Quick Transmigration, the Male Lead is Not Easy to Top

Chapter 229

Chapter 228: Immortal Venerable Stay Safe (1) 2

Moon Pearl City, Linglong Pavilion.

Linglong Pavilion is the most famous restaurant in Moon Pearl City.

The guests who come here range from royal family members, literati and famous officials, down to civilians and pawns, and all corners of the world. There are all kinds of guests, and the small pavilions in the pavilion are also of various styles. A gentle town where men and women welcome guests.

After Liang Yu successfully merged with the host, as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a handsome young man with red lips and white eyes and a seductive look, holding a gorgeous black robe and **** him.

The sleeves are covered with dark lines of gold threads, and the sunlight by the window shines in, faintly reflecting the metallic luster.

“Master, today is your important day. A Jing must dress you up before you can go out…” The boy’s body was fragrant and he said

Then he took the black Jinyu belt and tied it for him, and said with anticipation in his eyes: “If Cult Master Leng sees the son, he will be very happy.”

Liang Yu frowned and sighed in his heart.

He wanted to reject the identity of the host, but it seemed that he had no choice, and he had already been stabbed to the neck.

The original owner’s name is Ruohuan, just eighteen years old, a small restaurant in Linglong Pavilion, and tonight is the day of Ruohuan’s opening…

Ruohuan grew up in Linglong Pavilion from a young age. Because of his outstanding appearance, the owner of the museum regarded him as a future cash cow and carefully cultivated him.

Ruohuan’s Kai-Benke is the leader of the Red Sect, Leng Ruohan.

Leng Ruohan came into Linglong Pavilion a few years ago and liked Ruohuan, so he frequented it and waited for it to grow up. Now is the day to pick the fruit.

“Young Master, Cult Master Leng bought the first night for you with a lot of money. I think I love Young Master very much. If Young Master serves you again tonight, maybe in the future he will be able to serve you again.

Redemption for the son, if this is the case, then it is a great blessing for the son…”

A Jing tied a belt for him, tied a jade pendant, and picked up a comb to tie his hair, with a strong air of envy in his tone.

Leng Ruohan spent 100,000 silver to buy Ruohuan’s first night, which was the first time in Linglong Pavilion.

Liang Yu didn’t say a word, closed his eyes and let the servant A Jing comb his hair.

“Sir, is there anything wrong with it?” A Jing used a horn comb to lightly trim his temples for him. After looking left and right and feeling satisfied, he picked up the bright bronze mirror with a smile and handed it to him.

As a servant who served him since childhood, A Jing was naturally happy for the son.

Leng Ruohan is so generous, thinking that he likes the young master very much. If he can really leave this Linglong Pavilion, he will also be able to escape the fire pit.

Liang Yu picked up the bronze mirror and looked at it.

The young man in the mirror has a sharp and deep profile. He was originally sharp and handsome, but because he was taught the technique of charm since he was a child, even if he changed his mind,

– Between the eyes of the peach blossoms, there is always a little bit of dust and kitsch left.

Liang Yu frowned slightly, and what made him even more dissatisfied was that there was a bright red tear mole under the corner of his left eye.

The crimson mole further weakened the aura of the original owner’s facial features, adding a bit of softness.

Liang Yu only felt that this face made him feel inconsistent, and even had the urge to pick up a knife and cut off the mole.

Just as he was annoyed, he heard a knock on the door.

A slightly lower voice came from a man, urging him to ask: “Ruo Huan, are you ready? The people from the Leng Dajiao faction have been impatient, stop dawdling…”

“Father, the son will be healed soon!” A Jing responded quickly with a panic on his face.

After he finished speaking, he pulled Liang Yu up and looked around in a circle around him. After feeling that there was nothing wrong, he nodded and went up to open the door.

The bustard stood outside, staring straight at Liang Yu as soon as the door opened.

He applauded happily, entered the door with a gust of fragrant wind, and praised, “Sure enough, people rely on clothes, and the clothes sent by Master Leng lining our baby Ruohuan are so beautiful!”

“Today is your big day. This great leader Leng is a rare lover. If you like it, don’t let his sincerity fall. You have to serve me carefully tonight, and don’t annoy others with your ignorance…”

The bustard turned around him twice, looking at the young man in front of him, with a jade crown hanging from his waist and a jade crown on his head, and a gorgeous black robe lining his spirit and heroic spirit. I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the bustard felt that Ruohuan’s eyebrows were more than usual , a little bit more stern, the whole atmosphere has changed a lot, there is a kind of heart that can’t help but want to be convinced, even more secretly shocked that this big leader Leng really has a good vision, and a piece of clothing can make people change so much.

