Quick Transmute Substitute Female A [Female A Male O]

Chapter 5

Chapter 4 – 004 Salted Fish Hungry, Rice (3)…

Wei Nan pinches the mineral water bottle with his left hand and holds a football with his right.

Xiao ran forward and finally caught up with Huo Jingwen.

He panted tiredly, tilted his head and asked, “Brother Wen, today… um, are you skipping class?”

Wei Nan just came back from the football field, when he burst into sweat, the little prickly head shook, beads of sweat splattered everywhere.

It was strange, Huo Jingwen frowned, and walked away without a trace.

Sure enough, he still hates sweaty people.

As Huo Jingwen’s junior and attendant, Wei Nan is familiar with Huo Jingwen’s cleanliness.

Normally, he would never go to his ancestors in sweat. Today was purely an accident. If he really wanted to find out the reason, it would be shocking and courageous.

His grandma said that someone else’s child Huo Jingwen skipped school, which shocked him, the first time in his life.

Huo Jingwen was completely different from his second-generation father. He grew up under Marshal Huo’s knees.

He has good grades and a high IQ, but he is not the kind of person who is arrogant and arrogant. He behaves in the world, and shows his emotional intelligence everywhere.

It can be said that they are the most upstanding ones in their generation.

For Huo Jingwen, such things as skipping class were low probability events.

If something goes wrong, there must be something strange.

Wei Nan’s eyes rolled round and round, ignoring Huo Jingwen’s lightness floating in his eyes.

Hehe smiled and said: “Brother, tell me honestly what good things did you do behind my back?”

“Want to know?” Huo Jingwen stopped in his tracks, looked sideways at Wei Nan, and saw that he nodded hurriedly.

He smiled casually: “Bad thing. Can’t say it.”

The implication is that I will tell you good things, and tell you nothing about bad things.

Speaking of this, Huo Jingwen obviously didn’t intend to tell him.

Even relying on his small relationship with Huo Shaofa, Wei Nan didn’t dare to continue asking.

The two of them were about to walk to the back door of the experimental class.

Wei Nan trembled and asked, “Brother Wen, let’s enter through the back door separately, you or me first?”

The experimental class is the focus of the grade, and the teacher’s management is naturally stricter than that of the ordinary class.

The Chinese teacher in their class is gentle and doesn’t often train others.

However, according to past experience, it is much easier to go through the back door than the front door.

Huo Jingwen lowered his eyelids, and kicked Wei Nan lazily: “De Xing, you have mastered the way of going through the back door before you have entered the system. You have lost all face of the old Wei family. There are still a few minutes left.” Class is over, stand aside and go.”

Wei Nan staggered and nearly fell down.

Just as he was about to refute, his gaze happened to meet the girl in the last row of the class by the back door.

Although the other party quickly looked away, Wei Nan’s heart missed half a beat, and he bumped into Huo Jingwen’s elbow.

The tone was excited, and the expression seemed to have discovered a new world: “Brother Wen, look, Lu…Lu Ruanruan didn’t sleep…”

Huo Jingwen stepped forward with his feet hanging in the air, he looked sideways, followed Wei Nan’s fingers, and looked towards the last row.

On the seat facing the back door, the girl rested her chin with one hand, and held a signature pen on her pale finger bones that looked like broken lotuses.

The tip of the pen stayed on the textbook, and there was no movement for a long time.

She was wearing the same style of black T jeans as yesterday, and her long hair was tied into a bunch.

One or two strands of untied hair leaked from the graceful and slender neck, obviously it should be unruly and unruly.

Coupled with her face, it is three parts bright and three parts lazy, with a trace of wildness of a bad girl.

From a distance of three meters, Huo Jingwen saw Lu Ruanruan’s face up close for the first time.

Unable to control his instinctive reaction, his eyes glued to her body like glue, as if he wanted to count all the fine hairs on the other person’s face.

“Lu Ruanruan Shenlong can’t see the beginning but doesn’t see the end. I only know that she is good-looking, but I didn’t expect to be so good-looking… Fuck, she was looking at me just now!”

Wei Nan’s blah blah came from next to his ear, and Huo Jingwen reluctantly calmed down.

Pretending to be calm, he retracted his gaze, and his dark eyes were fixed on Wei Nan’s chattering mouth.

