Radiant Prism

Chapter 4 – The Bright Lights in the Sky (2/5) (Mellissa’s Version)


After chatting with Vivian, I walked over to Eve. She was still treating the wounded.

“Eve… do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

The psycho sighed harshly.

“What is it, Ms. Detective?”

I crossed my arms as I continued.

“You mentioned you were close to the bomb strikes… where exactly were you when they went off?”

Eve stood up and faced me.




"There were 3 of them in total. The 1st bomb went off to the north of the lower quarters. The 2nd exploded only moments later in the middle of the lower quarters. I believe the explosion was inside the hotel in the center. The 3rd and last one went off towards the east of here."

She kicked a wooden box that lay about on the ground, but it didn’t break. The psycho clicked her tongue and turned back to me.

"All I can say is… the person who did this had to be screwed up. I was nearby when all the chaos happened. Luckily, I shielded myself and didn't get hurt from the destruction."

With that, she crossed her arms and glared at me. Her bright blue eyes shined intensely.

“What, am I a suspect of yours or something, Feodora?”

Eve cackled.

“No… I believe you actually, Eve.”

“Oh, and why is that?”

“…Just intuition, I guess.”

Despite Eve being insane, something just felt right about her statement. Everything felt… genuine. She was just someone at the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Oh, Eve….”

A feminine voice that sounded like a beautiful violin resonated from behind me. I turned to face where it came from when Eve's body stiffened up, and suddenly, she pressed her chest on my back.

I could only hear labored breathing coming from her. A woman with long bright pink hair, cherry-colored eyes, and a black business suit walked toward us. She had colorful white stripes on her dress and onyx-toned high heels. They clicked as she approached us. She was around my height, making her shorter than Eve. However, her posture was firm and proud. This woman was nothing short of beautiful, too. The way she moved felt… clean and pointed. To my surprise, Eve began to shake the closer she got.




“Eve, are you okay? Who is this?”

I asked, but Eve was too shook up to answer. I was on the defensive, and I faced the flawless woman. She stopped a few feet away and glared directly at me.

“Who are you?”

I asked, earning a horrid scowl from the beautiful lady. It took me by surprise. Instead of answering me, though, her heels clicked as she walked closer to us. Warily, she avoided puddles of water and mud as if it would be her death to step in them.

"Eve, this place is gross. Get over here right now!"

“Ahh… Nnng…”

Eve didn't say a word. She reminded me of a child struck with fear. Suddenly, she clenched my jacket without saying a word. When I checked her expression, her usually bright eyes were dark blue. As if someone had turned the lights off within her. This woman terrified her.

“I don’t… think she wants to come to you.”

I pointed out the obvious to her—the scowl on the woman warped into a sadistic smile.





“If I have to tell you to come over here again, Eve-“

“Leave her alone, Atom!”

Jade appeared as she stepped in front of me. Alongside her was Mellissa with her hands behind her back. Her stride was firm and pointed as she was in sync with Jade. Next was Yuuna and that Janova spirit.

Mellissa glanced at me, and I stole a look back. Eventually, we looked away awkwardly and faced our newfound foe—this strange woman named Atom.

"Oh, Jade, I just wanted a moment with my precious Eve. I have to make sure…."

The knight stretched out her arm, defending Eve and me from this strange woman.



“Eve is in my consultant team right now, Atom. We Radiants signed off on the papers. Respect the law we established.

Enraged, she crossed her arms. Her lips twisted in disgust as she fluffed her long hair.

“Fine, Jade. I put a lot of work into her, and I don’t want any filthy thing messing her up; do you hear me?”

She sounded like a monster as she viciously screamed at the knight. Jade didn’t flinch but kept her calm composure.

“I promise you; nothing will happen to Eve. But we have a contract, and she is under me right now. You’re scaring her; get out of here if you’re not going to help with the rescue efforts here.”

The pink-haired demon scoffed as she turned her heels. Before stepping into a pile of debris and mud on the ground, she avoided it with prejudice.

“This place is filthy. Everything about this place is… filthy!”

The demonic-like woman complained as she left.

“Who was that?”

