Radiant Prism

The World We Create Will Become Our Reality (Yuuna’s Route) (3/12)


"I have another question…."

I asked as we made our way to the main spa treatment area. We journeyed down a hall as I continued my questioning. 

“When I chased after Yuu Yuu that night, and you brought out those silver beast… were you trying to kill me?”



She shrugged.

“Kinda. I wanted to see how far you’d go to find me. It was so much fun seeing you fight for your life not just for Yuu Yuu but to find me.”

Her eyes shined.

“In a way… I had all your attention that night. You were worried about Yuu Yuu… but I was the object of your hate and anger. I… was so happy watching you fight for your life that night.”

Her tone was vicious and honest. Janova is unique in that way. She sees any emotion directed at her to the extreme as she has. If someone is happy with her, they are overjoyed. As she experiences only the extremes, I'm sure she feels that everyone else does too. I was angry and confused, trying my best to find her to confront her and rescue Yuu Yuu…but to Janova, my feelings were all directed at her. 

Yuu Yuu and Janova fought over who had my attention at that time. That night full of chaos was me looking at her. Janova had all my attention, and looking back on it, it all made sense to me. 

“If I found you that night… I would have tried to kill you, you know?”

“But isn’t that the fun part? Your emotions for me were so high that you’d kill me. It’s… kind of romantic to me.”

Suddenly, she kissed me on the cheek.

“Thanks for trying to kill me. It made me all giddy on the inside.”

“You’re welcome?”

“Ms. Cicer, Ms. Janova. There you two are. Please lie down while we give you a massage.”

Two Baron members invited us inside. They led us to two tables. We lay on our stomachs, and the benches were soft like clouds. 

“You girls better not touch my Feo inappropriately.”




One of the girls laughed coyly as she began losing my muscles. As she touched my sides, I recalled the wound I got during the battle at Steeble Lake. Lana said Abigail healed it using one of her miracles. I was unconscious and couldn’t witness it, but it made me wonder how her miracles worked. 


Janova said my name in a relaxed and drowned-out tone. 

“Yes, Janvoa?”

“What is your perfect world?”

“My perfect world?”

I closed my eyes and thought about the question seriously. It would only be a theoretical question if this was anyone other than Janova and Yuu Yuu. Something that isn't possible but only an idea of what could be possible. However, Janova and Yuu Yuu could, in a way, create a perfect world. 

“One that was quiet. Where there are fruit trees all around. Farmland that I own as far as the eye could see. Maybe two girls that I’ve come to fall in love with would be in a cabin on the hillside in the distance.”

As they continued to massage my back, I casually expressed my ideal world.

"I would love the night to be longer and the temperature to be warm during it. That way, I could go on long walks across the land. I would love to see the ocean in the distance… because I've never actually been to the ocean."

I recalled my time in the forest. I’ve only experienced ponds, lakes and the waves of the rivers. The ocean was a concept I wasn't too familiar with. I've read all about it in books, but to experience it is different, like kissing a person. I could read all kinds of romance stories as I broke down all the stories I've read in my life… but having my first kiss with someone I was attracted to overshadowed all the books I've read. 

“I would love to plant, read, eat, play, train my skills… in this perfect world.”

I turned to the side, seeing a reddened-faced Janova being massaged too. We faced one another as I gazed into her beautiful eyes. 

“I… want to hold you and Yuu Yuu’s hand as we enjoy each other’s company in this world.”

I could hear the Baron members giggle as they looked at one another, causing me to look away in embarrassment.

“Do you want your night terrors, Feo?”

I thought about it. The last time my night terrors were taken away from me, it terrified me. As much as I hate them, they've become a part of who I was. But as I grew and understood who I wanted to be more within the time, I met Yuu Yuu… I noticed that I had to change and mold myself not as Maxwell wanted me to be… but my own person who adapted portions of Maxwell's teaching. 

“I don’t care if I don’t have my night terrors… I just want you two in my world, Janova.”

I said as honestly as I could. Janova smiled, closed her eyes, and announced. 

“What a wonderful world that would be. Maybe…”

She smirked.

