Radiant Prism

The World We Create Will Become Our Reality (Yuuna’s Route) (11/12)



“I’ll protect both of you… no matter what.”

I shadow walked up the bright blue steps. They were mindlessly long, allowing me to calm my mind and…think.



“Yuu Yuu, Janova… when this is all over, let’s do what we promised and create a world just for the three of us.”

I prayed that it was still possible. I wasn’t sure how damaged Yuu Yuu was because of Elizera. Would it be possible for a level 3 chaos user to live an everyday existence? I… doubted that I could bring her back from being a level 3 though.


"No matter what you've become…."



I whispered as my determination peaked.

"No matter what you've become Yuu Yuu... Janova, and I will accept you!

Because we can't love each other without you!"


My feet felt lighter as the pain became more bearable. I danced up the steps that hovered in a spiral to the top of the Chaos Palace. After traveling for a while, I came to a clearing, about halfway through the palace. When I reached it, I stopped to catch my breath.

“Dang it…”

I was exhausted, but I had to keep pushing myself. My… girls were in danger, and the only way to save them was by bringing Yuu Yuu back to her senses. I… had an enormous weight on my shoulders. But even though I knew I had to keep going, my body wanted to rest.

Suddenly, I felt a massive chaos spectrum gather in front of me. My eyes widened as what appeared before me was a giant white beast. Its head protruded from a vortex. It looked like a boar’s skeleton, but it had boney fingers like a humanoid.

“You got to be fucking with me.”

I spat to the side, fatigued as I faced this creature. I could feel the power flowing from it, and it wasn't anything to scoff at. I raised my blade warily at the monster in front of me.

"I'm going to save you two… Janova, Yuu Yuu. Just… wait a little longer!”



The blood in my body began to boil as the shadows around us began to pull towards me unnaturally.

“Get out of my way!”

I warned the beast.

The beast channeled a holy spell, and it took me off guard. Rays of light fired my way, causing me to duck and dodge to the side. I pushed forwards, attempting to slash the beast with my long sword, but it vanished within its vortex.


I looked around, but it wasn't anywhere to be found. The ground below me began to shine, and I jumped, avoiding yet another collection of bright rays from its spell. The vortex beast appeared from above, sticking its boar-shaped head out. Its human fingers encroached from the edge of the vortex and pointed at me eerily.

“ ------- “

The beast speech was unintelligible as it brought out yet another holy spell. Beams of light fired at me, and I deflected them with my blade. Dark and light spectrum exploded along the walls of the Chaos Palace. I had to get on the offensive before I wore myself out. So, I shadow walked through the mess of holy spells and appeared at the side of the vortex beast.


I brought as much energy as I could muster into my blade and attempted to cut it horizontally. But the beast vanished, appearing above me yet again. Annoyingly, the beast began channeling light from above and raining it down on me. I withstood the assault as I shielded myself using the shadows around.

“Dang it! I don’t have time for this!”

When the spell ended, I gathered my composure and looked up at the beast hovering in the sky. It was channeling yet another attack aimed my way, and no matter how hard I tried, the beast could move faster than me and disappear before I could connect my blade with it.

“Think, think!”

I mumbled.

The spell released, and a few rays of light shot my way. I dodged them as best as I could but I was growing tired. Once it was over, I attempted to get to the by shadow walking before it escaped. I appeared above it, but it vanished and appeared below me. Rays of its holy spell shot up at me.


I shielded myself as I fell towards the rays of light. It cut past me, weakening my dark spectrum. This… was the worst kind of beast I could have dealt with. One strong in holy spectrum. When I landed on the ground, the beast vanished and appeared to the side of me.

“Enough of this.”

I could predict that the beast would vanish to escape from me if I got too close. It was focused on me… so I took that to my advantage. I turned and looked at the darkest shadow nearby.


With all my might, I thrust my blade into the shadows. I was unarmed, but that wouldn't matter. I… just had to draw it into the right spot and bring my sword to cut it down. A holy spell was being channeled from the beast. So, I rushed it, shadow walking towards it.

I appeared in front of it and brought my hand back, ready to punch it.

“Get out of my way already!”

I screamed as I attempted to break its head with my fist. However, the beast retreated back into the vortex. It appeared above me and glared at me with its empty eyes. I felt the beast cackle at me as it toyed with me.