Self-satisfied, he personally took Liang Yu downstairs, and told him worriedly as he walked.

Although Ruohuan is usually very sensible in the cabinet, and his character is calm and reserved, but the benefactor is different from ordinary people. If he is annoyed, he is afraid of causing trouble.

Outside the gate of Linglong Pavilion, a gorgeous red carriage was parked.

Several Red Sect disciples in scarlet robes were waiting.

The bustard watched Liang Yu get into the carriage with his own eyes, and then lowered the curtain with a relieved expression on his face.

Seeing A Jing staring at the direction of the carriage’s departure, with an eager look, he knocked on his head and scolded: “Don’t look at it, Uncle Leng loves Ruohuan’s style, if you want to marry, he Daddy, I will find a good family for you…”

Atkin suddenly blushed.

He thought that he was not what the bustard thought, but was worried about the son.

Liang Yu was not worried about what was going to happen, knowing that it was still an hour and a half away from Linglong Pavilion to Tianyin Mountain, where the Red Sect was located, so he was bored and dozed off on the carriage.

Just when Liang Yu was drowsy, he was suddenly awakened by the high-pitched neighing of a horse.

Liang Yu lifted the curtains and looked out, and found that the convoy had stopped.

– A group of red-clothed guards held their swords and looked around anxiously. They were trapped in a small forest. The forest was filled with a cloud of white mist, and all the guards’ mounts were stomping uneasy as if they were frightened. step.

“This is Baifu LU, I heard, I heard that there are monsters on LU…”

– The group of guards stared nervously around. Although there was no one, they felt a creepy sense of unease. The words that one of them and his companions whispered came into Liang Yu’s ears.

Bai Fushan?

The corner of Liang Yu’s mouth raised with interest, isn’t this the mountain where the male protagonist is located?

“Don’t, don’t talk nonsense!” Another guard loudly refuted his companion’s words, but his face turned a little pale.

“Otherwise, why can’t we get out of this forest and keep circling here?” Several other guards agreed, and their faces panicked.

Liang Yuzheng frowned, and suddenly there was a sharp and strange cry in the forest.

That voice sounded a bit gloomy in its shrillness, causing the dozen or so guards to change their faces.

“He Fang rat! Lord Qing, get out!” A bolder guard shouted with a trembling voice.

“Master is not a rat!” The guard just finished speaking when a clear voice came.

While speaking, three teenagers suddenly appeared in front of me, one in green, one in white, and one in yellow, all of them looking young, in their early fifteen or sixteen years.

The leader of the guards saw these three teenagers, all of them outstanding in appearance, and relaxed his guard for a while: “Who are you?”

“Of course we robbed!” The boy in Baishang jumped forward with a very proud expression.

When the guards of the Red Sect heard that the three were just robbers, they were relieved and immediately raised their weapons to teach the three teenagers a lesson.

The leader roared angrily: “You’re so daring, do you know who is blocking the driver? Why don’t you get out of the way!”

But before they could make a move, they saw that the boy in white clothes yawned impatiently, waved his sleeves, and a gust of wind suddenly appeared, blowing more than a dozen guards out of the woods.

The boy in Baishang drove away more than a dozen noisy guards, and then looked at the carriage with interest.

He turned his head to the green-shirted youth and said with a smile: “Xiao Tan, we have robbed so many times, and every time they are so frightened, why are the people in this car?

Why didn’t you respond, wouldn’t you be dizzy? ”

“Go and have a look and you’ll know!” The green-shirted boy named Xiao Tan jumped into the carriage, lifted the curtain and glanced in, and immediately shouted, “Bai Yao, there’s a handsome man in this car!”

When Bai Yao heard this, she was immediately excited, jumped on the carriage and probed into the curtain, her round eyes stared at Liang Yu.

“Ah!” Bai Yao stared at Liang Yu and looked at him. Seeing that he was motionless, she just stared at him with a smile in her eyes, and slapped her thigh: “It’s really a beautiful man! Don’t hurry up and tie him up. Go up the mountain to dedicate it to the king?”

