Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 218 Who Says You Can't Change Super Saiyan Without Hair

Chapter 218 Who Says You Can't Change Super Saiyan Without Hair

Everyone was laughing, but the artificial man was not so happy.

Vegeta's golden transformation took them by surprise, and his strength increased countless times in an instant. The overwhelming strength made No. 20 start to panic.With so many eyeing people around him gearing up to make a move, he felt like he had fallen into a pack of wolves.

Sun Wukong looked even more relaxed, as if he didn't take them seriously at all. No. 20 looked at his broken arm, his eyes rolled, and he was thinking about whether to retreat first.

This is an island surrounded by vast seas, so it's not easy to hide. Although artificial humans have no breath, if they fly out rashly, they will be caught easily.The cautious No. 20 did not dare to act rashly, looked around, and looked for the gaps in the surrounding area with humble eyes.

"Okay, don't waste your time. You can't escape." Raditz saw through No. 20's thoughts and stepped forward, "You are Dr. Gallo, and you have transformed yourself into an artificial human for eternal life. .”

"Radiz, don't talk nonsense, I'm number 20. Dr. Gallo is dead."

"There's no need to lie, I know everything. I'm a half-god now, and I use the power of a god to see the future, and it's because of this that your existence will be discovered."

Raditz said half-truth, telling everyone's doubts together with the reason for exposing Dr. Gallo.

He did go to the future, but it was the future of another world.

Hearing these words, everyone showed a look of "so that's the case", but Dr. Gallo said in disdain: "You really know everything, so you won't make a trip in vain, Raditz, what are you doing in my laboratory? Didn't find any?"

Raditz's eyes were cold, and he didn't talk to him. Tumat, who was standing on his shoulder, was trembling.

"There are some surveillance devices still running in my abandoned research institute, and I can see your actions. I believe you did get some information from somewhere, and sent stupid scientists to study me. Unfortunately, all Can't escape my calculation."

Gallo talked about his scientific talent, which was out of control like a torrential water. People like him have extreme conceit and arrogance in the field of science and technology.The Tumat star is already considered an outstanding scientist in the universe, but to him, he actually uses "stupid" to describe it.

His use of words is very unpleasant, both Raditz and Vegeta showed disgusted looks, the word "calculation" is very similar to the idiomatic words of a bastard intelligent life form before.

"I really don't know if you are a genius or an idiot." Raditz shook his head, "Dr. Gallo, you have calculated so much, but your strength is not as good as ours. What's the use? Answer my question, why did you change the location? Are there other androids activated? Where's Cell?"

Three questions in a row, each of which is very important.The 19th and 20th here may be just the beginning, and the biggest threat has not yet appeared.Moreover, there is another question buried in Raditz's heart, that is, the timing of the appearance of the Big Star far away in the universe is too coincidental, right?

Gallo's face became more and more ugly. He and Raditz looked at each other, and sweat dripped down the top hat...

Raditz's eyes became sharper, and he said indifferently: "Answer me, or I will kill you."

"Hehehe, answering is also a dead end." Dr. Gallo seemed to have made up his mind, and sneered, "Radiz, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, the evolution speed of Saiyans is really amazing, but, you The ultimate artificial man who can't defeat me!"

Dr. Gallo made up his mind not to speak. A man like him cannot pry his mouth away by persuasion alone.

"What nonsense, just kill him." Vegeta lost his patience and stepped forward, condensing a wave of energy in his hand, which suddenly launched.

"Hey, don't use energy bombs!"

Raditz reminded him that it was too late, and Vegeta forgot to ask in his impatience, and rushed towards No. 20 with a shock containing huge energy.Surprised, No. 19 and No. 20 stretched out their hands together, and the absorbing device in their palms quickly swallowed the energy.

The embarrassed two opened their eyes wide, suddenly refreshed!

"Hahahaha, thank you very much." No. 20 absorbed energy, suddenly felt his strength soar, and even grasped a glimmer of life.His eyes were pierced, and he swept away the crowd with a fierce light, and at the same time, dragged his disabled body and rushed away!

"Hey!" Raditz yelled, his body still standing still, blocking Gallo's gaze rays with just his strength and mental power, and the rumbling explosion shook in the air.Although the surrounding area was destroyed by artificial humans, only a few roads were cut off, and no large buildings were destroyed. On the contrary, the road was smashed into pieces by the blow just now.

At the same time that Raditz cut off the laser beam, Napa, who was closest to the robot, had reacted in time and launched a pursuit.Monkey King and Vegeta then chased the two man-made humans through the clouds and blue sky.

"Tch, Kakarot, don't rob me!" Vegeta snorted angrily, "These artificial puppets dare to use me, they provoked me."

"Who made you careless just now, it's not good to let them run away." Monkey King was not to be outdone.

"Every one of them is unbearable." Vegeta said coldly, bursting out with a strong arrogance.

The others immediately followed the pace of the big brothers and rushed straight away.

"Hey, if there is a fight later, leave that fat guy to me!"

"No, Avna, I won't let you this time!"

"Hmph, whoever flies faster will be the one! Don't use teleportation to be foolish!" Afna set the rules on her own, accelerated suddenly, and a series of explosions erupted in the air.

Even faster, a figure behind Afna passed Afna, chasing Sun Wukong and Vegeta.The people behind couldn't help being terrified, watching the light passing by in front of them go away, shocked in their hearts: "Radiz is so fast!"

Raditz was unbelievably fast, and the second came first, and his figure reached Monkey King in an instant, and there was a tendency to surpass him.

Suddenly, they all stopped.The three of them saw from a distance that Nappa had already caught up with the man-made man, and hit their backs with both fists. The naked eye could see two straight lines falling from the sky to the ground.

"Naba, let him succeed." Vegeta snorted coldly and landed quickly.

"Leave these two guys to him. It seems that he really wants to show his strength."

"Hmph, just don't be ashamed."

Raditz and Goku brothers crossed their hips, Vegeta crossed his arms, landed on the wasteland and watched quietly, and the rest of them chased after him.Not far away, Nappa was facing two man-made humans with a menacing aura.

"This guy... Nappa, according to the data, his combat power is far from Vegeta's." Number 19 got up and stood with Gallo.

"Well, that's right." Gallo looked Nappa up and down, "And he has no hair, so he shouldn't be able to transform into a golden flame state. It seems that other people don't plan to intervene. That's great, maybe there is a chance to absorb all his energy ..."

"Go!" Gallo shouted, and rushed towards the tall Napa.

"Come on!" Naba frowned, moved his footsteps outward, and shouted with clenched fists!The atmosphere was shaking, the ground was shaking, crackling explosions accompanied by electric sparks appeared beside Nappa.

His beard is changing between black and yellow, his arrogance and tail are beating endlessly, and majestic energy surges from his heels and goes straight to the sky!


Everyone was shocked.

Nappa transformed and he also became a Super Saiyan!The scorching golden flames covered the whole body, and the roots of the beard stood up in golden patches, which was undoubtedly a genuine Super Saiyan.

Gallo, who was charging, was so frightened that he "plopped" and fell, and his tall hat rolled to the ground.

Who said you can't change without hair?

(End of this chapter)

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