Meifeng frowned slightly: “Do you want to drink some water?”

Wei Nan: “Huh?”

Huo Jingwen turned his back, and said with a half smile, “I see that your mouth is quite tired. You have talked so much in a day, but you haven’t seen much information on environmental protection.”

The implication is total rubbish.

Wei Nan was taken aback for a moment before he realized: “Fuck, Huo Jingwen, stop for me…”

It’s a pity that it was too late to ask for an explanation. The tall boy in front turned on his toes and walked towards the rear door on the left.

Wei Nan was dumbfounded, and called him a good guy.

Having been brothers for many years, he didn’t realize that Huo Jingwen is a prudish person. The back door was quite calm.

Wei Nan raised his foot to follow.

The girl who was in the center of the discussion between the two before suddenly turned her head, and her peach blossom-shaped eyes fell on Huo Jingwen alone this time.

The four eyes are facing each other, and the flames are shining.

Wei Nan glanced at the two people who were looking at each other affectionately, and said to himself, this is **** and mung bean, have you taken a fancy to it?

The next second, Lu Ruanruan held the tip of the pen in her mouth, raised her chin at Huo Jingwen, and put one hand on the doorknob.

With a bang, he slammed the back door relentlessly.

Dust fell down, Huo Jingwen stood less than five centimeters away from the door, and ate a mouthful of ashes.

Ever since he was born, he had never seen Huo Shao so devastated, Wei Nan supported the wall and laughed out loud.

“Brother Wen, why did you provoke her? Lu Ruanruan has a big opinion on you.”

Huo Jingwen touched the dust on his body, expressionless, and said in a surprised tone: “She sleeps all the time, how can I have any friction with her?”

If we talk about friction, it is the hush money incident this morning.

Huo Jingwen thought about it, he had the blessing of his illness to face the pathogen Lu Ruanruan.

He couldn’t control his facial expressions at all, and he smiled like a fool this morning, so how could he still be hated by her?

Seeing the brother’s expression on the face of strangers, he looked very angry.

Wei Nan thought for a while, but didn’t know what to say…

The two stood side by side against the wall, and the language teacher on the podium took out the previous month’s exam paper.

“Our class got a full score in the language test this time. But because the writing was too scribbled, I deducted the test scores from him privately. If it wasn’t for this reason, his total score in the monthly test this time should be 750 points…”

The Chinese teacher’s round eyes looked out, and his loving gaze happened to fall on Huo Jingwen’s head.

However, Huo Shao has not recovered from the confrontation just now, his eyes are downcast, and his body is full of coldness.

Wei Nan took the teacher’s praise into his eyes, slapped his forehead, and grabbed Huo Jingwen’s sleeve: “Brother Wen, I seem to know why Lu Ruanruan is upset with you.”

Huo Jingwen rolled his eyelids: “Huh?”

“Brother, you have a little heart, you took the first place in the monthly exam this time. You have been at the same table with her for so long, haven’t you heard that Lu Ruanruan’s family is poor, and she eats every month with a scholarship for the monthly exam. You Woolen cloth…”

Wei Nan stared at Huo Jingwen condemningly: “He stole other people’s meals…”

Huo Jingwen twitched his fingers, and thought flashed across his eyes.

Recalling carefully, Lu Ruanruan’s cheap T-shirt, with a slender waist, frowned unconsciously, what Wei Nan said seemed to make sense.

The get out of class bell rang not long after.

Lu Ruanruan was so sleepy that she endured a class without sleeping, even if she taught the mischievous children a timely lesson, she didn’t think it was interesting.

She had her hands on the desk, her head resting on her arms.

The light on the left side dimmed, and a warm and clear male voice came from my ear: “Lu Ruanruan?”

Pretend, the voice of speaking is pretending.

Lu Ruanruan heard this guy chatting with others just now, her voice was obviously alienated and cold, but she has such a gentle and jade-like voice.

A master of tea art, absolutely.

Lu Ruan didn’t even bother to lift his head up, and tilted his arms between his arms, revealing a pair of brown eyes.

He squinted at the boy next to him. I have to say that Huo Jingshuai is really handsome, with two rows of crow-feather-colored eyelashes that look like brushes, with sharp corners and a standard high-end handsome face.

It is the inconsistency between words and deeds, which makes people unlikable.

