Quick Transmute Substitute Female A [Female A Male O]

Chapter 35

Chapter 34 – 034 Innings.

The box was so quiet that one could hear a needle drop.

Cai Xuexi and his old classmates leaned their heads together, and stared at Lu Ruanruan’s rising wrist with a good look.

Even though Lu Ruanruan’s luck turned 6 against the sky for the first time, no one dared to take it lightly. Every time she shook the dice box, Wang Qian and others subconsciously lowered their breaths. It seemed that Lu Ruanruan was more attentive than Lu Ruanruan himself.

Lu Ruanruan couldn’t help but find it funny, she was very clear in her heart, as an alpha, her clothes were all off, and she turned her head to the outside, it was not a disadvantage.

If you are afraid, if you are regarded as an exhibitionist by the urban management and arrested by the Federal Social Appearance Bureau, you will lose face to Lu Lu and Qi Yan.

Huo Jingwen had a smile on his face, but it wasn’t really a smile.

The clear eyeballs were covered with a layer of impermeable shadows, probably feeling her gaze, raised the colorful wine in his hand to her, and looked away casually.

The lights are blurry and the wine is overflowing.

The man raised his head, his two thin lips held the wall of the cup, and his Adam’s apple slid up and down.

The colorful cocktails in the glass will bottom out at a speed visible to the naked eye with the sound of “gurgling”.

The waitress dressed in chains who served Huo Jingwen in front of her was already fascinated by her eyes. She folded her thighs and knelt on the ground, refilling her drink reverently. As she lowered her head, the chains jingled.

It seemed that he could lead him to the sofa just by giving him a suggestive look, and the voice of the waitress on the opposite side.

Lu Ruanyuan looked away and smiled abruptly. After so many years, Huo Jingwen finally changed.

Time changed everything, the stubbornness and innocence of youth disappeared completely from him, he seemed to be more stable, more mature, and more… more at ease.

Lu Ruanruan didn’t make a sound for a while, but Wang Qian bumped into her elbow with a bluff: “Ruan, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and shake!”

Lu Ruanyuan let out a sloppy oh, didn’t use much force, and put the dice on the coffee table passively.

“Damn it.” Wang Qian said angrily, “What time is it, can we not sleep for a while and be more serious.”

Cai Xuexi couldn’t stand it anymore, and said with pouting lips: “Lu Ruanruan, can we choose the second one, it’s really unnecessary…”

Before Cai Xuexi finished speaking, the man on the opposite sofa who hadn’t said a word finally spoke.

“Get out!”

The words were spoken to the chain dress girl alpha, his voice was low and deep, and the aura of his whole body suddenly let go.

The surrounding air could not help but drop a few degrees.

Cai Xuexi couldn’t help shrinking his neck, and swallowed the words he hadn’t finished speaking into his throat.

The atmosphere is suffocating in the air.

The female alphas in chain suits filed out, and as the box door closed again,

Huo Jingwen raised his eyes, and gracefully leaned back on the sofa, as if he finally remembered that there was someone like Lu Ruanruan.

He cast her a look with drooping eyes: “Continue.”

The man’s eyes were sharp, and he looked over lightly. Lu Ruanruan could bear it, but the old classmates around her were the cowardly ones, who shrank their necks and hid behind her.

Lu Ruanruan couldn’t help laughing, and opened the dice box.

“Damn it!” Wang Qian poked her head out and took a closer look.

six! It turned out to be six!

Wang Qian tilted her head and smiled from ear to ear: “Lu Gou, your luck is against the sky tonight…”

Lu Ruanruan didn’t say a word, she held the dice, turned it back and forth, and lowered her eyebrows in thought.

“Good luck. One more time…” Huo Jingwen’s lips twitched an aggressive joke, and he repeated with raised eyebrows: “You can regret it!”

Under the light, Lu Ruanruan raised his head slowly, the fox’s eyes raised, and he asked helplessly, “Is that why you don’t want to see me?”

Huo Jingwen propped his chin with one hand, and was startled suddenly, as if he was drunk, his eyes turned red.

He raised his hand slowly, pointed at the dice box on the coffee table with a slanted forehead, and said without any emotion: “If you don’t play, get out!”

