Rabbit Goddess: REVAMPED

Crushing Espada (II) [BLEACH UNIVERSE]

When Tier saw the woman pull out a normal-looking Zanpaktou, she knew what was coming. She wanted to reach her Fraccion and protect them, but she was too slow… Blood splashed as the woman slashed Apacci and Sung-Sun. However, Tier realized that the cuts weren’t lethal. Now, it was pretty obvious that the woman was simply humoring her Fraccion, instead of outright killing them.

“Devour Leona!” When Mila Rose saw her fellow Fraccion members go down, she decided to release her Resurreccion. Her Reiatsu surged and then she used Sonido to move past the woman and attack her from behind, but the Clone easily blocked her blade before forcing Mila Rose to jump back, but she had managed to buy enough time for her fellow Fraccion members to make some distance.

“Why are you looking down at us?” Apacci asked while holding her bleeding shoulder. The Clone simply raised her well-manicured brow at the stupid question.

“You are weak” The Clone deadpanned considering she believed that it was pretty obvious that she was way stronger than them. Apacci ground her teeth in humiliation and frustration. She already knew that… She knew that they would be dead if the woman was serious, but for some insane reason, the woman was simply playing with them. However, she would be damned if she went down without a struggle.

Apacci quickly exchanged looks with Mila Rose and Sung-Sun and realized that the two of them were also thinking along the same lines… If they were weak individually then maybe their combination could work…

“Thrust, Cierva” Apacci exclaimed and her Reiatsu surged as she started to transform.

“Strangle, Anakonda” Sung-Sun, following the example of her fellow Fraccion members also released her Resurreccion.

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The members of Tres Bestias looked at each other for a moment before all three of them removed their left arms and threw them in such a way that they would collide mid-air. The three arms collided and started to merge together while producing a huge amount of Reiatsu at the same time. The Clone decided to stare dispassionately as the abomination started to form.


The newly formed Ayon roared, releasing huge amounts of Reiatsu, but the Clone wasn’t impressed in the slightest. The Clone slowly raised her Zanpaktou and brought it down, cutting down the Ayon from the middle. However, instead of falling down in two pieces, the Ayon started to heal, but before it could finish healing itself, the Clone raised her Zanpaktou and the next moment, the Ayon was chopped into pieces.

This time, the Ayon didn’t heal or regenerate… The Tres Bestias could only stare at the sight in front of them completely gobsmacked. They never saw the woman move. Even Tier barely managed to see some flashes while the Ayon was chopped to pieces by the woman. There was nothing the Tres Bestias could do… They had tried everything and they had failed at every front.

“Step back… None of you are her match” Tier announced as she stepped forward while she pulled out her Zanpaktou from her back. ‘Maybe even I am no match for her’ Tier mused internally as she decided to release her Resurreccion from the get-go. Even she was unable to see the woman move, which that the woman was faster than her when she was in her sealed state.

Maybe, she could balance the odds by releasing her Resurreccion…

“You finally decided to act… I was wondering if I needed to kill your Fraccion to get you moving” The Clone said as she stared at Tier.

“I have been watching you, you never intended to kill them” Tier commented as she slowly unzipped her jacket, revealing most of her breasts. “I am Tres Espada, Tier Harribel” Tier introduced herself.

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“Kaguya Otsutsuki” The Clone introduced herself. The Clone could have added something more, but that would have been mostly unnecessary.

“So, what are you?” Tier asked. It was true that she allowed her Fraccion to attack this woman before trying to speak with her, but that was how Hollows lived. If the woman was weaker then she would have allowed her Fraccion to beat her up before asking questions. That was the sin of being weak… The woman should have thought about the consequences before sneaking up on them.

However, the woman was strong. Most probably as strong as her or stronger than her. It was true that Tier hated the notion of killing, and even though Las Noches was under attack at this moment, she still believed in her ideals. Most of the Arrancars or even Espadas wouldn’t agree with her, but she did not care about their opinions. After all, she was only loyal to Aizen-sama and her Fraccion, nobody else.

“…I am not so sure myself” The Clone answered with a thoughtful look on her face. Yes, Kaguya was an Otsutsuki, but as far as she knew Otsutsuki was not a Race, just a Clan and she wasn’t even sure if she was an Otsutsuki anymore or not.

Tier frowned at the answer, but decided not to push. The woman looked genuinely confused. “Why are you attacking Las Noches?” Tier asked.

“I want the Arrancars to work for me, but they won’t join me if I don’t prove myself to them” The Clone answered truthfully, surprising Tier.

Tier had so many questions, but since the woman was willingly answering all of her questions, she decided to ask the most important questions. “So, you are the leader?” Tier asked, earning a denial from the Clone.

“No, I am just a lesser version of the original” The Clone answered. Tier had no idea what the woman meant by her words, but she knew that the woman in front of her was not the leader.

“Will it be possible for me to talk with your leader?” Tier asked, wondering if she was making the right choice. The thing was, without Aizen-sama, they lacked the raw power to fend off any kind of coordinated attack and from the conversation, it was clear that their attackers were at least willing to talk and considering she represented the aspect of Sacrifice, she was willing to do it herself.

