Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 133 Father and Son, Brother

Chapter 133 Father and Son, Brother

In the depths of the universe, countless warships are already lined up, and strangely shaped cosmic people neatly form square formations, floating above the planet.

King Kurd and Frieza stood side by side, with their dedicated giant spaceship behind them.

The sharp metal brackets clawed across the ground like crab legs, and the needle-like ends were inserted into the ground to firmly support the spaceship.

The mobilized are all elites. Over the years, the frozen demons have plundered a lot of planetary resources, wealth and talents in the universe.The troops mobilized at this moment all have a combat power of more than [-] points, and there are even special elite teams with a combat power of more than [-]. It is an extremely powerful armed force wherever it is placed.

For the first time in history, such a large-scale team was mobilized, which puzzled the people of the universe.Could it be that the resistance forces on the planet to be captured this time are so powerful?Or is it going to sweep the entire northern galaxy and the universe at once? !

The most astonishing thing is that not only Frieza, but even King Kurd will be dispatched!The King of Kurd, who has stayed in the central area for many years, has not personally stepped out for a long time. It has been so long that people have almost forgotten that there is such a powerful existence!
Everyone who didn't know the truth became excited unconsciously.

Frieza glanced at the crowd coldly, his face was cold, "Father, why do you suddenly want to go with me?"

"I always feel a little uneasy. It seems that we underestimated the Saiyans before. In a short period of time, that Saiyan named Raditz has completely taken over part of your territory, and it has made a huge impact. It's simple. Besides, the remaining Saiyans have gathered together, so if something happens...I don't worry about it."

"Hmph, father is worrying too much. With my current skill, I can destroy them directly. Among the people who escaped from the Namek, except for one hateful Namek, the others are not my opponents. "

Frieza smiled slyly twice, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and his red lips were alluring and ferocious.

When he thought of being blasted out of the universe at that time and being injured by his own planet-destroying bomb, he felt extremely resentful in his heart. The suture marks on his face were sunken, like ravines, and seemed to be crawling with terrible bugs.

In the distance, a team leader rushed over quickly, knelt down in front of the two kings, and reported respectfully: "King Gula is mobilizing manpower, and the mech troops have already taken a step ahead. It is estimated that it will take three months to ride the new spaceship." Can reach the original M[-] branch."

"Since Gula has gone to the M[-] branch, then I'll go to Earth to have fun. Heh heh, those people are all from Earth."

"What kind of remote place is the earth? I've never heard of it." King Kurd sneered contemptuously.

The team leader quickly replied: "The earth is an asteroid located in a distant solar system, and it is considered a relatively backward area in the universe."

"Is it their old lair? Let Gula go to Earth, and we'll deal with that Saiyan." The Kurdish King looked stern, and his tone was full of majesty.

While speaking, the Kurdish king waved his big hand, and his burly body released tremendous coercion, even Frieza felt the pressure.The icy chill rushed straight into everyone's hearts, as if covering the entire planet with a layer of frost.

"set off!"

"Let's go!" "Go!" "Yes!"

There was a lot of response.Under the leadership of King Kurd, the huge cosmic army entered the spaceship one after another. They couldn't wait to follow the two kings to launch an invasion, and they were extremely excited.

Frieza looked at his subordinates who were so excited, his thin lips curled up, his scarlet eyes flashed, as if he foresaw the death of Raditz and others.

King Kurd nodded slightly. He was very satisfied with the army he had built. He relied on them to sweep the universe and be invincible. Couldn't such strength plus himself and Gula defeat mere Saiyans?

Unless there really are Super Saiyans.

Thinking of this, King Kurd waved his hand and walked into his own spaceship.


On the other side, Gula is also gathering a team, but the manpower is obviously much smaller, or in other words, there are only a few teams at all.

He knew that his father and Frieza would make a big fuss, so he deliberately suppressed the manpower he sent.If you can win with these subordinates, then father and Frieza's many elites are enough. If the opponent is so strong that even Frieza can't deal with them, then these little soldiers will die, why bother?

On weekdays, he often only dispatched mecha troops for this reason.

But this time, it still has to be done. Sending a hundred or so subordinates is not considered a loss of face for the universe emperor's family.

"Have Frieza and father been dispatched?" Gula half-lyed on the cold metal throne, sipping fine wine leisurely, while the screen was still repeating the last battle scene on Namek.

He savored it repeatedly, hoping to find some secrets about the Nameks and Saiyans.

"According to the communication, they have already set off. And there is a message that the king should go to Earth first, and the original M[-] branch will be reserved for King Frieza."

"That stupid little brother of mine, I hope you won't be careless again. Let them go to the M[-] branch, we'll wait for them to leave this galaxy before setting off." Gula sat firmly and said to himself, not intending to leave at all. look.

Although he and Frieza are two brothers, they are more of a competitive relationship. There are many conflicts in the competition for space in the universe. Fortunately, there is a Kurdish king who mediates and sits in the middle, so that conflicts are avoided and the harmony on the surface is maintained. .

As for King Kurd, Gula actually didn't have much respect for him, because his strength had also increased a lot, and he had even approached his father.The old king is old, so the new king must take over.

After taking over Shilage's territory, Gula swelled even more. He extended his tentacles to the East Galaxy in a vain attempt to expand his territory. It's not enough to be evenly divided with the Kurdish king, he has to overwhelm him!
Although the earth is farther than M[-], it is closer to the solar system than Frieza and the others. If they set off now, they will inevitably cross the line of defense first, and they will definitely be intercepted, and the loss will be their own.It would be much more convenient for the Kurdish king and the others to contact the Saiyans first, and then sneak into the earth by themselves.

Besides, the mecha troops have already set off first, so it doesn't matter if they are a little late.

It is best to let them fight for a while to consume some combat power, so that it is convenient for them to take over the territory.Gula smiled coldly, raised the cup in his hand to his mouth, took a sip of the blood-red wine, and closed his eyes.

The servants around him stepped back knowingly, watching the radar signal, just waiting for Frieza's fleet to leave the galaxy.

(End of this chapter)

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