As soon as these words came out, the youth in the yellow shirt behind also squeezed in, stared at Liang Yu like a monster, and tutted his mouth: “My darling, we have been robbing for so long, and finally there is a beautiful man, hurry up. If you tie him up the mountain, the king will definitely like it!”

The three took the rope and stepped forward, and tied Liang Yu with all his hands and feet.

Liang Yu was extremely cooperative and did not struggle.

“Xiao Tan, this human being is really boring. Why doesn’t he resist? Are we still like robbers if we are so obedient?”

The three tied him into a brown shape and took him up the mountain. No matter what Bai Yao thought on the way, he felt that this human being was a little too cooperative, and he didn’t take them seriously.

“He might be an idiot.” The yellow-shirted youth agreed, running up the mountain, and then said in confusion, “Strange, why do I think this human looks a little familiar?”

“I also feel a little familiar, but I can’t remember where I’ve seen him…” Xiao Tan agreed.

“Yeah, where have you seen him…” Bai Yao scratched her head.

The three teenagers, with their heads full of doubts, successfully took Liang Yu, who was **** with five flowers, to the halfway up of Baifu Mountain, where there was a wide and clean cave.

There is an enchantment at the entrance of the cave. The three of them pass through the enchantment and enter, and on the other side is a land of Taoyuan fairyland.

On the other side of the cave, there is a straight mountain next to it, a long arch bridge spans between the two mountains, and a small red building stands on the edge of the opposite cliff.

The three teenagers entered the small building and found the young man sitting on the couch overlooking the distance on the second floor.

The young man is dressed in a sky-blue robe, his long hair is not tied, and he is casually tied with a blue hairband. He has a graceful profile, his eyes are calm and indifferent, and he holds an ancient book in his hand, which is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

“Your Majesty! We grabbed a beautiful man and brought it back to the King to enjoy it!”

The three teenagers carried Liang Yu forward and threw him onto the long couch where the young man was sitting cross-legged. Liang Yu rolled around on the couch, turned his head again, and met a pair of beautiful women. And cold eyes.

The face of the owner of those eyes is like a delicate and delicate landscape ink painting.

Every line of the eyebrows and eyes has a refined beauty. It was originally an elegant and extreme appearance, but because of the cold color in those eyes, it adds a sense of distance that cannot be approached.

This man sat so quietly, as if everything in the world could not be put into his eyes, and everything in this world seemed to be out of tune with him.

This is undoubtedly a top-notch beauty, but it is obviously a beauty that can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with.

I don’t know if it was because of the beauty in front of him, or because of other reasons, when Liang Yu met the young man’s eyes, he felt a throbbing in his heart that couldn’t be ignored.

This surprised him.

The youth was originally indifferent, but when he looked down and saw Liang Yu, the calm expression on his face cracked.

There was a little bit of shock in those eyes, with disbelief…

“You…” The young man leaned over slightly, spit out a word from his rosy lips, his clear voice was like a spring breeze, and his slender and slightly cool jade white fingers touched Liang Yu’s cheek.

When Liang Yu touched the skin with the young man’s fingers, a thought came to his mind.


Perhaps it was related to the identity of the original owner. As soon as the male protagonist was so close, a light fragrance came from his body. Just smelling this smell made Liang Yu’s heart beat faster.

He actually doesn’t like this feeling a bit…

It’s abnormal, like being bewitched.

The young man’s eyes were full of surprises, doubts, and all kinds of emotions, but when his fingers touched the tear mole on the corner of Liang Yu’s left eye, the joy in his eyes suddenly turned into disappointment.

In my heart, it was more like a basin of ice water had been poured into it, extinguishing all the heat.

Liang Yu watched with his own eyes the enthusiasm in his eyes went out, and his mood went down because of it. He couldn’t help but sigh, the charm of the male protagonist really couldn’t resist even himself.

What’s even sadder is that his identity as the host in this life is the most boring and tragic substitute in the story.

The young man in front of him is True Monarch Dongyang of the Immortal Realm, whose real name is Mo Qing, who was originally a green lotus in the Yaochi under the throne of the Lord of God.

Mo Qing, who was originally ruthless and lustless, with pure six senses, was moved by the smile of the Lord of God.

Five hundred years ago, the Lord of God suddenly declared himself spiritual power, left everything in the immortal world, and went to reincarnate as a human being to practice again.