Confused, I asked nobody in particular. Eve let go of my jacket and pushed her body off my back. She looked ashamed as she wiped the side of her cheeks. I couldn’t tell, but… she might have been tearing up.

"…I'll help the people to the east, Jade…."

Without answering me, she raced away. Jade watched for a moment before she turned back to me.

“That woman… is Eve’s master; to put it lightly, Feodora.”

Mellissa chimed in. Jade continued off of her as she began explaining.

“Atom is the Radiant who reinvented the phones and many of the technologies we have today. She owns a large technology firm and is… wealthy beyond imagination. Atom owns Eve, Feodora.”

“That horrible looking woman… owns… Eve?”

I asked.

“Listen; it’s complicated, Feodora.”

The knight pulled on her locks. She seemed uncomfortable talking about it.

"All you need to know is Eve was lent to me for the time being and… to never bring up Atom around her. Eve… is terrified of her for a good reason."

As strange as this entire situation was, I had to accept what it was for the time being. Jade turned back to Mellissa and Yuuna, and I did the same. When I spotted the pink bunny, her cheeks reddened a tad.


"Anyway… Feodora, you already know Mellissa. I want to introduce you to someone else…."

“I know her, Jade. Her name is Yuuna, and the entity behind her is...”

The blue-haired ghost jumped at me.

“Shut up, redhead! You say a word, and I'll kill you!!!"

I jolted back, not expecting her to be that violent. Jade looked at Yuuna and sighed deeply.

"Listen, Yuuna, I'm not sure what that blur behind you is, but I can faintly hear it screaming at Feodora. If you want to keep your secret a secret, shut that thing up. Else, I will look into it."

Her eyes were like daggers as she faced Yuuna.

“I have bigger problems than worrying about your secrets, Yuuna."

I was surprised, and so was Yuuna as she shrieked back too. It seemed that Jade could perceive this ghost but couldn't see it as I could. It made me wonder why I was the only person who could see… Janova. Janova sluggishly flew back behind Yuuna. She looked at me, pushed her tongue out, and began making childish faces. It was… a bit cute.

"Stay… quiet."

Firmly, Yuuna warned. I decided not to say anything to her for the time being. When I glanced over, Yuuna was glaring at me as if I had just killed her family member and she was plotting revenge against me. A cold chill ran down my spine.


She puffed her cheek at me and turned away with a  “Huff!" I was on her bad list, and saying anything to her at that moment wouldn't be the best of ideas. The knight sighed deeply once more, then turned back to me.

“Since you already know Yuuna, Feodora, I’ll get on with what I wanted to say.”

Jade cleared her throat.

“Yuuna is a contractor from the Light Camp, just like Vivian Heart. She will be providing aid to the people here.”

“They are both members of the Light Camp, huh?”

I expected their uniforms to be so similar, but the confirmation was good. I didn't know what the Light Camp's complete duties entail. But I nodded and continued listening to Jade.

“Long story short, she’s a doctor, and Mellissa is too. I want you to take them around the bombing scene so they can treat people with severe wounds.”

Jade looked about the area. Her fearsome glare amplified as she saw the people strung about, injured from the chaos.

"I would do it myself, but I must prepare to protect an upcoming address. The Ruler of the Radiant Kingdom is about to make a statement regarding these recent events."


I asked. The human clapped, causing Yuuna to shriek back away from her.

"Yes, the Ruler of the Radiant Kingdom, Marx. He's about to address the people, and Jade needs to be there for his protection!"

Mellissa seemed excited to hear from this Marx person as her eyes glimmered like gemstones hitting the morning sun. Her hips swayed in admiration, making her look like a kid. The human side of Mellissa was charming to watch.

"This girl is going crazy over this…."

Janova complained. Yuuna turned to her, shushed the spirit, and returned to us.

“So, Marx is the Ruler of the Radiant Kingdom?”

I asked, trying to get my facts right. I’ve read stories of Marx in history books, but this would be the first time I'd have a discussion about him with someone other than Maxwell. Mellissa put her hands behind her back and nodded. She seemed delighted that I even asked the question.

