Raiders Counterattack [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 100

Chapter 97: Jinjiang Literature City Only Issued 97

“Welcome to “Let’s Debut, Trainee”, I am the representative of the mentor and host Yu Henry.” On the stage, Yu Henry stood on it, opening remarks as always.

“Welcome to our instructors who dance and sing…”


“And down, there are 108 trainees from various companies who have gone through layers of assessments and finally selected.”

The camera moved to the position of the trainee, and everyone appeared on the screen. The camera stopped for a moment on Chu Qianze and Rong Jinghe and other members of Class A, and then moved straight back.

“How do you feel after the first round of performances?” Yu Henry raised his voice and asked the trainees.


“Super excited!”

“I want to come again!”

“Okay, I think everyone’s answers are different, but there must be excitement and excitement.”

Henry Yu sighed with emotion: “Looking at you like this, I can’t help but remind me of when I was a trainee. The stage is very big and very good, I hope everyone enjoys it and loves it. Every time on stage The performances on the show are all very precious opportunities for you. After the performance, the results have all been confirmed. Do you know what this means?”

The people who were full of excitement and booing slowly quieted down.

Hearing this, Rong Jinghe looked a little dazed.

The last time Chu Qianze was on the elimination list, although it was said that it was because the show had not been broadcast yet, and everyone didn’t know each other yet. Now the show has probably aired for two episodes, and the public performance has been completed. Now Chu Qianze’s popularity is definitely much higher than before, but before the results come out, no one knows what will happen.

This person must be quite nervous.

Thinking like this, he couldn’t help but forget Chu Qianze, and after seeing the state of the other party, his whole person was a little indescribable.

Chu Qianze is… distracted?

At this time, Chu Qianze looked at the center of the big screen, and was observing the five songs displayed above, still in different styles.

Perceiving Rong Jinghe’s sight, Chu Qianze looked back,

‘I’ll wait for you to remember. ‘ he said silently.

Still thinking about what happened in the morning, more than three hours have passed.

Rong Jinghe looked away.

Now the ranking is about to be announced, but this person still thinks about the interview more than ten days ago, and the whole reaction is slow.

This person is not in a hurry, what am I worrying about here…

For some reason, Rong Jinghe had the urge to sigh.

“According to what I said before, starting today, we will sort everyone’s rankings according to the combination of public votes and tutor scores. That is to say, your rankings will represent you. Different grades. The top eight are A, the ninth to the twentieth are B, and so on.”

Yu Henry picked up the prompt card and glanced at it: “Not much to say, I will invite Mr. Wu Xiao to reveal the ranking for you.”

Wuyao came to the stage with relevant materials in her hand: “These cards in my hand have your rank written on them. Next, those who call out their names, come to me Take the grade card, and then stand directly in the corresponding class. The ranking is called randomly.”

“First, Rong Jinghe.”

Rong Jinghe got up and walked over, took the card, glanced at it, bowed to the tutors, and then returned to his place.

Chu Qianze asked, “How is it?”

“It’s still the same.” Rong Jinghe showed him the card.


“Amazing.” Chu Qianze clapped his hands to congratulate.

Wuxi: “Chu Qianze.”

Chu Qianze walked up, picked up his own card, turned over and glanced.

The teachers smiled, “Thank you teacher.”

“You have to keep working hard.” Wuxiao smiled wider, she really liked this kid.

“I will.” With that said, Chu Qianze stepped off the stage and walked towards the trainee area.

“Where will Chu Qianze be?” Definitely not in class A.

“This time, the classes are divided according to rank. According to what the instructor said before, it is a combination of public voting and teacher scoring.” Even if the teacher’s evaluation is high, it is useless without public voting.

When Leng Jing saw Chu Qianze walking down, he was all excited, his eyes fixed on each other.

He wanted to understand that Dou Xi would perform so well, and it was Chu Qianze who was behind the scenes. And now I will be embarrassed like this, and I can’t get rid of the relationship with the other party. What if the strength is strong, this time it is mainly based on public voting. Even if the other party got more votes during the performance, but the last time the other party was countdown, how much can they increase in such a short period of time?

Chu Qianze came to the first row and smiled at the class A.

Received Rong Jinghe’s gaze and understood that the other party asked, he didn’t speak, just spread his hands and shrugged.

This is…

Rong Jinghe had a bad feeling in his heart.

Walking past the front row of class A, Chu Qianze continued.

