Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 32 Z Warriors

Chapter 32 Z Warriors

The battle below is over...

Piccolo took advantage of the moment when Almond's high-speed spinning attack stagnated and used his eyes to emit light, burning out Almond's detector, and the smoke blocked the line of sight at the moment of the explosion, allowing Piccolo to seize the gap and launch a fatal blow.

After a year of penance, Piccolo has greatly increased the launch speed of the magic light cannon, and it can be fired after a short charge of energy. Once it hits, it directly penetrates Almond's heart.

The combination of Kelin and Yamcha also cooperated quite tacitly, forcing Daz into a dead end. The tracking ability of the air bomb and the powerful cutting effect of Qi Yuan Zhan finally made Daiz suffer from the enemy and fell to the double blow under.

On the other hand, Tianjin Fan shook Kakao's eyes with the Sun Fist, and then the Qigong Cannon severely suppressed him, almost piercing through the ground, blasting him deep into the ground.

Gohan and Dumpling were struggling to support and did not have the upper hand.Brothers Leizi and Lakasai accidentally made a mistake. They were eager to kill and beat the dumplings until they vomited blood and fell to the ground. After that, they sent out Qigong waves to kill them all.So, Son Gohan broke out...

Don't fight with anyone, don't fight with the Sun family, and don't make Sun Wuhan angry with anyone, this is a famous saying.

The erupting Sun Wuhan blocked the dumplings at a very fast speed, and the magic flash under the anger blinded their eyes and shattered their bodies.The expressions of the poor two brothers froze on their dead faces, and before they died, they yelled three words "impossible".

The soldiers gathered together, hugged the dumpling to Naba, who was unable to fight, to rest, and then flew to the top of the spirit tree.

Raditz saw them.

"Radiz, what should we do now? This Saiyan's aura is unimaginably strong. I'm afraid we won't be opponents together." Tianjin Fan worried.

Don't talk about going together, it's useless if ten of us go together.Raditz looked at the huge figure of Dales and shook his head.

"Damn it! Isn't this Saiyan move too terrifying?"

"Is there no way? I can deal with it by cutting off his tail, right?"

"It's easy to say, he must have taken precautions, and if he makes a mistake, he may die." Piccolo was more cautious, knowing that cutting off his tail was not an easy task.

Raditz took a deep breath, looked at everyone suddenly, with a sharp light in his eyes, and said, "It's not impossible, but everyone has to contribute, remember, there is only one chance! In this way..."

After listening to Raditz's simple explanation of the battle plan, everyone felt that this was the only way to go.

"let's go."

Led by Raditz, everyone lined up on the ruins, with scars of varying degrees on their faces and bodies, their clothes in tatters, and countless dust stains.What they were about to face was an extremely powerful enemy, and it was very likely that they would lose their lives, but everyone looked resolute.It was a kind of courage that didn't change face even if the qigong waves pointed directly at the eyebrows.

The wind blows across the cheeks, bringing a slight chill, the white light sweep of the giant ape is over, and the time has come.

"Haha, I didn't expect to fight with so many people." Kelin rushed out, laughing to relieve his anxiety.

"Maybe it's the last time, cherish it." The second one was Tianjin Fan.

"We can win!"

With Raditz shouting loudly, the rest of the people dispersed to attack!
Klin, who was running first, threw Qi Yuan Slash, and the spinning disc approached Dales' tail at high speed, and once it hit, the battle could be ended.

The strong wind hit from behind, and the air waves surged. The Qi Yuan Slash was only a few meters away from the tail of Dales, and the powerful impact was almost close to his body.At this moment, Dales moved!
His feet moved!
Strangely, he slanted his steps to the rear side, flexibly twisted his waist, and covered his tail. Who would have thought that such a huge body could be so agile.

In the next second, with his excellent waist strength, he returned to his posture like a spring, and sprayed a beam of surging energy in the direction of Klin!

"Get out of the way!" Raditz saw that the situation was not good, and fired an energy bomb first, pushing Kelin away.

Dales was taken aback, he didn't expect such an operation.

But then, there was a roar from the sky, and Sun Wuhan used the magic flash, and the weak attack power didn't make Dares care at all. He laughed and raised his head, facing Sun Wufan, and ate the food hit.


