Radiant Prism

The Cursed Human (Mellissa’s Route) (1/4)



I couldn't move. My consciousness was fading as I opened my eyes to bright light. I was locked down in belts and straps, likely keeping me from moving around. I had bandages across my stomach, chest, arms, and legs.

“Is she stable? How are her vitals?”

The room was white and a bit too bright for my liking. My mouth was bound with a gag, keeping me from shouting in my sleep.

"Ah, she stopped trying to scream. About time."

I heard a husky man's voice. He was dressed in a white coat, likely a doctor. I must have been in a hospital somewhere in Radiant City, I assumed. The doctor touched my jaw and slowly removed the gag. My mouth felt tired from being open for so long…

“Do you know your name?”

The doctor asked. Instead, I looked around to gauge if there were any exits or ways out, just in case. As I tried to squirm, the doctor squeezed my arm gently.

"Believe me, ma'am; you're not getting out of here any time soon unless you start to talk."

Suddenly the door opened, and I knew the woman who stepped in. She had long dark hair and a dress far too expensive to be casually going about in. The woman approaching me was Mellissa's mother. I didn't know her name, but I knew this from the Sanctum. The click of her heels echoed in my ear as she got closer.

"Alright, I know your name is Feodora Cicer, and you're a hermit who came to Radiant City a bit ago."

Annoyed, I shook my head.

“I’m not a hermit.”

She crossed her arms and signaled the doctor to leave.

"Everyone, out. I need time alone with Feodora."

A mercenary who came in after she spoke up.

"Are you sure, Lady Flora? We still don't know what she's capable of."

She turned back with a sharp glare.


Without another word, everyone filtered out of the white room. I lay there, strapped down to this bed, angled upright. The boss lady approached and stood next to me. I could smell a hint of perfume coming from her. It was lavender, and it only added to the maturity of this woman beside me.



“Do you know the truth of the world?”

Confused, I shook my head.

“Truth of the world?”

I heard that phrase before. But before I could bring it up again, Flora looked towards the doorway then back at me. Annoyed, she put one hand on her hip.

"I left the knights out of this expecting you to be...” 

She paused for a moment then continued her questioning.

“Anyway, why were you in my daughter's room if you were not here for that?"

“I’m… a friend of your daughters.”

"Don't lie to me. How stupid do you think I am, Feodora? I live in a world where I'm the weakest being. Do you think I've lived this long by believing such obvious lies?"

Flora hovered over me with a scowl.

“My mercenaries rushed in after hearing you scream in your sleep. They had to fend off Countess to get to your body. The blood and scene were right out of a horror movie."

I looked away. It was hard to keep staring Flora in the eyes. She… looked a lot like Mellissa.

“Okay… I’ll tell you the truth.”

I sighed. There was no real reason to lie at this point.

“I hurt your daughter's feelings… and snuck in to apologize. That's pretty much the gist of it."

My chest tightened up, thinking about our kiss. Never did I imagine feelings on that level could come from another person.

“You hurt my daughter? How?”

I instantly regretted being so open. But I pressed on…

“I told her that I didn’t want to see her again. And because of that, Countess came to my place and… destroyed it.”

Flora sighed deeply.

"Okay, so that's it. Are you here for compensation? What did she damage? We'll repair it if you keep this between us and never show your face again."

I shook my head relentlessly. The belt straps were constricting my body so tight I felt like I would burst like a water balloon.

"No, no, no! You misunderstand me!"

"Listen, I do not misunderstand anything. My daughter isn't normal in the slightest, as you know. I won't believe that someone willingly came here to see her!"

“But she did, mom!”

Mellissa stood there, to her mom's surprise. She rushed past her and began untying me from the bed.

“And I tried to tell you this, but you didn't listen! Sometimes you don't know best."

Fighting with my restraints, Mellissa looked back at her mom.

"Feodora came to see me! She wanted to make up with me! S-She's more than a friend to me!"

Finally, my body was released, allowing me to sit up properly.

“Mellissa, you can’t take everything someone says at face value.”

She stood before me and put her arms out, defending me from her mother, becoming my shield.

"You don't understand, mom! She's the first person who came after me! Don't scare her away!"

I got off the bed onto the cold ground. I was barefoot, and wearing this gown with my back exposed made it chilly.

"A normal friend would have asked for you at the gates. You can't be certain she has nothing nefarious planned by sneaking in."

Flora suggested. Mellissa grabbed my arm and shook her head like a spoiled child, not wanting to let go of her new toy. But… that would make me the new toy in a way. It made me smile.

"The mercenaries would have turned her away. If she had persisted, they would have attacked her. You know that, mom! She had to find a way to get inside!”

Flora rubbed the back of her head.

“So… you’re telling me that all your moping and crying alone was… because you fell in love with a hermit girl?”

My face heated up… and so did Mellissa's. It felt like we weren't ready for that question as we looked away from each other. Mellissa even let go of my arm and put her hands together. Flora rubbed her temple and sighed deeply.

