Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 126 The terrifying abyss

Chapter 126 The terrifying abyss
Saiyans' warlike instincts are on the verge of firing, their enthusiasm is surging, their vigor is full, and their strength has exploded to the extreme!Rays of flames danced in the air, shooting wildly in the air, and the energy flew across.

But all the energy was inferior to the bright red beam of light in the sky, and Vegeta's resistance also seemed weak, and he was finally swallowed by the shock wave!The remaining prestige that spread out rushed to the surroundings like a sea tide against the sky!A thousand miles away!
The earth sank again, as if it had been hit by a huge hammer, and the planet trembled.

Raditz rushed again, handed over to Vegeta, and fought Vidir.

"You are not my opponent!" Vidir snorted coldly, and blasted out his iron fist indifferently.

The punch was so powerful that Raditz didn't dare to catch it, and used teleportation!He flashed to the side in an instant, and threw out several energy balls at the same time.

Vidir, who was surrounded by demonic energy, noticed Raditz, swung his body and swept across, not afraid of Raditz's energy ball at all.Raditz didn't make a hard catch, and moved in an instant again, and circled to the other side, releasing energy balls continuously.

"Shua!" "Shua!" "Shua!——"

After several confrontations, the magic energy around Vidir was disturbed by the energy ball, making him unable to sense teleportation in time. His speed is fast, and teleportation is even faster!With this move, Raditz held Vidir back, and at the same time created countless blazing white balls of light, all over Vidir's surroundings!
"This is?" Vidir finally woke up, the white pure energy seemed to have woven into a big net, covering him.

Saiyan's instant explosion mystery!

Raditz rushed forward with all his strength, punched hard without dodging or evading, and collided with Vidir.The two fists faced each other, the shocking force exploded, the earth suddenly separated from the two sides, and the dark clouds in the sky also broke through a void.But Raditz's berserk power seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall, there was no place to break through, and even his arm was broken by Vidir's punch!

At the same time, Raditz swallowed the blood, regained his spirits, and stared wide-eyed.Countless energy bombs accumulated in an instant and exploded on Vidir's head!Raditz withdrew, quickly used teleportation, and moved to Tabor's side.

"Boom—" "Boom——" "Boom!"

There was a huge explosion, and there was chaos between the sky and the earth.

"Successful?" Vegeta's golden aura had faded away, his hands were drooping, his face was covered with blood, one arm was broken, and his battle suit was horribly torn.

"Guess what!" A terrifying voice sounded, and Vegeta froze.

Vidir actually appeared beside him!

"Hmm..." Before he had time to do anything, Vegeta was grabbed by the head, and rushed to the ground like a meteor falling to the ground, and then dragged on the ground for a hundred meters before stopping.Vidir looked at the seriously injured Vegeta, stepped on it, and stepped it into a huge pit more than ten feet deep.

Vegeta spurted blood and his heart almost stopped beating.

"Brother..." Tabor exclaimed.

Tumat flapped his wings, "Vegeta's vitality is only 1% left, and he will die soon." His scanner can detect the vitality of the living body, and he can see through Vegeta's remaining "blood volume" at a glance. ".

Looking at Vidir again, his side face was covered with bloodstains, showing signs of scorching, his cloak was also mutilated, and his right shoulder was mottled with blood. It was obvious that Raditz's attack had worked.

"Damn guy, get out!" Vidir yelled angrily.

The earth began to fluctuate violently, and a dark red aura was burning from his huge body, like a blazing fire that would destroy the world!Then came an explosion that shook the planet, spreading thousands of miles away...

Radiant, covering the sky and blocking out the sun!
Neither the demons nor the Saiyans could look directly at the scorching light, they were so stabbed that they couldn't open their eyes, and even felt their internal organs churning and blood vibrating.

Opening his eyes again, in front of him is... a dead desolation!
As if it had been baptized by countless shells, the distant mountains were bombarded into a concave shape, the river was directly evaporated, the ground was scorched black, and the sky still had flames!The most frightening thing is that the earth has begun to show signs of disintegration, and the planet is on the verge of destruction.

