Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 5 – Tongue Bath

I groaned and rubbed my pubic area. The spiky nut thing inside my pussy didn’t hurt much when I was just standing still, but walking caused it to rub against my inner walls and scratch up my insides.

“This is awful…” I whined for what felt like the hundredth time.

I discovered that my body’s apparent masochism came was a caveat. Pain wasn’t sexy if I wasn’t being forced by someone to take it. Just feeling pain in general didn’t do anything to excite me. So the spiny thing had turned from sexy BDSM play, to just… annoying discomfort.

Peter sighed, and gave me a pitying glance. “You know you could have snapped all the thorns off before sticking it in, right? Then it would be smooth inside you and you’d still be able to find out whether it could dissolve or not.”

I stared at her, mouth agape… seriously? Why the fuck didn’t I think of that? Did I seriously just spend the last hour torturing myself for no good reason?

“Peter!” Maddie scolded. “Don’t tell her that… you made me lose the bet!”

“The bet?” I grumbled, glaring hatefully at Maddie.

“Ashley and Maddie bet a round of oral sex on how long it would take you to figure that out.” Lysander explained. “Maddie just lost. She now owes Ash a blowjob.”

“And you agreed to that? To suck off a dude?” I gasped at Maddie.

“Well… I was hoping to win…” Maddie replied with a shrug that told me she really didn’t mind that much.

“But Ash is a dude…” I pointed out.

“Yeah, and I’m a girl. This body gets juiced up thinking about guys… Sucking a dick is totally normal for a girl. You’re the weird one here for holding onto your old sexual hang-ups,” she smirked.

“Nothing wrong with being a lesbian,” Ash chided her.

Was I a lesbian? Did I like guys too? I gave Ash an appraising glance… Eh… not sure. It still weirded me out a little. I looked at Lysander, who smirked back at me knowingly. I realized something.

“Wait… did you stick this stupid thing inside me without taking off the thorns… on purpose?” I gasped.

“Obviously,” Lysander calmly explained. “I had my own experiment to perform. I wanted to find out whether you enjoyed being sexually tortured, and whether I enjoyed sexually torturing you.”

“You… absolute bastard!” I groaned.

“Your results?” Maddie asked curiously.

“Affirmative to both,” Lysander said, without even a hint of shame.

“That’s it…” I grumbled. “I’m taking this stupid nut out.”

The party stopped and stood around, awkwardly watching me dig around inside my vagina for a few minutes, one leg raised like a dog lifting to pee. “You stuffed it in there deep!” I complained.

I grabbed hold of the sharp little bastard, and pulled it out with a pained groan.

“Fuck…” I gasped, holding up the cruel little ball.

Theory confirmed, it was smaller. Where before the spiky ball was around a golf ball in size, now it was about half of its initial radius. The thorns were as hard and sharp as ever but the core of the strange seed had shrunk considerably.

My freshly gouged out pussy stung like crazy. “Hey Chloe… wanna come kiss me better?” I asked.

“Yes, Miss Tyler,” she said quietly, with a nervous smile. “I-If that’s what you want…”

I blinked a couple times, not quite understanding her overly nervous reaction. Oh wait… was she taking that literally? She had to touch me to heal me. I supposed she didn’t need to actually touch me with her hand specifically.

“I wonder, would that actually work?” I mumbled.

I watched Chloe’s eyes settle on my lips. She blushed and bit her own bottom lip. Yep, there was no ambiguity as to what she wanted. Despite being a girl now, and just getting fingerbanged by Lysander an hour ago, I still had a bit of a crush on Chloe.

Shit, was this going to turn into some sort of weird love triangle thing? I nervously caught Lysander’s eye, and she seemed to have no idea what I was worried about, just watching me with an amused smirk. I took that as a sign of her approval.

I put the moves on Chloe, taking the dominant role this time. I stepped forward, brushed back her long blonde bangs, placed a hand on her neck, and pulled her in for a kiss…

“Sorry if I taste like monster cum…” she whispered, in a voice only I could hear.

Our lips touched and our mouths opened, our tongues entwined. To my immense relief, I couldn’t taste any monster cum on her breath. I pulled her in closer, kissed her more aggressively.