"So, this is just the quarrels of two young adults having relationship problems? I… I wish you would have come to me with this, Mellissa. Your father and I were worried sick about you."

Flora paced back and forth before coming up with an idea.

“Feodora Cicer, you mentioned your home was destroyed by… my daughter?”

I nodded.

“Yeah. That happened.”

Surprised, Mellissa jolted and looked at me.

“Oh my, what happened? Did she destroy your garden too?”

I nodded.

“Yeah, she… planted bombs around my home and… let’s just say it’s in a sorry state.”

With a deep sigh, Flora concluded.

"Then, for the time being, I'll have builders go by your place and build you a new one. Give me a list of the damages, and we'll replace it."

I rubbed the back of my head.

“Sorry… for the inconvenience?”

I didn’t know what to say. Never have I dealt with a pair of people who threw around money like it was fuel for fire.

“For the time being… We have guest rooms. You and Mellissa can find a nice one for you to stay in.”

"R-Really, mommy?!"

"Yes! But under the condition that Feodora will sleep in a separate room. I-I don't want to even entertain the idea of you both in the same room. I-It's too soon, and too much is happening at once. I'm getting overwhelmed."

I felt terrible for the stressed-out mother.

"Let me go speak with your father. I-I never had to deal with Mellissa in a relationship. Mellissa, show your… girlfriend around, but keep it civil, for goodness sake."

We both watched as the stressed mother made her way out of the room. I felt out of place in many ways… and this hospital gown wasn't doing me any favors.

Mellissa turned around and took my hand. Our fingers melted together, and we stared into each other's eyes.

“First girlfriend?”


Suddenly, she broke out in a fit of laughter. I rubbed the back of my head and pulled away slightly, showing her I was getting restless.

"Let's get you into a change of clothing. Ah… we had to toss away your clothing after… the mercenaries found me... eating you..."


Everything was strange about this, but I… think I had a foolish smile as she led me out of the hospital room.


When we got out, the walls were like those of Mellissa's home. I wasn't sure where we were now as I looked about it.

"Are you at a loss? This room is our personalized medical area. They made it for me to have a private practice anytime."

“Oh… I see.”

That only added to the fact that they didn't take me to Radiant City but instead isolated me in the mansion, likely to see what they needed to do with me before having the knights arrest me. The Cafree’s have so much power they could have disposed of me while I was sleeping but opted out of doing that… likely for Mellissa's sake.

I followed her into another larger room. Inside was a bathroom at the far right and a dresser full of clothing.

“Hm, let’s give you something looser so your bandages don't rub off. Oh, how I like you in shorts and spats, though…."

I scratched my cheek. Wardrobe was never my thing. I only wore what I found for the most part. The black coat and shorts were more for convenience's sake. Warm and easy to move around it. I also found more men's clothing when scavenging. Mellissa brought out a few dresses and even skirts.

“I don’t think that suits me.”

“Well, let’s try!”

Before I knew it, she had a bunch of different clothing in her hands. Together we went into the dressing room nearby.

“Okay, try this!”

After fumbling and trying to understand how to put things like this on… we both walked out to find me in a long blue dress. It was dark blue, pushed around my waist tight, making me feel like… a princess.

"Are you bullying me?"

I looked up to the tall human. Coyly, she looked away, likely avoiding my judging gaze.

“Nonsense! You look good.”

She poked my cheek, and I pushed back. We both ended up laughing at this ridiculous interaction. 

“Look into the mirror and give me a spin!”

I was wary about it, but I did what Mellissa asked. I twirled my body, causing the dress to spin outwards. The breeze and flow felt incredible as I landed back, facing myself. It was relieving as if I let down my defense for the first time after a long battle. A genuine smile came to my face.

“How does it feel?”

“A bit too showy… but not bad.”

She giggled.

"Yeah, it looks good on you, but I'm sure you're a little uncomfortable in it. It's fun… seeing you get flustered like that, Feodora."

I rubbed the dark blue pumps on the floor and looked away.

“I dunno… I just never had to wear something like this before. Y-You, don't need dresses in a forest. It doesn't help you hunt for food."

She took my finger and entwined them in mine.

"I get it, hermit Feodora. I just wanted to see a more feminine side to you. And I don't regret it."

“I-I’m not… a hermit.”

She held me close and… I felt great. This affection was something I'd never considered having in my life, yet it was all I wanted.

"We have time. Let's get you something you feel comfortable in."

So, we did just that. Tried on various outfits to try to find the one that sparked the most. Mellissa talking about… seeing a more feminine side of me probably indirectly influenced my choices. It was like being in a… huge clothing store. The Cafree manor had everything so far.

“I’ll go with this.”