No A.

Although it was expected, seeing this situation, Rong Jinghe frowned slightly.

Seeing Chu Qianze walking past area B.

The corners of Leng Jing’s mouth rose, not even B? Class F is waiting for you.

Seeing that this man was about to come to his side, he silently bowed his head, and his schadenfreude was about to be concealed.

Haha, crazy.

“Come on, man.”

The voice sounded beside him, Leng Jing looked up, Chu Qianze’s face appeared beside him.

Seeing Leng Jing’s expression clearly, Chu Qianze blinked.

Is this face cramping?

Because Chu Qianze’s ranking is a breakthrough point, the camera followed him all the way, and happened to capture Leng Jing.

When Leng Jing reacted, it was too late. He stepped aside and uttered a dry sentence. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Chu Qianze thanked him.

“Brother Chu, have you come to Class B? How many?” Hong couldn’t wait to rush over and ask about the situation.

Rong Jinghe also turned around and wanted to know the answer.

Smile helplessly, Chu Qianze handed over the card in his hand.

Rounding up, all the trainees knew that Chu Qianze was the ninth.

“More than eighty.” Chu Qianze corrected.

Ninth, only one place away from class A.

“I want to see too!” Ye Lunjuan squeezed out from behind, and when she saw the number, she exclaimed. “As expected of Brother Chu.”

“Your brother Jing won the first place for the second time, and I haven’t seen you praise it.”

Chu Qianze suspects that these people are bragging about themselves. “Besides, I didn’t fall off.”

“Sorry, can that be the same? It’s not a matter of time to go up. I bet you will go back next time.” Hong said.

“Congratulations.” Rong Jinghe returned the words.

“Of course,” Chu Qianze raised his eyebrows: “But you have to be careful, we are all staring at this number one.”

Rong Jinghe laughed lowly and looked back: “I’m looking forward to it.”

Seeing a few people chatting happily, Leng Jing was embarrassed to stand beside him. But the camera was always beside these people, and he was stunned and didn’t move.

Seeing that the situation is similar, Wu Xiao continued: “Let’s continue, the next one—”

After all the rankings were distributed, the eliminated students left. Nearly a quarter of the people at the scene were reduced, and the original seats were immediately vacated.

Facing the remaining 80 trainees, Wu Xiao’s tone was a little more serious: “First of all, congratulations to the trainees who have successfully stayed, you have proved your strength through the first public performance, and also Get yourself a second chance to perform.”

“Next, we will explain the rules of the second performance. 8 people in a group, a total of 10 groups, it is still a two-group duel, isn’t it very simple?” Be a little playful.

“Oh, I forgot to say, this round will eliminate 20 trainees, everyone must work hard.”

Leng Jing glanced at his ranking, 72nd, within the elimination range.

“The following is our first harvester, Rong Jinghe.”

Rong Jinghe trotted up from the first row and stood facing the crowd.

“Please choose your own seven members.” Mai said.

Hearing this, Rong Jinghe was stunned: “This time the number one, can you choose your own team members?”

“Yes, was it a surprise?”

Wuya hummed with laughter: “But there is a restriction, each group can only have one A-level student, because you are yourself, so you can’t choose other A-level trainees. Now. Has anyone chosen?”

“This,” Rong Jinghe walked around the stage and landed on the people in the second row: “Chu Qianze.”

Hearing his name, Chu Qianze raised his eyebrows, walked out of the team, and stood behind Rong Jinghe.

“Why did you choose Chu Qianze as your team member?” Wu Piao famously dared to say, this time she did not hide her surprise at all.

“When I was having dinner with everyone yesterday, Hong said that if the two of us performed on the same stage, it would definitely have a good effect, so I wanted to give it a try.” After Rong Jinghe explained, he told Chu Qianze looked at each other and called out two more words: “Hong, Ye Lunzhen.”

Hearing Rong Jinghe mentioning himself, the two of them trotted to the stage together, hugged for a while, and stood in line at the back.

In front of Chu Qianze, a light screen popped up.

Dou Xi became his teammate. Later, I learned more about the character of the other party, and I felt that he was a potential person, so I paid attention to it. 】

[Task: Make Dou Xi one of the team members. 】

Seeing this task, Chu Qianze felt embarrassed.

But Dou Xi has a lot of potential, and the high pitch was really good at that time. Although his strength is relatively weak now, he is willing to work hard and is very practical.

