Radiant Prism

The World We Create Will Become Our Reality (Yuuna’s Route) (9/12)




Janova had me in her arms as we hovered over to the Chaos Palace in the sky. Jade was being flown in by Abigail too. In the distance, Eve was being carried by Countess Mellissa, and even Vivian was being held by Lana as they all approached the palace in the sky.

“When we reach the palace, expect the world around us to change, Feodora. We will be within a perfect reality.”

Jade said we flew into the heavens.

“I ordered the other girls not to get too close and stay outside. They'll need to fight Yuuna outside of the pocket reality if we can't kill her before the palace is finished."

I grit my teeth.



I looked over my shoulder at Janova. Clearly, she was afraid, unsure what to do. So, I held her arms tight.

“I’m sure Yuu Yuu is still in there, Janova. Maybe it’s not too late to bring her back to her senses.”

Janova shook her head.

"I don't know about that, Feo. Yuu Yuu honestly believes that we're dead. It might only damage her psyche more if we confront her, telling her that we are actually alive."

“It’s the only way we can have a chance to stop her. I… I’m not going to allow Jade to kill Yuu Yuu, Janova.”

We flew behind them as we soared through the clouds.

“We’ve fought too hard not to have our perfect reality! Even if I have to do it alone, I won’t allow Yuu Yuu to die!”


My stomach was gripped tighter as Janova rubbed her nose on my neck.

"Let's get her back and run away from all this madness! I believe in you, Feo! I believe in you!”

Janova sped up and soared past Jade and Abigail.

“Hey, what are you two doing?! Don’t go off alone! It’s dangerous!”

"Sorry, Jade!"

I apologized as I looked back at her.

“But we’re going to get our girlfriend back alive no matter what it takes.”

The knight glared at me for a moment. Her eyes lowered as she accepted that I wasn’t going to back down.

"Fine! I have someone on the inside already. She'll help you find Yuuna! Look for her when you get there!"

Jade said.

Janova enchanted her clothing with the wind element and soared into the palace. I could hear Jade click her tongue before crying out.

“If you die, it’s on you two! Good luck, you idiots!"

I couldn’t help but smirk.

The clouds became thicker when suddenly a water sensation washed over me. It was brief but there. As Jade said, this is a perfect reality so that sensation was nowhere to be felt any longer. My mind… believed all of this was real.

The palace was flowing with white flowers and beautiful lakes. The buildings around were pure white, and they reminded me of churches. The streets were paved with bright silver, and white beasts roamed all around.


The palace was spread out on floating platforms. On each platform were gardens, buildings, and flowing water that fell from the heavens. This place looked like paradise in every sense of the word. In the middle of this collection of platforms was one large one. It was surrounded by a white force field.

“That palace in the middle! The Chaos throne room is in there, Feo!”

“How do you know, Janova?”

“Because that’s where I was killed! I remember it vividly.”

Suddenly, white strings began aiming our way. They were coming from the main palace. Unlike Janova’s, they were larger and glistened in the light. They looked sharp to me, and I was instantly reminded about how dangerous they were.

"We can't get caught, else we won't be able to break out from the silver strings, Janova!”

"Right, hang on, Feo!"



She enchanted herself with the wind element again. Together, we avoided the strings coming at us as we swayed from one side to the other.

“It’s too dangerous to be in the open like this! Janova, land us on one of the platforms!”

“Right, right!”

We made a safe landing in one of the gardens of white flowers. But the strings were still coming our way. I took Janova’s hand and began running with her. We avoided the strings striking down at us.

“There’s an entrance to one of the palace’s buildings Feo! Let’s go over there!”

I followed her finger as we sprinted to one of the buildings. The bright strings began to fade as we entered inside and shut the door behind us.

“That was close.”

I said as I caught my breath. When we turned around, we were met with a place that looked like a church.

"Jade mentioned that the palace isn't ready yet. Likely, Yuu Yuu doesn't have full control of the entire palace yet, Feo.”

I nodded.

“Is that why the strings couldn’t reach us in here?”

“It’s likely… but I’m unsure.”

Janova pondered.


Surprised, we turned to see a little girl with bright pink hair. She had a white dress and no shoes. At first, I thought it was a younger version of Yuu Yuu, but her eyes were different. As I looked at her closely, she actually looked nothing like her. The pink hair was the only similarity.

“Who are you?”

I asked cautiously.

“Don’t worry. I am a messenger that works as an aid for Jade Opal. My name is Polechenote, and I'm here to provide support."



“You work for Jade?”

She nodded.

“I am her… friend. She informed me to stay vigilant if things went wrong. I infiltrated this place during its creation, and I'm here to help guide you two through the palace."

Janova put her hand on one hip.

“Guide us through? You sound like you know this place.”

The little girl shrugged.

“Well, I was around the first time this place appeared during the war of the gods 200 years ago. I was a key player in killing you before, Janova.”

I shook my head.

“Clearly, you’re a Radiant, Polechenote. But you work only for Jade… are you a part of the Radiant Order?”

“No, I’m only part of Jade’s Order. We have a… special relationship that I serve her.”

She clapped.

“Listen, I can try to explain this all day, but we don't have time. From what I understand, you two are trying to reach Yuuna Vesper, the soon-to-be goddess of chaos. I can guide you two to the throne room as safely as I can."

She pointed to the window.

“Starting with this piece of advice. When you step outside the doors of the churches, the strings will attempt to grab you. If you are grabbed, the only way you will be freed is if someone kills you.”

I swallowed.

“Yeah… I remember the stories.”

I said as I recalled what Jade told me before. With the level 2 version of the strings, it was possible to cut them. However the level 3 versions were powerful and would be a death sentence if they took hold of me. 

“Feodora, Janova, as of now, Yuuna Vesper only has control within this perfect reality. It will only be a matter of time when this perfect reality merges with our realm. When that happens, she will be able to use those strings all over without any limitations.”

The small girl paced around.

"And if that happens… millions will die. Yuuna won't stop until her mind is satisfied. Whatever trauma is causing her mind to break, will keep tormenting her until it's resolved."

Polechenote looked at Janova.

“Like you, Janova. You wanted a silent world. The only way that would have been possible was if you killed everyone within our world. I don't know Yuuna’s trauma… but you two might have an idea.”

I looked at Janova.

“Yeah, we have an idea what that might be. So, where do we start, Polechenote.”

"You'll start by putting this talisman in your pocket. This will allow me to connect with you so I can guide you to where you need to go.”

Polechenote handed Janova and me two rectangular pieces of paper. They were orange and had a symbol I didn’t recognize on them. Instead of questioning it, I did as I was told and placed it in my pocket. Janova did the same and we continued to listen to Polechenote explain her plan.

“Your main goal is to get into the throne room before the palace is finished."

The child gave us a warm smile.

“I’ll contact you and give you advice as you two make your way there.”

“Right, thank you!”

I said.

Janova smiled.

“We have a chance, Feo! Let’s get Yuu Yuu back before it’s too late.”

“Right, Janova.”

"I hope you two are ready for a fight. This won’t be easy.” 

Polechenote sighed.

“You two will start with destroying the barrier that surrounds the main palace. There is a white beast that holds domain to that barrier. It's located on the west side of the collection of platforms."

She opened the door.

"Run fast, call me, and I'll guide you two. Don’t get caught by the strings or else it’s all over. Good luck, you two!"

I looked at Janova, and she looked back at me.



“Let’s go!”

We both motivated each other as we raced off into the gardens of the Chaos Palace.



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