There was no visible flash of viridian magic this time, the spell’s new point of contact was Chloe’s tongue, hidden inside my mouth. I felt the magic take effect, the scratches in my pussy itching for a moment, and then stopping. My injury was fairy mild, all thing considered, so it only took a few seconds to patch me up. Reluctantly, I let go of the kiss.

“Slut,” Ash called out. “Just kissing everybody today.”

“Manwhore,” I replied.

“Yep. That’s the goal at least. Despite being surrounded by naked beauties I haven’t actually fucked any of you yet,” Ash replied.

“Healing through oral contact, how novel,” Lysander said, nodding in approval. “As for you, Ash, worry not. I find your body desirable, and I believe I would enjoy licking your penis and testicles and perhaps riding you the cowgirl position, but I’d rather not be further distracted by sex right now. I’ll let you fuck me later if that’s alright.”

“Hah, it’s a date!” Ash cheered.

I breathed a hidden sigh of relief. It looked like Lysander was game for an open, friends-with-benefits arrangement, and wasn’t being too possessive despite confessing to having a crush on me before. I was in the clear to fool around with Chloe and others.

“Aww, I thought she was going to make Chloe lick her pussy instead…” Peter grumbled in disappointment.

“Uh… I was considering that…” I admitted, glancing over at a blushing red-faced Chloe, “Maybe next time?”

Chloe adverted her eyes, staring, red faced, at the ground intently. She gave a quick, subtle nod that nobody else was likely to see. Her long elf ears were blushing a bright red.

“Next time? Are you planning on ruining your pussy again?” Maddie asked.

“Well uuh… It’s happened twice already… and that was just the first half of today…” I mumbled awkwardly. “It’s… sorta likely that it’ll happen again at some point, won’t it?”

“I guess…” Maddie said awkwardly.

There was a silence in the rest of the group, as everyone contemplated the grim potential futures of their respective genitals. I used the time to find a roughly textured rock on the ground. I picked it up and started grinding the hard thorns of the spiky ball against it, filing down all the sharp edges.

The group started walking again. Peter not-so-subtly walked as close to Ash as she could, for protection. She was suddenly wary of any stray vines on the forest floor.

“Who here hasn’t been raped yet?” Peter asked, breaking the silence.

“Myself and Ash,” Lysander replied coolly.

“Your turn next, then?” Peter said darkly.

“I don’t intend to get raped,” Lysander said, as if that was explanation enough.

“Lysander is sort of a badass,” I admitted. “She’s kinda carrying the group right now.”

“Not my fault we got teleported in here without weapons,” Ash grumbled. “I unlocked the [Two Handed Swords I] skill, and it’ll be awesome, but I kinda need a sword for that.”

“Why a sword?” Maddie asked. “An axe seems like a better fit for a viking mountain man lumberjack guy.”

“Cause swords are badass! They’re like… giant shining phallic symbols of doom!”

“Phallic symbol?” I asked.

“Cause they’re long and hard, attached to the masculine identity of being a knight in shining armour, and you use them to violently penetrate people you don’t like…” Ash explained.

“You’ve put way too much thought into this,” I sighed.

There was another awkward silence.

“What are you going for, Peter? Class wise?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Gothic lolita magical girl death mage,” she said, somehow keeping a straight face while saying the most Chunni thing I’ve ever heard out loud.

“That’s… quite the combo.”

“Two thirds of that is just the outfit,” Lysander commented. “I take it you’re investigating the Unholy Magic branch?”

“Yep, turns out it kinda sucks,” Peter said bitterly.

“What spell do you start with?” I asked.

“A doom curse,” she explained. “It lasts for an entire hour, but starts out incredibly weak and takes forever to ramp up in power. I suppose it’s a mana efficient way to kill something, the damage adds up over time, but it won’t stop a charging monster from having its way with me a few times before it dies.”

“That’s… situationally good. You could kill something slow and tough by zapping it and kiting it around. It would have been a good spell to use for that immobile thorn monster, for instance, if we hadn’t been in a hurry to rescue you and Maddie.” I said.

“Fuck…” Maddie whimpered. “I wouldn’t want to be stuck in there for a whole hour…”

“Yeah, so doom it and run away, don’t let it catch you,” I said.

“That’s a coward’s way of fighting,” Ash said, hamming it up in his role as a valiant warrior.