"Yes, he is. Marx is the Ruler of the Radiant Kingdom. He is the man who created the "Radiant Age," and because of his direction, we humans are safe."

Mellissa walked to me and towered over me. I gazed into her green eyes as she took my fingers in hers. Her skin was warm and soothing… as always.

"One day, I wish to meet him. Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful to be at the throne of the Radiants, Feodora? I've always wanted to see the inside of the Radiant Kingdom!"

Mellissa seemed infatuated with this, the Radiants. I could see the glorious passion in her eyes as she expressed herself.

“Maybe one day you’ll meet Marx, Mellissa. But for the time being, we need to focus.”

Jade cut in, causing Mellissa to let go of my hand and focus back on her.

Yuuna pushed hot air from her mouth. She and Janova weren't too impressed by the leader of the Radiants like Mellissa was. It was strange that I haven't read too much about him in the current history books. He seemed like an elusive person for such high power.

Jade put her hand on her hip and shrugged her slim shoulders.

"Anyway, you three keep up the efforts to help these people. After Marx has finished his speech, I'll call you, Feodora, about what we'll do next."

"Wait, before you go, Jade…."

I stopped her and pointed at the innocent human, Mellissa.

“Oh, Countess Mellissa? Hm… if she does come out while you’re working with Mellissa, that might be bad… wouldn’t it, Feodora?”

“Eh… yeah, that might be a little bad, Jade.”

Jade dug in her pocket and brought out the rosary I had seen the previous day. It was bright white and was about the size of my palm.

“Ah, the rosary from yesterday.”

Jade set it in my hand.

“Terra told me about what happened the other day. This rosary is the warding device we use to keep that side of Mellissa at bay. I… created it for that very reason.”

I looked over the device. It felt like wood, and its edges were smooth. A bright red jewel in the middle shined an off red. Mellissa came behind me and gazed at it.

"Yes, this device stops the other me from berserk, right Jade?"

The knight nodded.

“In a sense. Feodora, you can command Countess Mellissa with this device.”

“Command… like a dog?”

I asked.

The image of Countess Mellissa with a leash on came to mind. It… was a little unsettling, and I felt guilty about it. I tried to take that wild image out of my head, but it wasn't going away. It was more vivid than anything… as I thought about her human side with puppy dog ears and a tail.

“Feodora! Focus!”

The knight snapped.

“Ah! Right!”

Jade crossed her arm and nodded sharply.

"Just like a dog. However, if Countess swipes it from you… she'll be uncontrollable. So, make sure she never gets it from you, Feodora."

Jade sighed harshly.

"I don't have time to go over all the tricks you can do with this rosary, but command her not to attack you. And if she gets too aggressive, snap your fingers, and tell her to leave. That will bring back the human side of her."

The person in question started clapping her hands in excitement. She skipped around us suddenly. I watched yet again as she acted like a little girl. She reminded me of a black rabbit, bringing me a smile as she bounced around. I glanced over at Yuuna, who seemed to distance herself even more from the human. Even her ghost friend was getting a tad hesitant to approach her. But for me…

I kind of wanted to join in her excitement. This human girl was… fun to watch.

“Oh, what interesting commands, Jade. I wonder how the other me reacts to them. I never met her, Feodora! I’ve always wanted to, you know?”

I remembered that Mellissa had never met her other side. There were so many questions that I wanted to ask her, but it wasn't the time.

“Command her not to attack me… if she gets out of control, snap my fingers and tell her to leave.”

With this knowledge in my head, I nodded softly. The feeling of it was striking. It was like holding an electrified object. Knowing that Jade created this, too, only added to the mystery of who Jade Opal was. I slipped it into my pocket for safekeeping.


I trust you with Mellissa. And as for Yuuna… I don’t know her too well but make sure she works hard. She needs to earn her pay.

Jade glared at the pink bunny before pushing hot air from her lips.

“Jade Opal!”

From behind us, a group of white-cloaked individuals marched in formation. In front of them was the delightful "goddess" Abigail Pasco leading the pact. The little brat, Lana Pasco, was at her side as well. There had to be around 30 men and women behind her at her command.