“Of course” The Clone agreed. Yes, Tier had allowed her Fraccion to attack her without trying to talk first, but she had been expecting that kind of behaviour from the start. The Hollows respected power over anything else and even though Tier was someone like Nelliel, she still believed in strength. The Clone simply opened a Portal and gestured Tier toward it.

Tier stared at the Portal for a few moments, but before she could enter the Portal, her Fraccion stopped her. “Please, let us” Sung-Sun requested. The Tres Bestias were no longer in their Resurreccion and they were barely standing on their two feet, but they still did not want Tier to head straight into the danger.

“No, the three of you stay here. You can barely stand on your own. I can handle myself” Tier immediately refused. After all, she was also aware of the dangers. If the attacking leader was anything like Baraggan then they wouldn’t hesitate to attack her weakened Fraccion members to make her dance on their tunes. Then again, even if a fight broke out, she would be unable to protect them.

Apacci and the others wanted to argue, but when they saw the hard look on Tier’s face, they decided to relent. The three of them gave her a last look before they headed inside Las Noches. “Follow me” The Clone declared before entering the Portal and Tier followed through…

Tier stepped out of the Portal and found herself in the throne room of Las Noches. “Tier Harribel, welcome” A voice greeted her and her gaze zeroed in on the throne. The exact replica of the weird woman that brought her here was floating over the throne, but this time something was different. Tier could feel it in her bones. The presence of this woman was completely different from the woman who had brought her here.

“She wanted to meet you” The Clone explained earning a nod from the Original sitting on the throne.

Tier realized that she needed to be careful… The woman floating over the throne seemed more powerful and callous and those were never good traits. “Why are you attacking us?” Tier asked.

“I believe my Clone has already answered you” The woman answered, confusing Tier. After all, the woman who brought her here never said anything to the woman sitting on the throne. Maybe, they could talk through their minds. “So, what brings you here, Tier Harribel? Do you want to convince me to stop the attack?” The woman asked, earning a nod from Harribel.

Tier did not believe that lying at this stage would do her any good… “Yes. We, as in the Arrancars, already work for someone else-“ Tier began to explain, but she was cut off before she could finish.

“Sousuke Aizen, right?” Kaguya asked with a hint of amusement in her voice. The surprised look on Tier’s face was amusing too. During her time in the Soul Society, Kaguya realized that even though she could see for kilometres, she could not hear them. That was why in the past weeks, Kaguya had a couple of her Clones learn lip reading. The skill was starting to pay off in spades.

Kaguya was glad that she decided to pick up lip reading…

“Did you really think I didn’t know about him? Where do you think I learned about the Arrancars?” Kaguya asked, her tone shifting back to indifference. It was a lie considering she knew about the Arrancars even before she came to this world, but Tier did not need to know that. Kaguya pulled out the Hogyoku from her Kamui dimension and held it in front of her so that Tier could see the object.

Tier felt her eyes go wide at the sight of the Hogyoku… She knew what it was, she knew what it could do, and she knew that Aizen would never part with something like the Hogyoku willingly. For a moment, Tier felt like denying the obvious. After all, she had seen just how powerful Aizen truly was, but denying the reality wouldn’t do her any good.

Yes, Tier was loyal to Aizen because he had saved her from Baraggan’s Fraccion, but her own Fraccion was more important to her…

“What happened to him? Is he dead?” Tier asked, earning a nod from Kaguya.

“Yes, he died unable to even struggle” Kaguya explained, earning a grimace from Tier. “Do you feel angry for him?” Kaguya asked. However, this time Tier simply maintained a stony look on her face. That was enough of an answer. “Did you know he was simply planning to use you? Aizen never cared for anyone of you. To him, you were simply chess pieces and test subjects” Kaguya explained, earning a growl from Tier.

“Ohh… You do not believe me” Kaguya nodded her head before she decided to use Genjutsu to show Tier the truth and maybe manipulate her a bit. Kaguya was not proficient in Genjutsu, at least, not like Itachi or Shisui, considering the fact she lacked both Tsukuyomi and the Kotoamatsukami, but she possessed the Rinne Sharingan.

While the Rinne Sharingan was no Tsukuyomi or Kotoamatsukami, it possessed the ability to cast extremely strong Genjutsu on a person and Kaguya knew enough about Genjutsu to manipulate someone like Tier…

Tier felt the world around her twist and turn before she started to see the world through someone else’s eyes… It took her a few seconds to realize that she was watching through Aizen’s eyes. Apparently, she was watching his memories… However, the fact that she was even watching real memories or not did not even register in her brain.

That wasn’t the extent of Kaguya’s manipulations though… While Tier continued to watch the memories, Kaguya made some subtle changes in the Tres Espada’s mind. While she could have made Tier trust her blindly, she decided not to do that… After all, Kaguya wanted to keep her brainwashing powers a secret and with the changes she made, Tier was going to end up trusting her blindly in the next few years…

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