Radiant Prism

Chapter 2 : The Investigation (6/6) [Route 2]



Radiant Age, April 3, 1127


After the journey back from the nearby ancient ruins, we made our way through the north gate security. Once we entered Radiant City, we were met with Jade leaning against a wall. Her eyes were closed. Jade looked like she was taking a much-needed rest. 

“Ms. Jade!”

Vivian hopped over, waking Jade from her brief slumber. The knight pushed her body off the wall and stood up straight. With that powerful stride of hers, Jade approached us.

“Eve called me about what happened. Show me the evidence that you guys found.”

Vivian held out the religious robes. The knight ripped it out of her hands and gave it a good glance over. I could see the rage in her eyes.

"Tsk, so they are involved in all this somehow. Is this all you found that's associated with the Baron Group, Eve?"

Eve’s eyes brightened as she nodded.


“From what we know. Like I explained over the phone, Feodora, Vivian, and I encountered a woman with orange hair and a black uniform."

She nudged my shoulder, prompting me to continue.

“Yeah, like Eve said. I first caught wind of her when I touched the subjugation symbol found at your previous crime scene.”

I recalled that symbol.

"When I did, it gave me the insight I needed to locate the dark vessel following us. However, instead of directly confronting our stalker, we continued our investigation…."

I told her that we had defeated the beast inside of the ruins. I explained to her that someone, likely the dark vessel, was attempting to make it grow, and we disrupted that. I told Jade about the fight afterward, and Eve tried to trap her, but she broke free. How Vivian and I engaged her in combat, but she slipped passed us.

“Hm… is there anything else you three can tell me?”

Jade probed for more information. I put my finger chin as I thought about it.

“Yes, I was attacked by an unknown wind vessel before the dark vessel escaped.”

I said.

“An unknown wind vessel?”

Jade pondered.

“Did you get a good look on this person, Feodora?”

I shook my head.

"No. This person attacked me to give the dark vessel a chance to leave. Vivian and Eve didn't see them either because I was engaged in combat with her alone by this point."

The knight took a deep breath… and smiled.

"I believe you about that the wind vessel. If Eve and Vivian collaborate on the story so far… I can give you the benefit of the doubt from then on."

The knight put both her hands on her hips and gave me a reassuring nod.

"Great work, all of you. Because of your hard work, this investigation is moving forward. Knowing the severity of the symbols being used, we should squash this and save the missing people as soon as possible."

Jade smiled.





"That would mean I'm putting my faith in the idea that you are not creating an elaborate ploy, though, Feodora."

Jade teased.

I scratched the back of my head, knowing that this being a setup was astronomical at best. If I really did stage this entire thing, I would have had to know that Jade wanted me to investigate the Ancient Ruins beforehand. Not only that, with the wild card of Vivian and the strategy-prone Eve, It would have been a stretch if I predicted how they would have reacted. Needless to say, Jade was screwing with me, and I could take the humor.

"I guess it's time for me to revisit the Barons."

I still didn’t know much about the Barons. I turned to the three of them and asked…

“Can someone give me an insight on who the Baron Group is? I don’t think I fully understand who they are or how they operate.”

The knight crossed her arms and sighed.

"The Barons are a group of religious people who believe that the headmaster and founder, Abigail Pasco, is a goddess in the flesh."

“Abigail Pasco?”

Jade nodded.

“Do you remember the blond girl from yesterday, the one that attempted to steal your weapon, Feodora?”

Jade asked. I held my sword as I recalled what happened yesterday.

“Yes, is she part of that group, Jade?”

“She is the headmaster’s little sister. Her name is Lana Pasco, and she tends to walk around the Radiant City like she owns the place.”

I thought about how she wanted to buy my weapon from me. After I denied her, instead of leaving, she tried to take it away from me by force. She was unruly for being so young and innocent.

Jade continued.

"But anyway, Abigail Pasco and her family have built up followers around the idea because she has the unique ability to use four of the main spectrum elements at her disposal."

Surprised, I backed up.

“She can use four spectrum elements to their fullest abilities?”

Regrettably, she nodded.

“Yes, she is strong in fire, water, wind, and earth. But that’s not the only reason why they believe she’s a goddess.”

The knight looked at the white robe in her hand.

“Abigail is a miracle worker.”

Vivian put her hand behind her back.

“I heard the same. Tell us more, Ms. Jade!”

Jade sighed as she continued.

“She’s been known to predict the future and do grand healings on people who follow her.”

