Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 105 Breakout

Chapter 105 Breakout

The Blood Patriot's audacious strategy of ramming through the fence with a truck was cinematic and heroic, a gesture one might expect to see in an action-packed blockbuster. The roaring engine, the screeching metal, and the dust that followed would have painted a picture of imminent liberation for the prisoners. But this was a game, and in this digital realm, rules were often more rigid than the laws of physics.

The enormous breach created by the truck, large enough for a flood of prisoners to pour out, remained eerily empty. Not a single prisoner made a move towards it, their avatars restricted by unseen barriers.

[Your movement is limited to the compound]

This deviation from the game's intended mechanics did not go unpunished. The time, which was already pressuring the players, now began to tick down at a frenetic pace, a penalty for their improvised rescue attempt.

[03:22 seconds]

[03:14 seconds]

The situation was growing desperate. The three teams — the gritty Black Sand Mercenaries, the elite US Special Forces, and the renegade Blood Patriots — all rallied together. They worked with a synchronized urgency, each unit tapping into their unique skills to neutralize the 100 Nazi soldiers guarding the yard. Blades clashed, bullets whizzed, and digital blood splattered.

Yet, Alan felt a pang of dread. Their collective battle cries, gunshots, and explosions had drawn unwanted attention. Beyond the fence, the intimidating silhouette of 1,000 Nazi soldiers began to form, marching towards the compound with menacing intent. If they were swarmed by these numbers, the mission would undoubtedly fail.

At that critical moment, Alan's tactical mind started racing. They couldn't possibly fend off a thousand soldiers, and they couldn't linger in the yard. There was only one priority move — to decapitate the leadership. Eliminating the Nazi officer and allowing the 200-plus players release from their restrictions to escape or join the fight.

Channeling his [Enhanced sense], Alan honed in on the sea of enemies and zeroed in on the distinct sound of authoritative commands. There! The Nazi officer, identifiable by his crisp uniform and the insignia of rank, was hastily retreating to the school building, flanked by a handful of his elite guards.

Alan's heart raced as he made the impulsive decision to dash toward the officer. Every second counted, and hesitation wasn't a luxury he could afford. Unsheathing his [Arming sword] with his right hand and drawing his [Lugger Pistol] with his left, he was ready for a fight.

However, Alan's headlong rush was soon interrupted. A squad of Nazi soldiers, stepped out to block his path. Their eyes, cold and unyielding, bore into him, fingers hovering over the triggers of their guns. The menacing metallic click of safeties being disengaged filled the air.

Recognizing the imminent threat, Alan's reflexes kicked in. Using his [Lunge Strike] ability, he bolted forward, closing the gap between him and the nearest Nazi faster than a regular sprint. The element of surprise was on his side. Before the soldier could even react, Alan's [Arming sword] was thrust forward.

[Stabbing: Lethal Attack. Inflicts 110 damage],

[Stabbing: Inflicts 48 damage… target died]

One down. But victory was short-lived, as a second assailant lunged at Alan, wielding a knife with murderous intent. Every muscle in Alan's body screamed in protest as he forced himself into a rapid sidestep, barely dodging the blade that would've sunk deep into his side. Wasting no time, Alan retaliated, his [Lugger Pistol] barking loudly, sending two bullets towards his attacker.

[Shooting: Lethal Attack. Inflicts 96 damage],

[Shooting: Inflicts 88 damage... Target died],

A digital surge of success pulsed through him.

[You gained 400 XP and 200 survival points],

The short but intense confrontation had left him unscathed, but it cost him precious time. Alan quickly glanced around, trying to spot the elusive officer, but the man seemed to have melted into the shadows. Approaching the school building, he was confronted by a confusing array of doors and corridors. The age-old structure with its faded walls and dilapidated doors seemed like a maze designed to confound and delay.

"Damn it! Where did they go?!" Alan hissed under his breath, his frustration evident. The pressure of the ticking clock, the dwindling chances of saving the prisoners, and the elusive officer were turning this mission into a nerve-wracking ordeal.

In the tension-filled corridors of the school building, the unexpected appearance of a figure sent Alan's instincts into overdrive. His hand immediately tightened around the hilt of his sword, ready to defend against this sudden threat. But as the figure stepped into the light, Alan's aggressive posture relaxed. "Kenny?!" he exclaimed, a mix of relief and surprise evident in his tone.

Kenny's face was a canvas of panic and urgency. "Alan!! Thank God, it's you!" he gasped out, his voice hoarse. "I've been tailing the officer. Come on, we can corner him together!"

Alan raised an eyebrow. The coincidence was uncanny, but there was no time to ponder on it. Guided by Kenny, the two of them navigated the maze-like structure of the school, their ears catching muffled German shouts that grew increasingly louder.

As they prepared to make their move, Kenny's desperate plea interrupted Alan's thoughts. "Alan, lend me a weapon, anything! I'm defenseless here."

Still restricted as a prisoner of teh compound, Kenny was unable to access his item bag. Without hesitation, Alan handed his trusted [Glock] to Kenny. As Kenny took a moment to familiarize himself with the weapon, a soft voice came from behind them, causing Alan to whirl around in surprise.

"What about me? Izzie wants to help too"

It was a petite girl with a cheerful smile, one that seemed out of place in such chaos, as he stepped forward from the shadows. Alan couldn't help but feel a pang of shock. The girl was one of the famous solo players in his past life.

Recognizing her potential as an ally, Alan quickly handed her a sharp [dagger]. The three of them now prepared, approached the room where they suspected the Nazi officer was hiding.

Alan's senses, enhanced by the game mechanics, detected three distinct figures inside the room. He could hear the shuffling of feet, the nervous clinking of metal. Without a second thought, Alan kicked the door open and aimed his [Lugger] at where he believed the officer was positioned. But, before he could get a clear shot, a massive SS soldier lunged forward, acting as a human shield for the officer.

The room's atmosphere grew thick with tension as Alan's shots rang out, striking the SS soldier's broad chest.

[Shooting: Lethal Attack. Inflicts 32 damage],

[Shooting: Inflicts 28 damage]

To Alan's dismay, the formidable soldier barely flinched. The game's notification confirmed his fear; this opponent was no ordinary soldier but one with enhanced resistance. The scenario suddenly became far more complicated than Alan had anticipated.

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