Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

The size of the magic star is not huge, its appearance is black, wrapped in purple light and burning flames, it continuously emits the energy of the demon world, like a deep monster roaring in the world.

Vidir fell to the magic star and was swallowed by darkness.

"Let's destroy the magic star as well." Raditz thought to himself.

All of this is due to the intention of Zanjia's people to rejuvenate the nation. With the help of the power of the demon world, they introduced the products of the demon world to the world, strengthened the demon clan, and made the talented warrior Zanjia cultivated stronger.It's just that the people from the demon world took advantage of this and also arrived in this world, intending to occupy the entire galaxy.

In other words, as long as the magic star is destroyed, the passage to the demon world can be closed.

Raditz pushed out his hands, the heels of the palms facing each other into a calyx shape, and then pulled it back to his waist, the breath condensed, forming a ball of light in the palm of his hand.

Turtle School Qigong!

The blue energy wave rushed out as the palm was pushed out again, bombarding the magic star.

Suddenly, the aura on the surface of the magic star converged, forming a huge figure—Vidil!He is not dead!The broken body fell into the magic star just now, not only did not die, but crazily absorbed the energy of the demon world, filling his empty body.

The three-meter-high Vidir has grown to 30 meters at this moment, and the lower half of his body is integrated with the magic star. The tall figure confronts Raditz on the surface of the planet. His body is covered with black scales, and the sharp horns on his head It also grew into a sharp long blade, and its red eyes looked like high-beam headlights shooting straight ahead.

On his head, arms and chest grew many huge purple jewel-like smooth spheres, shining with a strange and seductive brilliance, all the essence of the demon world condensed in these beads, providing energy for Vidir.

The reborn Vidir also launched a huge shock wave!
The dark red energy rushed towards Raditz under the entanglement of the black and purple Demon World Qi, and clashed with Kamehae Qigong.

A messy energy storm blew up where the shock waves collided, and the dark brilliance actually made Raditz's golden arrogance quietly recede a little.

Kamehae Qigong and dark red energy were annihilated together, and the silent explosion formed a shock visible to the naked eye, and the ripples spread, shattering the stars!

Raditz looked at the huge body. The transformed Vidir has a huge target and is easy to hit, but his strength has also been greatly improved. If this is the case, let's compare his speed with him!

With a flash of golden light, Raditz suddenly appeared on the side of Vidir, swept his long legs, and lashed hard at the huge head.The legs are so strong that he twisted his neck 90 degrees.Vidir didn't care about it at all, and stretched out his giant hand to grab Raditz, but his speed was too slow, Raditz moved to the other side in an instant, and punched between the waist and abdomen again.

The speed in the Super Race state is accompanied by astonishing strength. After several attacks, Vidir's body has begun to tilt, and he has been beaten with scars, and he has no strength to fight back.Raditz's golden flames flickered in all directions, and each attack produced a huge shock wave, and the energy bombardment spread round and round.

After the fierce attack, Vidir roared silently, opened his arms and waved wildly, forming a two-wheeled windmill.Raditz sneered, aimed at the gap, and accelerated suddenly.

A golden light passed through Lun Wu's thick arm, and Raditz punched Vidir's belly.The power of the fist pierced through Vidir's body, opening a big hole in his stomach again, and the golden light penetrated through!The strange thing is that what passes through is not flesh and blood, but the extremely dense energy of the demon world... This Vidir, his whole body is condensed by the energy of the demon world!

Try again.

Shocked, Raditz decided to try again, and quickly rushed to the back, waving a golden air blade that penetrated into the cicada's wings in his hand, with a cold light, and with a slight trembling, the attack had ended.

Vidir's body was cut in two, and a dark air flow gushed out from the middle, but he still didn't fall down. The broken part quickly replenished with a large amount of demonic energy to repair it.

"So that's it, you've become like this." Raditz understood in his heart.

At this moment, Vidir has actually assimilated with the magic star, and the two are one. It can even be said that Vidir has become the weapon of the magic star.Attacking Vidir like this has no effect, and there is not much time left for cosmic activities, so the winner can only be determined with one move!

It is still Kamepai Qigong!
Raditz shouted violently in his heart, and pushed out with both hands, the condensed super power rushed out, and the bright light was lasing, the middle was blazing bright white, and gradually changed to light blue outside, and the light wave with a diameter of ten meters dragged The slender beam of light blasted towards the magic star.The surrounding planets were affected by the power, and tremors also occurred, and the shining light sputtered by the impact was comparable to the splendor of the stars.

The bright Kamehae Qigong and the gloomy Demon Star form a stark contrast.

"Crush it!" Raditz murmured silently in his heart, the golden arrogance on his body rose suddenly, his strength increased again, and his breath seemed to be able to rise infinitely.

Vidir on the magic star opened his huge mouth, and the energy of the demon world quickly gathered and condensed in the mouth in a spiral.The pitch-black energy group unexpectedly emitted a wave-like light, covered under the purple-red light film, and pierced through the vacuum.

The two straight energies clashed, and the shattering force shattered the surrounding stars.The magic star vibrated, and moved slowly backwards under the impetus of Kamehae Qigong, erupting a sky full of magic energy.

Raditz has the upper hand!
The power of the Super Saiyan is not a joke. Kamehae Qigong hits all the energy at one point, greatly improving the efficiency of the explosion.

Just when a burst of arrogance blasted the magic star, the power of resistance suddenly increased, and the essence beads of the demonic energy on Vidir's body began to shatter, the cracks spread, and the essence poured into Vidir's body, providing him with a steady stream of energy. energy of.

Moyao's impact flames pushed back against Kameha Qigong, and they were in a stalemate with Raditz invisibly.

The power of the Demon World should not be underestimated. After all, Dabra can calmly fight Super Two Gohan, which is still there.Raditz's heart tightened, the veins on his forehead protruded, his arms suddenly exerted strength, and his arrogance exploded again!
With the agitation of the golden light, the diameter of Kamehae Qigong expanded, and the energy surged dramatically.

The essence on Vidir's body continuously shattered, like melting ice crystals, merging into the body one by one, providing it with the final support.But his body has shown signs of dissolving, and the energy of the demon world is gradually unable to maintain its form under the pressure of Kamehae Qigong.

One ebbs and the other, the Kamepai Qigong overwhelms the momentum, the space begins to distort, the magic star alternates between expansion and compression, and almost collapses.Vidir's huge body gradually collapsed, letting out a silent roar.

"Fight against a Super Saiyan, you're 2 years too early!" Raditz's eyes were cold, his tail twitched in a vacuum, and he rose to the extreme in an instant!

Kamepai Qigong completely overwhelmed the power of the demon world, like a galloping tide washing away the demon star.In an instant, the white light flickered, returning everything to nothingness, Vidir fell back to the magic star, and annihilated in space together with the huge energy...

(End of this chapter)

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