Raiders Counterattack [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 82

Chapter 79: Jinjiang Literature City Alone

The other party’s face was covered with gauze, and his arms and knees were also bandaged, looking a little embarrassed.

He walked slowly, walked over and sat down next to him. “what happened?”

Zong Xinjue heard the voice, glanced aside, and smiled lightly: “This matter is very bizarre, and the process is also very tortuous, you may not believe it when you say it.”

Chu Qianze hummed, waiting for the other party to follow up.

Zong Xinjue sorted out his thoughts in his heart and told what happened one by one. “After I went back last night, I accidentally stepped on something and twisted my waist. At the time, it hurt a bit, but it wasn’t too serious, so I didn’t pay attention. I thought it would be better if I rest for a while.”

Chu Qianze leaned on the chair, glanced sideways at Zong Xinjue, and glanced over his waist.

“When I woke up this morning, I didn’t feel right. It was about the same as yesterday, but after all, it is normal to have some problems during training. I plan to go to the hospital after training today.”

After all, it is the last day of the appointment, so there can be no accident.

Zong Xinjue said here, paused a little, and gave a warning: “It will be very strange later.”

“When I went out in the morning, a dog came out of the grass next to it and rushed towards the middle of the road. There were two cars in front, and the one in front went around to avoid the dog. Then the motorcycle in the back suddenly lost control in order to avoid the car in front.”

It seems that it is not intuitive to say so, Zong Xinjue also opened his brain and showed the movement trajectory of the scene with a stickman.

“After the motorcycle in the back got out of control, it slid towards me. Because of the back pain, we couldn’t avoid it, and we collided directly.”

In my mind, the simple car and the roadside stickman collided head-on, and bounced off in opposite directions.

“The owner flew out and slid forward for a certain distance, and I fell down in the side flower bed.” Zong Xinjue’s controller represented his own villain and moved to the circle symbolizing the flower bed beside him. fall down. After the description was over, he sighed softly: “I didn’t finish the training today… The date was ruined.”

What time are you thinking about dating.

“Can you stand up?”

“It’s not working hard yet,” Zong Xinjue closed the screen on his brain.

He just wants to show his handsome and perfect scene. Originally, I was thinking of finding an opportunity to hide it, and then contact me when the injury is healed, but I didn’t expect…

“The nurse found me a wheelchair.”

“The wheelchair is coming!” A nurse turned in from the door, still holding the suspended wheelchair.

“Zong Xinjue, I’m absolutely amazing too. You used to look at your wrists, but you finally got your wrists fixed. Now you look at your whole body?”

The nurse’s tone was natural and seemed to know.

“Why are you?” Zong Xinjue was a little stunned when he saw people.

“I didn’t hear that you came to the hospital again, did you deliberately take a look?” The nurse pouted, and her eyes fell on Chu Qianze.

Yo handsome!

Her carefree expression subsided a little, and she became a lady: “Who are you?”

“This is my boyfriend, who has the master.” Zong Xinjue understood the man’s inner thoughts at a glance, and spoke first.

“You actually got off the list? You have a straighter temper than a straight man, so you can get off the list?!” The nurse was shocked.

I thought we were a revolutionary friendship that lasted forever and was indestructible, but you backhanded and joined the opposing camp. This infernal game is perfect.

Why can you celebrate Valentine’s Day, my wife hasn’t let go!

Zong Xinjue’s mouth twitched, what kind of friend did he make.

“Hello, my name is Chu Qianze.” Chu Qianze smiled.

“Hello, hello, my name is Yun Shi, I’m his former high school classmate.” Yun Shi raised a smile, especially sunny.

Zong Xinjue coughed lightly: “Bring the wheelchair here.”

The nurse rolled her eyes and pushed the wheelchair over, “Can I do it myself? Would you like me to help you put it in?”

Chu Qianze stepped forward to take the wheelchair: “I will do this.”

Yo, this is to show my identity as a male ticket

Xun Shi blinked, “Okay, then I’ll trouble you.”