Lu Ruanruan met his gaze and smiled: “Play!”

Huo Shao was provoked into anger.

A group of acquainted dudes in the private room slowly sensed the man’s alluring aura, and their hearts became tense.

Qian Mingming glanced at Huo Jingwen, then at Lu Ruanruan, his eyes wandering back and forth.

“Brother Huo, it won’t happen.”

Tonight’s game was organized by Qian Mingming. Lu Ruanruan just moved out of Mr. Qi, and he has already proved his identity.

If something happened to her at his place tonight, Mr. Qi might have to make fun of their family. The most important thing is that behind Lu Ruanruan is the legendary crazy critic Qi Yan.

Huo Jingwen’s expression remained unchanged, and he cast a cold glance at Qian Mingming.

Even with a flirtatious glance, Qian Mingming couldn’t persuade the rest of his words anymore, and his lips trembled. He gave up trying to persuade Huo Shao, and turned his gaze back to Lu Ruanruan: “Miss Lu, you can do it with two games… What Huo Shao said before was all angry words, and it will be better if I apologize to you… “

Lu Ruanruan slowly lifted the dice box without shaking it a few times, and put it directly on the table.

She glanced at Qian Mingming: “Go…”

The fat on Qian Mingming’s face was shaking up and down, his hands were stiff on the coffee table, neither moving nor moving, dozens of gazes fell on his back, dense sweat oozes from his forehead, he closed his eyes cruelly and opened the last result.

“Fuck…why is it still six!”

“Ahhhhhhh, we won… Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

“If it wasn’t for the dice we played with just now, I would have thought it was cheating!”

“Absolutely, absolutly son.”

Excited whispers erupted in the box.

Lu Ruanruan raised her eyelids and curled her fingers.

The man in the dark bit his tobacco and took a deep puff, his cold and clear face was hidden in the mist.

Huo Jingwen’s long eyelashes drooped, his eyes rolled down with difficulty, and he whispered to Lu Ruanruan, “Not bad, quite capable…”

He seemed to lose all his strength suddenly, put one hand on Wei Nan’s shoulder, opened his drunken and blurred eyes: “Let’s go.”

Wei Nan cursed with a smile, and put the man on his shoulders: “Where are you going? The old house, or your apartment…”

Huo Jingwen drank too much, his thinking was a little slack, he paused for ten seconds, looked Lu Ruanruan up and down, and said abruptly, “Your home.”

“All right.” Wei Nan lowered his head and dragged the person out: “My house is my house… I don’t know if my dad is back from vacation. If he comes back, he can make you some hangover soup.”

The whole room in the box, after that accident, had long since lost their intentions to drink.

He didn’t even have time to say anything about the scene, he followed Wei Nan and filed out.

Wang Qian winked at Cai Xuexi, and took Lu Ruanruan’s arm: Hehe smiled: “Lugou, today you can be regarded as a face to our classmate, let’s go, let’s find a place to have supper tonight.”

Cai Xuexi and the others nodded hurriedly.

“Yes, yes, this place is unlucky, let’s find a place to form a game… Alas…”

The private room was dark, and Liu Mengmeng walked out, talking at the same time, who knew that something like a round bead stepped on the sole of her foot, slipped on her foot, staggered forward, and threw her body on the ground.

Fortunately, Cai Xuexi reacted in time and supported her arm to stand still.

“The lights are in the dark, there are wine bottles all over the floor, can you walk while looking at the ground?” The honest and honest Cai Xuexi couldn’t help but lower his face.

Lu Ruanruan was taken aback, she seemed to have heard someone say the same thing, subconsciously looked over, the moment her eyes touched the dice on the ground, her pupils shrank suddenly.

She broke away from Wang Xin’s holding arm, walked forward quickly, bent down and picked up the dice that tripped Liu Mengmeng.

Then, as if thinking of a certain possibility, his eyes quickly glanced at the dice box on the coffee table. The box was open, and there was an identical dice lying quietly on the base.

No one noticed Lu Ruanruan’s strangeness.

Wang Qian was still bluffing and saying, “Lu Gou, what are you doing?”

