Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 292 Battle!Broly

Chapter 292 Battle!Broly

There are two Saiyans that Broly remembers most clearly, one is Kakarot and the other is Raditz.

The psychological and physical harm the brothers have inflicted on him has left him unable to calm his anger.

"Roar!" Broly growled lowly, his pale pupils glowing bloodthirstyly!He suddenly stopped his falling impact posture, changed his tactics, embraced Raditz with his thick arms, and flew to the ground with Raditz.

Raditz's face changed in shock, but he couldn't break free from such a strong bondage for a short time. He felt the howling wind blowing in his ears, like sharp knives grinding, and the sharp airflow wiped out sparks, scorching the air.And Broly plunged into the ground with ecstasy!
boom -

There was a bottomless black pothole on the ground, and the cracks spread to an unknown distance. The edge of the pit was scorched black, sparks and lightning were crackling, and the flames snaked along the ravine like several thin snakes. roam.

Sharada planet giant earthquake.

"Hahahaha, Raditz...die to me!"

A demonic voice came out of the pit, extremely crazy, as if announcing the death of the whole world.Broly floated up, ecstasy and bloodthirsty excitement in his eyes.

"It's still far from this level!" Raditz appeared behind Broly in an instant, stomping heavily.

The same powerful force stepped Broly into the ground, blasting out a deep conical pit.Raditz took the opportunity to dodge and strike again.

With cold eyes, Broly quickly jumped up and punched Raditz.


The strong fist collided with Raditz, and the earth shook again in an instant, a gap was opened on the interface, the airflow violently erupted, and the invisible fluctuation spread thousands of miles away.

But Broly felt the resistance in front of him suddenly disappear, he couldn't stop his inertia, and fell forward.

Raditz transformed into a spirit body, passed through Broly's body, and he cleverly appeared behind Broly, slashing across with his arms.Suddenly, like a lightning cut, it hit Broly on the back of the neck.

The huge body fell forward, and Broly fell to his knees.

But in the next moment, the giant turned around and grabbed Raditz's wrist. The lightning speed was incredible!Raditz didn't expect that Broly, who was hit hard, could react so quickly, because of his super strong body?

Raditz was thrown to the ground hard, followed by an energy ball almost hitting his face.


The raging energy erupted, the light engulfed Raditz, and the raging flames burned everything.Broly showed his white teeth and laughed wantonly, but suddenly, the smile froze.

He felt Raditz burst out of energy burning.

"Drink!" In the light, Raditz exploded with golden light, roaring and splitting the light, the violent wind blew away, and all of Broly's energy dissipated.

What about the once-in-a-millennium legendary Super Saiyan?The Super Second Realm can fight against it!

Raditz broke through Broly's energy, attacked with telekinetic power, bound him tightly, swung out his iron fist, and hit Broly hard on the jaw, knocking him backwards.

Broly growled angrily, took a step back with his right foot to touch his figure, his whole body was shaken, he even broke free from the bondage of mind force, and counterattacked with a punch.

Boom!Raditz hit him too and fell on his back.

Back and forth, no one took advantage of it.

"What a heavy punch." Raditz gritted his teeth and snorted, then lowered his body to avoid Broly's continuous bombardment. The ear-piercing vibration echoed in my ears.

da da da da da...

A series of critical strikes were savage and crazy, and Raditz retreated steadily.

"Hahaha, die to me!" Broly yelled wildly. He became more and more excited in the battle, his fighting instinct was stimulated, and he became more and more unstoppable.

"Damn it's you!" Raditz looked awe-inspiring, and instantly moved behind him, launching a shining shock wave.

It fired directly before charging, and a beam of light aimed at the back of Broly's head.

"Roar!!!" Broly moaned and screamed, his pale eyes pierced with killing intent, he turned and walked forward, striding against the shining shock wave.

Shine Blaster is useless!
The thick aura on Broly's body blocked the shock wave, like a rock in a river, standing still.He leaped forward, showing an ecstatic smile.

Raditz's heart twitched violently, and a phantom flashed across his pupils.He felt that Broly was attacking with one hand, the huge palm covered his mouth and nose, and the domineering force lifted him up in the air.

The power of Chuanchao is not only in strength and speed, but also in its reaction and fighting instinct!

"Radiz, go to hell."

Broly slammed Raditz into the ground, dragging it all the way low, cracks were cut in the ground, and earth and rocks flew several meters away.In the end, Broly condensed the qigong bomb with his right hand, squeezed it into a ball, pushed it against Raditz and sent it out.

The fist-sized energy ball flew into the sky, and suddenly expanded to two meters in diameter!
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha……"

Along with the wild laughter, a huge explosion resounded in all directions, the world seemed to become chaotic, and the endless dust opened a smoke screen.

Raditz was suspended in the air, slowly emerging from the smoke screen, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.This energy bomb is purer and more magnificent than before, and the tremor it caused is still spreading between heaven and earth.

"Huh... As expected of Broly, you actually hurt me." Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Raditz gasped. "This guy is a monster."

Continuously launching secret techniques, whether teleportation or spirituality, consumed a lot of his physical strength, and the strength of the two was evenly matched, this battle cannot be won quickly!

Broly charged again, and Raditz broke out with all his strength not to be outdone.

"Whoa!" Broly yelled.

"Drink!" Raditz kicked up at the same time.

Boom!The two energies collided, and the sky and the earth changed color.Raditz was punched in the chest and retreated a few meters, but Broly also kicked Raditz on the cheek, leaving a bloodstain. The two cheered up and confronted again!

Gabe was running towards the battlefield with the five Saiyans he had found. From time to time, several aftershocks stopped them, especially when the explosion just now made them startled at the same time.

I saw the green light connecting to the sky, like a light ladder leading to the sky, accompanied by continuous vibrations, and loud sounds rang in my ears.After the smoke and dust passed, a figure intertwined with lightning and golden flames emerged.

What happened from such a far place has spread here, how much energy is it!Gabe couldn't help but tremble.

"Captain, could the vibration of Star Sharada be caused by their battle?"

"Nonsense, can't you feel it?" one person interjected.

"But... isn't this amazing? With such a powerful force, it wouldn't be surprising even if the planet Sharada was dismantled." The person who asked the question said again.

Gabe smiled wryly: "Yeah, it's terrifying." He looked into the distance, his brain was buzzing, "These two are monsters!"

(End of this chapter)

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