Then his eyes fell on Zong Xinjue: “The wheelchair is brought to you, remember to pay the bill later. Sometimes, some exercise is within your capacity, don’t be too reluctant, you have to take it slowly. How old are you, and you are not a child, this is not twisting your waist.”

Some exercise?

Chu Qianze gestured in his heart and saw that his back was straight, embarrassed and embarrassed.

Looks like this person is hiding something.

“I know, is there anything else?” Zong Xinjue’s face twitched slightly. Should he be grateful, this man did not elaborate.

“No, remember to follow the instructions, this will help recovery. Since you have friends over, I will go first, and work.”

“Thank you.” Zong Xinjue said.

Chu Qianze adjusted the angle of the wheelchair: “I will carry you up.”

“No, I can do it myself.” Zong Xinjue connected the light brain to the wheelchair, supported the handrail with one hand, and was ready to stand up.

Seeing that this person was still stubborn, Chu Qianze simply raised his hands and lifted him up like a child. Move the person into the wheelchair, adjust the safety equipment, and say, “Help me, I’ll take you away now.”

Watching the surrounding scenery gradually move back, Zong Xinjue said: “Sorry, I missed the appointment today.”

“It’s all little things, isn’t this an accident.”

Chu Qianze turned a corner and led someone out of the hospital: “Next time if you have something, remember to contact me.”

Zong Xinjue was too embarrassed to talk about dating, so he just said something serious: “It’s not very convenient in reality now, so I’ll just discuss it online in the future, what do you think?”

Chu Qianze doesn’t know what to say, is he still thinking about the game? “Your temper is really…Although I like it a lot, let’s give priority to recuperating, okay?”

Perceiving the seriousness in Chu Qianze’s voice, Zong Xinjue directly changed his words: “Recover first.”

“I’m serious, if you go on like this, the flesh on your body is almost gone.”

He was a little unsure.

“Actually, I’m not seriously injured, just rest for a few days.”

Chu Qianze: “Follow what the doctor said. When does he think you have recovered, and when will we resume training.”

Zong Xinjue: “Yes, but the online practice time cannot be less.”

“Go straight, go two intersections and turn right.”

At the same time as going upstairs, Zong Xinjue remembered that his room had not been cleaned up, and also remembered the spotless appearance of Chu Qianze’s house, his complexion changed.

He pretended to calmly turn on his optical brain, enter the code, and immediately perform the cleaning task.

Looking at the completion countdown displayed, I was inexplicably nervous.

Open the room, the inside is very clean, it can be seen that it has not been cleaned for a long time. This is not easy for a single person.

“Not bad.” Chu Qianze looked around and praised.

“Well, I just cleaned it recently.”

Zong Xinjue was sitting on the suspended wheelchair, silently controlling its movement, and came to the sofa, thinking of moving himself onto it.

“Want to come down?” Chu Qianze saw it and walked over to ask.

“Well, it’s not very comfortable to sit on.”

Chu Qianze took the man down and poured a glass of water himself. “What do you do next, can you do it alone?”

“Okay, the doctor said that the medicine for the waist will probably take effect tomorrow.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait until you feel better tomorrow before leaving.” Chu Qianze logged into the game account and opened the forum to prepare for the paddling party.

“I have two game bays here.” Zong Xinjue suddenly said a word.

“Do you want to go online first?”

I can’t move now, why don’t I play games,

[Welcome to Glory! ]

The familiar voice sounded, and the two appeared in the game.

In the next time, the two of them spent their time playing games, training, discussing strategies, eating and sleeping.

Finally, it’s time for the game.

Chu Qianze sat in the waiting area, waiting for the system to remind you to enter.

“How are you, nervous?” He looked at Zong Xinjue next to him.

“It’s not nervous, it’s easy.”

Zong Xinjue is debugging and checking his equipment to ensure that the probability of internal accidents is infinitely close to zero.

I don’t know what kind of accident will happen this time. Natural disasters may not be able to defend, at least you have to pass your own level first.

“The mood is really good.” Elbow resting on knees, hands clasped, a piece of metal suspended on it, slowly rotating.

