Radiant Prism

Chapter 2: The Investigation (1/6) [Route 2]



“Be safe out there, ma’am.”

A knight said as he waved me off. I turned back to the tall walls of Radiant City. Everything in me wanted to disappear and never come back… but I promised Maxwell that I'd live here when he passed on.

“…It’s finally getting dark.”

I looked up to see the burning sun hiding behind the horizon. This was a sight I’ve grown to love. As the night cleaved in, I heard a loud clicking noise coming from behind me.


When I turned to look at the city, the lamps around it lit up with a holy spectrum. The spectrum flow in the sky that I noticed this morning was lit up. Dancing above us were colors representing different spectrums. It showed that they harnessed the elements and are using them all day and night. Even the Radiant Kingdom lit up in a bright white haze.

“…It’s time to get home.”

I whispered. The sight was marvelous, but I still wouldn’t want to live here if I had the choice. I slowly made my way back home. As I ventured into the field, I could see the factories tolling away as their lights were still on. Spectrum was flowing from it at high rates. However, the farms weren’t lit up; it was resting time for them.

Eventually, in the distance, my cabin came to view. Thankfully, no beast came out to attack me as I casually made my way back home.



I was able to let my guard down for the first time today. When I approached the door, I pulled out my key and opened the door. Inside was nothing special; a small kitchen, a living room, and a small bedroom on the side. Perfect for just me.

“I’m home, Maxwell.”

I announced as I walked into my bedroom. I set my katana on the wall.

“No fried green tomatoes, but… I do have broccoli… and maybe…”

After making a broccoli soup, I sat at the table and finally relaxed. It was fine… not much seasoning other than a little bit of pepper. My cooking skills were nothing special. As long as I enjoyed it, it didn’t matter how it tasted.

“This is nice…”



As I stirred my spoon in the soup, I thought about everything. I wanted my life to be simple, but after coming here and entering the city, it seemed that was taken away momentarily. I decided that after I helped Jade with her investigation, I would make sure to never step foot in Radiant City again.

“That was good…”

I whispered. The fire behind me crackled, the outside life chirped, and everything was… pleasant. After finishing my meal, I calmly washed the dishes. In the sink, I gently scrubbed the pot and plates. It was only me in this isolated space. As if I walked into a realm where other people didn’t exist, I was… in heaven.

I never make more than a portion size for myself. If I cooked anymore, then I would get bored of it and not finish the rest. When everything was in order, I looked about the place for a bit before stepping outside. The moon was bright, and it reminded me of the forest.


His name still hurt to mention, but because of him, I was alive today. Without his sacrifice, this sight wouldn't have been possible for me.

“I’m not just living for myself anymore… but for you too, Maxwell.”

When I first stepped out of that forest, everything was new to me. It was like I walked into a new world… but in reality, I was on the same planet. I was still on Prism.

As I thought away, the wind blew a nice chill as it made my long hair dance in the moonlight. As I closed my eyes and let the wind take me in its arms, I heard a noise not native to the elements.

“Ngg… Mhhh..."

From the distance, but near the forest, I heard a strange sound. Cautiously, I walked down my wooden steps. The noises were getting louder as I waded my way through the bushes. After a bit of searching, I found something remarkable…



On the edge of the forest, near my cabin, was a girl clad in a white and green school uniform. With a red ribbon, crème white skirt, and fancy boots, she looked out of place in this forest. Her bright pink hair and eyes full of starlike wonder caught me off guard. With that bright pink hair and coy exterior, she was lying down on her stomach with her eyes brimming with excitement as she watched something remarkable to her.

Next to her, right behind her, was that woman with the long beautiful blue hair from before. She had on a magnificent dress that started right before her chest region. It flowered down wonderfully to the ground. With black tights and a dazzling smile, she watched the uniformed girl as she played with…


It was nothing but a blue butterfly, but the way the moonlight broke through the trees and cast its wonderful light on her heightened the experience to me. Her uniform must be getting dirty, but she seemingly didn't care. Her feet kicked about as she was mesmerized by this tiny creature.

