Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 37 Metal Planet

Chapter 37 Metal Planet
After sailing for nearly two days, the spaceship advanced smoothly and unimpeded in a state of super acceleration.Everyone is also switching between practice and rest in an orderly manner. There is an emergency call device on the spaceship. Once there is a major situation, an alarm will be issued immediately, so there is almost no need to worry.

There is no time reference in the universe, and the outside is always pitch black, and only instruments can be used to judge how much time has passed.

After taking a shower, Raditz walked out through the special hatch with a bath towel draped over his shoulders and only underwear.He is very satisfied with his current strong body, and he admired it in front of the mirror for a long time.

After walking to the main cabin, Raditz was fascinated by the scene outside through the huge transparent shield.

Behind them, Sun Wuhan and Wukong just finished taking a shower, and went to the main cabin with Piccolo to take a rest.

"Uncle Piccolo, let's eat something!"

"I don't need to eat food to stay alive."

"I made this myself..." Gohan's excited expression suddenly dimmed.

Piccolo's face suddenly changed, and he said falteringly, "Then... let's eat some."

Now Gohan's face overflowed with a smile, like seeing the sun through the clouds, sweeping away the haze.

With his back to them, Raditz smiled.It was indeed the right decision to let Gohan and Piccolo pair together at the beginning. This pair of master and apprentice is a natural pair.Piccolo can be regarded as an aloof and out-of-group person, and Monkey King is the only one who can talk at ordinary times, and he is still an enemy and friend at present, and only Gohan can really touch his inner tenderness.

The two developed a deep relationship during the one-year practice, and the relationship developed very naturally.

"Brother, don't you come and eat some?" Wukong yelled carelessly as he chewed a piece of square snack.

"I'm not hungry, you..."

Before he finished speaking, the spaceship's alarm suddenly sounded, interrupting his voice.

Red lights flashed inside, and all additional work procedures, including the gravity training room, stopped for a moment.Everyone rushed to the main cabin with panic on their faces.

Vegeta rushed to the driver's seat to check the gauges, and the others also looked around, but found no danger outside.

"No glitches!"

"The spacecraft will automatically avoid all kinds of debris in the universe, and there is no possibility of collision."

"Could it be a sudden explosion?"

"Not detected either."

But not only did the alarm not go away, but it became louder and louder, and the frequency of the red light flashing became faster and faster, as if something dangerous was about to happen.

Raditz felt his body plummeting, the engine of the spaceship seemed to have lost its function, and the surrounding gravitational field was severely distorted, like a huge vortex, trying to suck the spaceship over!

"Look below!" Kelin stuck to the edge of the transparent protective cover, his eyes scanned part of the scene below.

It was a strange planet, with an oval-shaped appearance that was dark golden, exuding brilliance, and a gloomy chill was revealed in the dull tone, and their spaceship was approaching this planet, or it could be said that it was being captured by this planet. A planet is absorbed in the past!
They flew all the way along the trajectory of the voyage, and after calculation, this planet does not exist. How could such a situation suddenly appear!

"Steady! Adjust the propulsion to the maximum and leave this place. If you are sucked down like this, you may crash!" Raditz screamed. He didn't calculate and knew that falling at the current acceleration would be extremely dangerous.

"Breakthrough the atmosphere!"

The spaceship rubbed against the atmosphere and produced sparks, burning and shaking came together, and everyone inside felt violent jolts, and incomparable uneasiness welled up in their hearts.Encountering such a thing in an unfamiliar cosmic environment is definitely a fatal blow. If I knew it earlier, I would have brought Bulma with me!After all, she is an expert who is familiar with technology. If there is a problem, she can ask her to fix it. Now it is too passive.

Vegeta is pushing the power to the maximum, but still can't completely stop the huge attraction, the two confront each other and fall into a stalemate.It was as if a hand holding the sky held their spaceship and pulled it straight down, while the spaceship was like an angry bird rushing to the sky, struggling to hit the sky.

The alarm flashed red light more and more violently, the sound was shrill and piercing, and the hull of the spaceship shook endlessly.

"By the way, there is an operation manual! Kelin, where did you put the manual that Bulma gave you?" Raditz had a flash of inspiration.

"In, in the box on the console!"

Raditz immediately rushed to the operating table, flipped through the manual, and pressed the button on the panel while reading, a series of graphic data jumped out on the screen.After browsing quickly, Raditz gradually frowned.

The atmospheric composition of this planet is not much different from that of the earth, which means that there may be creatures similar to humans living on this planet!The strange thing is that the water content here is extremely small, and the metal reaction is so strong that it spreads all over the entire planet.

The closer they got to this planet, the more surprised they were, because the ground showed a metallic color, and countless tall buildings towering between the sky and the earth, or the mountains all looked like metal!The vertical and horizontal steel framed the city, and the shining unknown metal covered everything.

"How is this possible?" Raditz sweated on his forehead.

"what happened?"

"We've got to get off this planet, it's made entirely of metal and... life!"

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone couldn't help but shudder, and the chills climbed up their backs like a poisonous snake.

The spaceship is attracted by the huge gravitational force, as if it is the subjective will of the planet. Could it be that it wants to swallow the spaceship?

A terrifying thought flashed by, and everyone was startled, but the impetus that barely supported was once again surpassed by a stronger attraction, and the spaceship was pulled towards the metal planet!

Raditz made up his mind, hurriedly put on his clothes, and opened the hatch.

"I'll go out for a while, Wukong, come with me."

"What is the solution?"

"It is only possible to propel the spaceship by using the reaction force of our qigong wave. The combined energy of the two of us should be enough."

"It turns out that's the case, so let's do it." Wukong immediately understood Raditz's meaning and nodded.

The two flew to the back of the spaceship, pressed against the shell, let out a low growl, concentrated the energy in their hands, and compressed them into a ball.

Turtle School Qigong!

Both of them are ready to release Kamehae Qigong!

With a loud shout, the two launched Qigong waves at the same time, the blue light overwhelmed the flames ejected from the spaceship, and the huge reverse thrust that erupted pushed the two into the sky, further pushing the spaceship.

No matter how attractive the metal planet is, it can't compare to the terrifying energy of Kamehae Qigong. The terrifying shock wave directly hit the metal surface. After the dull impact, there was a roaring explosion, and thick smoke billowed up.

With the thick smoke rising, the spaceship successfully broke free!

(End of this chapter)

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