I picked out a collection of clothes and entered the dressing room. I wore a black jacket, dark gray camisole, and a designer red skirt that felt breezy to move in. It was not very practical in battle, but it brought out a side I never thought I'd explore. Seems like Mellissa influenced a simple opinion of mine. Maybe it went to show me just how narrow-minded I was, being alone for so long. I ended it with dark leggings and comfortable boots with a white and gray fringes. I felt great, having something new for a change. I left the dressing room and was surprised to see my girlfriend waiting for me to... see her.




“I changed too! How do I look?”

The tall bunny asked with her brilliant smile that drew me to her. Mellissa had a trendy gray top with frills and puffed-out shoulders. Her shoulder straps echoed a crimson dark that fell to her skirt, stopping mid-way to her thighs. I was drawn to her semi-exposed thighs because she was so tall. Everything about it gave this dark, mystic flare. That's one thing about Mellissa; her styles were mystifying and alluring. I'm the type that's drawn to the dark… and Mellissa fits this bill.




“Feodora, my eyes are up here.”

She teased, shielding my view of her thighs. I felt ashamed and rubbed the back of my head.

"You look great. I… I like the change a lot."

Complimenting someone like this, especially someone I felt for, was rewarding and challenging. I was a social mess, which showed with every second I spent with Mellissa. I looked back, earning a bright blush from her. I didn't see this coming, making me clear my throat and look away.

“You look great too. I… I like the feminine touch.”

The room suddenly felt hot but not uncomfortably so. More like how it would feel to sit by a fire as the snow outside falls. For sure… this was a feeling that I wanted to explore more. So, I gained the confidence to look up at the girl that made my heart pound.

“I… I wanted to do it for you.”

I admitted those shameful thoughts. Instantly, I regretted it, though, as my cheeks began to burn.


“Yes, Mellissa?”

She rubbed her shoe into the wooden floor and asked…

“What do you find ah... ah… appealing about me? You know… physically?”

It was like a string latched onto my heart, pulling me into her words. This angel would take my heart and fly away if I wasn't careful. As silly as that sounded… It was true. How she held her body and looked at me coyly contrasted with her tall figure as if she was growing smaller just being… cute.

"I like… how tall you are, I guess. It makes me feel protected when I'm with you… not so much your Countess' side, though."

I added in, making sure the Countess heard if she was listening.


I spoke up.

Admitting all my hidden thoughts since meeting this purple bunny was embarrassing. But in a way… I did want to try to be more open because… I, in a way, wanted Mellissa to become the closest person to me. Dealing with Countess was only a hurdle to moments like these.

"When I first met you… your beauty was captivating. And I… find you to be… way out of my league, I guess?"

That was a term I heard from books. Romantic partners constantly compare themselves to their mates. As an unkempt loner who people assume to be a hermit, who would have thought that such a gem would fall into my lap even though it's a little rough around the edges with the "whole wanting to eat me" side of her?

“Way out of your league?”

Mellissa giggled.

"I-I feel the same way for you. With how you protected me in the ore factory, I-I was sure you'd save someone else, and they fall head over heels for you. I-I guess when I woke up and saw your face…."

She looked away momentarily and confessed something deep.

“I think a spark might have drawn you to me. I mean… who wakes up with a beautiful girl staring her down? In a way, it's like fate?"

Mellissa had a way with words, and… she once again drew me in. Before I realized it, I was closer to her, and our voices grew to a calm, passionate whisper as we expressed our feelings. Before we could draw in even closer, the door opened, taking the heat out of the room.

In came a butler with slicked-back graying hair and an almost statue-like posture. A maid was behind him as they both entered the room.

"Lady Mellissa, we have prepared a room for your girlfriend, Feodora Cicer."

The maid said. She had long blonde hair and was shorter than me by a good margin. However, the air she brought was proper and toned, as if she was born to serve.

"Oh, thank you, Claire. Feodora, this is Claire. She is one of my best aids here in this manner. The man behind her is Bellen, our head butler.”

The look Bellen gave me was a bit distasteful as if I was tainting Mellissa just being by here.

“You caught a nice catch, Lady Mellissa. I hope you two enjoy your time together.”

Claire teased, causing Mellissa to look away, flustered.

"Oh, stop… Claire."

Bellen cleared his throat.

“Lady Mellissa, if you are feeling up to it, your mother wanted me to inform you that she'd like you to do some work for the business today. Seeing as you have a guest, she mentioned it would be okay if you couldn't do it."

The tall bunny nodded.

"That's fine. I'll see mother and let you and Claire show Feodora to her room. Ah… Would you like to come with me after you settle in?"

I nodded.

“Sure, ah… where can I meet you?”

“There’s a large fountain in the center of the manor. How about we meet there in around thirty minutes?”

“Yeah… see you then.”

With that, she left the room. In a way… I already missed her. Maybe I was overreacting, but that's how I felt now. I wanted to spend more waking hours with her rather than away.


"Right this way."

Bellen commanded. With a nod, I followed behind them as we made our way to my new room.





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