Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 55 Reward

Chapter 55 Reward

Seeing the armory stretching out before him, Alan couldn't help but break into a satisfied smile. This was precisely why he had refrained from using his hard-earned survival points to buy weapons from the shop. He had been banking on winning his way up the ranks and thereby unlocking the coveted reward the military had in store.

His gaze first fell upon the melee weapons section. Given his past life's proficiency with swords, it was only natural that he gravitated towards this particular category. With a sense of eager anticipation, Alan stepped closer to the assortment of blades displayed meticulously on the wall.

a selection of eight distinct swords adorning a sleek black metallic wall. Each weapon seemed to have its own story to tell, an untold history of battles fought and challenges overcome. Alan knew that his choice here would play a pivotal role in the rounds to come, and he was determined to make it count.

His experience in his previous life, where swords had been his specialty, guided his decision-making process. He meticulously assessed each sword's size, weight, and balance, his practiced eyes scanning for the perfect fit. One by one, he picked up the swords, executing a few test swings with each, evaluating their feel and responsiveness.

As he held the final contender, a slightly shorter sword measuring 70 centimeters with a double-edged blade, a sense of connection resonated within him. The sword's design, reminiscent of the arming swords used by knights in the 15th century, evoked a sense of familiarity and purpose.

The weapon's attributes were displayed in the holographic interface:

[Name: Arming Sword]

[Type: Sword weapon]

[Rarity: Common]

[Attributes: Damage 26-34]

[Effects: None]

[Equipment Rating: 18]

[Able To Bring Outside The Game: No]

[Remarks: A simple knightly sword]

As he read the sword's details, a sense of satisfaction bloomed within him. It might be labeled as common, but to Alan, it was a gem. The damage range was respectable, and its straightforward design resonated with him. He could almost feel the sword's history whispering to him, igniting a sense of camaraderie between warrior and blade.

It was precisely instances like this that justified his strategic approach. Choosing first meant having access to the best options before the more experienced players descended upon the armory like vultures.

"I choose this one"

"Good choice, Now for your firearm," the Sergeant instructed, his gaze curious as he awaited Alan's decision.

Alan's gaze shifted to the section dedicated to firearms. Handguns, rifles, and sniper rifles were all on display. It was an array of deadly tools, each with its own unique advantages and drawbacks.

Although the larger guns were much more expensive in price, Alan decide to focus on what he needed the most, the handguns.? A dozen options awaited him, each with its own story to tell. His eyes flitted from one to another, considering the merits of each. There was the weighty decision of a revolver, promising higher damage but burdened by a long reload time. Then there was the Beretta 1911, a sleek and classic choice known for its accuracy.

After a brief internal debate, Alan's fingers found their way to the Beretta 1911. It was a weapon he was familiar with, having used it effectively in previous runs. The choice was practical; the 9mm ammunition it used was relatively common within the game. This meant he wouldn't have to constantly worry about running out of bullets in the heat of battle.

However, just as his hand was about to close around the grip of the Beretta, something on a nearby side table caught his attention. It was a firearm that stood out from the rest.

A spark of curiosity ignited within Alan. He turned to the Sergeant and asked, "This is an uncommon rank weapon... what about this one? Can I choose this?"

The Sergeant's brows furrowed momentarily as if he thought the weapon was misplaced. But as his eyes followed Alan's gaze to the weapon, an understanding dawned on his features.

[Name: Sawed-off Shotgun]

[Type: Weapon (small firearm)]

[Rarity: uncommon]

[Attributes: Firepower 58-74 (10 meters), 48-62 (up to 30 meters)]

[Magazine: 2 rounds (12 Gauge)]

[Fire Rate: up to 1 round/second]

[Equipment Rating: 20]

[Remarks: Great to blow up heads like watermelon]

There was an undeniable allure to the Sawed-off Shotgun. Its attributes spoke volumes—the sheer firepower it packed was impressive.

However, Alan's gaze was drawn to the bottom of the information, the reason why the gun was placed among the rest.

[Status: Broken]

[50% Penalty in damage and accuracy]

"Are you sure? It's costly to fix this, maybe more than buying a common weapon," the Sergeant cautioned, his tone carrying a hint of concern for Alan's choice.

However, Alan's eyes were already captivated by the weapon's unique charm. "Yes, I am sure. Let me have this, please," he replied with unwavering determination. There was a magnetic quality to the Sawed-off Shotgun that drew him in, and no cautionary words could sway his decision.

The weapon only had two bullets, a stark limitation that meant it would require a reload after every shot. But in exchange for this inconvenience, it offered one of the highest damage coefficients among all the weapons in its category of uncommon small firearms.

As for its broken status, Alan's confidence was unwavering. With his high intelligence and resourcefulness, he believed he could mend this weapon in no time. And yet, there was another reason behind his choice, a reason that required effort to fulfill.

The Sergeant chuckled, a bemused expression on his face as he watched Alan's unwavering commitment to the shotgun. "An interesting choice," he remarked, an undertone of approval in his voice.

Alan was then handed a box containing twenty 12-gauge shells, the ammunition required to make the shotgun bark and unleash its devastating power. With this simple gesture, the transaction was complete.

The two exited the armory, the weight of the weapon and its potential impact hanging in the air.

As they walked, the Sergeant struck up a conversation once again. "I tell you what, if you decide to join the military, I will let you get another uncommon weapon or armor to use. What do you think?"

The offer was tempting, an alluring incentive designed to sway Alan toward the military's cause. But this time, Alan's response carried more weight, a seriousness that hinted at deeper contemplation.

"Actually, there is something I really need to know before deciding to join or not," Alan began, his tone reflecting the gravity of his inquiry.

"Alright, shoot. What is it?" the Sergeant responded, his interest piqued.

"I am interested to know the US military's preparation for the next round. I wish to know your plan,"

Such a request apparently brought a smile to the Sergeant's face, as he responded, "Yes, we can do that."

Alan was led to the war room, a place of strategic planning and preparation. Here, multiple scenarios were laid out, detailing the list of players earmarked for special tasks. While the information was shared only with those joining the military, it wasn't exactly a secret. After all, everyone in the Apocalypse Game operated in a realm of uncertainty, where no one truly knew what the next round would bring.

As Alan walked through the war room, he observed the meticulous planning taking place. Among the strategies, one particular approach caught his attention. It was a strategy that he had shared with Colonel Weeber, a strategy that he believed would be highly effective to face the next round. Seeing it prominently displayed in the center of the room for all to study brought a sense of relief to Alan.

"Are you satisfied? So, can you make your decision?"

The truth was, Alan had accomplished his goal – he now possessed knowledge of the military's plans and had secured the needed weapons. As for the prospect of joining the military, he had a firm answer ready.

"I am sorry friend, I would only join if the military could agree to this one request"


Minutes after Alan exited the command center, leaving the Sergeant with mixed feelings, he was then shortly summoned by his superior, Captain Sam Carter, to provide a report.

"So, did the teacher decide to join?" the captain ask

"No, sir," the Sergeant replied. "I regret to inform you that I have to decline his request."

A hint of surprise appeared on the captain's face as the Sergeant explained the reason.

"He wishes to lead his own unit and operate independently."

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