Raising the Princess to Overcome Death

Chapter 239

Chapter 239. Childhood Friend – Wrinkle

“Not great, right?”

Lena Einarr turned around. The green dress with a firm texture suited Lena’s stately body well.

However, the thick and straight eyebrows did not match the dress, despite being trimmed and groomed as best as possible.

Lev thought Lena still looked better in armor or uniform, but Leo Dexter grinned widely.

“Who are you?”

“Don’t joke. This color doesn’t suit me, does it?”

Yeah. Red suits you.

Like a blazing flame…

“No. It looks great. I almost didn’t recognize you. Did you even put on rouge?”


Lena turned her head as if embarrassed. There was a mixture of relief in her faint smile.

The half-day spent dressing up had not been in vain. She had no talent for grooming herself. She had never done it before.

But now she had to get used to it if she was to live as an ordinary woman, not a knight. Lena felt grateful to Leo, who didn’t hold back his compliments even though she was surely a mess.

The flame had died down, leaving only ashes. Thank you for not stirring it up.

Leo gently wiped the rouge from Lena’s lips. Lev watched the scene with a heavy heart, called for two carriages, and boarded the front one. The dressed-up Lena and Leo got into the following carriage.

The two carriages crossed Rutetia’s clean avenue towards the royal castle. Upon arrival, the Rutetia royal castle was bustling with noble carriages.

It was a common sight in other kingdoms but rare here. The nobles of the Holy Kingdom paid no attention to the royal family, bound by the church’s laws.

The heads of each family stayed in their territories rather than the capital, and in Rutetia, only young heirs engaged in social activities.

But two days ago, the Frederick royal family suddenly dismissed the ritualists and paladins involved in royal protocols from the castle.

Then, mentioning that Prince Cleo de Frederick was of marriageable age, they held a modest banquet. It was just a pretext, and everyone realized that the royal family was planning to make some announcement.

Even so, a pretext was a pretext.

The heirs of each family came to the banquet dressed splendidly to spy on the Frederick royal family’s intentions and report back to their families. The rouge-painted cheeks and flowing collars of the young ladies had never been more beautiful.

Lev’s party received a special invitation from the prince. Lena, feeling intimidated by the beautiful ladies, did not let go of Leo’s arm.

“Did you hear? There seems to be a big incident in the Kingdom of Conrad.”

“Oh my- I heard it too. Prince Leanne de Yeriel and Princess Lerianna de Yeriel were alive. That’s amazing, but the stories I hear are even more interesting. They say Prince Eric de Yeriel was actually a terrifying monster, and Prince Leanne de Yeriel defeated him…”

“It’s probably an exaggeration. I found it hard to believe that monster story, and there were almost no casualties. It seems like a made-up excuse for executing Prince Eric.”

“Maybe. But it was an interesting story after a long time. What do you think, Prince?”

“In my opinion…”

In the grand ballroom, young nobles were chatting everywhere. The prince, among them, quickly ended his conversation and approached Lev, who had just entered the hall.

“You’ve arrived. Ha ha, I’ve been waiting. Let’s go see my father first.”

Lev hesitated for a moment and did not respond.

It was needless worry, wondering if the king here might be an apostle of Asin. But that was unlikely.

No matter how little risk an apostle of Asin had of being discovered, this was the Holy Kingdom of Jerome.

It was impossible for Asin and his apostle to be active in the front yard of the main church of the Cross Church, so Lev did not bring Leo Dexter.

Leo and Lena stayed in the ballroom, which had just begun to light up, while Lev headed to the audience room with the prince. The prince’s remark that he had driven out all the detestable paladins in the palace made Lev even more anxious…

[ Achievement: King 5/7 ]

[ Achievement: Saintess’s Baptism – Leo gains the {Divine Perception} ability. ]

The dreaded event did not occur.

The king, met in the room where he awaited entry to the ballroom, filled with expensive furniture, was an ordinary human. If one could call a king ordinary.

