Quick Transmigration: The Villain Gets Proposed to Every Day

Chapter 31

Chapter 29 The villain wants to divorce 29

Chen Jiaoxi is a teacher of the Central Academy.

The main course teaches the inner circulation mysterious power control and precision algorithm. He has always been famous for his humor and humor. His class will always be one of the most popular courses for students in the year-end appraisal.

But in recent days, Mr. Chen found that the atmosphere of the Central Academy has become a little strange.

During the class, the students’ eyes no longer looked at the teaching with piercing eyes. The most serious students did not ask questions in class. More guys sneaked away or dozed off, and some even put thick books together. Pile, the cat hid behind her waist, sneaking up and pulling a booklet.

Could it be that the little guy who didn’t know what good or bad brought the **** pictures into the academy again?

But when Chen Jiaoxi was stern, holding a pile of confiscated pamphlets, and brought the pamphlet back to his residence in a crowd of pitiful eyes, his gaze scanned the title on the cover of the pamphlet, and he was suddenly a little surprised: “Huh?”

On the pamphlet was a line of big characters, “Guan Po Cangqi”.

The lower line of small print:

[This book is adapted from real cases. 】

[It tells the story of Guan Heng, a young man who has been a waste of firewood, stepped out of Luo County and reached the peak step by step in a world of profound energy that had multiplied to its peak…]

Open the next book, “Douxuan Continent”.

Small print:

[This book is adapted from real cases. 】

[Look at how a young man surnamed Guan slashed towards the sky, eradicating the evil forces and avenging his family…]

The next book, “How Genius is Made”.

The cover of this book was painted with colorful pictures. The handsome boy gave a thumbs up and smiled heartily. The little tiger’s teeth were shining in the sun.

Erotica is this kind of routine now?

No, I haven’t been out of the academy for only half a year, so I can’t keep up with the trend of eroticism?

Chen Jiaoxi grabbed the color-page booklet curiously, and planned to look through it to find out.

As soon as he opened it, a line of bold characters came into view—


“I’m not a genius, I just spend other people’s rest time for practice.”

The teenager surnamed Guan who was interviewed smiled shyly. Even when he was interviewed, he was still in a meditative posture, and his profound energy was circulating rapidly around him, non-stop.

“One leap, you can’t take ten steps; ten rides on a horse and a horse are hard to give up.” The boy said, “My success is not accidental, but the accumulation of hard work over the years.”

“I can prove it to Brother Guan!”

A boy of the Zhao family who did not want to be named showed admiration: “Brother Guan has been very hardworking since he was a child, and he worked hard. The sweat he shed can make two circles around the continental plate!”

“I live next door to his house. When I hear his sonorous running sound every day when I am ugly, I feel that I am full of energy and I want to get up and practice with him!”

“Over reputation, over honour.” Guan surnamed the young man humblely said.

“I just think about one problem from time to time.”

“Human, the most precious thing is life, life is only once for everyone. How should this only one life be spent?”

“I hope that when I recall the past, I will not regret for wasting my years, and not be ashamed of my inaction; when I am dying, I can say: my entire life and all my energy have been dedicated to the world The most magnificent cause, the practice to explore the limits of mankind.”


After reading it, Jiaoxi Chen couldn’t return to his senses for a long time: “…”

What a great determination! What a strong will!

Isn’t this the ultimate life he has been pursuing?

The teacher held a book in his hand and stayed in place for a long time, his eyes brightened little by little.

That night, the small building where Mr. Chen was taught was brightly lit and stayed up all night.

And one kilometer away from the large-scale accommodation area for ordinary teaching and ordinary students, the small courtyard, which is leisurely, quiet and lush with flowers, is also lit for a long time.

The red candle hung high, the flame flickered, and the warm yellow candle light illuminates the small courtyard, covering all the ink bamboo and falling in the warm light orange like the sun.

The courtyard floor was covered with paper.

The candle fire rose, and the bright light was reflected on the slightly yellowed crusty paper, and a circle of paper was baked so close that the tip of the paper was lifted and bent into a graceful arc. The words are densely written on the paper, and the neatly arranged prints are so close that they can still smell the faint fragrance of ink.

There was a shadow on a small case in the middle of the courtyard.

The white skirt swayed on the ground, the skirt swayed gently with the wind like petals, and the candle shadow outlined a slender and delicate figure, like a waterfall of black hair hanging behind him, and gently swayed with the master’s movements, chaosing the candlelight.

“Finally finished another book…”

Xie Ziyou grinned, raised his head and stretched out a big lazy waist, his small nose was slightly upturned, and a pair of beautiful peach eyes overflowed with a smile that could not be concealed.

The young man tossed it casually, and threw the wet paper roll behind him.

“Take it and print it quickly. Tomorrow morning, I will see it appear on the desks of all school-age students!”

The scroll leaped in the air, and the pages fluttered and fluttered, like a white dove, lightly falling in front of the system.

On the cover, Long Feifengwu wrote a line of big characters, “In those years, I grew mushrooms in Luoling”.

The system grimaced, and sighed: “Youyou…”

Xie Ziyou interrupted it immediately.

The boy raised his fingers, his eyes burning, and asked expectantly: “I’ll talk about it later, you tell me first, our market…Bah, what is the public opinion share now?”