I put my finger on my chin.

“Grand healings?”

"Yes, she's been known to give back limbs, treat diseases, and cure mental ailments. This led to people huddling around her. Rumors circulated about this miracle worker until her 20th birthday. That's when they finally revealed her to the city. Now at the age of 28, she's only gained followers."

She shrugged her shoulders.

"They cater to the young and needy. The Baron Group provides aid and expects submission and obedience to the goddess in return. Many… see her as nothing but kind and giving."

I personally never had a belief system. Maxwell taught me that everything I do is a result of my own actions. It didn't mean that there wasn't something like a higher power out there though… but I never gave it much thought as I grew up.

The idea of a collection of people coming together in an ideology… made my anxiety start to bubble. Everything in me wanted to keep away from a place like that. It… was bound to have a bunch of people trying to fellowship with me.

“Isn’t she just a barklight?”

Naively, I asked. Eve kicked the wall next to her as she answered my question.

“Barklight or not, the people see her as a miracle worker.”

Eve slumped her shoulders as she continued.

“Barklight’s have longevity behind them. She’s destined to live for at least 1000 years naturally. Someone so influential, she even has the knights warry of her actions.”

The white bunny put her arms behind her back.

“I even heard that Abigail Pasco has been connected to some shady stuff like blackmail, illegal trade, and maybe even unsolved murders. She must be evil for sure!”

Jade shrugged.

"We've been aware of plenty of misconducts resulting from the Baron Group. They have been dealt with on many occasions. We Radiants value other religious beliefs. So, we don't exercise our laws to make it harder for them to fellowship."

The knight crossed her arms and closed her eyes.

“The Radiant Kingdom came to a truce with the Baron Group. We’d allow them to have their religious practice as long as they aid us whenever something troublesome occurs.”

“Like now?”

I asked, earning a bitter look from the knight.

“No, Abigail wouldn’t spill anything on the matter. Now that we have some evidence that her people might be involved in the missing people case, I’ll get my answers from her.”

She held the cloak in her hand and turned around.

"Feodora, you come with me. I'll need to try and detect dark spectrum traces as you did in the ancient ruins.


"What about Eve and I, Ms. Jade?"

Vivian hopped up to the knight. Cutely, she bounced on one leg and tilted her head.

“You both are relieved for the day. Don’t cause any trouble; do you hear me, Vivian?”

“Oh, okay! Eve, do you want to hang out with me?”

Eve shrugged.

“For a little bit, I guess. I have bigger plans later. See you around, Feodora!”

She grinned as her eyes shined that bright blue. With that, she turned around and made her way off into the city with Vivian behind her.

"Bye-bye, Feodora! We’ll get together and buy you that phone soon! I promise!”

Vivian cried out before rushing away with that gun-wielding psycho.

“Seems Vivian has taken a liking to you, Feodora.”

I shrugged.

“Y-Yeah. I guess she had.”

“You kids… Well, let’s get going. If I were you, I wouldn’t say a word to anyone. You already had a confrontation with Lana. The last thing I need is for them not to allow you inside because of bad blood."




The knight began walking towards the south of the city. I followed her for a while as we marched in silence. She led me around the city for around 30 minutes until we reached a large, enclosed area. It had high walls that were 16ft tall. There was a massive white gate that fenced off this section of the city. We approached a group of people in white cloaks who guarded the outside.

“Hello and welcome.”

They greeted, stepping aside. Jade didn't say a word as she marched in. Timidly, I nodded to them as I made my way behind her. This enclosed place in the city had to have spanned for miles in all directions. The streets were made of bright red cobblestone. Florescent pink petals from the trees nearby surrounded us. Houses were made of bright yellow wood and two stories tall. It was like being in a small village that was surrounded by Radiant City.

“What is this place?”

"This is the Baron Group's living corridors. People who are homeless or in need of help live in one of these houses. As long as they fellowship in the church, they are offered a home and food."

Kids were playing and parents and other adults were chatting away. They didn’t feel like worshippers. It had a strange cohesiveness as everyone seemed to smile and greet one another. After a while of walking, we reached the main section that led to the church.

“Up here is where the church is. Abigail and her family live within these walls.”

“I see…”



We had to ascend many steps. They were surrounded by bright red torii gates as we made our way inside. The stairs were made of stone, and it felt as though they were endless. There was a fruity scent that wafted in my nose as we ascended to what felt like heaven. When we reached the top, a crowd was gathered around.

“Everyone, please calm down.”

