Raising the Princess to Overcome Death

Chapter 117

Chapter 117: Childhood Friend – New Church Student

“Wow! This is it, this is Sudo Church!” Lena exclaimed as she arrived at Sudo Church in the winter snowfall.

Is this a dream or a hallucinations? She pinched her cheek to make sure.

Her cheek turned as red as the pinch, expressing her protest to the owner, and Lena was amazed as she gently touched her sore cheek.

What followed was a series of events that were hard to believe, filled with gratitude.

The priest Ophelia who brought Lena here was surprisingly a high-ranking female clergyman.

Thanks to her recommendation close to the High Priest, Lena was granted the right to audit ongoing classes and receive a private room.

Lena’s life at Sudo Church began. She first chose to audit classes that she did not know well or had an interest in, such as ‘Ancient Theology’ and ‘Rituals of the Achaean Empire.’

During that time, she also encountered a novice named Daniel, who, despite his somewhat naive appearance, was very kind.

He was also an outstanding student, always found in the library.

The two of them sometimes exchanged theological theories and focused on their studies.

Lena wanted to improve her areas of weakness to prepare for various tests when spring came and regular classes started.

Days of intense and blissful learning continued. However, it was quite remarkable that a new church student appeared at Sudo Church not long after Lena arrived.

In fact, it was rare for someone to enroll during the semester, especially for new novices to join in the winter, which was even more unusual because the church’s education facility admitted freshmen in the fall.

The institution that trained priests was unique across the continent, and although educating clergy could be done anywhere, the issue was baptism.

Baptism, receiving spiritual power from a priest, was a ritual overseen by saints to verify whether one was qualified to receive it, making it customary for those aspiring to be priests to enroll at Sudo Church’s educational institution.

Therefore, Sudo Church accommodated those who wished to become priests from all over the continent to educate them. Admitting freshmen in the fall was to ensure they did not encounter winter while traveling.

The ritual to verify the efficient reception of spiritual power was also conducted in the fall. At that time, the church expelled graduated priests or monks from the educational institution, admitting new novices as they left.

Therefore, it was quite unusual for new novices to join in the winter, as the education facility was already overcrowded shortly after admitting freshmen.

Of course, there was always room for a few more students. This was because occasionally nobles might apply for sudden enrollment or be recommended by high-ranking clergy, as was the case with Lena, which was why she was given a private room.

The newly arrived church student this time was similar to her.

After the ‘Ancient Theology’ class ended, the novice hesitated and approached to ask a question.

“Excuse me. I have a question after joining recently… Where can I borrow this ‘Ancient Theology’ book? Or do I need to purchase it separately?”

He did not address the question to Lena, and the novice sitting behind Lena with two badges answered.

“Are you a church student? If you are, the library will lend you the book. You will have to buy it separately once the spring semester starts. Oh, since you were recommended, it might be provided for free. It would be best to inquire at the office.”

“I see. Thank you.”

The young man seemed to want to ask more but felt awkward and turned away.

Lena noticed what he wanted to ask (having had a similar experience herself) and followed the young man.

Indeed, he was wandering around the wrong place without finding the library.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes?! D-did you call me?”

When Lena called from behind, the young man jumped in surprise to a point that it showed in his eyes.

The turned young man was a pale and delicate fellow with a dry and fragile appearance.

He had a lot of white hair and was as tall as Lena.

But despite his plain features, his eyes shone keenly, as if he could see right through Lena.

“Are you looking for the library? Excuse me, but I overheard what you were asking earlier.”

“Y-yes. Um, could you tell me where the library is? I, I just came to Sudo Church yesterday, so I don’t know the way.”

“Actually, I’m heading there as well. I’ll guide you. Follow me.”

Although Lena had not been here for long, she was pleased to be able to help someone, even though she had always sought help from Daniel.

They walked side by side in silence for a moment. Lena thought to herself that if it were her, she would have asked this and that ─ and decided to strike up a conversation.

“I heard you’re a church student. Nice to meet you. In fact, I’m a church student too.”

“I see.”



‘Quite reserved.’ Although the conversation did not flow smoothly, Lena shrugged and forgot about it.

Leo is also a bit of that kind of person, so it wasn’t that awkward for her. Quietly walking, Lena thought of Leo who came to mind just now.

“I wonder if Leo is doing well?”

Leo? Who is Leo? Lena chuckled in front of the library. She thought she had recently developed a mild absent-mindedness.

“Why do I keep thinking of Lev’s name as Leo? By the way, it’s a funny name. The pronunciation ending with ‘O’ is interesting.”

Remembering that she should tell Lev later.

“This is the library. Well, it was nice meeting you. See you next time.”

“Th-thank you.”

Lena parted ways with the young man who was stumbling in his words for no apparent reason and came into the library to find a place to sit.

Before heading to the next class, she intended to review what she had learned in the previous class, but the young man from earlier caught her eye again.

He seemed to be lost among hundreds of bookshelves.

‘This isn’t where the theology books are…’

‘He really needs a lot of help.’

Thinking so, Lena called him again.

Keeping in mind the surprise he had last time, she waved her hand in greeting.

However, to her dismay, he was startled once again, breaking into a fluster.


“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

“Y-yes, I’m fine. W-what’s the matter?”

“This is not where the theology books are. Are you looking for ancient theology? If so, it’s on the right side.”

“R-right. Thank you. Th-thank you for your help.”

But that wasn’t the only thing she would help him with. After finishing her review and heading outside, she saw him struggling with a thick book on ‘Ancient Theology,’ not knowing what to do.

