Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 87 Saiyan's Fortress! (Part 3)

Chapter 87 Saiyan's Fortress! (third change)
Planet Namek is on the verge of collapse, and fierce battles are destroying it every moment. In addition, there is a towering dense jungle, crazily absorbing the essence of the earth.

The spirit tree has regenerated.

Dales is at the foot of the tree, leaning against Schlager's large spaceship, with a dragon ball beside him, and the corpses of Namekians lying here and there.Tianjin Fan and Nappa stood across from him, panting and bruised.

Just when Frieza, Raditz and the others were fighting, a fierce battle was also taking place here.

Dales' long-planned operation finally took its final step.

At the beginning, he learned that Raditz and his gang had snatched the Dragon Ball after fighting Slag, so he made up his mind to escape Slag's surveillance.But when he escaped, he didn't snatch the three dragon balls of Slage, because the Namek dragon balls were too big to carry, and after luring Slag into being trapped in the battle, he could directly occupy Slag's universe Boat.

In addition to the ones he stole from Frieza's feet and snatched by himself, there are already five dragon balls!
All the detectors of Frieza's Legion were destroyed, and Darles still had one picked up.He detected the weak reaction of the remaining Namekians early on, and after he got Frieza's dragon balls, he was ready to fight for the two here.

Dales came to snatch the Dragon Ball, Tianjin Fan and Nappa who stayed behind rose up to resist.

After escaping from the earth and eating a lot of fruits of the spiritual tree, Dales' strength has been greatly enhanced, but after training in the gravity room and the potential of the great elders to stimulate the potential of Tianjin Fan and Nappa, their strength has also risen rapidly, and the two sides fought inextricably.

I thought it would be a quick battle, but unexpectedly it turned into a fierce battle.

Darles himself was shot several times, especially Tianjin Fan's qigong cannon, which still made his back ache.However, the injuries of the two people on the opposite side were more serious, and their breath was also greatly insufficient.

"Why has your strength improved so much?" Darles had a fine layer of sweat on his head, with a serious face, examining Tianjin Fan and Naba.

"No comment!" Tianjin Fan snorted coldly.

"Really? It's not a small tone. Do you think it's a big deal if you hit me a few times?"

Darles was enraged by Tianjin Fan's attitude, he clenched his fists and waved them threateningly.

"I still have moves that you can't avoid!"

"Joke, if it wasn't for Napa helping you, you, an idiot, would have died a thousand times already! Earthlings, don't speak too loudly!"

"Then let you see how powerful the people on Earth are!" Tianjin Fan actually took the initiative to attack, with his hands spread out on his forehead, he went straight to Dales.He has already realized that if he continues to fight like this, he will lose sooner or later, so he can only take a risk and try his new trick.

Seeing this, Napa hurriedly followed, but in the end he was a step slower.

Sun punch?Hmph, I've seen through this trick a long time ago!When Darles saw Tianjin Fan's gesture, he was already mentally prepared.

Sure enough, at this moment, Tianjin Fan drank the "Sun Fist", and a dazzling golden light flashed by.Dales jumped up and flashed across the range of the light. He snorted coldly with disdain, turned around and kicked his whip.

The strength gushed out from the legs, and just kicked a Tianjin fan in the waist. The Tianjin fan on the ground was slightly surprised.

"The tricks of the four clones are also an old routine!" Dales grinned complacently, as if he had seen through everything.

He had noticed Tianjin Fan's actions a long time ago, and he dared to rush forward alone, so he must have been prepared. At the moment Sun Fist struck, he noticed the shadow behind him waiting for an opportunity.

But why only one?
In the next second, the answer was revealed.The other two Tianjin Fans also appeared. They formed a triangle formation with the main body on the ground, and each of them stretched out four hands in the state of "Four Demon Fist".

There is a "one-handed qigong cannon" accumulated in each hand!
Twelve rounds of qigong cannons form a triangular array, no dead angle strike!This is what Tianjin fans call an absolutely inescapable move!
"Damn it!" Dalles shook his head left and right to observe the gap, and galloped with energy, but the qigong cannon came immediately.

"Boom-boom! Boom-boom! Boom-boom!..."

Twelve shots in a row filled the sky with smoke and dust, the sky was filled with a sour smell, and the surrounding ground shook violently, echoing the beam of light that pierced the sky far away.

Napa also couldn't help grinning: "This kid...has his."

However, Tianjin Fan used the Four Body Fist, the Four Demon Fist and the Qigong Cannon in succession, and his strength has been reduced by more than half. The several clones immediately returned to the main body, and the figures overlapped one after another, and finally merged into one.