A gentle voice resonated in my ear. In front of the church was a wooden stage. On this stage was a woman with bright golden hair down to her neck and a white hat. She had a baby blue vest on that showed her snow-white arms. With a white dress that flowed past her knees and bright pumps, she clicked around the stage as she made her way to a little girl.



“My goddess, this child was hurt during the bombing yesterday.”

The young girl was brought forward. She had heavy burns to her face on one side. Her eyes were wrapped, and she was trembling, likely still traumatized by it.

"That poor child."

Jade mumbled. It seemed the crowd shared her sentiment as they all murmured variations of what the knight did earlier. I looked back at that young girl. She… reminded me of myself in my orphanage days.

A taller woman walked over to the child. I assumed it was her mother because she held her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. After a bit, the young girl spoke with a shaky voice.

“H-help me?”

That seemed to be all that she could muster without breaking into tears. The woman faced her “goddess” and spoke in her place.

"She was burnt in the fire. The heavy smoke caused her to suffer from respiratory pains… and she was injured and lost her sight."

Jade turned to the side and bit her lip.


I believe she was referring to the bombers from yesterday. I shared her anger but kept my thoughts to myself as I looked on. The “goddess” walked over silently and placed her hand on the child’s head.

“Do you wish to see, young one?”

In response, the child nodded.

“Do you wish to not hurt any longer?”

That's when she began to cry. Her tender weeps caught the hearts of the crowd as a few started crying along with her. Their “goddess” looked out into the crowd and lifted her arms.

"Do not mourn or cry, my people! We live on faith and healing. No mortal damage will ever make us lose hope. Do you all not have faith that this child can be healed?"

At her announcement, the crying ceased as the audience awed at her grandeur. She turned back to the child and got on one knee. Tenderly, she wrapped the small girl in her arms and began chanting something under her breath. Their bodies lit up a rainbow of colors, and it surprised me.



“That spell is strong...”

I spoke unconsciously. Jade nodded as she turned away slightly.

As if the heavens were on her side, a light beamed down. The wooden stage lit up, and white light danced around them. Suddenly, it all ended and what was left was their "goddess" holding on to that child.

The "goddess" let the child go, removed the bandages from the girls eyes, and let the bandages fall onto the stage.

“What happened?”

I curiously asked. But the crowd erupted with joy as the child looked about. Her wounds were gone, her eyes were clear and full of tears. The "goddess" walked off stage and into the massive church behind her without another word.

“I-I can see! Mommy, it doesn’t hurt anymore!”



The mother and daughter hugged as the crowd cheered.

“Did we just witness a miracle, Jade?”

Bitterly, Jade pushed hot air from her lips.

“Let’s just find Abigail and get this over with.”

The large crowd dispersed. Some went to chat with the child and the mother, but we had other business as we made our way towards the building behind the stage. The place was massive and made of white bricks. It had stained glass windows and triangle-shaped roofs for multiple buildings connected to it.  It was nothing less than grand.

There was a bunch of plain-clothed individuals that were chatting and praying with one another. It seemed to be people from all walks of life. A few sprinkled in the crowds sported the white cloak Jade held in her hands.

“Ah, Ms. Opal. Didn’t you just leave earlier?”

A man with a black suit and tie walked up to us. He had crow black hair and an eye patch on his eye.  He didn't look as though he belonged here, yet here he was.

“Caesar, I must have another audience with Abigail Pasco.”

The man shook his head and shrugged his broad shoulders.

“If she cut her schedule every minute the knights wanted to speak with her, she’d never get anything done. I’ll have to decline for the day. If you wish, you may come back next week for another chance.”

Jade held out the evidence, the white cloak.

“Listen, my team found this cloak at one of our crime scenes. Unless you want this place cluttered with Radiants from the kingdom, you best give me my audience right away.”

As if she put a knife to his throat, he put up both his hands.

“…Alright, I understand. I’ll message my lord right away.”

He turned around and took out a rectangular-shaped device. I instantly knew what it was, a phone thingy. We waited as he had a short conversation.

I approached curiously. With my hands behind my back, I marveled at the device in Ceaser's hands. It was like a small box. Noises were coming from it, but I couldn't make them out.

"Ah… Ma'am, would you please back up and give me space?"


I backed up as he asked and put my hands behind my back. Patiently, I waited until he was done using the… phone.

“Alright, my lord will see you right this minute.”

“It worked…”

I murmured, earning a nod from Jade.