The middle-aged king spoke.

“Are you the Swordmaster said to be sent by the heavens? It’s my first time seeing you. Nice to meet you.”

“I greet the ruler of the Kingdom of Jerome, Crington de Frederick. I am Lev Bizan.”

“The Kingdom of Jerome…”

The king burst into hearty laughter. Sitting with his legs crossed, he patted his knee, displaying a very casual demeanor.

“The prince may leave. Sir Lloyd, you may also withdraw.”

The prince and the guardsman exited.

However, it was only the prince’s escort who left; the king’s guards still remained. Lev hesitated to speak in their presence.

“Don’t worry. These knights are as good as my friends… So, I’ve heard from the prince. First, I must thank you.”

“I’m glad to have been of help.”


The king straightened up and stared intently at Lev.

“I can’t fathom what you desire. What brings a young Swordmaster to my land?”

“…I came to find a friend. It wasn’t my intention, but since things have come to this, I also have a request.”


Lev, recognizing Crington de Frederick’s straightforward nature, got straight to the point.

“I wish to become the king of the Orun Kingdom. I hope the Kingdom of Jerome will support this. Of course, I will compensate accordingly once I ascend the throne.”

It might be a risky confession.

But the king, having just gained a pretext to break free from the Church’s interference, was unlikely to betray him.

As expected, Crington de Frederick showed little reaction.

“A king… What kind of help do you seek?”

“Military support would be ideal, but selling me provisions cheaply would also be appreciated.”

“Hmmm!” The king stroked his chin. It seemed like he was thinking, but he answered before his hand even left his chin.

“Both are too much.”

“…Is that a refusal?”

“No. I just don’t see the value in what you’ve done for our royal family. Thanks to the removal of those nags, I can sit comfortably with my legs crossed… Though it’s annoying you acted without a word, the Cross Church’s secret pact with Count Simon to acquire that small land doesn’t seem all that wrong.”

“…I humbly disagree, as it undermines the Frederick royal family’s foundation.”

“There’s no change in the people’s lives. If anything, it’s improved.”

What in the world…

Lev retracted his judgment of the king’s straightforward nature. It felt like he had swallowed thousands of eels.

Whether he meant it or not, the king was devaluing Lev’s efforts.

This was basic negotiation strategy.

At the same time, he portrayed himself as a benevolent king prioritizing his people, thereby rejecting military support or selling provisions cheaply.

It was an attitude befitting a king, but it exhausted Lev.

“But the prince seemed very pleased.”

“He would be. The prince wants to manage state affairs directly. Whether with the Church’s help or solely by royal rule, he doesn’t think it matters for governance… Anyway, I apologize. Please make another proposal.”

In other words, no. After pondering for a moment, Lev spoke.

“I am a commoner. Grant me the authority to become a king. And I would be grateful if I could meet the saintess.”

“Arranging a meeting with the saintess is easy, but authority? What do you want me to do?”

Lev lowered his voice.

The king nodded, and soon, the two entered the ballroom where the nobles were gathered.

“Presenting His Majesty Crington de Frederick, King of the Holy Kingdom of Jerome and Protector of the Sacred, alongside the great Swordmaster, Sir Lev!”

All eyes turned to Lev. This was the moment when the name of Lev Bizan, the fourth Swordmaster of the continent, was revealed as a man standing shoulder to shoulder with the King of the Holy Kingdom of Jerome.

But it wasn’t particularly moving.

As a Swordmaster, he could make this happen anytime, so Lev worried more about the repercussions of his name being known.

However, as only his name was revealed, without mentioning his birthplace or family name, there seemed to be no loss. Meanwhile, Marquis Ebeny Drageen, who refused to join the rebellion on the grounds that a commoner couldn’t be king, would see him differently.

Lev barely paid attention to Prince Cleo’s declaration of rejecting the Church’s excessive interference.

He had no choice but to notice Lena in the far corner of the ballroom, eyes wide, looking back and forth between Leo and Lev.