I smirked as my large blade spun out of the darkness and sliced the beast’s head. The monster screamed as the darkness spell caused the skull to crack. The vortex vanished, and the bones fell apart. They rained down on me as I shielded myself. The pieces fell to the floor and disappeared soon after. Lastly, my sword hit the floor next to me, signaling that the beast was dead and the battle was over.

“What an annoying beast.”

I grabbed my sword that turned back to its original size.

Despite being exhausted, I raced up the remaining flight of stairs. After about five or so minutes, I made it to the top. At the top, there were stars and floating lights. The ground was made up of a white and black chessboard pattern. Standing at the far end was…

The pink bunny…



Yuu Yuu.

At her feet was Elizera’s body. Relentlessly, Yuu Yuu was kicking it, tormenting her with all kinds of horrible spells. The body was mangled beyond recognition as I approached. Madness filled her eyes as she brought out her hand.


Elizera came back to life, and it shocked me.

“Die! Die!”

Yuu Yuu bound her and stomped on her head with her feet. Blood poured from her face, yet Elizera… couldn’t do anything to defend herself. As I watched, too tired to intervene, Yuu Yuu brought out a fire spell, burning her alive. The screams echoed through my ears until Elizera, the head of the knights and Yuu Yuu’s mortal enemy, died a painful death… again.

“Yuu Yuu!”

This was too much to watch as I approached. The destroyed Yuu Yuu attempted to bring her back to life again.

“Yuu Yuu! That’s enough!”

I slogged my way to her only to witness Elizera brought back to life again. Coldly, Yuu Yuu beat on her once again, causing her to scream in pain.

“Yuu Yuu!”

I called out to her as I closed my distance.

“Die! Die!”

She kicked her face again and again until her eyes were swollen. Elizera’s face was unrecognizable again. When she finally stopped screaming, Yuu Yuu brought out a spear similar to Janova's. It burned with hate and fire as she lifted it up.

“Die! Just Die already!”

She brought it down upon her, severing her neck. When I finally reached her, she let go of the spear and dropped it on Elizera’s body haphazardly.  It was then that she noticed me. Slowly, the goddess of chaos, Yuu Yuu, turned to me.



“Yuu Yuu?”

Her mouth opened. Yuu Yuu’s hair was long, down to her legs and her eyes were pure white. Coldly… she looked at me as I approached her. 


I panted as I looked about the bloodied room. When I faced the pink bunny again, Yuu Yuu analyzed me coldly.

“Yuu Yuu… I’m… I’m here to take you with me.”

Cautiously, Yuu Yuu shook her head.

"No. You're dead, Feodora.”

I shook my head and put my hand on my chest.

“No! It was a lie! Janova is alive too… and she’s waiting for you.”

Coldly, she looked back at Elizera’s body.

"I've killed Elizera for a hundred years… and… I'm not satisfied anymore. It all just... makes me so angry. Killing her... never brought you and Janova back, Feodora.”

Yuu Yuu faced me.

"It's not the same when I make a pocket reality version of you two either. I… I know it's fake, and it makes me angry that I couldn't save you. Elizera said my perfect world would be possible. She said I could bring you and Janova back… but it didn’t work.”

Yuu Yuu grit her teeth.

"I tried… but I could feel how FAKE you two were… and it made me so confused and enraged! It… It made me so furious!"

She glared at me.

"And I'm trying it again! That's why you're here, Feodora! You're FAKE! Just like the hundreds of other Feodora's I made!"

Yuu Yuu reached out her hand, and a bunch of white strings appeared from behind her. They hovered in the air, and I was stunned as they slowly approached me.



“Yuu Yuu, I’m real!”

“That’s what I made you say.”

Menacingly, she walked towards me. Her spectrum levels were off the charts, and I knew if I tried to take her on…. I would die in an instant.

"Wait, Yuu Yuu! I’m the real Feodora. Mother tricked you! Janova and I came to this place to bring you back.”

The strings hovered over me. They threatened to touch me, take hold of me, and force me to dance to the goddess of chaos's tune. But I stayed strong as she approached slowly. Her long hair swayed from one end to the other.

“I’m tired… of trying to recreate you and Janova. I… I can’t even remember how you actually were anymore.”