“Zoooom… zoom…”

“Wow, you’re such a baby, Yuu Yuu. I can’t believe you still like doing stuff like this.”

Strange noises were coming from her lips, and it… brought a smile to my face. The older girl was watching with delight. She was transparent, but I could make out her figure. It was as if this pink-haired girl had a ghost watching over her as she played. As if she was so innocent that the childlike wonder was still brimming within her. Watching her poke at this butterfly and it not flying away soothed my heart and took away the stressful morning.

"Mr. Wings. I'm going to call you… Mr. Wings, from now on."

“Oh, come on! That’s silly, Yuu Yuu.”

Her voice was timid and as soft as a pillow when she spoke. It was the kind of voice to which one could listen and fall asleep. As if every syllable was made to soothe my soul… When the spirit behind her spoke, she was brattier and more defiant. I couldn't imagine what was going on here. How this spirit was lingering like this over this girl. But… in a way, it reminded me of how Maxwell watched over me. The idea… made my chest warm-up thinking about it.



“Wow… hehe.”

She laughed, and it caused me to smile and unconsciously chuckle too.


They stood up, causing the butterflies and any other little creature around them to scatter. Here in the blue moonlight, we caught eyes with one another. That girl had bright short pink hair and hot pink eyes that only added to her unique charm. She sported a sailor uniform that I'd never seen before. It was white and green with golden buttons, but the white was now a mix of brown from the dirt. Momentarily, she wiped her hand on her white skirt, smearing the dirt there. As for the ghost, it seemed she wasn't dirty at all despite sitting next to the pink-haired girl. She floated in the air, and that fabulous dress flowed in the air. The pink-haired one looked timid and afraid, but the spirit behind her… seemed a little pissed off.

“Oh… sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you both.”




The spirit chided as she looked at the pink-haired girl. Confused, I take it, that girl looked at her ghost friend.

“S-She can see you, Janova?”

“Shh, don’t say my name out loud, Yuu Yuu!”

I watched the two fumble around as they tried their best to hide each other's identities. It… made me giggle.


“W-What are you laughing about!”

The spirit named Janova screamed at me. The girl named Yuu Yuu turned towards her and put a finger to her lip, telling her to be quiet.

“Listen, I didn’t mean to disturb you two. I was just out for a walk and saw you both. Ah… Janova and Yuu Yuu, right?”

The bratty-looking ghost put both her hands on her hips.

“Her name is Yuuna! Only her close friends get to call her Yuu Yuu!”

“J-Janova! D-Don’t speak to her. Y-You’re not supposed to talk to anyone without talking through me!”

The pink bunny said as she tried to take control of the situation. These two were amusing, and I couldn't help but laugh.

“You two are funny.”

I teased. The ghost, Janova, didn't make this the best and exploded with rage at me. Despite that, I found it a tad… cute for some reason.

“Whatever! Let’s get out of here, Yuu Yuu! I can’t be exposed because of this weirdo!”

"W-Wait, Janova!”

Before running off, the girl named Yuuna looked at me.

“Hm… You’re strange… and different than others if you can see Janova.”

Timidly, she put her hand on her chest and whispered.

“Ah… I like to play out here. We both do. M-Maybe I’ll see you again?”

“Yuu Yuu! Let’s go! We have to go!”

With that, they both ran deeper into the forest. I wanted to say more to the two girls, but I decided it was best if I… just watched them instead. It was strange… how familiar they felt.

“Yeah… I hope we get to see each other again.”

I whispered under my breath.


The fatigue of the day finally started to get to me. The temperature was getting colder as the wind blew just a little harder. I tapped my hip and turned around. With a stretch of my arms behind my back, I concluded.


"Well, I guess that's two fewer people I'll have to deal with."

Instead of thinking more about it, I made my way back home. I removed my jacket and shorts and got into something more comfortable. It was a dark dress I made a few years back. It had holes that I had to keep repairing, but I still liked it. The rest of the night was uneventful, and when I got tired, I lay in bed…

“Alright… I have to be up earlier than usual tomorrow.”

I closed my eyes, inviting the night terrors to assault my mind.





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