What a terrifying power!Raditz couldn't help exclaiming secretly.

"Tabur?" Turning around, he saw that Tabur had fallen to the ground covered in bruises, and they couldn't bear such a powerful impact.

Not only Tabor, but Aix and others were also prostrate on the ground, covered in dust, and most of them were bleeding and injured, panting.Although he is not dead, he has no power to fight anymore.

Even the demon warriors lay staggered on the ground. Vidir didn't distinguish between you and me. In his eyes, his subordinates are also things that can be discarded at any time, as long as he achieves his goal.And his goal now is destruction, endless destruction!
Tumat was protected from damage by Raditz in his hands, but he was already a little insensitive, and there was a "sizzling" noise.After the aftermath dissipated, Raditz let go and let Tumat fly.

At this moment, Vidir rushed towards Raditz, and a biting chill suddenly enveloped the entire planet.

Raditz's pupils shrank sharply, and he was frightened, and he quickly crossed his hands.

"Bang—" the fist hit Raditz's crossed defensive arm, knocking it back more than a hundred meters, and Raditz's arms trembled violently, twitching uncontrollably.Kvidil is at it again!

During several rounds of fighting, Raditz had a few more scars on his body, his arms were red and swollen, and his whole body was hardly intact.

Spotting the moment when Raditz's figure froze, Vidir's figure flew across the air, leaving only a few afterimages, and arrived in front of Raditz in the blink of an eye.

puff!He punched his chin, causing Raditz to vomit blood.

Then he kicked Raditz's arm horizontally, breaking Raditz's bones, and his body fell with a "swish", a deep ditch was cut on the ground, and the ground was scorched.

"Huh...huh...it seems that it is quite difficult to beat him." Raditz retreated violently and hit the exposed rock, finally stopped his feet, and his hands drooped weakly.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Race under the protection of the Demon Star would have such strength. Raditz retreated in his heart and prepared to use teleportation to retreat.

As soon as the decision was made, Vidir had already come in pursuit of the victory, he threw out with one hand, and Raditz swung past him, but Vidir's other hand was already waiting for him!Huge force pressed his head, too fast for Raditz to react in time. "Bang bang bang" smashed three times in a row, and Raditz's head was smashed into rocks and smashed into the ground!

The golden breath is becoming weaker and weaker, and will dissipate every moment.

At this moment, Afna shouted "instructor" and ran towards him.

Tabor also yelled, and a white qigong wave blasted out from his hand, hitting Vidir right in the middle.They knew that such power could not help at all, but they couldn't watch Raditz being tortured like this.

boom!The short and tiny attack only raised some smoke and dust.

"Tickle it for me?" Vidir sneered, without even turning his head, crackling electric arcs emanated from his body, dancing like countless angry snakes, and scattered in all directions.

The lightning broke through the air and fell, and countless energy fragments splashed away. Each piece seemed to contain great power, colorful, majestic and terrifying!
At the same time as the electric light energy fell, the whole ground was stirred up, as if the waves were coming, and they were about to overturn the world!

"Don't come here! Run!" Raditz was held down by Vidir, unable to perform teleportation, and could only shout as hard as he could.If the power of this level of power hits them, they will surely die!
But Avna has already pounced, and Tabor has no time to retreat...

The terrifying energy bombardment, the air current surged, and everything drifted to pieces.Afna was only wiped away by the periphery of the electric light fragments, and directly vomited blood, and flew out under the powerful pressure. Except for her, the other Saiyans were also shrouded in boundless blows.

"Hahahahahaha! Can you save them? You bastard!" Vidir let go of his palm, and stepped on Raditz's chest with a heavy step, crushing the bones, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

Raditz tried to resist, but his strength was not enough to overthrow Vidir, and a mouthful of turbid blood was suffocated in his throat.

On the earth, a terrifying abyss was split open. The planet is being divided into two parts under the mighty power of the sky. The scorching breath is rising from the ground, and the dark clouds are suddenly clear, and the deep darkness of the universe is slowly covering it...

 In the latest episode, I saw the long-lost Super 3. Of course, the monkey is still acting

(End of this chapter)

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