Raising the Princess to Overcome Death

Chapter 201

Chapter 201. Beggar Siblings – The Wife Who Left Home

The morning air was heavy. Thin sunlight streamed through the window crevice. The princess, who originally enjoyed sleeping in, groggily lifted her eyelids.

It was because the bed was uncomfortable. Though the pillow was soft, it was rough enough to disturb her sleep. She tossed and turned, then opened her eyes wide, rolling her golden pupils in her lying position.

“Was I kidnapped?”

It was wartime. Knights of the Orun Kingdom infiltrating the rear were roaming all over the territory. Perhaps, while she was asleep, she was taken hostage.

Tense, the princess hesitated to move. She wiggled her toes to check the state of her body and carefully turned her head.

It was a room. A room mixed with the scent of sweet perfume and flowers. A room with distant memories buried within it.

The princess was confused.

However, the moment she quietly got up, the now fully awake Lena realized where she was.

It was Sister Xenia’s room.

Last night, her sister had laid out the bedding on the floor, and she had fallen asleep there. It seemed that, as always, her sister had laid her on the bed and gone out for her morning exercise.

“As always?”

I’m sure this is my first time here…

Though puzzled, Lena began to tidy up the bedding. By the time she folded the bedding spread on the floor, she had forgotten where to put it away.

“Oh my, you’re up?”

As Lena wandered around with the blanket taller than herself, Xenia opened the door. Sweating refreshingly, she greeted Lena while changing her clothes.

Lena also greeted her with a nod. However, it was just a light bow, not the polite belly-button greeting of the past. The grace with which she grasped her hem was not ordinary.

Xenia flinched. She scrutinized the girl who seemed somehow different from last night, but Lena only returned her gaze with bright eyes.

But something felt…

Xenia shook her head. Thinking it was an overreaction, she led the girl, exuding uncontrollable dignity, to the shower room. After washing and eating, they returned to the theater, and it was still morning.

“Sister has to work now, what should you do? Ah, if you can read, would you like to read a book here?”

“I’ll just sit.”

A pile of books was stacked in one corner of the dressing room where actors began to gather. Lena sat blankly, looking around, on an old, more comfortable sofa despite its holes.

A creaking wooden building.

Lena was not unfamiliar with the dressing room where various theater props lay around, and the actors’ passionate gestures never ceased. She even felt a welcoming sensation as memories tried to surface…

It was narrow.

At the same time, she felt it was too insignificant and cramped for her presence. Why am I like this? Thinking over, Lena concluded that she was being fussy because her brother wasn’t there.

It was ridiculous to complain after having a bed with a ceiling and a warm meal for the first time in a while, but there was no other reason.

Fortunately, her worries vanished as soon as Leo arrived. Lena exclaimed, “Brother!” and ran to him.

“Oh, my sister. Did you sleep well?”

“Yes. How about you?”

“I slept well.”

He covered up appropriately.

He had almost had a rough night due to many worries and barely escaped the landlord.

In fact, Leo wasn’t the one who would be troubled. But he didn’t want to cause trouble either.

“Where’s Xenia?”

“She’s over there.”

At the far end of the dressing room, Xenia was rehearsing with other actors.

He waved his hand, but Xenia, absorbed in her theater practice, did not notice him. Leo also had no intention of interrupting, so he turned his attention to his sister.

“What have you been doing here?”

“Just sitting. Brother, I had a dream. It was so vivid. I don’t remember it well, but…”

“…Really? What was it about?”

“I don’t know. But it felt really busy.”

Lena gently touched her forehead, trying to recall. Leo felt a sense of unease at his sister’s mature gesture.

Lena’s growth greatly depended on her environment. Unlike her childhood friend Leah or her betrothed Lena Einarr, who had clear future aspirations, Lena didn’t have a specific dream and would just grab whatever was at hand.

When under Cassia’s care, she became a shoemaker. Under Xenia’s care, she became an actress. When she realized she was a princess, she became a duchess on her own.

A talent for anything. It was difficult for her to bloom due to the poor scenario of the beggar siblings, but once the way was opened, she was unstoppable. Where that path would lead depended on Leo.

If utilized well, it would undoubtedly be a great help in clearing the game.

But Leo absolutely did not want to do that. He didn’t want to use his sister, nor could he handle the repercussions of any mistakes. The “Red Light District” ending. He still couldn’t forget the seductive picture of his sister reaching out beyond the photo.

“Please… can’t you just live a normal, happy life?”

To clear the game, he would need to make Lena a princess, but he wished she would just stay as she was.

Even Minseo’s small wish was in danger. Twenty photos. His sister had changed in just one day, and he couldn’t just be happy about it.

Moreover, who knows what kind of dreams she might have next? What am I supposed to do? All her dreams might be nightmares, and they might all be my fault…

“Huh? Brother? What’s wrong?”

“Ah, it’s nothing.”

Leo swallowed a sigh. He set aside his worries and played with his sister for a while.

He wished he could continue playing with her like this, but he had to leave Orville in a few days, and there was much to do before then.

‘It’s time to go.’ As he thought this, Leo smiled, spotting a boy hesitating from a distance.

“Lena. I have to go now. I’ll be back in the evening. Isn’t that your friend over there? What’s he doing?”

“Huh? It’s Tian! Tian~!”

His sister ran off.

Thanks to that, Leo could leave the theater with peace of mind. As he passed by, he said, “You’re Santian, right? Play nicely with Lena.” — whether it was a warning or encouragement was unclear.