Lena brought him to the librarian and ended up escorting the young man all the way to his lodging as he couldn’t even find his way there.

The young man, who looked three years older than Lena, stammered.

“Th-thank you. I won’t forget your kindness. Uh, by the way… W-what’s your name? I’m Veronian.”

Lena noticed the slight tremble in Veronian’s lips as he asked her for her name, feeling that he seemed quite awkward. It was then that Lena seemed to understand why this man stuttered and seemed surprised every time he spoke to her.

He was the type of man who was flustered in front of women due to his lack of confidence. It reminded her of an old memory of Hans acting similarly.

“I’m Lena.”


“No, Le-na. Nice to meet you. I have to go for my class now. See you next time.”

“Oh, thank you so much for today.”

Veronian bowed his head and accidentally pushed himself off balance against the wall with his hip, causing

Lena to burst into laughter at his sight. Thinking of him as a somewhat cute older brother, she hurried off to attend the class on ‘Etiquette of the Achaean Empire.’

Naturally, there was no aristocrat named Gilbert Fortera there.

“Oh… In that case, Veronian, you must have studied theology from a young age, right?”

Lena asked as she tore into a piece of crusty bread. Veronian, who was sitting in front of her, also hesitated while fiddling with the complimentary potatoes provided at the church’s cafeteria.

“Rather than studying… I just followed my father around, cleaning the church and reading a few books.”

Lena ended up spending a lot of time with Veronian. There were many overlapping classes between them, and especially since the ‘Lecture on Udien’ class was right before lunch, they ate lunch together every day.

Fortunately, the more familiar he became with her, the less his stammering speech bothered her, so there was no longer any major discomfort in their conversations.

Discovering more about Veronian through their interactions, Lena found him to be a truly passionate student. Although Lena studied diligently, Veronian’s attitude towards learning seemed almost fanatical. It wasn’t just about taking notes; he summarized all the contents of the classes and textbooks in his own way, memorizing them through repeated readings.

He would read through his summaries quickly in the morning, while walking down the street, waiting for the next class, and just before going to bed. If he had any doubts or thoughts, he would annotate his opinions on the summaries like footnotes.

This kind of learning style, which condensed into a few weeks a volume that could easily be bound into a book, made Veronian somewhat obsessive about learning.

This learning style was inherited from his father…

“Your father was a monk… I’m not prying, but I’m curious, aren’t monks allowed to get married?”

“Well… It seems I gave you a misunderstanding. My father and I are not related by blood. I was an orphan.”

“Ah, I see. I’m sorry. I misunderstood and asked something unnecessary.”

“No, you don’t need to apologize at all. But rather than that, I’m more interested in the question you asked, Miss Lena. It’s not encouraged for monks to marry, but it’s not forbidden either, from what I know. So why can’t priests get married in the church? Why does the church prohibit priests’ sexual relations? I had a lot of questions about that.” Veronian’s eyes sparkled and his voice gained strength.

He did not know much about theology-related topics, but when it came to the subject of theology, he seemed to forget himself, becoming a completely different person and often expressing strong opinions.

When it came to matters of theology, Lena always showed interest and asked questions.

“What are your thoughts on that? I’d like to hear them too.”

Veronian, picking up potato peels left in a wooden bowl that had to be returned, took a moment to gather his thoughts and replied, “From what I understand, it wasn’t really divine law but rather church-ordained customs. It took several meetings and debates for such customs to be established. The main reason was that celibacy was considered suitable for fulfilling the duties of clergy. It was believed that once priests had families to support, they would have less time and energy to devote to God and the congregation. However, the question remains…”

Veronian absentmindedly tapped leftover bread crumbs in Lena’s bowl with his finger as he continued, “Why is it that monks are allowed to marry while priests are uniquely required to abide by celibacy, even in matters of… ahem, sexual relations? As you may know, Lena, the difference between a priest and a monk is merely the difference between being baptized and not being baptized, isn’t it?”

He concluded his opinion with a questioning tone. Lena felt her curiosity growing. She had never deeply pondered this issue before as it was something taken for granted.

But as questions began to arise, her complacency turned into a smoldering fire of doubt. It was all because of Lev.

He, her only remaining heterosexual friend, had told her that he would be happy if she became a priest.

Despite his disappointment, he handed me the money he had worked hard to save and offered to take me to Rutetia so that I wouldn’t give up on my dream.

Nevertheless, Lev’s words were filled with hesitation. Yet his desire to be with me was so palpable that it was even more moving.

Despite not wanting to let me go, Lev supported my dream. I couldn’t betray that sentiment.

Although I couldn’t see a way to join the monastic church, I promised to strive and not give up my dream.

And so, I had a unique opportunity. Ophelia, the priestess who came with autumn, took me to the monastic church, and as I was leaving, I held back my tears and shouted to Lev, “Leo! I will be strong! I will definitely come back as a priest!”

On the day I returned as a priest, my first blessing was for Lev. He was the one who had sacrificed so that I could become a priest… However, why can’t priests marry? Why shouldn’t I love Lev?

It’s certain that my love for that friend won’t diminish my love for God. On the contrary, I should praise the grace that allowed me to meet him!

Lena, whose face lit up with excitement, suddenly stood up. She hurried Veronian, who was about to lick the empty wooden bowl. “Shall we go to the library during our break? I have someone to ask.”

“Um, I haven’t finished everything yet…”

“It’s all gone if you stop.”

Holding Veronian’s hand firmly, Lena dragged him towards the library. In the library, Daniel, who had five candles lit, was studying diligently as usual.

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