“Are you complimenting yourself?” Zong Xinjue glanced at the man, but didn’t see where he was nervous.

“hhh You found it all. “Chu Qianze placed his finger on the metal shrapnel, and it was further decomposed and dissipated in the air.

“I heard that there are spectators in this game. I don’t know that those lucky ones can see our scene.”

[Please enter the king team]

Chu Qianze stood up and moved his lower limbs: “It’s finally our time, and after a while, the flowers will all be grateful.”

He turned around and spread his hands: “Let’s go.”

Looking at this man, his heart was still a little impetuous, but he suddenly calmed down.

Zong Xinjue took a deep breath, held the other’s hand and stood up.

The two walked along the passage together and went outside.

The entrance passage is very dark, only the arrows are suspended on the wall to guide the contestants.

The surroundings were very quiet, only the footsteps of the two of them could be heard, as well as their own shallow breathing.

This seems to be a baptism, a questioning heart, the eve of the storm, and the silence that is about to explode.

The light from the front hit, when the white shrouded them again, the eyes became wider, and they appeared on the huge platform.

The surroundings are quiet, yes, very quiet. There were only three people in the huge scene, Chu Qianze, Zong Xinjue and a host.

Their opponent has not come out yet, it seems that something has happened.

And there was no one in the audience.

“It’s not what I expected.”

Chu Qianze scratched his neck and turned his face to the side. “I thought it was the stars holding the moon, and the audience was waving the flag and shouting like that.”

“At our time, there are many players competing, including three professional teams. They are probably watching those games.” Zong Xinjue was not surprised by this situation.

At the same time, the audience is faced with a choice. So of course, everyone is more willing to watch professional players than ordinary teams that are not well-known.

“It makes sense, I woke up.” Chu Qianze shrugged.

“When I enter the finals, there will be more people watching.”

Zong Xin Jue Dao. “When we compete for the championship, people in the entire game area will pay attention to us.”

“It sounds pretty good, so let’s go. Watching the auditorium gradually fill up, it’s quite fulfilling.” Chu Qianze’s self-coordination ability is full.

The opposing team appears.

Everyone came and the host started talking.

“Hello everyone, welcome to this game—!”

The host stood on the high platform, holding a microphone in one hand and a card in the other, and the voice echoed in the field along the sound.

“Not much to say, now entering the competition, first of all, please say hello to the audience.”

Although no one is watching, there is still a process to go.

The two on the opposite side waved their hands, very perfunctory.

Chu Qianze smiled and waved at the camera.

“Both sides please prepare.”

As soon as the host finished speaking, a mechanical voice sounded.

[Competition, start! ]

After speaking, the host turned off the microphone and sighed softly, quite listless.

When the host finishes this time, there are still two games waiting for him, so take advantage of now.

In order to host the professional team’s game, those colleagues operated one after another, fighting each other’s wits and courage. As a low-level employee, without money or power, I can only preside over the rest.

The average amateur team is not very good, and there is nothing to watch. These collections in the later stage probably don’t even have a single shot.

If you have the heart, you can find it on the official website, but they are all uploaded directly, because the audience will not watch it, and will not even do the basic post-production.

For the host, hosting these games has no exposure, no technical content, and no salary increase. It is completely thankless. To put it badly, it is the leftovers from the people above.

In the last game, he watched the two teams kick and punch me there, and later even started chatting, he didn’t even bother to complain.

“Let’s take a break while the game is on.”

Thinking like this, the host turned and moved to the side, ready to stand in the blind spot of the camera.


There was a loud noise, and the strong wind came from behind, and the back hem of the host’s clothes was lifted. The hair that was originally arranged was now all standing up.


In his stupor, it was the sound similar to machine gun shooting, followed by the sound effects produced by one skill output after another. The speed is so fast and the rhythm is fast, people can’t help shaking.

I turned my head and looked back. At this time, the scene was filled with gunpowder smoke and I couldn’t see the situation clearly. When the facilities in the field have finished absorbing the dust, the scene will be revealed.

Chu Qianze lowered his hands, and the heavy sniper disintegrated and disappeared.