“She was just about to have a meeting with her worldly father. However, she decided to hold off until after your audience. Right, this way, you two."

Caesar guided us into the sanctuary. The halls were bright, almost too bright for me to see as the lights filtered through the cathedral glass. The carpet was the color of red wine. Church pews were laid out at the sides of the room. Beautiful murals were on the walls that depicted angels. There were large paintings that had many beings with wings that flooded the walls. In the center of this grand room, an oil painting of what I believed to be the Pasco family.

“Is that… the Pasco’s?”

I asked. Caesar turned to me.

“Ah, yes. That’s the father, the mother, and their two children. As you can see, Abigail, our lord, is depicted with a halo to show her radiance.”

The image looked creepy to me. It felt as though it was made to depict holiness.  That alone caused me to feel uncomfortable.

“Right this way.”

Caesar said as we made our way into the back. It surprised me how large it was back here too. We stepped on a wide rolled-out carpet that tall white pillars sat on the sides of. We walked down the lane. On the sides of us were green flames from iron torches. As if we were entering into a new realm, we approached what appeared to be a throne chair. There was the woman we saw on stage. She stood in front of her chair as the green fire roared from torches on both sides of her.



“What the heck?!”

That shrill voice caught me off guard as I turned to the side. The little barklight from yesterday hovered around me like a flea.

“Eh, it’s you.”

Annoyed, I glared at her.

“I don’t want this girl here! Caesar, see her out right this minute!”

Jade held my hand and wrapped her fingers in mine.



I felt uneasy as I felt her rough hands. Instead of saying anything though, I looked away. Now joined together with her, she faced up to the mini-sized bully.

"Lana Pasco, I am in the middle of an investigation. Feodora Cicer is a key component to it."

The mini barklight kicked her feet about. She nearly hit me in the face with her wings.

“I don’t give a dang, get her out! I had a bruise for a whole day after she attacked me!”

She kicked about in frustration.

“Did you at least enjoy the cinnamon muffin I gave you, Lana?”

I teased with a smirk. The barklight face went bright red as steam shot from her ears.

"Oh, screw you, redhead!"

“Lana, that’s enough! Stop badgering our guest.”

From the back, the "goddess" finally spoke up. Her tone was lower and certainly more mature than her little sister’s.

“My name is Abigail Pasco; I am the goddess and overseer of the Baron Group. What might I owe this second hearing, Jade Opal?

Jade turned to me and let go of my hand and stepped away.

“Stay vigilant, and do what you need to do.”

She warned me as we approached closer. That little bumblebee was watching me closely as she circled around the room.

“I have evidence that a member of your group might be involved in an ongoing investigation of mine.”

She held out the robe. As she did this, I closed my eyes… but I couldn’t sense anything other than Abigail’s overwhelming spectrum presence.

“Oh, where did you find this?”

Abigail asked as she stood up from her throne.

“In the ancient ruins, east of town. My team also found a beast being fed spectrum in an attempt to make it grow. After dealing with it, they discovered this among the remains.”

The holy woman crossed her arms and gave us a sad look.

“Oh Jade, that’s not evidence of anything. Anyone could have stolen those old clothing and did what they will with them.”

She exuded elegance from her. I found myself charmed by her beauty as she got closer to us. Needless to say, Abigail was magnificent as she paced around. Her heels clicked, making that loud clank noise as she did.

"We've had members come and go. Some keep their white garbs as well. We let them keep those in goodwill if they ever want to come back. For all you know, one of my departers did this. Or maybe the culprit found it lying on the road and used it?"

Jade shook her head.

"That might be the case, but this is a critical lead. Maybe you don't know if someone in your group is involved? But I came here as the representative for the knights. I demand that you enter an internal investigation on this matter."

With her arms behind her back, she questioned.

“Investigation into what exactly?”

“I want you to question your followers and find out if they have any connection to the beasts being fed spectrum in the ancient ruins.”

Her eyes lowered as she smiled cunningly.

“And if I say no, Jade?”

“Then this place will be swarmed with knights and Radiants by the end of today. We’ll arrest anyone who dares wear a white cloak and take them in for questioning ourselves.”

She waited for a moment and then turned her gaze towards me. With eyes as sharp as needles, she glared at me as she stepped forward.

"Oh, that does sound scary, Jade... But before I go on… "

Those golden eyes pierced me now.

“Little missy over there, what are you looking for?”

“Huh? Ah… what do you mean?”

