Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 60 Progress

Chapter 60 Progress

Alan's enthusiasm soared as he discovered that each of his companions remained devoted to their training, even as the imminent second round of the game approached.

Eager to witness their progress, he made his way toward the outdoor shooting range, where the familiar sound of gunshots punctuated the air. There, he observed Vicky diligently applying the same trick Alan did at the training mission. With her expert level [Small Firearm] skill, she executed his method perfectly, resulting in outstanding scores during the first two shooting tests.

Vicky's expertise shone even brighter in the stress test. Through quick adaptation and practice, she familiarized herself with the rugged terrain, leveraging her handgun to secure a score that earned her a well-deserved Rank B reward.

[Rank 438 - Victoria Collins]

Despite her labored breath and the sheen of sweat on her forehead, Vicky's triumphant smile radiated a charm that garnered applause from fellow players. Emerging from the shooting range, she spotted Alan and hastened to his side. "Alan, finally B rank!! I told you I can do it!" Her voice carried a blend of accomplishment and pride.

Amid the cheers of their peers, Alan reciprocated her smile and extended his genuine congratulations. "That's amazing, Vicky."

The joy on Vicky's face expanded at Alan's words, and her pride was palpable as she basked in the recognition. "Have you seen the others!?"

Intrigued, Alan allowed Vicky to guide him toward the close combat training area while she shared updates about their companions' performances.

In the realm of long-range missions, both Milo and Daniel demonstrated their prowess by achieving Rank B status. Despite not excelling in shooting accuracy, Milo's robust physique and exceptional endurance translated into impressive scores during the stress tests. On the other hand, Daniel's agility and his unusual [Athletics] skill allowed him to excel in speed-based challenges, securing an excellent time score.

Before Vicky could provide further updates, they transitioned to the melee combat arena, and Alan's excitement intensified.

There, he witnessed a transformation in his student Daniel's approach to combat. No longer wielding his familiar spear, Daniel had adopted a new strategy, wielding two small axes as his weapons of choice.

The sight of Daniel confidently handling the axes in close combat captivated Alan's attention.

It was a testament to Daniel's growth and adaptability that he had overcome his previous apprehensions about short-range combat. Other than just using the axes for parrying and attacking, Daniel had harnessed their potential by incorporating throwing techniques into his strategy.

His proficiency was evident as he skillfully hurled the axes at opponents, capitalizing on his agility and his understanding of movement from his days in football games, he would aggressively charge toward his target pick up the thrown axe and fight once more. The result was a remarkably high-Rank B score.

Overwhelmed with satisfaction, Alan's admiration for Daniel's progress was undeniable. He couldn't help but reminisce about Daniel's hesitations and challenges in embracing close combat styles in his previous lives.

"Mr. D, did you see that? Did you see that?!!" Daniel's excitement reverberated through his words, his elation contagious.

Alan's response was swift and brimming with pride. "Yes, well done, Daniel!"

The culmination of their efforts had led both Daniel and Vicky to successfully attain Rank B in both the long-range and close combat tests. Their hard work and determination had paid off, and the accomplishment was evident in their faces illuminated with satisfaction.

Meanwhile, the imposing figure of Milo, the Italian boxer, commanded attention as he engaged in intense hand-to-hand combat and showcased his wrestling skills against the level 6 opponents. Alan, along with others, watched Milo's swift and powerful movements, which allowed him to triumph over all adversaries at that level before choosing to conclude the sparring session.

[Rank 25 - Milo Tagliano]

His high rank in the tests granted him the honor of being invited to the military command center, an experience reminiscent of Alan's own.

It only took him minutes inside and he return with a direct answer without being asked. "No i am not joining the military, never suits me," he said.

On the other hand, he showed the group a new item in his possession - [Metal gloves]. This equipment not only bolstered his melee attack power but also provided him with protective armguards that offered defensive capabilities. It was a fortuitous reward, considering its potential to enhance Milo's combat prowess when facing opponents wielding weapons.

Their camaraderie and shared successes were apparent as the trio exchanged proud smiles, eagerly anticipating Alan's promise to include them in his party for the upcoming Apocalypse game round.

Seeing their determination, Alan has no reason to reject them. He was more than prepared to accept their request to join him. However, just as he was about to address their aspirations, a figure approached from behind. It was Luis, the Mexican player, his demeanor grave as he expressed his disappointment. His scores hadn't met the desired level of achievement, placing him at the bottom of Rank C in both the long-range and close combat categories. His initial inclination was to withdraw from the team, deeming himself unworthy.

In a decisive moment, Alan intervened, quelling Luis's self-doubt with reassuring words. "Don't worry, Luis. I could use your help with something else."

The Mexican man's response was marked by gratitude, his gratitude expressed in his native tongue. "Gracias, Se?or Alan, gracias!" The camaraderie and mutual respect within the group were palpable, as they acknowledged the formation of an official team, united by their shared purpose and commitment to survival.

Simultaneously, the digital display revealed that only an hour remained until the commencement of the second round. The non-playable characters (NPCs) had ceased admitting players into the training missions, a clear sign that preparations were reaching their climax. The final scores of the participants had also been tallied, painting a vivid picture of the competition's outcome.

The statistics were unveiled:

[Close combat training missions]

[Number of players participating: 3821]

[A rank - 38]

[B rank - 675]

[C rank - 2451]

[Long-range training mission]

[Number of players participating: 4148]

[A rank - 67]

[B rank - 832]

[C rank - 2671]

These figures hinted at a significant achievement – Alan's companions had securely positioned themselves within the top 30% of the surviving participants. Considering the formidable presence of over 30 veterans and a thousand soldier-mercenary combinations among the players, their accomplishment was unquestionably impressive.

Alan couldn't ignore the truth that even though his assistance in the first round had provided the crucial XP boost, their current success was a testament to their unwavering determination and relentless effort.

He looked over the figure one more time and tried to familiarize himself with the name of all top A-rank players. To his surprise, a name he wasn't familiar with caught his attention as it occupied a remarkably high rank.

As he pondered the unexpected ranking, a new name surfaced on the leaderboard of the long-range weapon test. This sudden appearance intrigued him, and he shifted his gaze to the range weapon test section.

[Rank 20 - Rose]

"Rose!?" Alan's brow arched in surprise. The name stood out due to its simplicity – single-word usernames were unusual within the game. This realization stirred his memory; he was certain he had never come across such a name in his previous life.

This finding also indicated that Rose was likely a novice player like himself. Intrigued, Alan's attention shifted to the shooting range just outside the window, where he hoped to spot the mysterious female. He observed an athletic figure, cloaked in a baseball cap and dark glasses, embodying an air of mystery.

An irrepressible smile tugged at Alan's lips. The idea that his inadvertent involvement might have played a role in saving skilled players like Rose kindled a sense of gratification within him.

However, his musings were abruptly interrupted by the authoritative voice of Sergeant Dylan O'Connor resonating through the air. The sergeant called all participants to assemble at the Port town plaza – a gathering meant to provide a final briefing before the commencement of the second round.

As Alan moved toward the designated meeting point, the countdown displayed on his game interface showed that there were now only 50 minutes left until the beginning of the next phase of the game.

"Let's hurry, we need to discuss our plan together," Alans said to the group.

x x x x x x x

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