The gods in the immortal world showed their magical powers, but they could not find the whereabouts of the gods.

Mo Qing’s heart is on the Lord of God, but there is no way to find anyone, so he has to look for other ways.

In the end, he got a chance from the mouth of the devil, Fen Tian, but he also paid a price. In exchange, Fen Tian used the bone-quenching chain to destroy his immortal bones, so that Mo Qing’s cultivation was greatly damaged. To endure the physical pain caused by the damage to the fairy bone.

Mozun told him that if he wanted to find the Lord of God, he had to go to Baifu Mountain first, and wait there for a man who could guide him to find the Lord of God.

Although I don’t know if Fen Tian’s words are true or not, it has become Mo Qing’s only hope.

Although the immortal bones were destroyed, there was still a strong immortal spirit on his body. Bai Fu Mountain was originally a place for all the demons to practice. The little demons on the mountain knew that such a person had come, and they all came to worship the top of the mountain. With his horse’s head, Mo Qing seemed to have become Bai Fu Mountain. The king of the mountain.

And the small hall in Linglong Pavilion, Ruohuan, looks exactly the same as the missing god, the only difference is that there is a tear mole in the corner of the left eye.

After Mo Qing saw Liang Yu’s surprise moment, she realized that the black-clothed youth in front of her was not the one she was looking for.

The frenzied fire in his heart went out in an instant.

Then came more doubts.

He is not the Lord of God, but he has the aura of the Lord of God on his body. Why is this? Why are their faces so similar?

Knowing that they are not the same person, but the familiar aura on him, and their duplicated appearances, made Mo Qing unable to maintain his sanity in the end.

Even if it’s just a similar person, let him see it this way.

Liang Yu looked at the struggle and swaying in his eyes, and finally irresistible compromise, with pain and a little bit of infatuation in his eyes, sighed in his heart, this is the sadness of being a substitute.

However, as a stand-in, it seems that he can’t resist the attraction of the male protagonist from the inside out.

Anyway, just **** this person for the original owner!

“Your Majesty, this human has a head and feet and feet, and it looks delicious with thin skin and tender meat. Are you also satisfied with him?

I mean, let him stay and wait for you tonight? ”

Bai Yao’s round eyes rolled around, and found that Mo Qing saw the kidnapped young man and couldn’t take his eyes off it, unlike those who were kidnapped before who didn’t even look at him. He clearly thought he was good.

“That’s right, Your Majesty, I think this kid is very sensible. We caught him up the mountain, but he didn’t resist. He was very obedient. Your Majesty, just leave him on the mountain for use…” Xiao Tan also agreed.

As soon as Mo Qing appeared in Bai Fu Mountain, they were convinced by his powerful strength. Even though his injury was reduced by his cultivation, it was still not comparable to those little monsters, so he was the only one who followed his lead.

But Mo Qing was very kind to them, but he arranged a task for them.

Find a man.

So this year, these three little demons who are most loyal to him and worship him have been going down the mountain all day to frighten passers-by and kidnap men up the mountain, but none of them have been left behind by him.

Mo Qing naturally didn’t tell them the reason for looking for a man.

So the three little demons speculated that the king must be lonely and wanted to find a man to accompany him.

And now that the king seems to be very satisfied with this beautiful man, they feel even more that their guesses are right.

“Just for the time being…let him stay…” Mo Qing met Liang Yu’s black jade-like eyes, and her emotions were also surging. After struggling and struggling, she returned

He couldn’t help but open his mouth.

When the three teenagers heard it, they immediately showed joy.

“You go down first, I have something to ask him.” Mo Qing didn’t look at the three of them, just stared at Liang Yu. Although they had the same face, it was obvious that they were not the same person.

The look is so different.

God’s eyes will never be so bright, never so scorching hot, he will always be peaceful, and the eyes of God looking down are always merciful.

All beings, that fits his identity…

– One is God, the other is human, how can it be the same.

“Yes, Your Majesty, enjoy yourself!” The three little demons glanced at Moqing with ambiguous eyes, hoping to get him an admiring look, but he didn’t look away at all, so they could only leave in disappointment.

The king is different from ordinary people, and naturally he must maintain a good image.

Mo Qing could hear the tone of the three little demons, which was a little different than usual, but he didn’t understand what was different, but instinctively felt that something was wrong.

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