“I’m sleeping…don’t have eyes?” Lu Ruanruan looked calm, but his tone was obviously not good.

“I see.” Huo Jingwen lowered his eyelids, his thin lips hooked uncontrollably, and his smile was so… that it suffocated him.

When I dreamed of X last night, the nose poured into the deep memory of the lily of the valley scented pheromone, and the end of the eyes also unconsciously softened.

Huo Jingwen clenched his fists and remained motionless.

Usually Lu Ruanruan buried her head in sleep and didn’t speak. He was suffering a little bit, but it was not difficult.

As long as you treat her like a dead person and suffer her, the body’s instinctive reaction can still be suppressed.

But now that the dead man is talking, he feels uncomfortable every minute and every second, but he can’t control his body’s elated and enthusiastic reaction.

Huo Jingwen was extremely annoyed, but his handsome face was uncontrollably shy and hot.

Thinking that he had broken other people’s granary, he couldn’t walk away directly, with the tip of his teeth pressed against the root of his tongue, suppressing the abnormality in his body.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to grab your first grade.”

The boy’s handsome face was full of shame, and his earlobes turned red.

Sincerely no!

Lu Ruanruan tilted her head and snorted coldly in her heart. He had the same look this morning! She is not a fool to fall under the same tree for the second time.

The sleepiness in his eyes faded a bit, Lu Ruanruan opened his eyelids, and took a leisurely glance at the tall boy.

Heart said, this guy is a master of interpretation! She was too embarrassed to use him to tarnish the word “framed”.

Lu Ruanruan’s eyes were like lasers, shooting up and down.

His body was hot, Huo Jingwen stretched out his hand and pulled off the button of his collar shirt, feeling even more annoyed in his heart.

Seeing her impatient expression, she refused to accept the apology.

He ran out of patience, put his hands in his pockets, and planned to go out to get some air.

Just as he unfolded his fingers, he was cut off by the diagnosis certificate in his trouser pocket.

The pain reminded him of what the pheromone surgeon at Haicheng Central Hospital explained to him about his current situation an hour ago.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Huo Jingwen’s mind, and he turned his gaze back to Lu Ruanruan’s body.

All he had to do was take her to the hospital…

It will eliminate hidden dangers forever!

He drooped his eyes and thought for three seconds, then he simply refused to leave.

He sat back in his seat and spread out the newly issued report card.

Focusing on the upside-down “Experimental Class September Exam Transcript Summary”, he asked as calmly as possible: “You will be the first in the next exam, do you… want it?”

Lu Ruanruan glanced at him indifferently, coming, after doing so much, the real purpose finally came.

It’s a pity why she should listen.

Lu Ruanruan didn’t give him a chance to continue speaking.

Refuse simply and neatly: “I don’t want to.”

Huo Jingwen: …

Huo Jingwen didn’t expect to be rejected by Lu Ruanruan, he propped up his limp eyelids, and the corners of his lips once again showed a warm and flattering smile uncontrollably.

His illness seems to be serious.

In the morning, the director of the Central Hospital’s pheromone surgery department still lingered in his ears. All his recent abnormal reactions may have been interfered by the highly matching alpha pheromone.

It only needs to detect the other party’s pheromone, prescribe the right medicine, and prescribe some isolating agent to return to normal.

Huo Jingwen thought about his reaction after meeting Lu Ruanruan when he transferred to another school, and patiently made a deal with her: “I will give you the first place next month. You reconsider, just come with me, the scholarship is yours Yes, it’s about food and clothing, um…”

He said that everything else was fine, and mentioned “sufficiency and clothing”.

Lu Ruanruan exploded immediately, the scholarship is not important, the important thing is the first place. Old Tang used to see the privileges given to her for the sake of being a top student: arriving late and leaving early, sleeping in class.

During these days when she was suffering from hunger and hunger, sleeping was food and clothing.

Lu Ruanruan pulled the chair away with a “Zila”, stood up, and put one hand on the desk next to the boy.

As expected, the green tea man didn’t have the slightest defense against her, and the tall man who was around 1.8 meters showed a flushed expression of being bullied by her.

Boy, she hasn’t done anything yet. Pingci is coming!

Lu Ruanruan squinted her eyes and leaned over to him, kneeling against the boy’s kua.

The other hand raised a book, and it hit his desk with a “snap”.

Domineering: “Shut up!”

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