Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 85 Last Day

Chapter 85 Last Day

The cold, still night was punctuated only by the rhythmic chirping of crickets outside. In the dim light of a flickering candle, Alan sat cross-legged, a worn copy of [Beginners Guide to Enlightenment] resting on his lap. After an hour immersed in the text, he gently set the book aside and transitioned into a meditative stance.

Taking slow, deliberate breaths, Alan began to focus his mind, tapping into the vast reservoir of spiritual energy within him. Over the past few days, he had accumulated a total of 24 hours in meditation, each session a step towards a deeper understanding. That night, as the hours melted away, he felt a seismic shift in his consciousness. A rush of enlightenment, like a dam breaking, flooded his mind.

Suddenly, a digital notification from the game appeared before his closed eyes.

[You have successfully comprehended the second part of the book]

[Increase 10 maximum spirit points]

[Receive one extra attribute]

Opening his eyes, Alan felt a newfound clarity and vigor. Eager to see the fruits of his labor, he opened his in-game status.

[Alan D Angello, Male, 27 years]

[Level 20: 22180/25000]

[Health points: 230/230]

[Spirit points: 70]

[Stamina: 100%]

[Strength: E]

[Agility: D]

[Endurance: E+]

[Perception: E]

[Intelligence: C]

[Spirit: E]

[Survival Points: 9450]

[You have three attribute points to distribute]

[You have 1x E rank reward. 4 x F rank reward]

Since the beginning of this round, Alan's have garnered him over 10,000 Xp and 8,000 survival points. Yet, he realized that as he approached level 20, further advancements would be even more challenging. To attain his overarching objectives, Alan knew he needed more high-tier rewards. With his farm's defenses fortified and food supplies abundant, he was poised to unveil his next strategic move.

The early rays of dawn heralded the start of a new day, and as they did, all players in the game were greeted with their daily reports:

[8 days left to stop the Nazi invasion]

[Updating current players: 4121]

But Alan was expecting something else. Sure enough, moments later, another notification came into his gamelink.

[Warning: A total of 191 players were captured at the enemy camp]

[Your level D quest - Free captured players has been updated]

[Nazi soldiers will execute all prisoners in 2 days]

[Countdown started 48:00:00]

The severity of the situation was clear. The lives of nearly two hundred players hung in the balance. If Alan and others failed this quest, these players would be executed.

Just as before, the announcement led to the mobilization of military troops into the town. This change in the enemy's posture presented an opportune moment for Alan to set his new plan into motion.

But before that, there was an immediate concern. The group of 50 players, who had followed him for the past 5 days, needed clarity and direction. As the aroma of breakfast began to fade, Alan summoned them all to the open fields. They gathered, looking at him expectantly, awaiting the announcement that would decide the course of their next actions.

Alan stood at the head of the group, drawing the attention of the gathered players. "I want to express my gratitude for your hard work over these past few days." His sincere words resonated, and a palpable stillness settled over the group. Though the gratitude was genuine, there was an undercurrent of melancholy, an unspoken acknowledgment that this gathering would be their last as a group.

As Alan preparing to unveil his next piece of information, a distant rumble interrupted the solemnity, evolving into the unmistakable roar of engines. Heads turned and eyes widened as the direction of the sound became clearer.

The entrance to the farm was suddenly filled with the dust kicked up by the approaching vehicles. Blood Patriot guards, previously stationed around the perimeter, showed no signs of resistance, instead calmly allowing the convoy to enter.

Three military-grade jeeps followed by a massive truck rolled onto the farm grounds. The vehicles came to a halt, their engines dying down, and the sudden silence was almost deafening. Out of the vehicles stepped two dozen men, their faces obscured by red bandanas, rifles slung over their shoulders, and a palpable air of menace surrounding them. They were the infamous Blood Patriot soldiers.

And then he appeared.

Marcus Wright, the formidable leader of the Blood Patriots, stepped out from the lead jeep, his tall stature and imposing presence immediately demanding attention. By his side, Sharon, his trusted lieutenant surveyed the scene with piercing eyes.

Without hesitation, the ten Blood Patriot members who had infiltrated Alan's group earlier joined their comrades further amplifying the tension that thickened the air.

Despite the unease swirling around him, Alan remained composed.

"What a surprise, Welcome to our farm. To what do we owe this unexpected visit?"

Marcus answered the question while his gaze fixed on the fifty players "I've been informed you've had them march long distances for days. Our camp isn't close, so we're here to ensure they get a more comfortable ride back."

Alan took a split second to process Marcus's words. It was evident to him that the Blood Patriot leader had caught wind of the progress and growth the players had shown during their time on the farm. No longer considering them mere liabilities, Marcus was keen to take them all back without trouble.

Turning his steely gaze to Alan, Marcus continued, "I'm also here to ascertain they get what was promised to them."

With a knowing smile, Alan signaled subtly to one of his members. Within a matter of minutes, Milo and Daniel emerged, arms full, bearing an impressive array of firearms. The gleam of polished metal shimmered under the waning sunlight, capturing the attention of everyone present.

But before Marcus could offer any comment, Alan addressed the group of 50 players, "Each of you has rightfully earned these firearms. While they undeniably hold value, I urge you to consider whether they're truly the best option for you."

This unexpected announcement made Sharon say, "Alan, are you trying to break your words?"

Alan's voice remained even and composed, "Not in the slightest," he assured. Directing his attention to the gathered players, he continued, "I'm offering you a choice. You can utilize the five-day wages to procure these firearms, or you can save them for other pressing needs."

As if on cue, Vicky confidently stepped into the foreground, echoing the words she had proclaimed at the Blood Patriot camp just days earlier. "Handguns cost 500, assault rifles 1000. With every purchase, you'll receive a complimentary ammunition cartridge, and any additional cartridges will be priced at 100."

Alan's unexpected move clearly didn't sit well with Marcus, whose frown deepened, his face a mask of displeasure.

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