Rong Jinghe said two more people now that they performed better in the last team.

There are still two candidates now, he hesitated for a moment, then tilted his head and asked the team members: “Do you have any recommended candidates?”

Hong reported a person’s name.

Nodding, Rong Jinghe recruited that person into his team.

There is one last place left.

Sighing softly, Chu Qianze asked, “How do you think Dou Xi?”

Poor physical strength, weak basic dance skills, unclear singing and articulation, and too obvious inhalation sound, all relying on timbre and talent to support. But hard work and great progress.

“I’m just making a suggestion, it’s up to you to make a decision.” Chu Qianze

[Host… If you are like this, the mission will fail! 】

‘It doesn’t matter. ’

Rong Jinghe nodded and turned to Class C: “And Dou Xi.”

Dou Xi’s eyes were slightly opened, and the shock was visible to the naked eye. After reacting, he trotted onto the stage.

“Hello.” A little shy.

Eight people.

[Task completed]

It’s fine.

“Now let’s draw the group song.” Wu Xiao opened five small notes in her hand and let them choose by themselves.

Rong Jinghe hesitated for a moment, and said, “I may not be very lucky, Chu Qianze, come on.”

“Me? Hey, I’ve never suffered a loss in this matter of luck!” Chu Qianze didn’t panic, he took one from the nearest place and unfolded it for a few people to see.

The Gentleman in Disguise

In the same second, the title of the song is enlarged on the big screen, and the music echoes in the hall.

“It sounds pretty good.” Chu Qianze said.

Today is also a happy day.

“Okay, there are still nine teams behind, we will draw lots. Rong Jinghe, you can take a bamboo stick in the box, and that person can choose his teammates.” After speaking, the staff brought the box up.

This Rong Jing didn’t refuse, he just took the bottom one and showed it to Wu Xiao.

Waiyu picked up the bamboo stick: “The leader of the second group is Merk.”

After the staff and songs were all matched, everyone returned to the practice room to prepare for the second performance.

A gentleman is always elegant, well-spoken and meticulous. And the protagonist of this song is a gentleman in disguise. He takes a fancy to his prey, sets a trap every step of the way, and shows the warmest feelings with the most abstinent image.

The accompaniment is accompanied by a magnetic and hoarse voice, which is full of psychedelic sense, but the tune has a reserved energy, if it is looming, but the alienation is seductive, which makes people want to stop.

“Brother Chu…you really know how to choose songs.” Hong almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Besides, Ye Lunjuan and Dou Xi watched the whole dance, and their ears were half red.

Chu Qianze squatted beside him, and after hearing Hong’s question, he raised his head and sneered: “Of course, it doesn’t matter who chose it.”

“Did I mean that, you didn’t hear the meaning of Si reverse sarcasm?”

Hong looked complicated, “What kind of song is this? Well, after this dance, my morals are gone.”

Ye Lunjuan rubbed her ears to calm herself down: “Brother Chu, this dance is very difficult.”

“The dance moves are indeed a bit more, Ye Lunzhen and Dou Xi, you may have to work harder.” Rong Jinghe sat on the ground, and when the video ended, click to replay.

“The song has a very good place, special props and ties, and other programs should not have it. At that time, we can all wear suits, and there will be more feel. It’s okay… I just I wanted to say something, but I suddenly forgot.” Chu Qianze stared at the video, recalling his thoughts.

“You can also wear rim glasses, it will look better.” Rong Jinghe added.

“This is good! That’s right, I just wanted to say this!” Chu Qianze agreed.

“You really don’t think there is any problem.” Hong scratched his head, “This song is a song about a gentle scum and a girl, there is a man and a woman confronting each other in the middle. The pas de deux part, that is to say, when the time comes, we will have to team up in pairs to tease each other!”

“Yes, what’s the problem.” Chu Qianze looked up, puzzled.

“This, this, why are you so calm!” Hong was at a loss for words.

“Feeling…nothing?” Rong Jinghe asked, “Why are you so panicked?”

“That’s it, it’s-” Hong gestured up and down with his hands, made several indescribable gestures, and finally sighed and gave up the struggle. “At the end of this game, maybe we all have a fanart, or a certain color.”

Rong Jinghe: “Familiarity?”

Chu Qianze: “A certain color?”

The two spoke in unison, and after looking at each other, Chu Qianze sneered: “Have you seen a fancier of your own color?”

