Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 4 is really the slag of war 5

Chapter 4 It's really fighting the five scum
After a few days of recuperation, Raditz's forehead injury has long since recovered.He can't wait to go to Earth, it's a good place, regardless of how people on Earth can better control the use of qi, food and beauties alone are enough to attract people.

On this planet, he can only eat sour and astringent fruits, and seldom eat some game. He can't eat a cosmic being like the frogman.Seeing a blood-gnawing hand like Vegeta made him want to vomit.Sleeping is almost lying down on the spot in the open air, and I don’t have to take a shower, and what I repeat every day is fighting, fighting, fighting...

Although the overall combat level of the earth is not high, the living standard is hundreds of times better than this desolate broken planet.

He made up his mind, picked a good day, and embarked on a journey to Earth.

There is a sleeping device in the spherical spaceship, which can put people in a state of deep sleep during the long journey, and they can reach their destination in just a dream.Otherwise, it would be too boring and embarrassing to stay in a small cabin for such a long time.

However, Raditz did not sleep in the first period of time, but practiced meditation through consciousness, using spiritual practice to improve his strength.Until the stored fruit was eaten, he had to use the life support device and sleep device to continue the next journey.

one year later……

On the earth, the careerists and big devils who tried to conquer the world have become the history of the past, and people are experiencing a period of peace.All live and work in peace and contentment, enjoying a good life.

There are a few idle clouds floating in the blue sky, and the field is covered with a piece of green, and the mountains are located on the edge of the wilderness, guarding the boundless land like giants.

The breeze came suddenly, the forest leaves rustled, and the grass leaves on the field swayed, like green waves, rolling with the wind one after another.

Without warning, a meteor-like light flashed across the sky, dragging a long flame, straight to the ground!


The huge bang was accompanied by the trembling of the ground, causing people in a radius of several miles to feel the obvious vibration.Many people thought there was an earthquake and ran to the open.But the shock was only for a moment, and when they calmed down, they saw a thick smoke rising into the sky in the distance.

"It's finally here. After sleeping for so long, the whole body is stiff. It seems that such a one-person spaceship is not suitable for long-distance travel." Raditz opened the hatch and quickly climbed out to get some air.

Although the time spent in the spaceship seemed like a dream, the stiffness of his body was extremely real. He impatiently moved his arms and legs a few times, and tried to wave his tail around to make sure that all parts of his body were fine. .

Raditz jumped up and jumped out of the huge pit that was smashed.

As soon as he stood on the ground, Raditz was stunned.

In front of him is a middle-aged farmer, bloated, wearing a straw hat, rustic overalls and plaid shirt, staring at him.Sweat dripped down the middle-aged uncle's hairy face, his Adam's apple twitched, and the gun in his hand trembled at Raditz.

Even people on Earth who haven't exercised can feel the arrogance emanating from Raditz.

"Hey, you, what are you?"

Raditz didn't answer, and a number flashed on the screen in front of him - 5.

Unexpectedly... He was really touched by him, the legendary scum with only five fighting strength.

"I'm going, I'm really fighting five scum! Hahaha!..." Raditz couldn't help laughing out loud, completely disregarding his image, laughing so hard that his waist was bent.

"This guy...couldn't be mentally ill?" The middle-aged farmer was overwhelmed by the sudden change.

Raditz laughed for a long time while the farmer was stunned, and then slowly stopped smiling.

He didn't want to kill anyone, so he looked at the guarded farmer and said, "I'll give you a piece of advice, don't shoot randomly when you see someone wearing clothes like me in the future."

"Ah...huh?" The farmer was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "Hey, what are you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned again, his legs gave way, and he sat down on the ground—he saw Raditz fly directly into the sky, galloping away faster than the wind.

Raditz flew in the air, recalling his famous quotes, and grinned: "It's really a historic moment." Just as he was feeling emotional, the detector made a "beep beep" sound and responded again.

"This reaction energy is very large on Earth, and the distance is 2333...Could it be Piccolo?" Raditz flew all the way, "It doesn't matter, let's go and have a look first."

Following the position of the reaction, Raditz came all the way to the target.

The surrounding area is not a barren hill, but a small town. Although it is in the countryside, the roads are flat and wide, the houses are densely packed, and there are many vehicles coming and going.It was completely different from the place where he first met Piccolo in his impression.

Has history changed?I haven't started to rebel yet, history won't be so shameless, right?

He simply landed on the ground, walked towards the signal source, and entered a bar.As soon as I entered the door, I found many corpses on the ground. The way of death was very simple, like a fatal blow, it was definitely done by a master.

There were knives and guns around the body, but they died before they could make a move.

"Bick? No, if it was him, even this place would be blown away...huh?" Raditz suddenly noticed that the signal from the detector disappeared.

The other party is a master who knows "Qi"!

Raditz simply sensed the flow of Qi without relying on the detector.

Suddenly, a figure leaped overhead, with a sword in his hand flashing at an extremely fast speed.

But his speed is only for people on earth, and for Raditz, it is like a slow-motion animation, which is frozen frame by frame.Only by turning his body slightly, Raditz escaped the fatal blow.

The man reacted nimbly, jumped away immediately after missing a blow, and sneaked into the shadows.

"Hey, hey, there are two things. From the moment you walked in, I could see that you were different. Not to mention the weird clothes, it gave people a completely different feeling from ordinary guys. Who are you? Do you want to avenge them?"

"I'm not interested in avenging them, and I know who you are, so you don't need to hide your head and show your tail." Raditz smiled wryly, and he didn't expect to meet this guy, "The number one killer in the world, right?"

The person in the shadow was stunned for a moment, and then laughed heartily: "Hahaha, this is the first time someone said my name so calmly, heh heh, yes, I am the number one killer in the world, Tao Baibai!"

As he said that, he slowly walked out from the shadows. At this moment, Tao Baibai was already transformed, with the long braided coat still in place, and the word "Kill" on the chest was very conspicuous.But the arms and eyes were transformed into mechanical ones, and the sword just now was also a weapon stabbed from his hand.

"Young man, I only kill people for the rich, and I don't accept apprenticeships." From Tao Baibai's point of view, he didn't seek revenge, but most likely came to apprenticeship because he admired him.

What the hell?apprenticeship?Tao Baibai feels too good about herself, doesn't she?
The corner of Raditz's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "Sorry, I just found the wrong person..."

(End of this chapter)

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