“Abigail, what are you doing here?”

Jade crossed her arms and scowled. The other two girls and I turned towards this large group of worshippers. They scattered about the area, finding victims and treating their wounds. Abigail approached; her scent was… captivating as always.

“The Barons are here to aid the knights. We had a deal with the Radiants, remember? Why else would I be here?”

Jade shrugged.

“We’ll need all the help we can get… so thank you for helping out... I guess.”

With one hand on her hip, she glared at the “goddess.”

“But I swear, don’t start using this as a way to recruit people into your religion. The victims need help, not pity.”

All Abigail did was smirk as she flapped her wings. Now, together with Lana, they began hovering in the air.

“Let’s go help them, Lana. Use your earth spells to help get these people out from under the rubble.”

“Yes, sister!”

Lana shouted as they flew away towards the center of the lower quarters.

“Good luck, you three.”

Jade concluded before rushing off. With the two doctors beside me, I spoke up.

“So… I guess we’ll look around for more survivors, Mellissa, Yuuna.”


Mellissa nodded and walked over to me. She took my hand and casually began walking with me. I didn't resist as she led me through the chaos. Timidly, Yuuna and her ghost friend followed us.

“Yuuna thinks you two are dating.”

Yuuna said in a snarky tone. In a panic, Yuuna turned to Janova, the ghost behind her, and complained.

"S-Shut up! I never said that…."

I didn't realize this, but Mellissa entwined her fingers into mine at some point. She turned back towards Yuuna and Janova, a tad confused.


Mellissa questioned.


Yuuna said with a pout on her face. I could hear her and Janova, but others couldn't, making this entire exchange awkward. It was strange that others couldn’t hear Janova as I could.

"Feodora is so warm that I couldn't help but want to hold her hand, Yuuna."

The black bunny giggled and continued walking with me. Yuuna slogged behind with a sigh, and I… just enjoyed feeling her warmth too. As much as I wanted to pull away, her touch was soft. As we walked about, there were plenty of knights helping people escape from the rubble. 

“These bombs… were much larger than last time.”

I analyzed. Yuuna groaned and looked at Janova. Mellissa put one hand on her chest and sighed deeply.

“I can’t fathom what the reason for these bombings may be. But a lot of people are getting hurt. I hope the Radiants can figure something out soon.”

Yuuna groaned a bit louder, causing me to turn towards her and Janova. I met eyes with the ghost, and she looked away sharply. I felt as though Janova was about to strangle me to death.

“Get with it, Yuuna….”

Janova pushed her friend to focus. Yuuna shook her head and straightened her back.


She pumped her fist, giving herself a bit of a confidence boost.

“Yeah… it wasn’t nearly as bad before.”

I commented as we continued to walk. I decided it was a perfect time to ask. So, I looked over my shoulder, back at Janova and Yuuna.

“Do you remember seeing me during the first bombing, Yuuna? I remember spotting you… when Eve was interrogating me.”

For a moment, her eyes shifted. I let go of Mellissa’s hand.

“Oh, do you need to discuss something with Yuuna, Feodora? I’ll go on ahead then.”

She gave us a tender smile as she continued walking without us.

“What, are you going to treat us like criminals?!”

Janova lashed out at me. I put both my hands up and explained.

“No, I’m just trying to piece some strange events together. I’ll ask you both again, did you remember seeing me when the first bombing happened? I was with Eve.”

“Eve? Oh… D-Do you mean that scary woman with the bright blue eyes?”

She looked away and put her finger to her lip. Seemingly confused, Yuuna turned back to me.

“Ah… what happened? You were… there during the first bombing, Feodora?”

Confused, she looked at Janova.

“Do you remember… seeing Feodora?”

Janova crossed her arms.

“Of course not. I would remember this redhead.”

My mouth opened slightly as my head began to spin. How could I remember something everyone else says didn't happen? It would make no sense if I made it up… because, at that time, I didn't know Eve, Yuuna, or Janova.

“You don’t remember either, huh?”

I had to confirm that it had to be a delusion. If Jade, Eve, and Yuuna didn't remember the events that I do surrounding the first bombing… How could a fantasy create accurate people?