“I, I, I have, of course I don’t!” Hong’s face started to red from the neck, all the way up, and finally to the top of the head.

Ugh! What the **** did I say!

“When I didn’t say it!”

Got it.

Chu Qianze didn’t control it and just laughed. Others also clearly understood and turned on the laughter mode.

“I saw it by accident. At first I thought it was a novel, and I thought it was the same name as me, it was too coincidental or something, but when I saw it at the beginning, I felt that it was not quite right, and then I went to After reading a few chapters, I just…” Thinking of how he felt at the time, Hong was at a loss for words.

“Then lie down at the bottom of the pit and gradually become addicted to it?” Chu Qianze answered.

“What are you talking about? What are you talking about!” Hong retorted: “Then I never read novels again. It helped me quit my novel addiction.”

Chu Qianze: “Very good, so you have more time to practice.”

Hong rolled his eyes, and the word gun appeared.

“Well, if you explore deeply, you will find that you not only have fan fiction, but also fan videos. Not only do you have a sense of cp with people, maybe you have a sense of cp with a flower. “Chu Qianze coughed lightly, feeling that the topic was too far away, and was ready to return to this dance.

“How can you be so clear?” Rong Jinghe said coldly.

“Huh?” Chu Qianze was taken aback by this question, and turned his head to look at the other side.

“Yeah, Brother Chu, how did you know so clearly? Hahaha, did you also—” Hong also reacted and seized the opportunity to try to pull back.

“Because I have seen it, though not my own.”

Chu Qianze admitted without changing his face: “I will admit it after seeing it.

After speaking, she raised her eyebrows proudly.

Hong: “Fuck!”

“What about Jing He? Have you seen it?” Chu Qianze asked.

“No,” Rong Jinghe shook his head: “I know I have CP fans, but I haven’t seen their works.”

“Actually, some fans are very powerful, what about past and present, three lives, three lives, deep love affairs, domineering presidents, and so on.” After Chu Qianze finished speaking, he said to Hong Said: “You can go take a look if you have nothing to do, maybe you will open the door to the new world and enter the pit.”

“Who are you looking down on? I don’t.” Hong rolled his eyes.

“Then you missed a world.” Chu Qianze laughed.

“When it comes to CP fans, we have to talk about our Rong Jinghe. May I ask Mr. Rong Jinghe, what do you think about CP fans?” Chu Qianze clenched his fists and made an interview. .

The dance video ended, this time Rong Jinghe didn’t click to replay: “Actually, I don’t have any opinions. Since I’m a CP fan, I probably like me too. I’m very grateful for everyone’s likes, but I’m still more I hope you all enjoy my performance and stage.”

Hong looked at Rong Jinghe, then at Chu Qianze, scratching his head: “Why do I feel like I’m being interviewed. I’m not watching a dance video, why did I suddenly talk about CP fans? Is the topic too far off?”

Ye Lunji nodded in agreement.

“So why is this?” Hong thought for a moment, and suddenly found himself being stared at by everyone.

Oh, because of me.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chu Qianze brought the topic back: “Now that the video is over, let’s start assigning tasks. There is a duet part in the middle, which requires two pairs, how are you going to divide it? ”

“What do you think?” Ye Lunjuan suggested.

After making sure everyone is fine, a few people started black and white.

Chu Qianze was the first to be separated. Looking at Rong Jinghe who was separated, he chuckled lightly, “What a coincidence.”

In the dance class, the dancer was leaning against the wall, and when he saw a few people finished dancing, he said, “How do you think you are doing?”

“What does this song look like? It’s sexy, sexy, and a gentle scum. You have to feel that way. It’s just too serious, you know? There must be drama in the eyes, there must be drama, Chu Qianze has done a good job, and Rong Jinghe’s actions are all right, but if you don’t let go, you still have a burden.”

Rong Jinghe responded, which was also his weaker position for a while. Although the action is good, but the feeling is still almost.

Coming to the crowd, Wu Xiao was facing the mirror: “I will demonstrate that you should have that kind of expression, like this.”

The moment she finished speaking, her entire aura changed.

“Da da da, da da-” While shouting the beat, the dance returned to her normal state: “Do you understand, that’s it.”

Looking at the mirror, she saw Ye Lunzhen standing upright, staring at herself with a serious face, and being amused by the child’s seriousness in studying, Wu Xiao couldn’t hold back her efforts: “All Relax, everyone, don’t be too nervous. This classmate, you can try it yourself, it doesn’t need to be like a class. ”

“Hong, are you taking a bath?”