"Bastard!" Behind the thick smoke, Dales' roar sounded!Immediately afterwards, the white qi glow broke through the thick smoke, rushed towards Tianjin Fan, and pushed the weak Tianjin Fan into the stone mountain.

The boulder cracked, blasting away countless debris, the dust floated up, and the thin haze showed a gray and hazy tone.

Amidst the smoke and dust, a man covered in blood appeared—Dales!

Dales' combat uniform was torn and tattered, his forehead was stained with blood, a piece of armor on his chest was even broken, and the black piece on his back gave off a burnt smell.

But in his embarrassment, his eyes showed a fierce look, with a frightening hostility.

He was the one who sent Tianjin Fan flying with his punch just now, and hit the boulder.

"Huh...huh..." Dales gritted his teeth, sucked in cold air, and panted violently, "How dare a mere earthling use such a trick! Cough cough!"

Tianjin Fan's body fell in the middle of the pile of rubble, looking up to the sky into a big character.

He was hit by Dales, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart. He didn't expect that the ultimate move was not enough to deal with Dales... He raised half of his body, his eyes were burning:
"Naba, it's up to you."

Tianjin Fan and Nappa are not familiar with each other, and their behavior styles are also quite different, but they are very compatible in the pursuit of becoming stronger.Seeing the ultimate move of Tianjin Fan, Nappa also felt admiration in his heart.

"Naba? You two can barely parry my attack with your combined efforts! Don't try to resist me one by one!" Dalles sneered and licked his own blood abnormally.

Although Darles was injured, he was still confident. He took the initiative to fly away and collided with Naba's strong body.The two streams of energy collided, shaking off the ripples on the interface, and the airflow was blown away like a storm.

The next second, Naba, who was clenching his teeth tightly, fell backwards, his arms made a crisp sound, followed by a painful cry.Dales took the opportunity to kick Naba away.

Without a moment's hesitation, Dales jumped in front of him and punched Naba in the abdomen.In desperation, Napa also swung a heavy punch, only hitting Dares' arm. Although Dares gritted his teeth in pain, he immediately counterattacked and hit the target again.

bang bang bang!After several battles, Dales gained the upper hand.The last heavy hammer knocked Nappa to the ground, the ground sank several meters, and the surrounding area was cracked.

"Can you still stand up?"

Darles watched Naba struggling to stand up with disdain in his eyes.

But within a few seconds, he frowned, because he actually saw Napa standing up slowly.

Naba got up on the ground, his legs were trembling, but he still stood up tremblingly.

"Hey, I'm quite stubborn. Don't you look down on me, a low-level Saiyan? Why can't you beat me?" Dares' eyes shot a horrifying cold light.

"You are low-level!" Naba's face was shaking, his thick arms were placed in front of him, his head was crossed to protect his head, and he was staring at the ugly face of Dales.

Nappa's previous self-confidence was completely shattered after World War I, but Raditz did not humiliate him, but instead guided him to practice, allowing him to regain the confidence of the Saiyans.His daily practice time is similar to that of Vegeta, or even more!
Because Raditz said that with his aptitude, he can definitely become extremely strong. He is the toughest man among Saiyans.

He wants to be stronger, he is the barrier of the Saiyans!
"Dales, you have the guts to stop farting, come on!"

Napa tensed his body, and his strength surged out, as if there was a hard wall covering him.

The corners of Dales' eyes twitched, and he rushed towards Nappa.

The palm turned into a claw and swung out, the light of the claw flashed like lightning, tore open Napa's defense, broke the barrier, and knocked him into the air with a sound of "Chu--".

In a blink of an eye, Nappa fell down again, with three bloodstains on his forearm, gurgling blood flowing out...

"Aren't you very proud! Stand up and show me! You stand..." Dales was stunned with his mouth half open, and Naba really stood up again.

The huge body trembled, and he stood up slowly. His feet might have lost strength long ago, but he didn't know where the strength came from, and he stood in front of Dales again.

"I'm not down yet!"

"Hmph!" Dales' complexion changed drastically, and he was burning with anger, "Die to me!" With a sinister smile, he flew up and galloped up, pouring all his strength into one hand, and slapped Naba's chest fiercely. .

Nappa mobilized the last energy and stretched out his hands to resist, and closed his eyes.

He knew that he would not be able to withstand this blow, so he had to try his best to resist, depending on God's will.

A huge impact came, like a meteorite falling from the sky, coming with a bang.

But in the next second, Dales flew upside down, his combat suit exploded, and blood scattered everywhere!
"It seems that someone is going to hurt my companion. It just so happens that I just crawled out of the gate of hell, and I am very angry..." Raditz stood in front of Naba, his eyes shining with indifference.

(End of this chapter)

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