Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 97 Food Is a Passport to the Whole Universe

Chapter 97 Food Is a Passport to the Whole Universe

At night, the elders of Yadrat all came to the banquet hall. They heard that a foreigner wanted to learn their secret skills, which was something they hadn't encountered for a long time.

Moreover, even if there is such a person, it is enough to hold a meeting to discuss it, so why throw a feast with great fanfare?

The elders were very puzzled.

"This time, I heard it's a Saiyan."

"Saiyan! Isn't that Frieza's professional thug?"

"Shh...be careful, don't let him hear it. Sumo said that he is a strong man who can resist Frieza, and he and his companions defeated Frieza."

"Maybe that's why we were called to the banquet hall. But the reputation of Saiyans is really disgusting..."

"It's fine if we all say that we don't agree, and everyone is unified..." The gesticulating female elder choked up halfway, "Here we come."

They all looked at the front of the long table, and the leader Sumo appeared in front of everyone with Raditz.

Although Raditz maintained a friendly smile, in the eyes of the elders, he was not pleasing.It is difficult to get rid of the deep-rooted prejudice against Saiyans in the universe, after all, there are too many bad rumors.

"Everyone, this is the Saiyan Raditz I introduced to you. He wants to learn our secret skills. I gathered you here to ask for your opinions. Before making a decision, Raditz made a meal for everyone. Please enjoy the rich food first."

After the leader Su Mo finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and the waiters served the prepared delicacies one by one from both sides.

The food of the Yadratians is very monotonous, except for various fruits and roasted meat, they think that the vegetation is not edible, so they never add it to their meals.

As early as when he planned to go to Yadrat, Raditz had already made sufficient preparations, so this time he specially brought a universal capsule, which contained seasonings and earth ingredients for space travel.

Make them some delicacies from the earth, to ensure that these aliens who have never seen the world have a new understanding of the concept of "food".

Considering that they may not be able to use chopsticks, Raditz specially prepared clean thin gloves and spoons, and controlled the size of each dish reasonably.

All kinds of red, green and green dishes were presented on the table, none of which were familiar to them, and every dish looked weird.Yadrat star, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do.

"This...is it edible?"

"I don't know, this color is like the poop of a caterpillar."

"Hmm... I smelled a fragrance, which is more attractive than ever... Let's see how Master Sumo handles it."

Several elders showed embarrassing and puzzled expressions, whispered to each other, and glanced at Sumo at the same time, as if waiting for the leader to make a demonstration.

But Su Mo himself was also in a dilemma. They had never eaten such food, and some seafood had never even been seen, let alone eaten.Seeing the embarrassment of several people, Raditz picked up the spoon first, and took a spoonful of beef balls to his mouth.

The elders imitated immediately, and everyone scooped a spoonful into the plate.

Those who are brave enough to taste directly, and those who are timid have to observe and observe.


Suddenly, Su Mo's spoon dropped from his hand and fell on the table. His big eyes opened wide, and the two words "delicious" burst out as if a volcano erupted in his brain!
Every nerve was provoked, the taste buds were stimulated over and over again, the wonderful taste entered from the throat, quickly flowed through the whole body, and finally returned to the throat.

Raditz has only learned simple home-cooked stir-fries, but even so, these dishes are absolutely delicious in the mouths of the Yadrat star.They suddenly felt that the previous meat and fruit were simply too unpalatable.

"Delicious!" The elder suddenly opened his eyes in aftertaste, full of surprise.

Regardless of the image, Su Mo took a big spoonful and continued to eat. The sound of "hula la" made people's mouths hungry.

"too delicious!"

The elders quickly wiped out nearly half of the ingredients like a storm, and then put down the spoon reluctantly, sighing loudly, with an aftertaste of enjoyment on their expressions, regretting that they did not meet Raditz in the first half of their lives.

After putting down the spoons, they picked up the barbecue again. The method of this barbecue was similar to theirs, but there was a layer of seasoning that had never been seen on the surface.Seeing that Raditz gnawed directly on the mouth, the elders gnawed on it regardless of their status, and their mouths were greasy and satisfied.

Swallow it in one bite, the taste explodes!Su Mo even yelled "delicious" and "exquisite" in comfort, with a face full of intoxication.

In the end, these Yadrattians became completely curious babies, and kept asking Raditz.

"What kind of food is this?"

"Scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

"What are tomatoes? Eggs? What bird's eggs?"

Raditz: "..."

"And this one?"

"Steamed Sea Bass."

"This? This?"


A group of elders who opened the door to the new world were completely conquered by the food on the earth, pointing at each dish, their eyes shining.Seeing that the time had come, Raditz finally pulled out his ultimate move. He snapped his fingers, and the waiter received the signal to deliver several steaming cylinders.

"This is?" Somo asked.

"This is an amazing food that I used to eat all the time - instant noodles!"

Instant noodles? !The elders couldn't wait to try it. Seeing that Raditz picked up a fork and pulled out a few crooked noodles, he also learned to fork a bunch of noodles.

The noodles entered the mouth and sucked a little harder. The deliciousness and springy texture of the rich soup once again made the Yadrath star fall into it.

Everything is as Raditz expected, food is a passport to the whole universe, even the God of Destruction can win it, let alone other people!
"Well, I don't know if you have any opinions on my learning of secret arts. I really came here to study." Raditz interrupted their meal just right.

The elders paused and looked at each other. They didn't want to teach the Saiyan skills at first, and they discussed it in advance.But the delicious food in front of them and the unfinished instant noodles are shaking them.

"Well, I also brought some spare ingredients and instant noodles, when I wanted to practice..."

"Ahem, I think it's okay." The female elder who suggested rejecting the Saiyans was the first to speak, "Since he really wants to study, let him have a chance."

"Well... I think so too."

"Yeah yeah."

All the elders immediately agreed without any hesitation, and Su Mo nodded quickly to express approval.

Raditz's stay means that there is still such food. As for learning skills, let him learn it well, anyway, there is no loss.

They voted solemnly, and then continued to eat...

The next day, Sumo asked Raditz to change into the costume of the planet Yadrat, and went to visit his mentor, the wise man on this planet, and the master of teleportation - Rep.

(End of this chapter)

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