“…Close to 50%.”

Xie Ziyou frowned.

This result… is not satisfactory.

“What about the others? Are they indifferent, cruel, and lacking in empathy?”

Laozi tried so hard to copy…cough, to carry the essence of different world cultures, if the remaining 50% of the people did not have physical defects, how could they be so cruel and determined not to be moved?

“…Youyou, the remaining 50% are mostly women, and the escalation and inspirational literature you write can’t touch them.”

That’s it!

Xie Ziyou’s black-and-white eyes rolled around, and several new ideas popped up in his heart.

He eagerly grabbed a piece of blank paper, dipped his pen in ink, and wrote a few big words on the page:

“Overbearing Guan Shao Fall in Love with Me”

The system with a panoramic view of everything: “…”


“Youyou, besides upgrading the stream, you are also well versed in jj female essay routines…”

Xie Ziyou smiled openly: “Edit!”

The young man was attentive, concentrating and calming, his sleeves fluttered and flicked away.

The pretty small characters of hairpins pouring out continuously from under the penholder, falling on the paper, turning into sections of delicate and gentle, love-hate intertwined words and sentences.

Apart from other things, he had already seen a certain Gege, a certain Yumengmen who was famous all over the country in those days.

At that time, Xie Ziyou was young and couldn’t grab the remote control in his mother’s hands. He could only sit on the sofa obediently and watched his mother whimper with tears.

And he never needed a complete text.

As long as the classic clips are extracted, it is enough to maximize the favorability of the readers towards the protagonist.

Xie Ziyou was in high spirits, while shaking his pen and writing, he laughed in a low voice.

He hung his head, most of his face was in the shadows, and the candlelight swept across his long, soft and shiny hair, only a gleam of light in his eyes.

I don’t know what part of the bridge he is writing, only the pages of paper are rustling, and the young man smiles continuously, the dark night is lingering, the cold wind is scorching, the bamboo shadow is horizontal, and the whole small courtyard is shrouded in weird evil.

The system prints on the side, while worrying about it.

If a maid comes in right now, don’t you think Xie Ziyou is evil?

What is terrible.

A soft knock came from outside the courtyard, and Youqin whispered outside the courtyard, “Miss!”

“Huh…huh? Youqin?”

Xie Ziyou was still immersed in the world of the book, unable to break free for a while, and his speech reaction was slow for the first half of a beat until Youqin pushed the door to enter, the door shook, and he let out a crisp “squeak—”

The young man regained his senses, leaped forward with a stride, and pushed backhand!

The wooden door had just opened a small slit, and it was pushed back and slammed shut immediately.

Then he glanced into the crack of the door, and vaguely saw the ink-scarred Youqin: “???”


Xie Ziyou hurriedly coughed a few times, spinning his brain quickly, and squeezing out an excuse: “Well, You Qin, I’m busy, studying a formation, don’t come in yet.”

You Qin stood in front of the closed wooden door, puzzled.

When did her lady start studying the formation?

And at that moment, she clearly caught a glimpse of the pile of pages on the ground, which seemed to be the kind that has been popular in the college recently…

Youqin reluctantly suppressed his doubts, took off a jade ring from his hand, and carefully placed it outside the door.

She respectfully said: “Miss, a thousand phalaenopsis orchids have been picked, and the maidservant has brought it to you.”

Xie Ziyou raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes lit up.

So fast?

But after thinking about it, he can also figure out the joints.

After all, the identity of “Xie Fairy” is very noble in the Central Academy, and besides Youqin and others, naturally there are people rushing to help “she”.

Picking grass, something that can be done with labor, can only be done in three days. It can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

“You put it outside, I will take it later.”

“By the way, You Qin,” Xie Ziyou suddenly thought of something again, and shouted from the air, “Go and find me two pots of wine, sweet ones, hurry up!”

It is said that alcohol can stimulate the creativity of scholars. Why did he just remember it?

In ancient times, Li Taibai was drunk and wrote a book. Today he is in good spirits. He Xie Ziyou also has to learn!


It looked at Xie Ziyou’s energetic and flamboyant brows, and looked at his host’s blushing white cheeks because of excitement, a little sad.

Don’t make any trouble.

Outside the door, You Qin supported the door rail and answered “Yes” hesitantly.

The maid lingered for a long time, still unable to suppress the distracting thoughts in her heart, she couldn’t help but ask: “Miss, you pick this herb, are you…”

Xie Ziyou: “Huh?”

A cold sound came from the door, through half of the courtyard, through the shadows of the whirling trees, was blown by the cold night wind, and then passed into Youqin’s ears, adding a little impatience for no reason.

You Qin hurriedly bowed down to salute.

Not daring to talk more, she respectfully slammed her head towards the wooden door, got up and backed up a few steps, and glanced over the jade ring she had just put down.

The emerald jade is the ring, and it is like ink under the night, and the flowing light turns into a mysterious Dao pattern. It walks on the ring surface and quickly grabs the trace.

The maid in white has dark eyes, and the emotions in her sight are very complicated.

Since I heard that Guan Heng had entered the Central Academy, her young lady has become very strange.

It feels like…in love.

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