“Maybe we could even have little Feo’s running around someday.”

The Baron girls squealed, and it was too much for me. I looked away and closed my eyes.

“Shut up, Janova.”

"Aww, are you embarrassed? In our world, we can have whatever we want. Why not little dark vessels?"

She looked up away as she began imagining everything. The goddess would giggle lightly, causing me to get even more embarrassed about the entire thing.

“If Yuu Yuu wants to play Prism Rangers, we can make versions of Lana and Vivian. If she wants to have intimate moments with us, we can spend as much time as we want together with her. Our world is our world, Feo.”

With determination, she continued.

“The world we create is our perfect reality, Feo. We just need to settle everything in this reality… before we can be together forever.”

She reached out her hand, and I did too. Together, we connected.

“Yeah, let’s finish this so we can create our perfect world, Janova.”

I knew what she was asking. When this is over, we will be the enemies of this world. All kinds of assassins, knights, Radiants, vessels, and the like will be out to kill us. Yuu Yuu, Janova, and I will be the people who killed Elizera. We will be wanted and go down in history as the three that killed a noble knight and “overall fantastic person.” 

This world will be distorted with that lie as a way to help them cope with the idea that someone so magnificent was taken away by three killers. 

But that didn’t matter to us. Our perfect world was one with each other. And if we make a pocket reality strong enough, nobody would ever find us, and we could live out our days as fugitives in a perfect world. One where we three lived.

Would something like that be an escape from reality? It might be, but that didn't matter to me. If my girls and I decided that this brand new world was ours alone, that wouldn't matter. That would become our reality, and the one where Elizera was dead, and everyone was out to kill us would just be a false world to us. 

“This is nice.”

Janova said as she stretched her body. This was the first time I’ve ever done something like this and sadly, it might be the last. 

“What do you plan to do in our world, Feo?”

Janova turned to me and asked. 

“Hm, a lot of things. Farm, hunt, travel the world together with you three.”

“We can pretty much do everything you know? There are no boundaries in a pocket reality.”

The goddess teased.

“You can even be the mother of our children if you want. Like I said earlier.”

I was thrown off guard by that. Janova laughed hysterically and I could feel the embarrassment from the baron members in the room rise. I wanted to reach over and hit her on the head for being an idiot...


But instead... I decided to take it a step further. If the goddess wanted to play that kind of game... then so would I.

“You know what, Janova... I wouldn't mind having your babies.”




I teased causing Janova to shriek. She wasn’t expecting me to come back that bluntly, and it was all a joke really as I looked her in the eye. The Baron masseuses couldn't take it anymore as they jumped away, laughing and squealing. Janova was stunned by my sudden confession.

“Be careful what you wish for, Feo. You’ll have too many to take care of if you say things like that.”

We gripped each other's hands tighter as our bond grew more assertive. 


“Right this way, Ms. Cicer, Ms. Janova.”

We were led into the shower room. Here we would wash up before going into the hot spring. The Baron girls shut the door behind us, and there were two showers. 


I murmured as I took off my towel. Before I could step in one, Janova pulled me into hers. We held one another as I looked up at her. She was slightly taller than me. She pushed one hand on the wall behind me as she turned on the shower. 

“You have a nice body.”

She teased, reminding me of when we were at Atom Tower. This only confirmed that this bratty goddess said that in an attempt to embarrass both Yuu Yuu and me. At the time… it worked. And at this time, my face began to warm up as if someone had put a fire underneath it. It worked just like before.

“You too…”

I whispered back, looking at her slender figure. Her chest size wasn’t as big as Yuu Yuu’s, but that didn't make her any less desirable. The goddess began rubbing my hair with soap, and after a bit, the shower was full of suds from the soap. Together, we washed one another gently, feeling each other on a more intimate level. As I caressed her soft skin, the desire to fight harder for her overflowed in me. 


After a bit of silence, I whispered.



“Elizera will never hurt you again.”

With force, I said as I caressed her back. 

“Yeah, I believe you, Feo. I know you won’t let anything happen to me.”

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