“I’m a girl, everyone may seem unintuitive and difficult to learn. If Teacher Yu is here, it may be better for you to demonstrate.”

Wu Xiao thought for a while: “Well, let’s find an example and compare it for yourself.”

“Isn’t there a two-person confrontation in the middle? Take that one as an example. Chu Qianze, who is your partner? Rong Jinghe? It’s very interesting.” Seeing the two of them stand up together, Maio thought it was very interesting.

“The two of you together, act out the part where you look at each other.”

“Ready? 321 starts.”

Chu Qianze pulled up his collar and raised his chin slightly.

[I slowly set up traps to lure the prey into the net. ]

He took a step forward, his eyes were full of emotions, but his expression remained unmoved.

Rong Jinghe smiled and took a step forward.

The distance is getting closer.

Chu Qianze put his hand on the other person’s shoulder, sliding his fingers over the shoulder, while Rong Jinghe grabbed the other side’s collar and pulled up the vertical tie.

The two sides looked at each other and touched a point.

Chu Qianze stroked the other’s cheek, Rong Jinghe turned around and came behind him.

Rong Jinghe turned his head to this man and wanted to go further, but was pushed away by Chu Qianze.

As the action progresses, the temperature between the two gradually heats up, and the atmosphere becomes hot.

Click, the action stops.

Rong Jinghe loosened his tie and took a step back, “It’s over.”

Applause broke out in the practice room.



“I want to dance like that qwq”

Chu Qianze straightened his tie to make it neat again.

Wuyao stood beside her, covering her cheeks with her hands, “Great, Rong Jinghe just performed well, the atmosphere between the two of you is great, that’s the feeling, keep it By the time of the show.”

“The remaining few, continue your training, be sexy, be sexy. Come on boys!”

Everyone responded: “Oh!”

“Hong, your movements are too rough, be more delicate.”

“Ye Lunjuan and Dou Xi didn’t let go, let go of yourself and don’t think about anything else, just follow the atmosphere of the music.”

“The two of you were too close.”

The lesson was over, Wu Xiao left, and Hong fell directly on the ground, his face ashen.

“This is too difficult, the concubine really can’t do it! Brother Chu, how did you show that feeling?”

Chu Qianze took a sip. He felt it was very simple, and he didn’t know what to say. After thinking about it, change it into a state that this person can do: “This song is actually very aggressive, but it’s really not good. You treat the other party as an opponent, and you just want to kill him.”

“Brother Jing, how did you do it?”

Upholding the mentality that the answer should be doubled for easy comparison, Hong asked another party.

“I don’t know…”

Rong Jinghe wiped his sweat: “But there is one trick that should work.”

“What?” in unison.

“cheers.” The man held the wine glass and clinked with the gorgeous woman opposite.

Looking at the movie on the screen, Hong suddenly realized: “This is the legendary flirting girl in the invisible.”

Learned, learned.

“The heroine is so beautiful, she is my type.”

“I asked you to analyze the male protagonist’s psychological activities and imitate him, who made you look at the female protagonist.” Rong Jinghe couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Isn’t it unbearable?” Hong smirked.

Chu Qianze held his chin to watch the plot, and pressed the pause button when he saw a certain screen. “The rest is hard to say, but this expression, you can try to imitate it, it is very suitable for our song.”

Dou Xi tried to move the facial muscles, but her cheeks became sore after a while. “It’s very difficult.”

“Otherwise, let’s skip this first, let’s practice the overall movement first, and then find the style feeling. While listening to the song, everyone try to figure it out for yourself.” Chu Qianze did not expect Can be done quickly.

Hong: “I agree!”

Chu Qianze is mainly responsible for dancing, and Rong Jinghe is mainly responsible for music. Everyone was in dire straits, pained and happy.

The author has something to say: thanks to mines: 1 white;

Thanks for the nutrient solution: 137 bottles of Kuaiwei; 73 bottles of Qianguo; 37 bottles of no fish; 20 bottles of Xueluo Wuhen, Yihan, Tianqin; 16 bottles of Langran; 5 bottles of Mo Dee’s Emotional Flower Essence, Coconut, and Marshmallow; Lonely. , 4 bottles of Gentle Xiaoling; 3 bottles of Luozhi Qianhan; 1 bottle of Java, Legend, Baiye, Xiaoxiang Shuiyun;

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