Tears began racing down her cheeks. This was the face of a woman tired of revenge. Tired of living in a reality that no longer makes sense to her. Someone who was mentally broken due to a hundred years of her anguish.

The strings brushed up against me and slowly began wrapping around me. I could feel them becoming a part of me, and there would be nothing I could do to stop her. Yuu Yuu will take control of me, likely kill me, then take her anger out on the world because… she can’t have the world with Janova and me that she wanted.

The timid loner would start the next "War of the Gods," and the Radiants will have to stop her again.



I failed.

I could feel the strings wrap around my neck, shoulders, hands, fingers.

“Yuu Yuu.”

Tears fell down my cheek as I whispered…

“Did I ever tell you how I felt… when you ran from me that day when we were kids?”

The strings tightened around my body. I was losing grip on reality. Yuu Yuu didn't say anything as she watched her white lines begin to torment me.

“I was angry.”

I confessed.



"When I punched that bully because they were hurting you… and you ran away… I was angry because…."

I coughed as the strings tightened around my neck.

“Because I was so lonely… and even though I helped you… you treated me like a monster… like everyone else, Yuu Yuu!”

I looked into her cold eyes. She didn’t even bat an eye as she watched me suffer.

“B-But then when I saw you run into the closet… when you and Janova showed me the past… I was overjoyed because I saw your true feelings.”

I closed my eyes as my head began to turn to fog.

“I was so lonely back then… but that made me realize that even if I didn’t know it… someone cared for me during that time. I was happy that you and Janova got angry on my behalf and beat up that girl."

My eyes began to close as my consciousness was starting to fade.

“You and Janova… are the only two I want to share a world with. And if I can't…."

I sighed as the strings tightened around me. I was unable to escape.

“Then nothing else matters… and I’m willing to die.”



“What did you say?”

Yuu Yuu asked.

Her expression was cold… but she sounded like the timid loner I knew. I wasn’t able to speak as the strings controlled my body. However, I was conscious as I looked her in the eyes.

“W-What did you say, Feodora?”

Motionlessly, I sat there bounded by the strings. Suddenly, the ropes around my throat released, and I… was able to speak.

“I…. I said I’m willing to die if I can’t be with you and Janova.”

Her mouth opened wide… and a tear fell on the side of her cheek.

"B-But you're always… willing to live no matter what. T-That's how I remember you, Feodora. T-That's how I made you. Why... do you sound different?"

I nodded weakly.

“Yes, Maxwell taught me to always do what I can to live. But… I understand now that I can’t always live the way Maxwell wants me to.”

With determination and tears overflowing in my eyes, I confessed my deepest feelings.

“You and Janova changed the way I see the world. And… I’m not willing to live… if I can’t be with you two. I…”

I swallowed.


“I am willing to die if you want to kill me… because I love you that much, Yuu Yuu Vesper.”



Yuu Yuu looked down. She closed her eyes and began wailing in pain. 

“F-Feodora?! Is…Is that really you?!”

The strings released, and my Yuu Yuu ran to me. She held me tight in her arms and cried out to me.

“Please be real! You’re real, right?! I didn’t create you, right?!”

Slowly, I wrapped my arms around her and whispered.

“I’m real, don’t worry, Yuu Yuu. Janova and I are going to take you away from here. You… don’t need to be angry anymore.”



The palace began to shine a bright white. The place began to crumble around us as… Yuu Yuu came to her senses.

“I waited for years for you to come! Why did you take so long?!”

“I’m sorry, Yuu Yuu.”

We began falling as the structure around us crumbled. In the distance, Janova was soaring towards us.

“Feo! Yuu Yuu.”

She latched onto us and held us tight.

“Janova… Is that really you?”

Timidly, Yuu Yuu asked as we fell out of the sky.

“Of course, it's me, you idiot!"




The bratty goddess retorted as we all held one another. Like a comet falling from the sky, we descended to the earth in a bright, hazy light.

The Chaos Palace crumbled as fast as it appeared. People from all around watched eagerly as their doom was destroyed before their eyes.

But that didn’t matter to us.

We didn’t come here to save the world from Yuu Yuu…

We came here to save Yuu Yuu from this world.

A light engulfed us, and before we hit the ground, Yuu Yuu, Janova, and I vanished from this world…




Never to see this fake world again...



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