The group of rich second generations in the private room had already left. Lu Ruanruan’s eyes were half-opened, and he withdrew his gaze complicatedly, and said to Wang Qian, “You guys go first. We’ll have supper next time.”

Wang Qian asked: “What about you?”

Lu Ruanruan frowned, and made an excuse casually: “I’ll wait for my dad’s driver to come and pick me up!”

“All right, all right.” Wang Qian chuckled, “I know our sister Ruan is Bai Fumei Alpha, alas, if only we had found out that you are a down-and-out daughter, I would have given you a meal back then, but today…hahaha, in case… Promise with a billionaire family.”

Three minutes later, the box returned to silence.

Lu Ruanruan sat on the empty sofa and poured himself a glass of wine.

【You have nothing to say to me】

The system didn’t reply immediately, and said in a hesitant tone: [I just helped you with the tricks… no thanks. 】

Lu Ruanyuan let out an oh, picked up the sieve box on the coffee table, and started to shake it.

First time: 6

Keep shaking.

Uncovered: 6

shake again,

uncovered: 6

There was no expression on Lu Ruanruan’s face, the facts were in front of him.

She picked up the magical “666” and put it in her pocket.

Then replace it with the dice you picked up just now, and continue shaking. Three consecutive times: 5.1.3

Lu Ruanruan suddenly felt a little parched, she raised her hand and poured a cold beer into her mouth.

The tone is neither salty nor weak: [Say! 】

[…] For the first time, Lu Ruanruan bluntly exposed the lie of the system, and it paused for a long time.

Depressedly said: 【Didn’t you see it all? Yes, the male lead did the hands and feet. The “666” sieve just now was installed with a miniature remote control locator… No matter how you shake it, it will be 6. If you look carefully, there is a particle-sized remote control microcomputer on it. 】

Lu Ruanruan said coldly: [Huo Jingwen is quite capable. 】

[I didn’t expect it either. ] The system hesitated for a moment.

[Didn’t expect him to have deep affection for me? ] Lu Ruanruan hooked his lips sarcastically: [Or did you not think that the hero with a blackening value of 100 would not want to touch me? 】

The system choked: [I didn’t expect him…]

【Do you know why you can’t think of it】

system:【? 】

[Because you are not human! 】

Lu Ruanruan’s voice was very soft, and I don’t know if the last sentence was said to the system or self-condemnation.

It’s been six years, six years have passed, who would have thought that Huo Jingwen was an idiot, it was really shocking, he, he, he, he didn’t think of hurting her?

Even if he knew that Lu Ruanruan, the female A, once stabbed him in the chest, “deceived” him, and used him as a tool for revenge!

When we meet again, he is just… that’s all!

Lu Ruanruan couldn’t bear it. Thinking of that night, he broke the proud man, and thinking of his exhausted expression when he left tonight, as if someone planted a thorn in his heart.

She took out the “666” dice from her pocket and played it back and forth with her fingertips to calm down.

Who knows that in the next second, the door of the box was kicked open from the outside.

Lu Ruanruan raised his eyelids.

Huo Jingwen stood at the door, the dim light fell on his face, making him pale.

He supported the wall with one hand, his dark eyes were focused, he didn’t expect Lu Ruanruan to stay in the box, and his brows furrowed instantly.

Lu Ruanruan glanced behind the man, Wei Nan was not there.

She frowned slightly: “Why haven’t you gone back yet, where’s Young Master Wei?”

Huo Jingwen didn’t say a word, his eyes were already stained with a trace of drunkenness, in order to dispel the dizziness, he put his finger on his forehead first, and rubbed the center of his brows fiercely.

He glanced at the coffee table, lowered his eyes, pointed at Lu Ruanruan to the door, and said succinctly, “Get out!”

Dress impeccably! It was normal for enemies to meet Huo Jingwen and treat each other indifferently.

If the dice were not found, Lu Ruanruan might be able to turn around and leave with peace of mind.

But at this moment… how does she go?

How could he pretend to be nonchalant and trample his self-esteem in the dust.

Lu Ruanruan ignored the man’s gaze, pulled his lips, and pulled out a soft arc that she didn’t even notice.

She closed her eyes and looked at him with unprecedented seriousness: “I haven’t had time to say a word to you, I’m sorry.”