– “Is this dried anchovy-like guy the one you mentioned? He doesn’t look that impressive…”

Lena tightly shut her eyes, lamenting her now poor judgment of character, while Lev could only manage a bitter smile, wondering why he had to lose one thing for every gain. In the midst of this, Crington de Frederick’s unsolicited advice complicated Lev’s feelings even more.

“But why do you seek the throne? It’s a position meaningless unless it’s for the people.”

He wished he had just kept quiet.

* * *

Name: Meriel.

Occupation: Head of the Cross Church.

Title: The 87th Saintess.

A few days later, Lev was in a carriage heading to the capital church, reviewing the background of Saintess Meriel. He wasn’t reading any document but recalling information from his {Noble Society} knowledge.

Saintess Meriel was born to a humble noble family in the Kingdom of Aslan and became a saintess.

The way a saintess is born in this world is very straightforward. The goddess of noble sacrifice, ‘Boar’, opens the heavens and shines light upon the person destined to become a saintess, a phenomenon felt by everyone across the continent.

She was in her late thirties. Naturally unmarried. Her favorite activities were praying, and what she disliked was…

Lev turned his head away, having memorized the clichéd and predictable details of the saintess. Beside him, Leo Dexter sat with his arms crossed and eyes closed.

“Lena said she wanted to learn cooking, right? I have a disciple named Ban who’s good at cooking. Should I introduce…”

“Don’t talk to me now.”


Lev wasn’t surprised by Leo Dexter’s brusqueness; he had been like that since they first met. In fact, this was Leo’s way of venting his anger.

It wasn’t that he was taking it out on Lev. Others knew Leo Dexter as calm and courteous. He simply didn’t hide his feelings from Lev.

Because there was no reason to hide them.

Lev, guessing why Leo was upset, stayed silent. In the quiet, the carriage arrived at the capital church.

“We are here to see the saintess. The king should have scheduled an appointment for us.”

“Just a moment. Your name is… Sir Lev, right? This way, please.”

The paladin guarding the main gate led Lev and Leo inside.

With Leo still keeping his mouth tightly shut, Lev couldn’t ask him what he planned to ask the saintess as they crossed the majestic capital church.

Eventually, they arrived at the white church.

Surrounded by spires reaching toward the heavens and the plaza, this was the main sanctuary of the capital church (a cathedral where the parish priest resides, responsible for guiding the souls and preaching to Catholics).

Intricate patterns, like spider webs, were carved into the outer walls, exuding solemnity, while a large circular stained glass at the top reflected the warm early winter sunlight.

Statues placed throughout solemnly looked down on the visitors, but Lev wasn’t interested in such things. He hoped, yet feared, to meet Leah. Fortunately or unfortunately, his {Tracking Skill} pointed elsewhere.

“This way.”

The saintess’s room was deep within the first floor of the sanctuary.

However, they weren’t heading to her private quarters, so they walked through a pristine and splendid corridor, stopping at a large door.

It was the saintess’s reception room.

The templar who had guided Leo and Lev confirmed the appointment with the templar present and left. As the door opened, the two were finally able to meet the saintess.

She sat majestically on a low, white bishop’s chair, welcoming them with a barely-there smile.


“Nice to meet you. I am Lev Bizan, and this friend here is Leo Dexter. He wanted to meet the saintess, so I accompanied him.”

“Yes, nice to meet you. But…”

The saintess smiled at Lev and said,

“This is actually the second time we’re meeting, isn’t it? Apostle of Barbatos.”

Stunned, Lev and Leo stared blankly at the saintess. The dazzlingly beautiful saintess only smiled, showing her white teeth.

Saintesses usually don’t live long.

They typically passed away around the age of fifty, having displayed unparalleled beauty of unknown origin for decades, only to age rapidly in the last few years before their death.

Saintess Meriel.

Age: Late thirties.

Although she should still possess the divine beauty bestowed upon her by God, faint wrinkles marred her brow.

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