Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 236 Son Gohan's Trouble

Chapter 236 Son Gohan's Trouble
Groups of demons are approaching, they are not in a hurry, each of them walks leisurely, and looks like an emperor.Benderus is laughing, laughing so hard that the hairs stand on end.

"Listen, I tried to destroy Bi Gaoxing from the outside, but it didn't seem to work. The only way is to enter the interior of Bi Gaoxing, just like Tumat, and directly destroy his chip." Raditz hung In mid-air, say it to everyone.

"But the earth..."

"The earth is doomed to be sacrificed, don't care about the consequences, let's restore it with Dragon Ball." Raditz's eyes flashed coldly, and he had already made a decision.

At this juncture, we can no longer take care of the earth. After all, the world is already riddled with holes, and it is better to rebuild than to preserve it.I just don't know if the Dragon of Namek can revive so many people at once.

But these are not things to consider now, the only thing to consider now is how to defeat the enemy in front of you.If directly destroying the earth could solve Bi Gaoxing and Bandlers, Raditz would have done so long ago, but even so, I am afraid that he would not be able to completely destroy this bastard.

Everything has to start with the chip.

"Tumat, the analysis tells me how to enter the interior of Bigo Star."

"At least 10 minutes."

"10 minutes?" Raditz gritted his teeth, "Then take apart the toys for 10 minutes!"

At the same time that Raditz erupted into flames, the others also surged in golden light, and there were several super racers among the Saiyans. After training, their strength surged, and a huge aura emerged immediately.

"Afli, you succeeded too."

"This is the result of my sister and I practicing together." The beautiful female Saiyan puffed out her chest, and her green pupils were shining brightly.

Tabor was wrapped in fierce flashes, and he raised his fist and said, "Let's do a big fight too."

Trunks beside him drew out the sword of the brave behind his back with a "swish", ready to fight.This world has also stepped into the destruction similar to the future, and Trunks is extremely angry!
The sudden burst of golden light startled Benderus. He knew how powerful this kind of transformation was, but he didn't expect so many people to grow to the point where they could transform.However, he was only surprised for a moment, and then returned to his previous complacent and fanatical demeanor.

"bring it on!"

With a violent shout, Metal Gula immediately swarmed up.

Vegeta stepped forward, "Kakarot, let's compare who killed Gurado?" He flew out first, and a yellow qigong wave rushed towards the densely packed metal Gurado. Like a yellow dragon brushing across the sky, bursting out with a power that can destroy the world!
"I won't lose to you!" Sun Wukong also rushed out quickly, his body was whipped up by a fierce gust of wind, amassing infinite destructive power, splitting the sea surface and collapsing the earth.

Saiyans, a fighting nation, are like this, everything can be solved through fighting.

And Raditz has his eyes on Bandlers, the culprit who must be eliminated.Benderus also set his sights on Raditz, and faced the battle confidently without any fear.


Sun Wuhan, who is also a Super Sailor, was followed by Gula. Among so many fighters, Sun Wuhan was the shortest, and in Gula's memory, he almost killed this little thing.

So Metal Gula rushed towards Gohan, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Gohan, punching fiercely, aiming at Gohan's face at an astonishing speed.

Facing the fierce punch, Sun Wuhan opened his palm, the small palm could barely cover Gula's fist, but it was this palm that blocked the impact.A fast and powerful fist hit the iron plate, Metal Gula's face changed drastically, he swung his arms and legs to sweep and kick, and another hurricane brushed past, stirring up waves.

Sun Wuhan lifted his leg to block, and blocked Metal Gula's sweeping leg.

"Short, you..."

Metal Gula felt unbelievable. If it was Raditz, it would be fine. Why is Son Gohan so powerful?He didn't understand the potential of Sun Wuhan at all. Sun Wuhan, who put down the books and put on the martial arts uniform, is enough to look up to!
"It's my turn!" Sun Wuhan launched an attack when Gula was shocked, he quickly raised his hands, barely giving the opponent a chance to react, "Magic Flash!"

He yelled, a blazing light blasted out, Metal Gula ate the whole move, and was blasted backwards.

There was only a cloud of smoke left in front of Gohan.In the next second, a figure broke through the smoke screen, rushed out with long strands of smoke and dust, and approached Sun Wuhan, and the metal gula came again!

At the same time, another Gula struck from behind Son Gohan.

The vigilant Sun Wuhan put his hands together, blasting out a wave of qigong on the left and right, "Drink!" The blue light formed a long column and swept across the sky, rumbling loudly.The entire sea was cut off, and the air waves surged.

Two metal gulas were melted into waste residue in the qigong wave!
But the shadow is not over yet, behind Sun Wuhan there is a metal gula, he has been observing Wuhan's movements, saw Sun Wuhan blasted two qigong waves just now, his body opened without defense, he knew his chance coming.

So this metal gula rushed forward, kicking his body like a shooting star to tear through the void, bringing a red heat flow.

"Gohan be careful!" the sharp-eyed Tianjin Fan saw Gula's movements and immediately reminded him.

Sun Wuhan immediately understood and turned his head away, but it was still half a beat behind.

Metal Gula's kick hit Sun Wuhan's abdomen, a huge force surged from the foot, and the sound of piercing through the air resounded, kicking Sun Wuhan to the distant shore.Immediately afterwards, the metal gula on the bank surrounded him and surrounded Sun Wufan.

Gohan jumped up, suddenly suffered a heavy blow to his back, followed by a flying kick from the side, blocked this, but the flashing qi wave kung fu slammed into his arm.

Stumbling back a few steps, Sun Wuhan felt a little bad.It is not a problem to deal with a single or a few metal gulas, but he is very passive when he is surrounded all at once.After all, he is also a super-level monster with a combat power of one billion!

Son Gohan had no choice but to retreat and fight, but he was hit repeatedly. Metal Gura overwhelmed him with crowd tactics, and finally blasted him to the ground with a shock wave from his mouth.

The metal gula is originally controlled by the same will, even though there are thousands of bodies, they can share the same thinking.

More than a dozen metal gulas raised their index fingers and aimed at the fallen Son Gohan, with pink light shining on their fingertips.

"Gohan!" Sun Wukong turned his head to look, his figure flashed, but was blocked by the metal gula in front of him.When he used teleportation, he was squeezed out of space by the teleportation of Metal Gula!

Although the strength of these guys is not as strong as Monkey King, they are densely packed like a net, and they just blocked Monkey King.

At the same time, the energy of the metal gula surrounding Sun Wuhan gathered together, blasting out the energy of the fingertips, and more than ten beams of light were instantly emitted at a very short distance.

(End of this chapter)

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