Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 125: Return

"I am sorry Stella; I should have done this sooner."

Sam muttered in his sleep as tears streamed down his closed eyes. When he felt something rubbing on his chest, he was dragged out of his dream.

Sam groggily woke up. When he looked at the surroundings, he saw all the blood, gore and the massacre he created.

He was out for more than three hours.

When he moved around, he could feel the soft fur of the ape and the ape’s arm resting on his chest as if trying to console him. It is as if it could feel the sad emotions of Sam and was consoling him.

Even Yanwu and Sky are rubbing their heads to him.

Sam quickly took cleared the tear stained face. No matter how much fragile he was, he would never let the world know about it, there are only a select few that can see him in that state and except for these three beasts, nobody in this world is qualified yet.

Sam stood up. His injuries are already scabbed and his spiritual energy is pretty much restored.

He healed himself as he simultaneously looked at the grounds. His teammates are standing a bit faraway waiting for him.

When they saw that he was okay and stood up, their mood also brightened. When Sam fell unconscious, they wanted to check on him, but the three beasts didn’t let them come near him.

Particularly, the ape is being very protective, even hugging Sam and giving them aggressive looks.

Actually, the ape really grew closer to Sam after watching him exert himself to that extent when activating the blood line.

He is the only one who saw how much stress Sam has endured and even though he recovered physically, his mental state is still a bit sensitive.

That is why, if the teammates really did come and check on him when he is injured, due to his long battle and killing spree, Sam might have attacked instinctively.

If not for the close feeling and familiar presence of his beasts, which he would trust unconditionally, he would have attacked them also.

After a moment, Sam looked at the two swords that are placed near his feet, he picked them up and after examining for a bit, stored them away, he has other plans for them.

His wounds are completely gone, but the scars are still there. His whole n.a.k.e.d upper body was covered in scars.

It is not because, he can’t heal them, but rather Sam didn’t like healing his scars. Even in his previous life, when the medical technology can remove the scars, he still kept them. Because, every scar is a reminder to him and it is a lesson from the past.

Even if one person doesn’t like the past, they should still treasure the lessons it taught them.

So, with that point in mind, he never removed his scars and he is not going to remove them now.

He slowly walked towards the exit, right now he doesn’t want to talk. He even left the remaining corpses and his staff ton which the Count was tied just like that.

He deliberately left the staff in this place and also left the corpses like that.

This place shall be the grave-yard and the staff should be the symbol of this grave-yard he is going leave as reminders.

Even though, he knew that the people who learnt of this might erase the thoughts, Sam should think of ways to avoid even greater danger.

At the peak of the society, the people who make the rules of the society but are not bound by them in normal circ.u.mstances, will now have Sam under their radars.

Being at the top of the pyramid, they didn’t want their positions to be shaken and they want to supress the people who are capable of that.

Now, they will start to examine whether Sam has that much potential and ambition to do that.

But Sam do have his plans. All he has to do is make his name known all over the nation and he was sure he can use that and play off of that. And how he can do it... is story for another day.

Right now, Sam wants to have some peaceful time, so after moving his stiff body a bit, he took his Harbinger and prepared to move.


Just before he could do so, Watt ran up to him and helped him wear his feather coat. Sam just gave him a faint smile and immediately moved; the three beasts immediately followed.

After a while, Sam noticed that there are no people on the streets and even the beach was empty. He landed on the beach and kept the Harbinger away, before he laid down on the sand.

He looked at the clear sky as he tried to empty his mind. He finally felt some peace.

But the rest of the city are not at peace and that includes Sam’s teammates.

Watt being a good subordinate, immediately went to all the dead bodies and collected the spatial rings and weapons.

When he took away the ring from the corpse of the Count and examined it, he was quite baffled.

Because, he saw something familiar inside the ring, then he immediately called Jack over and showed him.

Now, it is Jack’s time to be baffled. Because, what he saw were all familiar cubes of meteorite sand along with the millions of stones and resources.