“If honorable combat gets me tentacle raped, I don’t want to fight honorably,” Peter retorted.

“Hah! Amen to that sister,” Maddie smiled.

“Peter…” I said thoughtfully. “You need a better name. You… really don’t look like a Peter anymore.”

“Eh, Peter’s not my real name anyway. It’s Zhu Ge Hang, Peter is just what you gweilo call me,” the loli replied.

“So, we can call you Zhu?” I asked.

“That’s my surname, that’s like me calling you Erikson.”

“Then… Hang?”

“I’m a Japanese schoolgirl now, so I should probably pick a Japanese name… a feminine one…”

I looked closely at her face, trying to spot what exactly made her Japanese schoolgirl specifically, instead of Chinese schoolgirl…

“You can’t tell the difference between Asian nationalities, can you?” the unnamed loli gave me a dirty look.

“Umm… No comment…” I replied awkwardly.

The dirty look continued.

“I’m sorry!” I cried. “I’m a white dude that lived in Canada his whole life… I can’t help it!”

“Emi,” the loli decided. “That’s a cute name.”

“Right then… Emi, the Dark Mahou Shoujo?”

“Yep,” she replied cheerfully. “That’s me!”



The walk through the forest continued without anything entering me violently. I considered that a good sign. A nicely smoothed-out ball sat inside my lady bits and it dissolved away to nothing over the next hour. Without thorns, it wasn’t at all painful.

We ran into a few monsters… A smaller wolf, a scaly thing with a crocodile face and a cat’s body, some kind of python sized snake thing with a ridged penis shaped tail… Lysander exploded them all from a distance, with his bolts of arcane doom, before any of the rest of us even saw them.

“Glad you’re on our side,” I muttered.

“You’re gonna need to powerlevel us later if you keep hogging all the exp,” Peter, no Emi grumbled.

Oh yeah, I wasn’t getting any exp, or absorbing Taint, from any of Lysander’s kills. I guess I needed to actually participate in the battle to get my share.

“That is fine with me,” Lysander replied. “I believe finding safe shelter quickly should be our priority now. That is why I’ve been ending fights as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

“What level are you now?” I asked.

“Six,” she replied.

Seriously? Shit, I was still only level 3. “I’ll need to catch up later.”

Eventually we heard the sound of rushing water. A few hundred feet further, and we reached a river that crossed our path.

The river was deep and wide, difficult to ford. On either side of the river was a rocky bank of round pebbles and large boulders. The river curved in a big S-bend stopping us from seeing too far in either direction. I took a glance at the horizon and saw the smoke we’d been following before was a good deal closer now. Towns were often built near water sources, and the smoke seemed to be coming from somewhere upstream.

I took a very careful glance around, finding no rape monsters, only rocks.

I stepped out into the open, “Good spot for a break.”

I cast Purify on myself and started to sparkle with holy light. All the sweat and grime from my travels peeled off my body, and evaporated into dark smoke before dissipating into the air, moments later. Giving myself a magical scrubdown was much easier than eroding the seeds from before, it only took me half a minute to get perfectly clean.

I went to get a drink.

“Careful of the water, Tyler,” Lysander warned. “It would be a good spot for an aquatic ambush-rapist to lurk.”

“Fuck… I’m thirsty though,” I grumbled.

“C-can we check? I wanted to rinse off in the water too… if that’s okay,” Chloe added.

I glanced at her again, and recalled that she’d been splattered by flying squid guts, and that was after drinking several big mouthfuls of flying squid spooge. She’d been very dirty before, but seemed clean-ish now, with most of the nastiness having flaked off during her travels. Perhaps she was a bit sticky still, and there was some sweat from all the walking.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize. I can use Purify on you, get you cleaner than water,” I offered.

“D-don’t waste your mana on someone like me,” she demurred, though I saw she was blushing and smiling.

“I gotta raise my skills anyway,” I replied and walked over.

“Gonna cast it through your tongue?” Emi asked, waggling her eyebrows at me.

“Guess I could try…” I said, smirking at Chloe. She blushed.

I walked up, grabbed her behind the neck and forcefully kissed her, just like last time. This time, I cast my spell, forming my mana into the shape of Purify, and sending it out through my tongue, rather than my hand. It was surprisingly easy, no harder than casting through my hand or targeting myself. Chloe shone with a golden-white holy light. Just like with me, the dirt and filth from her travels peeled off her body and dissipated into the air.