Beside Zong Xinjue, a player collapsed to the ground.

A heavy sniper and a giant shield set the tone for the victory of the game.

So soon? How long has it been.

The host was surprised.

Although he is not good at playing games, but he has been in the industry for so long, he should have some eyesight.

These two professions, one should be a shield warrior, the giant shield is still very recognizable. The other one is… the gunner?

Because of the freedom of the game, many professions are only the same when they first joined the job. With the different experiences of the players later, there are various changes, so I am not sure.

Because of the distraction just now, he did not see the whole process clearly.

Whether these two are too strong or their opponent is too weak, the host is not sure.

Seeing that the duel is over and the verdict has not yet been pronounced, Chu Qianze raised his eyes and looked at the host, “Host, can you pronounce the verdict?”

The host responded. I was busy analyzing the progress just now, but I forgot about my own job. If this is discovered, the bonus is estimated to be deducted.

He straightened the crooked glasses, he picked up the microphone, “The game is over, the winner is—”

Glancing at the inscription card, she said in a high voice, “Team King! Congratulations!”

The host’s words fell, and the exit entrance opened.

“Please go to the next venue and get the number of the game. I hope you can achieve better results in the future.” The host said with a smile.

“Of course.” Chu Qianze’s tone was natural, and he lay directly on Zong Xinjue’s back.

“Our goal is the champion.”

Watching the two leave, the host held up his glasses.

The goal is to be the champion, so is it called king?

Is it arrogant, or is it true strength, it is still uncertain, it depends on the performance in the future. Maybe these two can bring some different surprises to the game.

He silently took this name to heart.

The league is in full swing, and all the hot content is related to this league.

The ability analysis post of each professional team, the prediction post about the game, the live report of the game process, the record post, the star chasing post, the cp post, all kinds of everything.

In these posts about professional teams, the only thing related to amateur teams is only one type, Tucao.

[The weird games you’ve seen. ]

[The content is as the title, during this time, in addition to watching the games of the professional gods, I also watched the games of some ordinary teams. To be honest, it’s not interesting to watch the great gods play now, because the opponents are too weak to show 1% of their heroic appearance. Off topic hahaha, we’re back on topic.

There are only a few professional teams. After watching the game, they are gone. At other times, the postmaster is idle and bored, so he went to look at the situation of other amateur teams. That scene, oh my god, after watching a few scenes, the post owner felt that he probably played a fake game. What’s that all about?

In one case, the two sides used up their physical strength and couldn’t move. Maybe during the game, the two veins of Ren and Du were opened, and the blood of Zaan was activated, and they were spraying each other there. After watching the whole scene, the post owner felt that he had been sublimated and enlightened by some kind of thought.

I also saw one, the two of them ran out of skills, and they fought directly! Do you think it’s okay to see this? But their hand-to-hand combat, the specific moves are, scratching the hair and slapping the chest? ! These two are male players! The master is blind.

There are many more, so I won’t list them all here. Now after several rounds of screening, it has become worth seeing. I believe that the level of the players will rise in the future, and I look forward to the next game. (covers face)]

[Why do I kind of want to see it? It feels very interesting! ]

[This is probably because the main language of the post is lively and interesting. If you really see the scene, you will not feel that way. ]

[Where can I see the playback? I want to go and review qwq]

Try searching for keywords. ]

In the beginning, this was just a rant, some people found it interesting and went to watch those screen recordings.

It’s better to be happy alone than everyone else, adhering to the psychology of everyone analyzing good things together, whenever you see an interesting video, everyone will post it in this post.

[I found a super hilarious, show the way (link)]

[I just saw one, Berserkers come in, this is the first time I know that skills can operate like this, so talented hahaha (link)]

[Inadvertently into the video, on the importance of eloquence, don’t drink water when watching this. I even suspect that they are trying to laugh at the player account that I inherited! (Link)]

As a result, this post has changed from a rant at the beginning to a collection of funny materials for ordinary teams to achieve the achievement of crooked buildings. Even, this post has set off a wave of watching videos of ordinary team games.

