Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 216 Big Star

Chapter 216 Big Star

All the elite fighters from the headquarters dispatched, boarded their spaceships and soared into the sky, and headed to each planet from near to far according to the position on the star map. At the same time, elite fighters from other places also boarded their ships and embarked on the journey !

As if meteors were scattered, countless spaceships dragged their silver tails into the space, and the headquarters was empty, leaving only Raditz alone.

Watching everyone leave, Raditz's encouraging smile gradually cooled down, and a sharp cold light pierced in his pupils.

The biggest one that is rushing towards the earth should be the main body of Bi Gaoxing. For some reason, it actually set its target on the earth.While Raditz was surprised, he felt uncontrollable anger.

A thought flashed, and Raditz's figure teleported directly to the realm of the king of the world.Only here can he clearly see the position of Bi Gaoxing, which is more intuitive than the star map.

The Jebit-style teleportation that he has been training for a long time is really effective for the first time. Raditz finds the position of Bi Gaoxing, and his mental power connects the two places and teleports instantly!

When Kaiohshin and Jebit came running, Raditz had already disappeared.

"Strange, there was obviously Raditz's breath just now."

"Is he digging again?"

"Hmm..." The two looked at each other and shook their heads.

in the universe.

A planet covered with metallic luster is moving at high speed like an aircraft. The huge mass does not affect its speed. Most of the obstacles encountered on the way are "eaten" by it and converted into its own energy.If you look closely, this planet looks very deformed, like a Ticicada with a huge belly, and there is nothing on the surface.

In the black silent space, only it rampages, breaks away from gravity, breaks through everything, like a flood of beasts.

But in an instant, the planet's movement became more and more sluggish, gradually showing signs of stopping - Raditz stood in front of it!
A figure shining with golden flames hangs in the universe, staring at Bi Gaoxing, stretching out with one hand, the invisible energy creates an impenetrable copper wall and iron wall, blocking Bi Gaoxing's progress!

Raditz is alone, blocking the entire planet!

"Heh heh heh, Raditz, we meet again, it's really timely." Suddenly, a familiar voice came to his mind.

Raditz, who was struggling to resist Bi Gaoxing, was terrified the moment he heard the voice.

The voice was cold and vicious, as if a poisonous snake had burrowed into a person's ear. More importantly, the voice was so familiar that Raditz immediately recognized the owner of the voice—Gula.

"Impossible, you have been wiped out, and you were blasted to pieces on the earth, it is impossible to merge with Bigao star!"

Raditz also used his heart to talk, and conveyed his meaning to Bi Gaoxing.

He was talking more to himself, expressing the horror and confusion in his heart.

"I did die on Earth, that's why I reinvented myself to seek revenge from you! I want you to double the humiliation you gave me! Hahahahahaha."

The insolent Gula didn't hide his intentions at all. It drove Bi Gaoxing towards Raditz again. At the same time, a green metal body split from the planet, similar in appearance to Gula.

Raditz shuddered suddenly, his face changed drastically, metal gula!
As a modified body of Gula, Metal Gula has a very powerful recovery ability, even if it is broken into pieces, it can recover, and it is even possible to learn teleportation.But this is not the real horror, the most terrifying thing is its huge number.

When I saw the scene of Monkey King and Vegeta facing the dense metal Gura like a sea of ​​sand, I really felt despair through the screen...

Now Raditz thinks that he is strong, but if there are so many metal gulas, he can't do anything.What can be done now is to destroy Bi Gaoxing before he goes crazy!

"bring it on."

Raditz raised his aura to the maximum, surrounded by golden flames and soared upwards, staring coldly at the rushing Metal Gula, his body suddenly attacked.

Metal Gula didn't change his expression at all, his pupils were full of coldness. Facing the rushing Raditz, he raised his arm and released several slender beams of light from his palm. The purple-red light pierced the space like a sharp arrow. , Intentionally or unintentionally blocked Raditz's flying position.

And the power is amazing!

Raditz sneered silently, and the gorgeous golden light jumped!Such as dodging Gura's attack with graceful dance steps!Beams of light flew through the air, and the closest one was close to Raditz's hair, almost hitting his body.But Raditz was still full of confidence, leaving everything behind, only the power of the riot rushed forward!

The golden light was like a pillar, knocking away the scattered light, and Raditz rushed in front of Metal Gula.

Gula launched teleportation and flashed past Raditz.But almost at the same time, Raditz also disappeared!The two used teleportation together, the space was torn apart, energy collided, and in the next second, Gula was thrown out of the teleportation space!
In the competition of space power, Raditz is even better!
The metal gula that was thrown out turned over a few somersaults before stabilizing its figure.

Raditz suddenly appeared behind him, slapped him on the back of the head, and spun him back to Bi Gaoxing.

"Play teleport with me, I'm already several grades higher than you!"

"Radiz!" Gula was furious again.

"You still haven't got rid of your conceited and arrogant temper, no matter how many times you try it again!" Raditz stretched out his hand to the sky, and a round energy bomb shining bright light gathered on the palm of his hand, the pure energy was like Nebula-like brilliance, "Remember this trick? Cosmic flash!"

The name fits the occasion, in the vast universe of galaxies, thousands of stars are reflected by cosmic flashes.

"This... this..." Gula had a psychological shadow on this.

"Bury forever!"

Raditz approached in an instant, waved his arms, and pressed directly on the surface of Bigo Star. The bright white light was lasing and wandering around the entire planet like an electric current. The mighty energy swallowed Bigo Star, and the mechanical metal surface fell apart and disintegrated immediately.

"No! No! No!"

Once again, Gura uttered a desperate cry.

The explosion strikes and seems to engulf everything.At the critical moment, Raditz quickly evacuated, opened an extremely long distance, and watched the huge explosion light up the universe with his own eyes.

Cosmic flash and highly concentrated teleportation were used continuously, and even Raditz was sweating.

Fortunately, after Bi Gaoxing was eliminated, Raditz breathed a sigh of relief. The main body has been eliminated, and there are only so many clones left.With the strength of Geese and the others, they should be able to deal with them. Otherwise, if the soldiers from Earth are also sent out, the battle will definitely end as soon as possible.

But there is always an ominous premonition lingering in his heart. So far, his premonition has not been wrong, and it is precisely because of this that he is even more worried.

At this moment, Zanjia's gentle voice from the other side of the earth sounded quickly and sharply, and it flooded into my mind through a spiritual dialogue:
"Radiz, something happened again! The earth has also been destroyed!"

Earth?Obviously Bi Gaoxing has already been intercepted by me here.

Raditz couldn't help asking again: "When did it happen?"

"Not long ago, Nandu was hit hard, causing countless casualties!"

"Nandu? What's the date today?"

"May [-]th, what's wrong?" Zanjia was puzzled.But Raditz suddenly lost his voice, and his eyes widened.

Tumat kept trembling beside Zanjia, as if he had sensed an extraordinary aura, but he couldn't describe the familiar feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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