"From the moment you got in my chambers, I could feel your pathetic dark spectrum search about. It's bothersome and clouds my thoughts, so stop before I put an end to it."

I came to a stop and focused on her.


Jade clicked her tongue.

“What is your name, little Ms.?”

“Ah… Feodora Cicer.”

Her lips curled.

“I see my beauty captured you if anything. If you’d ever want to join the Baron Group, you would be allowed to sit in on our sessions and admire me from afar.”

I stretched my arms out and waved my hands from side to side.

“No… I’m not the right kind of person for that. Ah… I appreciate the offer though?”

She crossed her arms around her chest. Mischievously, she tilted her head like a snake about to bite its prey.

"Hm, you have no idea how many followers told me that line before. But now, they mindlessly follow my every whim. If I wanted them to, they'd dance for me in private."

Her wings flapped, causing a light wind to pass over me.

“Wouldn’t you want to… dance for me, Feodora?”



A light scent trickled in my nose. The idea went into my head. It was strange as my body… felt like dancing for just a moment. But promptly, I shook it away. With a giggle, she put her hand behind her back and turned to the unamused knight.

“I will open an investigation into the matter, Jade Opal.”

She smirked.

“But don’t expect results.”

It was clear to us that she had no intentions to do anything. Formally, she slapped Jade across the face. That only added to the knight’s rage.

"If you have nothing else to say, Jade, please see your way out. I hope to be seeing you around, Feodora. I think you'd look great in a white cloak."

Bitterly, Jade clenched her fist.



"This isn't over, Abigail Pasco. If you are involved somehow, I don't care if you're the goddess of the Baron Group. I swear that I will take you down."

The knight tossed the white cloak on the floor. In a rage, she turned around coldly and marched off. I followed her a tad delayed.


My feet kicked a rock, and I fell to the ground, hitting my head on the carpet. I lifted myself and turned to see the barklight, Lana, floating over me.



“Take that! Now get out of here, redhead!”

“You little…”

“Leave her, Feodora!”

Jade yelled my way. Annoyed, I made my way to Jade’s side and walked out the front doors with her. Silently, we made our way down the long steps and back outside of the gated village.

“She’s hiding something. She intentionally masked your search with her overbearing spectrum.”


With a cross of her arms, she clicked her tongue yet again.


"Well, I'll relieve you for the day, Feodora. I ask that you come back around 9 AM tomorrow."

“Yeah, and about the pay?”

Jade shrugged her shoulders and reluctantly pulled out her wallet.

"How about 2000 gold for the time being? I can get more from the evidence lock-up later."

I had never held this much money in my hands before. This would last me long if I'm frugal with my money. However, I had to hide my surprise. So, I shrugged.

“It’s good for now.”

I lied. I had every right to suck this knight dry of all her cash. If I had to be here… I was going to get paid well for it.


She crossed her arms and turned away. For a moment, she waited before turning back to me.

“I have a question for you, Feodora….”

“What is it?”

“So far… I think out of everyone in the consulting team I’ve made...”

She pondered for a moment before confessing something to my surprise.

“Compared to Eve and Vivian… I think I trust you the most.”


“Don’t you get it yet? I’m suspicious of all of you. But despite you being the most likely culprit… I think I’ve come to trust you more than Eve and Vivian.”

She closed her eyes as she asked me…

“What about you? Do you trust them? Do you find them suspicious in any way? What… do you think about them, Feodora?”

It seemed that Jade wanted to bounce ideas off of me. When I looked back at how they went about with the mission, I couldn't say that I found anything particularly wrong regarding this investigation.

"From what I see… Eve and Vivian have their own secrets and motivations. But I don't see a connection between them and the dark vessel we fought against."

The knight looked at the ground with an intense glare. I was sure she could burn a hole through it if she continued doing that.

"Something…. It isn't adding up. I have this feeling that I'm missing something major about this investigation. And for some reason… I can't trust Eve or Vivian fully."

She glared at me.

"Don't think I'm not watching you, though, Feodora Cicer. Everything still aligns that you are the most likely culprit… if not a part of the culprit's crew. However… I think putting my trust in your rather than suspecting you is the best course of action.”

“Thanks, I guess.”



As I looked at Jade, I felt as though she had a heavy burden on her shoulders. She had no trust in the people who worked for her.

"Anyway, get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."


Without hesitation, the fearless Jade Opal rushed away. That beautiful black hair shined in the afternoon sun. From the moment I met her, I rarely saw her take a break. She was determined to solve this case… and probably any that came her way… 



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