In the discussion of many professional gamer-oriented posts, it is unique and can be called a mudslide.

Marchul finished the day’s work, opened this Amway post as usual, and flipped through the wonderful videos that enthusiastic netizens found.

This time is the source of your own happiness.

Open the post and adjust it to the reverse chronological order. After loading, the entry is the first floor.

[Ah, ah, mist grass, I’m dead, this turned out to be an amateur team? Isn’t this a **** vest worn by a professional team? ! (Link)]

Oh, the headline party, the proper headline party! I just want to trick me into clicking in. I know more about this way.

Ma Chun sneered, tapped the light screen with her finger, the screen jumped, and directly entered the recording screen.

King team, right? I really have to see how this team can rot.

“Half a minute? You lose in 30 seconds. What kind of weakness is this?” Muttering, he picked up the fried chicken that had just arrived, ready to challenge to eat three pieces in one minute .

The screen is now loaded and he nibbles at the fried chicken.


There was a loud noise when the screen was opened, which made Ma Chun froze for a moment.

The shield warrior rushed forward, and the one with the gun would follow. The two cooperated tacitly, and in the blink of an eye, the opposing team died.

When the video ends, the display screen returns to the initial black state, and Marl can pass through it and see his surprised smell.

? ? !

Black screen crit.

What was that just now?

March put down the fried chicken in her hand, took out a tissue, rubbed her hands, sat upright, and pressed the replay button.

After 30 seconds, pressed again.

Replayed it a few times before he turned his attention away. The video ended, but his emotions became more and more intense.

Grass (a plant)! what is this? This is an amateur team! You TM play with me!

Hurry up and save the video separately, Ma Chun went to the official website to search for details, watched that game completely, and then watched the next few games between the two.

So far, they have all been victorious and have no record of defeat. The two have a strong sense of operation, and it can be seen that their proficiency in skills is also very high. The most important thing is that they cooperate very well. The strategy has been set before the game, and they can quickly cooperate with a glance at each other.

Very good, Marco used the fried chicken in his hand to guarantee that he found a treasure team.

Cut down those videos, I was going to cut the most exciting clips, but after reading it back and forth several times, I feel that every frame is high energy.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he simply opened a post and posted all the videos.

[Dark horse strikes! I buy this stock! ]

new logo appeared, this post floated above the general area, just happened to be seen by several players who refreshed, they clicked in and watched the video.

A few seconds passed, the new logo disappeared, the label next to the post changed to “hot”, and finally the upgrade changed to “explosive”. The popularity has soared and it has become one of the most popular posts. It is the only post that does not focus on professional teams.

Its position gradually rises and rises, and finally, it surpasses that Tucao and Amway post and successfully entered the top page of the hot search list.

The king team entered the public eye for the first time.

On the other hand, the king team just received a notification that they can play now.

Chu Qianze stood up and stretched, moving his shoulders and neck. Last night, I was pulled by Zong Xinjue to analyze the data and sat there for a long time, although I was responsible for listening.

Looking at someone who was recording, he said, “We’re going to play.”

Zong Xinjue hummed and closed the recorded page: “Come.”

“Do you think there will be someone this time?” Chu Qianze asked casually, picking up the Yangzhi nectar next to him.

“Who knows.”

Zong Xinjue has reservations about this issue.

Because at the same time, other teams are playing games, and there are two professional teams facing each other, and they have accumulated a lot of fans.

“Anyway, play well.”

Bite the straw, Chu Qianze took the last sip, “I know, I’ll just ask. No matter what happens now, these people will look at us in the end.”

The two entered the venue according to the instructions, still the same passage as before, the same sign, the same darkness and silence.

After the darkness, the familiar white light shrouded.

Walking out of the passage, I heard lively discussions.

“Is it here? The games of the king team.”

“Here is it!”

“Come on! King!”

“You must win!”

There is a huge and spacious field in front of you, and the sparse auditorium is now full of people.

The author has something to say: there is one more v

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of raccoon; 3 bottles of cross; 1 bottle of Gongzi Wuji and Chaoye;

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