"That's so strange…."

I mentioned that Yuuna looked confused for a good reason.

I had to wonder if that all was a delusion of my creation… how would my mind make up Eve, Yuuna, and Janova without me ever meeting them? Something… was strange.


There was a meek cry in the distance. Mellissa was already rushing towards the cry for help when I turned back around.

“There’s a few who are hurt. Yuuna, let’s go.”

The kind human raced over, and Yuuna staggered behind. I watched as the two of them… or the three of them rushed over and began helping a group of people wounded from the blast. A child couldn't have been any more than seven or eight, crying on the dirt. I didn't see anyone around who looked like her parents either. The poor girl had a gash across her cheek, and the blood coming from it looked alarming.

“There, there…Where is your mommy?”

Mellissa asked the frightened child. She opened her medical bag and took out a piece of candy and a bottle full of medication.

"I-I don't know…."

She wounded girl struggled to get her words out. Calmly, the doctor brushed her hand through the girl's hair, soothing her.

"Take this, and I'll give you sweets, okay?"

The innocent girl's eyes opened wide at the thought of a treat. Without a word, she took medicine and was offered the candy right after. As she sucked on the sweet, Mellissa gently tended the wound on her face. A harsh cut ran across her cheek, stopping before her lip.

"This will hurt a bit, but the pain will fade, and everything will be okay."

I watched for her to kiss the wound or do what she usually did with me, but to my surprise, she didn't. It was stranger seeing her act so professional around this little girl. Efficiently, she cleaned up her face and began patching up her wound. After it was all bandaged up, Mellissa took the lost child's hand.



“What’s your name?”

The doctor asked.


She responded.

“Nina~ That’s a lovely name. I’ll stay with you until we find your parents, Nina.”

Watching her tend to this little girl like a mother showed me the massive difference between her and that demonic side. I couldn't take my eyes off this wholesome moment as she petted the girl's head and made her smile. Occasionally, she poked her nose and pulled another candy from behind her ear. Mellissa didn't just treat her wound but calmed her frantic heart.

“Everyone, the Ruler of the Radiant Kingdom is about to address the city.”

One of the knights nearby announced. He pulled out his phone, prompting other civilians to do the same.


I screamed as my pocket began to rumble. Everyone turned to me as I pulled out my… phone. Everything about these… phones was scary to me.

“That was so embarrassing.”

I complained, and Mellissa began laughing at me with her cute chuckle. Something told me that… she'd been watching me fumble with my phone, which only added to my insecurity.

"Feodora is everything… Hehe… Is everything alright?"

I rubbed the back of my head. She was pitying me, but I answered anyway.

"Ah… I got a phone for the first time today, so it scared me."

Mellissa’s face lit up with stars in her eyes.

“Oh, how adorable! Jade told me you were a little hermit girl. Oh my, Feodora is a hermit.”

With her hands to her cheek, she squealed. I rubbed my foot into the ground, trying to shield my embarrassment. Mellissa stood up and held the little girl's hand. Together they approached me. Mellissa brought out her purple phone with a larger screen than mine. Her shoulder brushed against mine, and she showed me what to do.

"Here, this is how you look at the messages. The Ruler has an announcement, so you go here…."

I followed her and found the video message. Both our screens showed the same thing in unison. I was in awe of how we both could watch something happening in another location like this.

The image of a man with a short white beard and a bandage over his eyes came into view. He looked old, as if he's been through a few wars, a veteran of life. I looked around, and the rest of the people were doing the same as me, watching their… phones.


Around him were Radiants who were in black suits comparable to the ones Atom was wearing. There was a completely different feel if I compared them to the knights. These must have been the higher politicians that live within the Radiant Kingdom.

“Citizens of Radiant City…”

The Ruler addressed. His voice was amplified around the city as if it was coming from the Kingdom itself. It was strong like a lion and sharp like a blade, and it made me fall to attention. It was strange… this entire event was weird. People were crying both mournful tears… and joyful ones.

“Thank goodness…”

Victims wept. It would seem that Marx was well-loved as smiles came on everyone's faces.

