Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 124 Overlord of the Western Galaxy

Chapter 124 Overlord of the Western Galaxy
Space power!

The old man's body exploded to form a passage through the space.

The black hole-like vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and it is connected to another place. The deep purple air flow is drifting in the darkness, and there are cracks like shattered mirrors around it!
A shocking aura came from the other end, so powerful that Raditz was terrified!

"This useless old man is really stupid."

A deep voice sounded, and the red eyes first passed through the vortex, shooting out a daunting killing intent.Immediately afterwards, a tall body of three meters drilled out of the space cave and appeared in front of everyone.

He had just set foot on the earth, and the planet seemed to tremble!
He was wearing a red tight battle suit and loose trousers, white gloves on his hands, white combat boots on his feet, and a cloak hanging behind him.Except for the scarlet eyes and the two short horns on the bald head, this man's face was no different from that of an ordinary person.But the huge energy stored in his body is like a mountain and a sea!
Following behind him, demon warriors of various shapes crossed over and formed a neat line.In the end, the crack in space quietly closed, cutting off the passage of coming and going.

Unlike the remaining demons on the planet, these people's aura is extremely strong, not on the same order of magnitude as ordinary fighters.Moreover, some of them have sharp mouths and fangs, some are covered in blood, and all of them have extremely fierce eyes and a terrifying aura.

"Radiz, what's going on, explain to me." Vegeta asked.

"I don't know who this guy is from! Could it be..." Raditz frowned, "The overlord of the Western Galaxy?"

"That's right, this king is the overlord Vidir!" The huge voice resounded like thousands of yellow bells ringing together, and the eardrums vibrated endlessly.

Overlord of the Western Galaxy?Is that him?Vegeta's heart was shocked, and he clenched his fist tightly.

The rest of the Saiyans were attracted by the sudden powerful aura, and they all looked at it. Tumat, who was hiding in Tabor's arms, trembled even more.

"This stupid guy is willing to use the power of the demon world. He could have done a lot of things for me, but it's a pity that he is useless after all! Thanks to the fact that I lent so many demon warriors to him." Vidir looked at the only thing left in the ground. A puddle of blood, very sorry.

What he regretted was the warriors he had lost, and the wasted energy.He didn't care about the old man's death at all.

This space-time cave is the "time bomb" he planted. Once the time is right, he will kill the old man sooner or later.The rejuvenation of the nation is just a joke for mutual use.

Not only summoned the magic star, but also summoned the devil.With the help of the power of the devil, the harm is far more than himself. Unfortunately, the old man has no chance to repent.

"And you, spoil my good deeds. Damn it too!"

Suddenly, Vidir drank violently, a storm of sand and dust blew up on the ground, and then the air trembled, and the mountains fell and the ground cracked.There is a surge of energy in the ground that is about to move, ready to break through the ground at any time.

Vegeta and Raditz glanced at each other, and quickly shouted at Tabor and the others:
"Run away!"

Before the words were finished, a red beam of light shot out from the ground, rushed up to the sky, and then spread away. There were more and more beams of light in circles, centered on Vidir, spreading to the entire planet!

Earth Flame Explodes Shockwave!One of Vidir's stunts.

"Damn it!" "Here we come!"

Tabor immediately led the people to dodge, dodging left and right outside the beam of light rising into the sky, in a panic, Afna and X were not much better, they hurried through the gap, afraid of being hit.

With such a powerful impact, one hit is death!

Vidir's men laughed and were extremely excited.

"To deal with this kind of stuff, there is no need for the king to take action himself. Look at their appearance, hahaha, it's too funny!" A demon warrior with blue skin and pustules laughed.

"With the strength of the king, he can kill them in an instant!"

"Huh? What's going on, the king's face has become serious?" Finally, someone noticed the change in Vidir's expression.

From just now, Vidir did not relax in the slightest. He came across in person, naturally not for a mere planet, or for the life and death of the old man and Zanjia.He was afraid that Raditz would destroy the magic star after learning the location of the magic star.

In addition, he also knows that Raditz is powerful, and he is by no means an idler.

No, under the violent bombardment of the Earth Flame Explosion, Raditz and Vegeta avoided it easily, gracefully as if strolling in a garden, and calmly and terrifyingly calm.Vidir didn't dare to be careless. There are life-and-death crises everywhere in the Demon Realm. If he is not careful, he will die. He has already understood a truth since he grew up, that is, he should not be taken lightly under any circumstances.

"You two guys are very powerful!" Vidir nodded slightly and stretched out his hand, "Join the demon clan, the demon world will give you more power!"

Solicitation again?This trick was played badly by Frieza.Just when Raditz was about to refuse, a cold drink came from his ear.

"It's boring!"

Vegeta snorted coldly, pale golden flames burning around him, and instantly flew in front of Vidir.The purpose of his trip is to defeat the galactic overlord and prove his own strength.The goal was right in front of him, and he couldn't bear it for a moment.

The arrogance flickered, and in the blink of an eye, he punched Vidir in the chest. The huge force poured out, and the body of a demon warrior behind Vidir was exploded by the energy that penetrated!

Vidir's eyes bulged sharply, obviously he didn't expect Vegeta's attack to be so fast and powerful, and his face was full of distorted anger.

But Vegeta didn't care, he raised his knee "whoosh" and kicked him again, knocking Vidir to the ground.

"Damn it!" Vidir quickly got up and roared, only to find that Vegeta was no longer in sight.A chill ran down his spine, and he looked back, only to see a huge shock wave hitting Huanglong directly!

In a crisis, Vidir instinctively crossed his hands in front of his body, burying his head to resist the mighty impact.

In an instant, the bright brilliance enveloped the entire planet with a murderous aura, and the berserk aura surged in all directions, sweeping across thousands of miles!The beam of light engulfed Vidir, scraped the surface and blasted into outer space, separating mountains, rivers and land along the way.

"King Vidir!" A group of demon warriors exclaimed, dumbfounded.

It was the first time that their king Vidir was beaten violently and swallowed by the shock wave!The demon warriors no longer dared to underestimate these people, their throats were dry and their expressions changed suddenly.

And Raditz's nerves were still tense, "Vegeta, his spirit hasn't weakened in the slightest! Be careful!"

"It's you who should be careful."

Vidir appeared behind Raditz mysteriously, so fast that even Raditz couldn't notice it! "Boom!" Vidir swept Raditz with a punch, blasting him to the side of the mountain, shattering the low mountain body.

He was unscathed, and Vegeta's shock wave didn't hurt him a bit!

(End of this chapter)

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