Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 120 Saiyan Legion

Chapter 120 Saiyan Legion

Galactic Justice League Headquarters.

After a battle between Raditz and Vegeta, the vast grassland became potholes, and countless gravel residues were spread out. The beautiful environment created for enjoying the natural scenery was destroyed in less than 2 minutes.

But that is a pain in the ass!What he felt distressed was not the grassy slope, but himself, because he was the person in charge of creating a green environment. In order to meet Raditz's request, he spent a lot of effort to create such an area.

Who knows, if you say it is ruined, it will be ruined, and there is no place to complain.

Vegeta's cold eyes were numb, and he didn't even dare to speak.

The messy land has to be cleaned up by me in the end.Bart moaned silently, his hands hanging down feebly.

Not far away, the Saiyans gathered together, chirping and discussing the battle just now, their enthusiasm has not subsided, and they are still extremely excited.Some people are interested in Vegeta's transformation, some people think the red flame of Raditz Kaiwang Fist is very handsome, you talk to each other, so noisy that Vegeta frowned.

Just then, Raditz came back.

Vegeta was the first to perceive it, loosened his arms around him, and walked straight.

"Looking at you, there must be something serious. Could it be Frieza?"

"You guessed half right. There is indeed a crisis coming, but it's not Frieza, but another guy."

"Hmph, who else can be called a crisis except Frieza." Vegeta snorted coldly and said disdainfully.In his eyes, in the current universe, there are very few who can be called enemies.

When he had tens of thousands of combat power before, he felt that there were few opponents in the universe.After gaining wider knowledge and deeper experience, I gradually realized that there are so many masters hidden in the planets in the universe, and tens of thousands of battles are not enough to watch.

However, now that he has millions of combat power, he really feels that the mountains are small at a glance, and the masters of many planets are only tens of thousands of 10,000+. Except for Raditz, Kakarot and Frieza, who can compete with him? He compared?


Raditz shook his head: "Although this crisis is not as good as Frieza, it is almost the same. The power of the Demon Realm is very powerful, and it is very strange, which is different from ordinary opponents."

"Different from ordinary opponents?" Vegeta asked in surprise.

"Everything about the other party is unknown, and there seems to be a lot of them."

After all, Frieza knew everything about it, and he knew exactly how much it was, but the devil world, like an impromptu performance outside of the script, was completely unexpected.

Raditz did not dare to make a judgment.

"Interesting! Raditz, I'm going." Vegeta became excited instead, clenched his fists with a sense of impatience.

"Then I will call Wukong..."

"No need for Kakarot! Am I not enough?!" Vegeta interrupted Raditz, obviously not wanting Kakarot to get involved in his battle.

"It's… okay."

Raditz agreed with Vegeta's proposal. With the two of them working together, unless it is a monster of Frieza level, there is really no danger.Anyway, there will be teleportation at that time, so if you can't beat it, just run away.

I won't play with you this time, Kakarot, my good brother.

Raditz made a decision to bring the other fifteen Saiyans with him, preparing to let these guys meet the world and fight for real!Saiyans, a fighting nation, must grow up in battle after all.

Daily training and fighting can only improve martial arts skills, and real life-and-death battles can hone a person's overall strength.Raditz himself also suffered from lack of actual combat experience at the beginning, but fortunately, he learned a lot during the year on King King, and then he grew up quickly.

This time against the terrifying demons, let them see blood and gain experience.

Hearing that Raditz and Vegeta were going to fight together, they were so happy. They rushed to show their strength one by one, and the energy bombs produced by hundreds of thousands of combat power bombarded the entire land again.

Bart watched them wreak havoc, with a smile on his face, and in his heart...

After a night of rest, the next day, Raditz took Tumat and other Saiyans to prepare for departure.

On the vast launch pad, there are only a few spaceships left, and many spaceships have been transferred out to perform missions.The long wind blew mightily, and their heroic figures were reflected on the silver floor.

Most of them were too excited last night and lost sleep all night, but now they are still full of energy, like lions ready to go, grinding their teeth and sucking blood to prepare to attack.

Raditz lined up fifteen Saiyans, exhorting them solemnly, while Vegeta stood aside with his hands folded, still with that poker face.

"Every three people in a team, all actions must follow the command, in case of emergency, use the communicator to contact, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted loudly.

It was the first time to carry out a mission collectively. These Saiyans were very excited. They hadn't stretched their muscles and bones for a long time. How could they not be excited to finally be able to exert their strength.

Even though he knew that his opponent might be very strong, it was precisely because of this that the restless fighting spirit and blood in his body attracted his warlike instinct.Trembling with excitement in front of a strong enemy, this is a Saiyan.

"Team [-], leader Tabr! Team [-], Aix, it's up to you to worry about it. Team [-], Avna..."

Raditz reported their names one by one and divided the five teams into good groups.In the end, he and Vegeta acted alone, and they were also divided into two teams.

Vegeta didn't want to act with anyone, but when Raditz took the initiative to separate them into two paths, he nodded slightly.Otherwise, he would have done it himself.

"Also, Geese, you are in charge of calling out the star map of the Western Galaxy. If there is anything you don't understand, contact the Jaeger patrol. Inform Angela who is outside and ask him to prepare some spaceships on the border of the Northern Milky Way. With Bart...you...renovate that piece of land again, thank you for your hard work."

At the end of Raditz's speech, he felt a little embarrassed, so he quickly took everyone's hands and teleported away.

Bart stared blankly at the open space in front of him, wanting to cry but not crying.

"It's a job anyway, let's do it." Keith patted Bart's shoulder, shook his long white hair, and went to work with a smile.

The rest of the people also bowed their heads in obedience, not daring to speak.Bart let out a sad face and sighed deeply.


West Milky Way, above the desolate star.

Raditz led the crowd here in an instant with a "swish", and the silence contained the breath of death.

They scanned around, only to find that countless energy guns were aimed at them, and they——just teleported into the encirclement of the enemy...

(End of this chapter)

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