Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 93 Starting Point

Chapter 93 Starting Point
In the M187 branch, on a dark and stormy night, dozens of one-person spaceships are ready on the launch platform.

After a series of tasks such as integrating resources and recruiting subordinates, more than half a month has passed, and now it is just the time when the news of Frieza's death spread throughout the northern galaxy.

It is reported that there have been rebellions on several planets, overthrowing the rule established by Frieza, and establishing new forces.In the past, when Frieza was around, everyone was afraid of this "emperor". Now that the "emperor" died, other powerful people were not convinced by each other, and they all competed to be the next Frieza.

This is the perfect time for Raditz.

Raditz stood in front of his own round single-person spaceship, with a complexion as iron as he glanced at the soldiers who were ready to go, and raised his fist high.

"The battle is coming soon, I believe you are already excited, and so am I! This is the first battle, and my order is to take down the target planet and come back alive! I don't want to sacrifice anyone! Everyone, do your best! go!"

After finishing speaking, he shook his fist and shouted loudly.

In response to Raditz's call, the soldiers raised their arms and waved their iron fists, shouting hysterically.They had never heard such encouragement, usually there were only cold orders and unquestionable rules, and no king cared about their lives.What Raditz said made their blood surge, and they were even a little moved!
"Okay, let's go!"

With an order, the soldiers all entered the spaceship, and Raditz also sat in, leaning on the back of the chair and meditating quietly.


Seven days later, dozens of one-person spaceships approached Frieza's important planet, Prisoner, like a meteor shower.

Raditz gave an order in outer space, sprinted at full speed, and launched a surprise attack.

The planet was rebelly occupied by Bator, the small leader of the remnant party. In order to prevent the attack of Frieza's other remnants, his group strengthened space monitoring.Seeing the spaceship where Raditz's fighters rushed straight from space, the explorers immediately started a discussion.

"It's a one-person spaceship... Could it be a combatant dispatched from abroad?"

"No signal for landing requested! It's an attack!"

"There are a lot of them, initially estimated to be more than fifty spaceships!"

"Prepare for battle! Prepare for battle! Prepare for battle!" The alarm sounded three times in a row, telling the entire Bator's army to prepare to attack, and whether the opponent was Frieza's army or not, they were all hostile.

After the alarm sounded, Bator's men began to get busy.

However, the spaceship advancing at full speed has already broken through the atmosphere, rubbed out fierce sparks, and began to land forcefully!
"Attack with all your strength and shoot down the spaceship!" The command center issued an instruction the moment it received the detection signal.

On the surface of the planet, more than a dozen huge silver-colored gun barrels were erected, each of which was tens of meters long, aiming at the rapidly approaching spaceship in the sky, all firing blue, slightly transparent energy shock waves.

The shooting range cannot cover all the scattered spaceships, but a round of attack can always knock down a few.

"The battle begins!" Raditz opened the hatch in mid-air, and jumped out as he was speeding down the spaceship. With a wave of his big hand, white energy bombs blasted several times one after another, hitting the forts on the ground one after another.

There are still several anti-aircraft cannons bombing, and the guards insist on defending next to the cannons.

Raditz erupted with a burst of arrogance, and fell straight down. With a "boom", the ground trembled, and the ground shook!

The panicked cosmic beings didn't know what happened, they just felt a strong pressure sweeping from the sky and the earth, making their breathing freeze instantly.

"what happened?"

"Why is my heart beating faster all of a sudden!" The guard's face changed suddenly.

"Something is coming!"

They saw a shadow flashing through the smoke and dust, it was astonishingly fast!

How could Raditz's speed be beyond their reach?The pale flames rushed into the crowd quickly, and the qigong wave had already touched their bodies. At that moment, the guards realized that something was wrong, but it was too late.

The qigong wave erupted with enormous power, destroying people and cannons together, the fragments disintegrated in the torrent of breath, flames erupted and splashed everywhere.

The blocking on the ground came to an end temporarily, the spaceships arrived one after another, and the soldiers of the Alliance made their debut one after another.

"Fight!" Someone shouted, and the battle was about to break out.

Laser cannons and energy bombs bombarded like a chaotic rain, and the raging fire burned on the prisoner star, turning the earth into a sea of ​​flames in an instant.Raditz even walked through the enemy group, unstoppable!

At this moment, the entire planet is in chaos and in panic.

Finally, Bator couldn't sit still at the headquarters, put on his combat uniform, took out his weapons, and led his personal guards into battle.He is ugly and has a big belly, and looks like he would be tired even if he moves, but his fighting power is more than 2.Among Frieza's many subordinates, he is not outstanding, but he is not weak either.

The most important thing is that Bator's methods are ruthless, notoriously cruel, he uses one set of torturing methods, and often uses many insidious schemes.So many people would rather mess with other strong men than Bator.

Someone dared to challenge him this time, it was a leopard's guts!

Bator let out a long roar in the air, holding his trident, and exuding a strong aura with his big belly.He looked at the people fighting indifferently, and his voice floated from the sky, "Arrogant guys, I, Bator, am here! If you don't want to die, just raise your hands and surrender!"

"Hey, your voice is so ugly!"

The moment Bator appeared, Raditz had already flashed behind him, approaching silently.The moment the voice came out, Bator broke out in cold sweat and trembled.

In the next second, Raditz slammed his leg and knocked him to the ground. Even though he controlled his strength, he still beat him until blood spattered, like a hundred flowers blooming.

Bator hit the ground, and the surrounding buildings within a few hundred meters collapsed, and the ground sank several meters deep, forming a huge pit.Raditz landed in front of him and repeated the original words, "If you don't want to die, just raise your hand and surrender."

"You...you..." Bator spat out a mouthful of blood, clutched his stomach and struggled to speak. He lowered his head and trembled all over. Looking up, all the strength burst out between the five fingers to prepare for a sneak attack, "You bastard! I will kill you!"

The moment he raised his head, his pupils trembled unceasingly, the red light between his five fingers faded, and he fired an empty cannon with a "poof", as if holding a fart.

Geese, Bart!Isn't this the Ginuit team?Didn't they die on Namek with Frieza?hell!

"Bator, it looks like you still recognize us." Bart crossed his hands and sneered disdainfully.

Bartol didn't understand the horror of Raditz, but he knew how powerful the Ginuit team was. When he saw Gies and Bart, he was so scared that he wanted to lie down on the ground.

What frightened him even more was that the two members of the Ginuit team actually saluted Raditz respectfully.

Who the hell is this guy!

Bator's breath was tight for a while, and he spurted out blood again, his whole body was terrified, like falling into an ice cave.

A smile appeared on Raditz's face: "Bator, right? Just now, he wanted to sneak attack on me and said he didn't intend to surrender. Then I will satisfy you. Prisoner Star is our starting point!"

"No, no, no..." Bator stammered and repeated a word, and the whirling white ball of light was approaching!

"No! No! No!!! No... ah-"

(End of this chapter)

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