Re: Apocalypse Game

Chapter 95 Day 7

Chapter 95 Day 7

The air was tense, and a palpable anxiety gripped everyone involved. Time was ticking, and each passing second was precious.

[7 days left to stop Nazi Invasion]

[Updating current players: 4072]

[Your level D quest - Free captured players has been updated]

[Nazi soldiers will execute all prisoners in 24 hours]

With dawn's first light heralding the prisoners' execution, the main rescue operation had to be executed under the cover of darkness. As of now, the strategy was clear: all four companies, spread across various regions of the map, were to create havoc. Their collective goal was to lure and draw out as many of the Nazi soldiers from the town's fortified parameters as possible.

Lieutenant Marsh, known for his enthusiastic leadership, spearheaded the mission for the Delta Company. He took 100 of his best men and advanced towards the western entrance of the city. Their approach was aggressive, and as expected, it wasn't long before hordes of Nazi soldiers mobilized to counter their move. Marsh, having anticipated the retaliation, signaled a strategic retreat, directing his men towards a cliffside rendezvous point. Here, the rest of Delta Company, alongside a 200-strong militia, were laying in wait, fortified and ready.

The hills surrounding the town came alive with the unmistakable staccato of gunfire. The rapid succession of shots, punctuated by occasional louder blasts, told a tale of a fierce confrontation that had erupted between the two forces.

From a concealed position within the thick northern woods, about a mile from the heated battleground, Alan, Merle, and their team heard the resonating cacophony. The deep rumbles were an unmistakable sign that Delta's engagement was well underway.

"It's starting, Alan! Why the hell are we still here, doing nothing!!?" Merle, always the restless one, couldn't mask his frustration.

Alan replied in his characteristic calm tone. "Alright then, so you don't lose it, come with me." Without waiting for a response, he turned to Vicky, "Take charge here. And wait for my signal".

As Alan and Merle quietly maneuvered through the dense underbrush, trying to maintain stealth, they noticed a shadow tailing them. Alan, with his keen senses, recognized the silhouette - it was Rose, the famed sniper. She moved like a ghost, silent and unseen. Respecting her skills, Alan decided not to send her back.

Merle, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, queried, "Where are we headed, Alan?"

Alan just smirked, "It's much easier to show you than to tell you."

Navigating through the woods with agility, the trio made their way past the Militia 13 and 15 outposts. Both these outposts were strategically positioned on elevated terrains, granting them an overarching view of the surroundings. The muted murmurs of the men at the outposts faded as they moved farther away.

As they neared the battlefront, the cacophony of warfare intensified. From their concealed vantage point, they observed the raging battle unfolding below them. Over a thousand Nazi troops, with their signature grey uniforms, were engaged in a ferocious attempt to scale the cliff. Their objective was clear: obliterate the Delta company's outpost perched atop.

Bullets zipped through the air, with intermittent explosions lighting up the night. However, the topographical advantage was unmistakably in the Delta Company's favor. The steep cliffs and rough terrain made it an uphill task for the Nazi troops, both literally and metaphorically. They struggled to gain a foothold, let alone advance towards the outpost. This natural barricade meant that despite the intensity of the firefight, casualties remained minimal for both sides.

While the Delta company's objective was to engage and keep the enemy occupied for as long as possible, Alan viewed this as a wasteful endeavor. To him, it was a futile drain on time, energy, and, most critically, ammunition. As minutes ticked by, Merle, witnessing the stalemate, began to grasp Alan's reluctance to partake in such a confrontation directly.

Breaking the silence, Merle turned to Alan, curiosity evident in his eyes, "What's our next move, Alan?"

Alan, lost in thought, took a moment before finally responding. He glanced at Rose, her silhouette barely discernible in the dim light, and said, "I need to keep an eye on this battle. If they make a move, I want you to locate me immediately." From his pocket, he produced a rough, makeshift map, the kind that soldiers in the trenches would rely on. With precision, he pointed to a specific location on it.

Merle squinted at the map, his confusion apparent. "Where exactly is this?"

Alan, chose not to respond, leaving Merle to ponder the mysteries of their next move.

Once Rose nodded her agreement, Alan led the way, with Merle closely following. They threaded through the forest, avoiding any major pathways, until they reached a rocky pathway that nestled perfectly between the military outpost and the 13th Militia's vantage point. Hidden from plain sight by overgrown foliage and shadowed by the towering trees, it was a narrow, treacherous strip of land, perfect for an ambush.

Without a word, Alan reached into his bag, producing several items. Merle, catching a glimpse, immediately recognized the items, his eyes lighting up with both excitement and apprehension.

"Well, don't just gawk," Alan snapped, his voice low, "give me a hand."

Together, they worked with an almost reverent focus, setting up what looked to be an intricate trap. Each move was methodical, revealing their deep understanding of the terrain and the imminent threat. An hour seemed to pass in minutes, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves and their muffled instructions.

Their concentrated efforts were suddenly interrupted when Rose emerged from the shadows, her face grave. "They're coming," she whispered urgently. Alan, understanding the implication, quickly secured his bag.

"Just in time," he remarked, a hint of satisfaction evident in his tone. "We need to relocate. Now."

The rumbling of boots grew louder, and through the gaps in the trees, the silhouettes of hundreds of Nazi soldiers could be seen advancing towards the rocky path. They had been engaged in a relentless battle for hours and, growing weary of the direct assault, were now seeking alternative routes. This pathway, unintentionally overlooked by the inexperienced Lieutenant Marsh and his militia, offered them a tempting shortcut.

As the first wave began their ascent, Alan and Merle positioned themselves atop the cliff. The sight below was a swarm of enemy soldiers, each eager to breach the defenses and gain the upper hand. Alan, looking at the approaching enemy, then glanced sideways at Merle, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Do it!! Merle shouted.

"Just a few more steps..."

Alan waited, the tension palpable. As dozens of soldiers neared the cliff's pinnacle, he finally gave the nod. With a swift motion, Merle triggered the trap they had so meticulously set up.

A deafening KABOOM echoed throughout the valley, followed by another, and another. The ground shook with the force of the blasts, and a fiery inferno consumed the pathway, obliterating any soldier unfortunate enough to be in its wake.

The synchronized detonations sent shockwaves through the area. Pillars of fire, smoke, and debris rose into the sky as the explosives took their toll. The immediate area of the cliff turned into a scene straight out of a nightmare; the ground churned, shaking off massive boulders that started to slide down with immense force, acting as secondary weapons of destruction. The weight and momentum of these rocks crushed several more Nazi soldiers beneath them, their screams echoing eerily as they attempted to flee the avalanche.

The smoke and dust began to settle, revealing the chaotic aftermath. A few survivors, dazed and disoriented, had managed to reach the top of the hill. Their uniforms torn, faces smeared with soot, they looked around in horrified disbelief, their weapons almost forgotten in their hands.

Seizing this momentary advantage, Alan, Merle, and Rose burst from their cover. Their coordinated attack was swift and brutal. Rose's sniper shots were precise, taking out targets with deadly accuracy, while Alan and Merle covered her, dispatching any soldier who dared to get close. Caught off guard and with the sheer drop behind them, the remaining soldiers were swiftly overwhelmed. Their chances of retreat had been annihilated, and within moments, the hilltop was eerily silent once more.

Catching his breath, Merle looked around, his face a mix of adrenaline and astonishment. "That... That was something, Alan! It really worked!"

Alan, however, was momentarily distracted. In the periphery of his vision, a stream of notifications popped up, signaling his achievements in this simulated world.

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