This just like a loot from the Black water organisation.

They started searching the scrolls and when they found some monthly reports, they got some startling information.

The Cougar family itself is the Black water organisations branch in this city. It started from the previous Count and it seems that the current Count just took the mantle recently.

Both of them immediately wanted to share the news with Sam, but when they thought of his condition, they abandoned the idea for now.

The teammates immediately went back to the inn, since Sam was fine and they also have to find a healer to check on Jasmine’s condition who didn’t show any signs of waking up. She seemed to be under the influence of some drug and was still sleeping.

At the same time, all the big shots in the city were in frenzy, the news even travelled to the Blue flame city.

Even though, the communication tokens have minimal range, some big shots like tower heads of various professions and even the Count and high ranked nobles, and even the Principal of the academy have ways to contact the Marquis city.

At this moment, they are doing this right now and all the noble families, Chaya, the marquis, the principal of the academy all received the news.

The Count of Cougar city kidnapped Sam’s teammate for some reason and in retaliation, he went to the estate and single-handedly, slaughtered the whole Cougar family and their subordinates and forged two blades from their blood iron.

The marquis had a head ache as he didn’t know what to think of it. The first thought that came to his mind was this is an absolute joke, but when he remembered the cold eyes, emotionless face and the aura of superiority of the young man who even dared to threaten him the lord of a territory right in his own residence, made him think otherwise.

Two days after the incident, Sam finally interacted with his teammates, Jasmine also woke up a long time ago, but she was still scared.

When Sam read the whole information from Count’s spatial ring, he was a little bit surprised but it was only a little bit.

Sam would have been surprised, if the other party doesn’t have anything to do with these shady things.

After confirming that their mission was over, they immediately started their journey back to the Blue flame city.

The Cougar city is the closest city to the Blue flame city. That is why, they kept it as last target, so that they can go back quickly.

So, they arrived at the Blue flame city after five days in the Golden- Horse Trading company’s carriage.

As soon as they arrived at the city, Sam took Jasmine and went to the Artisan tower to meet Chaya, the rest of the group went back to the Mansion which was being maintained by Mackey.

"Arrange a meeting with Maya." Sam asked as soon as he saw Chaya.

Chaya was dumbstruck as soon as she saw him. All the upper-echelons in the Blue flame city learnt the news. She was shocked when she heard the news and didn’t even know what to think about it.

Then she remembered the sentence, Sam tyrannically said to her before.

Measuring his enemy not by the threat they can create to him, rather by the effort he needs to destroy them. She just thought he was a bit arrogant at that time.

But after learning the incident, she didn’t know what to make of it except for believing it.

But she understood one thing, a person like Sam, if he is an enemy, he should be killed in one swift move, if he was even given an extra chance they will be doomed.

After a while, Maya, came to the tower in a hurry.

Jasmine immediately hugged her and started bawling.

Sam didn’t see her crying after that incident, she is really putting on a strong front.

"Withdraw her from the further competitions. She is like a little child and let her live like that doing whatever she loves doing. Don’t ruin her by forcing her in this pit." Sam said in all seriousness.

At first, the deal between them was only taking care of Jasmine in dire conditions and giving her some advice, but after getting to know her a bit, he couldn’t help but shelter her.

He didn’t let her do anything at all, because, behind that beautiful woman there is a small child hidden deep.

Sam looks at the world with calculations and cynicism, the only exception are children, small kids who are completely innocent.

Now, even though Jasmine is not a child by age, she is still a child by heart. So, he doesn’t want to let her enter the cruel side of the society.

"It is not that easy." Chaya said slowly.

Even though, she didn’t give any explanations, he already has some speculations. When he heard from the Marquis the previous time, he already has some thoughts.

After bidding farewell, Sam went back to his mansion only to be receive the summons from the Marquis.

Even if the other party hasn’t summoned him, he already has plans to meet him anyway. So, leaving the team alone, he went to the Marquis mansion, but there was Katana hanging on his Waist.

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