There was an explosion on Dales' face, but he was unscathed.

"Little devil, you dare to challenge me with this strength?"

"What about this?"

Tianjin Fan yelled behind Darles' head, and subconsciously, Darles looked back, unexpectedly it was Sun Fist!

The flash of light made his eyes pale for an instant, and he lost his sight.At this moment, Kelin's second Qi Yuan Slash was ready, and he swung it suddenly!
This time Klin aimed at the base of Dalles' tail, ready to eradicate it directly. Wouldn't it be better if half of his buttocks were cut off?

Seeing that Qi Yuan Zhan was about to succeed, Dales the Great Ape suddenly fell down, tumbling in a circle, and once again dodged Zhan Qi.

"Damn, failed!"

"You bastards, you actually use this method." Darles flicked his eyes, slowly regaining his vision, and became more angry.If it wasn't for his quick wit, he might have been successfully attacked.

Enraged, he jumped up suddenly, swung his fist quickly, shook Tianjin Fan away, and knocked him down in one fell swoop.Then he turned around and opened his mouth, a shock wave hit Sun Wuhan, Wuhan panicked and was at a loss for a while.

When the white shock wave nearly engulfed Gohan, a gleam of light hit the interface, blocking the shock wave!Appearing next to Gohan are Piccolo and Monkey King, both of whom exerted their full strength to protect Gohan.There was a strong explosion of air, the sound of howling wind around, and countless debris on the ground were lifted up and sucked into the energy vortex.

Raditz took this opportunity to jump up, and Yamcha also jumped up and sprinted away quickly.

"Sun Fist!" Tianjin Fan's cold drink appeared again in the sky.

Dales was startled, but he didn't dare to look back, and directly raised his head to the sky and sprayed out energy bombardment, hitting Tianjin Fan again.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Tianjin Fan again!The clone of the Four Body Fist!

Before he could finish speaking, the rays of Sun Fist had already overwhelmed him.At the same time, Klin issued Qi Yuan Slash again, and Piccolo stretched out his extended arms, locking Dales' body in groups, and fixing him.

Fits just right.

Not to be missed.

Darles was amazed, this set of attacks exceeded his expectations, he originally decided to get rid of Tianjin Fan first, and then Sun Wuhan, who knew their tricks were so weird!At this moment, his body was locked and his eyes were blind. The situation was extremely critical.Not to mention cutting off the tail, it is possible to cut the body directly.

Qi Yuan Zhan slashed with killing intent, even the ground cracked a long crack...

"Get out of here!"

Dales gritted his teeth, and a burst of anger suddenly burst out, shattering Piccolo's arm and blowing it into pieces.Although Piccolo barely supported it, he had no choice but to lose in the face of the mighty strength.

Not only that, Dales immediately took a step forward, bursting out with energy, forming an invisible protective shield, blocking Qi Yuan Slash!

Qi Yuan Zhan flew to the sky again, and the hearts of several people suddenly went cold.

it's over...

"it's not finished yet!"

Yamucha's fingers fluttered, and a huge qi bomb flew from the sky, caught Qi Yuan Zhan, and using the energy of the qi bomb, forcefully suppressed Qi Yuan Zhan and approached Dares again!
A little bit!

The power of the qi bomb is not enough to break through the qi force of the giant ape!

At the critical moment, Vegeta appeared, his moves had accumulated strength, and he was attacking Dales.Raditz's full-power shining shock wave under the state of Raditz's five-fold King Fist followed, and the attacks of the two great Asians broke through the barrier!

The atmosphere oscillated, the ground burst open, and the rocks shattered!
Qi Yuan Zhan flew away suddenly and touched Dales' tail!At this moment, Darles regained his eyesight, bounced off the Qi Yuan Slash with amazing energy, blood oozes from the tail, but it still didn't break.


Dales laughed wildly, unscrupulously.Correspondingly, there are people who are helpless.

"Hahahahaha...ha...ah..." Dales' face suddenly changed, his body froze, and slowly began to change...

Behind him, a samurai sword cut neatly across his tail.


The crowd was stunned.

Sure enough, at the critical moment, you need a Yaqiluobei.

 There will be both group and single brush
(End of this chapter)

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