Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 115 The respective 1 years

Chapter 115 Respective Years

It has been nearly a year since the establishment of the Galactic Justice League, and all operations are on track.

The Namek people also found a suitable home and moved to a new planet using the Dragon Balls. They also made a wish for Raditz to learn the Namek language, and expressed that Raditz is welcome to borrow the Dragon Balls at any time.

Before leaving, Raditz asked the new elder to tap the potential of the Saiyans.

On several nearby uninhabited planets, Angela has planted spiritual trees on a large scale for the soldiers to use to improve their strength.Under the leadership of Raditz, almost everyone has made a qualitative leap. Gies and Bart have raised their combat effectiveness to around 30, which is a far cry from before.As for Tabor, he already has a combat power of about 50, which is comparable to Frieza's first form.

Raditz found it very interesting to do all this, gather the remaining Saiyan army, and when the time comes, a clean Super Saiyan will appear, Dorafeng.Moreover, most of these sent Saiyans are plastic, not as violent and vicious as the Saiyans on Planet Vegeta, which makes Raditz feel more at ease.

Thus, a 15-member Saiyan team was finally formed.In addition to the special guards, this is another elite force, represented by Tabor and Avna, which has gradually become famous in the northern galaxy.

But what Raditz was worried about was that he would be too famous and be known by the frozen demons.Frieza is dead or not. King Kurd and Gula are not easy to use, and the powerful Piccolo is still missing.

Most of his actions are carried out in the fringes, in order to avoid the detection of the two major forces.

Now, as the movement is getting bigger and bigger, it seems inevitable...


In the center of the Northern Milky Way, where the star field is the most extensive and developed, there are many space stations, each planet is developing very advanced technology, spaceships are constantly coming and going, and they are closely connected.

The most dazzling and powerful one is the main star of King Kurd, like a crown placed on a heap of gems, no matter how dazzling the stars are, it cannot be compared with it.

On the highest building of the main star, there is a magnificent large palace with gorgeous columns and large and exquisite reliefs spread on the wall, depicting the glorious history of the frozen demons.The red velvet carpet was spread across the entire palace, extending to the bottom of the crystal throne at the end.

On the crystal pedestal, the huge Kurdish king supported his head, slightly shaking the wine glass with one hand, and examined the star map in front of him with great interest.Countless bright spots in the star chart converged into an ocean of light, and each point represented a planet under his command.

So many planets fell under his rule, King Kurd felt very proud, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

But there was a gloomy atmosphere around him, and the Kurdish king couldn't help but cast a glance: "Frieza, what's wrong?"

Frieza on the side saw the bleakness in the star chart that belonged to him, and he couldn't hold back his anger, and the uncontrollable dark power vented out.

The crystal "Karara" under his seat made a sound of shattering, and the cracks spread and intertwined like spider webs.

"Father, my body has almost recovered, it's time to take back my territory." Frieza gritted his teeth, "Those Saiyans who survived secretly searched my territory and falsely reported my death , must not let them go!"

"The news just came yesterday. Are you impatient now..." King Kurd squinted at Frieza's intact body at the moment. Although it looked similar to the original, the severed limbs were tightly stitched. The traces looked strange and hideous.

"It's all Gula's good deed! After he took me back, he didn't treat me with all his strength. He procrastinated because he was afraid that I would interfere with the territory he took over from Shi Lage. Later, he simply sent me to my father." , to embezzle my domain by myself, and deliberately conceal the fact that the Saiyans are still alive."

Thinking of yesterday's news, Frieza became furious.

He drifted in the universe for three or four months before being rescued, and at that time Raditz had already begun to get his hands on his planet.Until it was fully recovered, it had been more than nine months since Raditz established the Galactic Justice League, during which time Gula hadn't moved at all!It was only yesterday that the news came, and it was spreading the hateful behavior of Raditz. Why did you go so early!
"But he saved you after all." King Kurd's voice remained unchanged.

The corner of Frieza's mouth sank, and he didn't speak any more. The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant, and the cosmic beings below were all silent, their legs trembling unceasingly.

"Frieza, since you hate Saiyans so much, take someone to destroy them. According to intelligence, one of them is very active and has already established a considerable force. If this continues, it will indeed become a hidden danger for us."

"It's that Raditz..." Frieza opened his mouth, and the crack at the corner of his mouth leaked bright red blood, making it even more ferocious.

"Let Gura go with you. What you said last time is like the transformation of a Super Saiyan, which makes me very concerned. A long time ago, our ancestors left such a legend, so we can't be careless. And, The opponent's power is not small, if you confront it head-on, I am afraid that the loss will be great, and the best choice is to rely on Gula's power."

King Kurd was thoughtful, and he expected that even if Frieza lost to the opponent, with Gula's shot, all problems would be solved.

Although Frieza didn't want to be with Gula in his heart, he still had lingering fears about Piccolo's strength, and it was a good thing to get a help after all.What he wants to do most now is to destroy those hateful Saiyans and Nameks!It doesn't matter if you give Gula some territory, the planet can be captured again, and people must be killed!

"No problem, let me practice for a few days and exercise my hands and feet, it will be enough to deal with them."


Two days later.

In another developed area of ​​the universe, Gula is sitting on his own spaceship, flying over the interstellar area he laid down.

The old servant with a smirk beside him said: "Congratulations, King Gula, for occupying all of Shilage's territory. Now your sphere of influence is bigger than that of King Kurd."

"Hmph, Shi Lage's subordinates are really tenacious, otherwise it would have been the situation today."

"Hehehe, they only increased casualties at that time, who in this world can fight against you, the king, they are all seeking their own death."

Gula glanced at him, and there was no smile on his indifferent face because of the flattery, but his voice was very serious: "The news that the Saiyan is not dead, tell Frieza?"

"I have a reply, and I am about to report it to the king." The old servant bowed his body, his voice hoarse, "King Frieza invited you to attack the Saiyans together, and he is willing to cede some territory."

"For he understands the truth."

Gula smiled slightly, his eyes suddenly flashed with pride.

He had many watchpoints in that area, and although some of them were destroyed by Raditz, a few remained.Therefore, part of Raditz's actions could not be hidden from Gula.

Gula deliberately pressed the news of the Saiyans and ignored them, firstly because the resistance of the remnants of Slag was beyond imagination, and there was no time to take care of it; Get the benefits you deserve.

Of course, the most fundamental reason is that in the eyes of Gula, Saiyans are no different from bugs, and they are not a threat at all!
"Tell him to set a certain date, and I can leave at any time." Gula narrowed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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