Huo Jingwen’s eyebrows twitched.

“Six years ago, I was ignorant, and I won’t in the future.”

Huo Jingwen raised his head slowly, he took all her expressions into his eyes, and then smiled mockingly.

This is Lu Ruanruan.

The person who bowed his head to apologize to him was Lu Ruanruan.

Lu Ruanruan, who looks lazy but doesn’t care about his arrogance!

Huo Jingwen never thought that she could sense other people’s emotions and bow her head to admit her mistakes.

However, under the dim light at this moment, her guilt floated in her eyes.

Huo Jingwen is very smart, he is so smart, even if he is paralyzed by alcohol, he can interpret the meaning of Lu Ruanruan’s words without missing a single word.

She was telling him that she had grown up, and she would not do the **** thing six years ago! Won’t hurt him again!

Huo Jingwen curled his lips ridiculously, what he wanted was never this late apology, what he wanted was the hug and love she owed him.

Huo Jingwen suddenly felt that tonight was absurd and ridiculous. He even wished to think that she came back because of him.

His fingertips sank deeply into the palm of his hand, and his face was covered with a layer of icy frost.

He raised his head contemptuously, stared at Lu Ruanruan’s eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, “Are you talking about old times with me?”

Lu Ruanyuan opened her mouth: “I just want to say hug to you…”

“Lu Ruanruan.” Huo Jingwen interrupted her abruptly, the corners of his lips twitching lightly.


“Isn’t Huo Shao from Sijiu City much easier to use than the No. 1 high school in Haicheng?” Huo Jingwen smiled, his eyes were stern and determined.

Lu Ruanruan subconsciously shook her head, and only after shaking did she realize that the blood on the man’s face had faded.

His eyes seemed to be polluted by some garbage, and he looked back lightly.

Squeezing away her smile, she looked down at her condescendingly: “You are quite interesting, I believe you, I was a joke six years ago.”

Lu Ruanruan stood in the shadow without saying a word, she opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Even if the man strikes at this moment, she has no urge to fight back.

But he didn’t move at all, and after a few sarcasm, he kindly closed his mouth.

Huo Jingwen’s consciousness was a little slack, propped up against the wall, narrowed his eyes to barely keep awake, and scanned every inch of the box.

He actually knew that he was drunk, if he hadn’t walked to the parking lot a few minutes ago and found that the dice was not in his pocket. .

Huo Jingwen will not turn back to search again.

He has always been impeccable in his work. Tonight at the Canghai Bar, he revealed Lu Ruanruan’s affairs. If there is no accident, everyone in the circle will know about it tomorrow.

Leaving the dice in the box is a hidden danger, and there is no need to let the group of grandchildren know about Huo Shao’s careful thought in Sijiu City.

Since Wei Nan happened to be on the phone, he simply came up by himself.

It’s just that Lu Ruanruan didn’t leave, and couldn’t be driven away.

Huo Jingwen frowned, not wanting to talk nonsense with her.

Supporting her long, fluffy legs, she strode into the box, her eyes darting back and forth to every corner without a trace.

The empty wine bottle on the ground twisted and fell to the ground. The man’s figure was swaying, and he almost stepped on the wine bottle several times and slipped to the ground.

Lu Ruanruan endured it, and finally didn’t hold back, and straightened up.

He walked up to him quickly, trying to help him.

Huo Jingwen didn’t give her a chance, he swung Lu Ruanruan’s arm away, his pupils shrank suddenly when his dark gaze passed over the place where she was sitting just now.

In the shadows, the previous dice rolling box was lying on the sofa, and there was nothing in the box.

Huo Jingwen seemed to have noticed something, he stopped, met Lu Ruanruan’s gaze, and said sharply: “Bring it!”

Lu Ruanruan curled her fingers: “What?”

He stared right into her eyes, Lu Ruanruan avoided his gaze, subconsciously stuffed his fingers into his pocket.

Huo Jingwen took her subtle movements into his eyes, and thought of some possibility in vain, his mind went blank for a moment.

His thick long eyelashes trembled violently, and shouted at Lu Ruanruan hoarsely: “Dice! Die! Take it out.”

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