* * *

“You’re new. Are you here on an errand? What’s with the sword? Are you a squire?”

Leo had arrived at Count Peter’s mansion. The guard blocked his way, demanding a voucher or entry permit that an errand boy should have, but Leo had nothing to give.

He had no time to waste on such things. Leo drew his sword without a word.

“What are you…?!”

Leo’s sword crackled with energy. The guard’s eyes widened, and Leo had no intention of taking the long way around with this convenient means.

There might be problems showing the Aura Blade, but he would leave soon anyway. Leo spoke to the terrified guard.

“Tell Count Gustav Peter that Leo is here. He’ll understand when you describe me.”

If only it were that easy to meet the Count. Leo had to go through another round of screening.

The guard, unable to approach the Count, brought the butler. Leo showed off his Aura Blade to the butler as well, finally being led to the drawing room.

A few knights glared at him with shock and caution, but he passed easily. Unlike the past when he always needed proof to meet a noble, now he could force his way into a mansion anytime, even peacefully.

“Please wait a moment. I will fetch the Count. But what is your business…?”

“I’ll discuss that with the Count. Just tell him that someone named Leo is here. If he doesn’t recognize the name, show him this necklace.”

Would Count Gustav recognize my necklace? Leo wondered as he handed over the necklace engraved with his mother, “Ainas de Yeriel’s” symbol. He had nothing to lose as long as he got it back later.

The butler, receiving the necklace, hurried off. He called for a maid to bring refreshments and disappeared in a rush.

Leo leisurely reclined on the intricately embroidered sofa. He paid no mind to the knights who still eyed him.

This was his second visit here. The first time, he had tried to persuade Count Gustav Peter, using his experience with Bishop Berg and their relationship, as well as the Count’s actions from previous cycles.

Back then, as a Royal Guard who had even met the prince and earned the “Prince Meeting” achievement, he had the {Barbatos Bracelet}, making persuasion seem easy. But there had been a problem.

[Achievement: Baptism of the Saint – Leo gains the {Divine Insight} ability.]

Baron Gustav Monarch was a human with divine power akin to a priest. Unsurprisingly, being the son of Bishop Berg the bracelet based on Barbatos’ power was useless, and when his father’s name came up, Count Gustav also showed a highly provocative attitude, much like the Bishop.

So what should he do this time?

Leo pondered but wasn’t too worried. His previous failure was due to meeting Princess Chloe and the ancient god, Astroth, King of Belita, not because he failed to persuade the Count. The Count had said he would help.

What was still unclear was the relationship between the Count and the Bishop. Despite being father and son, they seemed to have a very poor relationship.

Given the nature of the beggar siblings’ scenario, where they must defeat Oriax to reclaim their {Bloodline}, they needed the Bishop’s assistance. Someone connected to him was in Orville, the starting point of the beggar siblings’ scenario, so going through the Count was necessary…

‘What happened? Why do they hate each other?’

This time, he needed to find out. As a Swordmaster, he should start with conversation rather than intimidation.

So, how should he begin?

Leo clicked his fingers as he recalled information about the {Noble Society}. Soon, before refreshments were even brought, Count Gustav Peter arrived in the drawing room, and Leo greeted him brightly, skipping the preamble.

“Baron Monarch, it’s been a while.”

* * *

Count Gustav Peter was writing a letter to his estranged wife. A year ago, the Countess had shouted,

“You idiot! How can you speak to the child like that? You might not like him, but do you think I liked you from the start?”

She had left on a trip, vowing not to return until it was resolved.

It was frustrating. Both mother and child behaved the same way… Still, Count Peter sent her letters regularly. Recently, she seemed to have calmed down and hinted at coming back, so he was drafting a reply.

In reality, it wasn’t common for a woman to stand up to her husband like this. But the position of “Gustav Monarch” within the Peter family was somewhat ambiguous.

Simply put, he was a husband married into the family. A noble of the Kingdom of Conrad, he had married the only daughter of the Count of Peter in the Kingdom of Belita, taking her surname.

So, strictly speaking, the head of the Peter family was the Countess, and Gustav Monarch was merely acting on her behalf as her husband. He had no authority to do anything if she left the house.

Divorcing her wouldn’t help; he would be the one evicted, not her.

Of course, neither of them wanted that. They still loved each other and were only quarreling over their child.

Count Gustav was about to write, “I’ll prepare eighteen flowers for your return,” but thought it might be better to get her favorite painting instead. He was contemplating the last sentence when the butler burst in.

“Count, a Swordmaster has come to see you.”

“Count Hermann Forte? Why without a word? Tell him to wait a moment; I’m almost done.”

“It’s not Count Forte! It’s a young man named…”


The butler seemed shocked by the young Swordmaster’s appearance, but Gustav was surprised for a different reason. He had no time to finish his letter and hurried to the drawing room.

The young man he met was exactly who he expected. Not that he had expected it at all, but his guess had been right.

Leo de Yeriel.

The prince of his homeland, presumed dead, stood before him. Gustav tried to don a mask of neutrality, but the prince didn’t allow it.

“Baron Monarch, it’s been a while.”

“…Do you remember me?”

‘Who are you?’ he should have asked.

The prince caught the slip.

“Ah, you remember me. I remember you too. I was worried since it’s been so long, but I’m glad. Shall we sit and talk?”

“…Yes, let’s.”

Silence fell.

As they waited for the refreshments, Count Gustav pondered how to handle this gaunt prince, while Leo opened with light small talk.

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