Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 152: Trash Talking

"How dare you?"

"Do you think you can walk alive from here after saying those things?"

"You must be having a death wish."

"I will kill you."

The soldiers started shouting at him, but Sam just scanned the crowd and said.

"Are we talking or are we fighting?

Prove me wrong if you have guts. Our Deputy General will be the supervisor of the match. I will take as many challenges as you can give. I am not getting out of here until I clean up the trash of fifth regiment."

Sam’s words only provoked them, even more.

"You little shit, I will take you on." One of the guys said as he walked onto the stage. Deputy general stood at the supervisor’s spot near the stage.

Sam and the soldier took the positions.

"Are you guys ready?" Deputy General asked both of them and when both of them nodded, he said.


As soon as his voice faded, the soldier picked up his spear and lunged towards Sam. He is a Level 8 Novice. His speed is not bad.

Below the stage.

"Come on brother, show them what a soldier is."

"Teach him a lesson."

"Yes, how dare he look down on us soldiers and our military."

They are encouraging him with loud shouts.

Sam didn’t care about the jeers and cheers and he didn’t even move even when the spear was just a foot away from him.

Just before the spear was about to touch his neck, Sam made his move.

He moved in a blur and before anyone could react what is happening, they heard a slam and a crack.

Before they knew it, all they saw is Sam holding the neck of the soldier and the head of the soldier is nailed down on the arena as if it was a crater falling from the sky.

The crowd grew silent. The Soldier isn’t dead, but he is feeling dizzy and powerless.

Sam slowly stood up and clapped the dust away from his hands.

The soldier slowly stood up with the support of his spear, he looked at the deputy general and said weekly.

"I surrender."

His voice is as weak as it can be. He took out the spirit stones from his spatial ring and threw them into the pile of spirit stones.

Even though, he lost, he is not a sore loser, he still has dignity of a soldier and paid the wager.

He stepped down the stage and tried to walk towards his tent, but after taking two steps, he fainted unconscious and his nose started bleeding.

A Healer immediately tried to stabilize his condition, after some trails, he said to a man nearby.

"He needs a level 4 Healer to recover completely."

The man seemed to be the company commander or the battalion commander, his colleagues are showing him quite the respect.

But Sam is having none of it.

"Are you guys going to come or not? I don’t have much time to waste on pieces of trash like you."

The crowd was provoked again. But nobody entered the stage boldly. Sam pointed at a person and said.

"You, come up. I challenge you." This guy immediately became tense. He is one of the few people who knew why Sam is doing this. Their commander is the one who provoked this madman first and he is one of the close accomplices who beat up this guy’s teammates.

So, he is really afraid. He even has some thoughts of backing out, and if the deputy general is not here and the supervisor is from their regiment, he could have done so by explaining the situation in secret and kicking Sam out of their camp.

But Sam brought the Deputy General and breaking rules in front of him is akin to courting death.

He slowly walked up and he decided in his mind. He would initiate the attack and if he couldn’t get the upper hand, he would just surrender.


As soon as they heard the command, he was about to move but this time Sam didn’t stay passive. He made the first move.

He kicked of his feet and vanished from his spot before mysteriously coming in front of the soldier and threw a punch at the lower jaw.

*Crack* The silent crowd can hear the joint at the jaw breaking.

The soldier immediately got ready to surrender but his lower jaw is not moving and all he can say is some incomprehensible sounds.

Now, he understood why Sam hit his jaw. He is not even giving him a chance to surrender, before he could swallow the regret of provoking this madman, Sam held the neck of this guy under his arm and started hitting him on back.

The bones on the back started shattering and even his spine broke into several pieces.

Sam threw the limp body to away before he took away the spatial ring. He took out the 5000 spirit stones and threw the ring back at him.

The soldiers got cold feet, nobody even dared to look at Sam, they are all wondering why he is doing this to their regiment, who provoked him exactly?

At this moment, one of the soldiers who gave Hawk a beating before went out of the crowd and ran towards Sam’s camp. The current instructor is the regiment commander of the fifth regiment.

Sam saw this action but didn’t stop him, the instructor also needs to see what are the consequences of provoking him.

He wants to punish Sam to suck up to some superior, then he has to pay the price with will and strength of his subordinates, today Sam has only one motive.

He has to kill the morale of the whole fifth regiment and he has to kill the morale of the remaining regiments one by one within these fifteen days.

He will cripple the entire army of its novices. He would see how general would like if Sam played by the rules just like him.

Sam looked at the crowd and when everyone was turning their gazes away, he walked towards the end of the stage and threw a handful of spirit stones at the crowd.

"Take this money buy some beautiful female clothes."

He took out another handful of stones and threw them before saying.

"Take this money and buy some cosmetics.

You call yourselves men. Bullshit. No wonder even your general has to resort to some despicable means to have his grandson’s back. Like superior like subordinates. Pieces of shit."

He is clearly provoking them and he is intent on doing so. He would do so with all his might.

Sam himself is not so compassionate by nature.

And these guys are provoking for the past fifteen days finding fault for his every move. Even his teammates outside are having a hard time, if he doesn’t teach them a lesson now, they will go overboard.

As for these Novices, who is going to lose their will, they should blame themselves for having such superior.

Sam’s words truly infuriated the crowd and a man immediately came up to the stage. He knew that he cannot win, but he only has one thought, he would at least hit Sam before getting defeated. But before he could make his move, Sam said.

"Take out the money first. It is hard for me to take it myself." Even though, the man was infuriated, he didn’t show it on his face. He took out the spirit stones and made a small pile on the side of the stage.

Then he turned towards Sam, even before Deputy General commenced the fight, he leapt towards Sam head on.

His moves are forceful and suicidal. He didn’t care about the injuries, all he cared for was to get a single hit on Sam.

But his hopes were dashed.

Sam threw a wind blade on the man, making a huge gash on his chest. This caught the soldier by surprise.

Before he could realise, Sam is already in front of him and he started slapping the soldier continuously.

"You want to try kamikaze with me?

*Pah* *Pah* *Pah* *Pah*

You can do so in your dreams. What a trash? You call yourselves soldiers. The enemy must also be extremely weak since they can’t even beat some trash like you."

Sam is not even sparing them a shred of dignity. He is making them lose in such a pathetic state.

After making his face a pig head and breaking several facial bones, Sam threw him towards the crowd like a trash bag.

"Next." He shouted loud and clear.

Another soldier came to the stage and said.

"Can we just duel without wager?" He asked. After all, they are already losing and they have very little hope unless the company commanders make a move. But losing their money which equals their growth is even more painful.

"Do you think that my time is that cheap? The all-powerful Southern Star military cannot even take out some money as wager? What a waste of time? I wonder why Duke even let us come here to train."

"You don’t have to be like that. You could just say that you won’t agree. Must you put us down like that?" The soldier felt his face burning.

A young man is making this light of us and they cannot do anything because of the supervisor present. If the deputy general is not there, one must wonder how they would have dealt with him.

The soldier took out the money and threw them into the pile. Just like the previous one, he was beaten to brink of unconsciousness.

After throwing this guy out, Sam was about to call another one when an infuriated shout came from a distance.


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