from the angry madam of the Chengs.

Through his mother's sobs and gibberish talks, he learned that the chairman of LongFeng Group, his father, fell into a coma due to a fatal heart attack.

When he asked for the reason, the crying madam enumerated a few, mainly, the majority of the shareholders suddenly pulled out all their investments, almost half of the employees either retired or just suddenly gone AWOL, and some of the few who remained had most likely stolen some important files or data about their business operations.

And last but not the least, his fiancée, the princess of the Zhu Corporation, publicly announced that she was backing out of the marriage agreement!

The Zhu Corporation was a behemoth not at all inferior to the former LongFeng Group.

It was only because their sole heiress, Zhu Li, was engaged to Cheng Yijun that while they felt a sense of urgency due to the crises, the worries in their hearts hadn't reached a fever pitch yet. If worse comes to worst, they have the Zhus to back them up.

But now, with the most recent announcement from the Zhu's princess, while none of the major problems had been settled yet, the Chengs' future seemed to be bleak.

Suddenly they found that they could no longer count on the Zhu family's support!

"That... that's a foul play! We should demand an explanation or compensation from them!"

The moment the still muddle-headed male lead said those words, the Cheng's madam immediately gave him a murderous glare. The man promptly shut up, cold sweat streaming down his spine.

Without caring for the two nurses standing behind her, the madam asked in a tone that could freeze people to death,

"Do you know the reason why your father restrained himself from doing that?"

Cheng Yijun couldn't reply. His face lost color as he remembered the reason why he couldn't sleep last night.

The angry middle-aged woman whose makeup had long been ruined hysterically started to pull his hair out while screaming at him.

"It was because of you, you demon!!! How did I give birth to an unlucky thing like you?! Tell me, Cheng Yijun!"

"W-wait, mom! Let's talk this out!"

Madam Cheng ignored him and furiously asked, "How the hell are we going demand anything from the Zhu family? Tell me, how can we? When your, your scandalous videos and the records of your past women undergoing that, that sort of evil thing are already laid bare to the whole world?! Which sane woman will dare to marry a heartless demon like you?!"

Hell seemed to have descended upon that sickroom. Helpless pleading from a man reverberated inside and outside of the place, alerting the doctors and curious visitors from the other wards.

When people saw what was going on within the private room, not few laughed loudly at the mother and son pair.

One playful teenager bravely recorded the scene and not long after, it became a viral video that made Jiang Li's day.



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