“That’s some fairy tale looking shit right there,” Ash grunted, spoiling the mood.

Like my own, Chloe’s magical scrub-down went quickly. After only a minute of sustaining the magical kiss, Chloe was perfectly clean, inside and out. I broke the kiss and stepped back.

“T-thank you,” she stammered.

“Ooh! Me next!” Emi said raising her hand.

“I feel a little weird about kissing a kid,” I admitted.

“I’m twenty-three you twat!” she snapped. “I’m not a real loli, I only taste like a teenager!”

“That’s… an extra-creepy way of putting it. That’s not helping your case much,” I mumbled, walking over to her.

“Shut up and gimme some sugar baby!”

Emi was a full head shorter than me, but she copied the move I pulled on Chloe, grabbing me by the neck and dragging me to her lips. She was… trying to be aggressive, but it didn’t suit her. She didn’t have the hunger, or the passion behind it. It was like she was putting on an act of being dominant, without actually being dominant. I wasn’t going to admit it to her, but Emi wasn’t really a good kisser. Still, I activated my spell, and Emi shimmered with holy light. A minute later, and she, too was clean.

Emi let me go, and I staggered back, only for someone to grab me again. Before I knew what was happening, I was thrust in a different direction, and a pair of soft lips found mine. Sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair filled my vision. Maddie was making out with me. Like Emi, she was forceful, but unlike her, she was passionate and sexy. I felt her hands on my chest, massaging my breasts, I melted into her amazing kiss, and moaned into her mouth.

“Tyler… The spell?” Lysander reminded me.

Oh right… I channeled Purify again, getting Maddie sparkling clean. When she was satisfied, she let me go. I stood there, mouth agape and slightly stunned, catching my breath.

“Mmm… that was fun,” she said, stretching her arms up like a cat, giving me a good view of her beautiful breasts.


[Holy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 3


“Yeah…” I said in a lustful breathy voice that surprised me. I felt a trickle of girl cum drip between my lower lips, “A-anyone else?”

Instead of a response, someone just picked me up and flipped me around like a rag doll. Ash manhandled me into a princess carry. Before I could second guess my feelings about kissing a dude, his mouth was on my lips, and his tongue was inside my mouth.

Oh fuck it, whatever.

I was at that very special stage of horny where even weird shit started to sound sexy. I threw my arms around Ash’s big beefy neck, and kissed him back. I nearly forgot to activate my cleaning magic, but managed to remember without needing another reminder. The magic made the hairy bear of a man sparkle. Before I could finish, I suddenly felt a thick, calloused finger slide into my pussy. I moaned into Ash’s mouth, and he immediately managed to locate a certain magical spot inside me that made my spine tingle and my brain melt. The spell came unravelled as my concentration broke.

Ash pulled away from the kiss, “Hah! I win.”

Okay, he could win if he wanted. I was fine with that. I moaned like a slut as he fingered my G-spot.

“Lower her a bit,” I heard Lysander say, somewhere behind me.

Ash complied, with a devious grin. He lowered himself into a crouch, and tipped my head back until I had a view of the sky. The sky darkened, as Lysander stepped into view, looking down at me with a sadistic grin. I was right between her legs, with an intimate view of her pussy. Unlike me, she had a bit of hair, a nicely manicured patch on her pubis, but her wet pussy still looked absolutely delicious.

She took a step forward, and straddled my face from behind. My view went dark. Lysander’s soaked pussy pressed against my mouth. She rolled her hips forward just a little bit, allowing me a glimmer of light again. This time, I had a close up view of Lysander’s sexy little butthole as she grinded her pussy against my mouth.

“Well?” Lysander said impatiently. “Clean me.”

I was about to, when a second thick finger worked its way into my pussy, stretching me wide. I moaned into Lysander’s slit, too overwhelmed to lick her properly for the moment. There was no way I was going to cast a spell like this… I cleaned her with my tongue instead. I ate her pussy with enthusiasm, lapping up her delicious overflowing wetness. I tasted a bit of salty sweat in her flavour, from her travels, but it was fresh sweat, filled with pheromones that only added to the sexiness. I reached up with my arms, latching onto her firm butt, and used the leverage to push myself in deeper.