"We saw the terrors unleashed on our people and heard your pleas. The Radiants are going into action at this very moment. Our forces have been on these attacks for the last few days. We are putting the Radiant Order on this case."

“They’re bringing in the Radiant Order?”

A woman questioned in excitement. People clapped gladly as the lower quarters erupted in praises.

“Radiant Order?”


I questioned, turning to Mellissa.

"There's a hierarchy of soldiers in this Kingdom. We have the Knight Order that patrols the streets and gates alike. The ones in the white and blue uniforms."

The human held her hands together as if praying to a higher power.

“Then there is the Radiant Order. They are made up of highly skilled Radiants and are significantly stronger in comparison. They deal with high-profile cases with an iron fist. They have never failed to solve a case."

Mellissa tilted her head endearingly.

“So, if they are bringing in the Radiant Order, things are serious, and they will find out who did this, Feodora."

I nodded as I turned back to my phone.

“Fear not, we won’t let these terrorists take over the land we love-“

Suddenly, the connection broke, and a signal lost message was left on the screen. It was abrupt and felt unnatural. I could only imagine that the speech was over. Though it seemed incomplete like he had more to say, the connection was cut before he finished. However, everyone around me still cheered. Their love for the Ruler was showing in their morale.

“I always feel motivated when I hear from Marx.”

She hummed as she turned to the girl. Excitedly, she put her phone in her pocket and lifted the young girl in her arms.

“Are you happy Marx is going to protect us, Nina?”


She was still shaken up, and Mellissa knew this. So, she turned to me.

"You see this woman here? Her name is Feodora. From what I hear, she's kind and strong. Don't worry. She's going to help the Radiant Order too, aren't you, Feodora?"

That look in her eyes was like one a mother would give a father. In this situation, I was supposed to comfort this child, and Mellissa's kind eyes were pleading with me to do so. My heart began to beat a tad faster as Mellissa took my hand in hers and tilted her head, pleading with me.

“Yeah, don’t worry. Everything will be alright.”

I said to the shaken girl. Her trembling body wrapped around me, and the next thing I knew, Mellissa let go, and I was holding this child in my arms. I wasn't good with children… and one was latching onto me instantly.

“Thank you… thank you… Ms… F-Feodora.”

Mellissa put her hands behind her back and watched me… tend to the shaken girl. I was confused, out of my element, and it was her fault, Mellissa Ann Cafree.

“Wow… you are something, Feodora.”

Mellissa said coyly.

“The Radiants won’t let these terrorists get away with this!”

People chanted, breaking this moment between the three of us.

Yuuna and Janova sat there… stoically as they took in the crowd getting louder. It seemed that Yuuna wasn't comfortable with all this noise. A knight raced over to me along with a crying woman. She reached out her hand in a panic.

“Nina?! Are you okay?!”

I handed her the child. They both embraced for a moment before Nina looked back at us.

"I'm fine… these two women treated me, mom."

The mother’s eyes were full of tears as she praised Mellissa and me.

“Oh, thank you! Thank you!”

Mellissa titled her head and gave her a charming smile. The way she handed herself felt so pointed and noble.

“I’m glad you two are reconnected. Please, find a safe place and get well.”

With a bow, the mother and Nina walked away. Nina waved us goodbye, and… we did the same.

“You’re good with children.”

Mellissa whispered to me.

That was far from the truth, and in embarrassment, I turned away from her. She giggled and pushed my shoulder slightly. This human seemed to like baiting a reaction from me.

“No… I’m bad with kids.”

I tried to push out, but my phone vibrated again, causing me to jump.

“AahhhhhhH! Why does it do this?!”

I screamed. Mellissa giggled as she watched me flip about. It took me a bit to find out how to answer it as I fumbled around.

“Oh, hello?”

"Feodora, this is Jade. I need you to come to the knight's station, where you were arrested a few days ago. Bring Mellissa Ann Cafree and Yuuna along too."


"Hm? Ah… sure, but can I ask why, Jade?"

The knight groaned before she continued.

“We discovered five more potential bomb threats scheduled for today.”






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