I came. Hard. I squirmed and writhed in Ash’s arms, but the man had no mercy for me, and the relentless assault on my G-spot continued.

A pair of slender girl-fingertips found my nipple, and crushed it hard. It hurt. I… made a noise… I wasn’t sure how to describe it… somewhere between a scream and a moan.

“Don’t stop,” Lysander demanded harshly. “I don’t care what Ash is doing to you.”

I submitted to the abuse, and started licking Lysander’s pussy with renewed enthusiasm.

Another orgasm came, following the first. I moaned with pleasure, and just a hint of despair that the intense stimulation wasn’t over yet. I took the abuse from my friends like a good girl, and tried to keep myself focused on licking Lysander. I guess I wasn’t doing a good enough job, because she crushed my nipple again. The other one, this time.

Another orgasm came. I was losing count of them. I kept my tongue busy on Lysander’s pussy, and eventually I felt her thighs clamp down against my ears, trembling faintly. She didn’t make a sound, keeping a silent poker face through her entire orgasm, but I could feel her convulsing pussy on my tongue.

Ash noticed too, and apparently that had been what he was waiting for. He finished me off, giving me one final orgasm before his fingers left my pussy and I was allowed to catch my breath.

Lysander, stayed in position over me. I gave her a long finishing lick, front to back, causing her sensitive body to shudder and her cool façade to crack a little.

Sensing weakness, I took it a step further, pushing her hips forward until my tongue found her butt. I gave the tight little ring a soft lick. My surprise tonguing made her clench her rear tight, and squeak adorably. Her whole body twitched in surprise.

You! That’s my… You really are a pervert,” Lysander gasped, still recovering from her orgasm.

“You have a very sensitive butt,” I said with a grin, “I’ll remember that.”

“I didn’t know that. This could be troublesome…” Lysander muttered quietly, staggering backwards away from my face.

I grinned at Ash, who was still holding me, and wiped the pussy juice off my chin.

“That was the famous, Multiple Orgasms, thing I heard about,” I said.

“Yeah,” Ash agreed. “The one and only thing I’ll miss about having a cunt.”

“Heh! Yeah, it’s definitely your loss.”

Ash helped me back to my feet, and I stood there, a little bit wobbly. Lysander had a satisfied smirk on her face, Maddie looked like she couldn’t believe that just happened, Chloe looked at me longingly, likely wishing for similar treatment to the one I just enjoyed, and Emi gave me a hungry grin.

“Hey, I’m all wet between the legs… wanna clean me too?” she asked.

“Tyler’s tongue bathhouse is closed for the moment, please try again later,” I managed to gasp, still not sure if I could move.

“You never actually cast purify on me,” Lysander said.

I staggered over towards the river, “Well sorry for cumming my brains out. It turns out that it’s hard to concentrate on shaping a spell when a big mountain man is hammering your G-spot.”

“Get more Willpower,” Lysander suggested.

I bent down and scooped up some water in my hands, taking a refreshing drink. “Working on it. I need more levels.”

“Too bad you don’t get any levels from absorbing Lysander’s Taint,” Maddie teased.

I took another sip, “Yeah, I gave her taint a thorough licking, and didn’t get a single level up…”

“You could try it a few more times, to make sure,” Chloe added, with a faint smile.

“Yeah, I’m sure I’ll taste more of Lysander’s taint before long,” I said.

I got to my feet again and walked back toward the group. The pebbles poked at my feet, and I still felt a little shaky. I wobbled over to lean against a nearby boulder for support.

“So where next?” I asked, leaning against the large chunk of stone, “Try to cross the river? Or follow it upstream?”

The boulder stopped supporting my weight. I turned to look. My eyes widened in horror.

An enormous maw, opened along a vertical seam as tall as I was. A chasm of red flesh, pulsing and dripping with vile slime, gaping hungrily at me from where a flat rocky surface had once been. Hundreds of sharp needle-like fangs filled the inside.

“Fuck!” I shouted, teetering forwards.

My fellow adventurers screamed.

At the last second, I tipped my weight back, only barely stopping myself from falling into a giant monster mouth.

A long red tongue shot out of the living chasm, quickly wrapping around my waist, and yanking me forward the rest of the way into the abyss. The jaws shut behind me, plunging me into darkness.

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